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Page 7

by Pepper North

  Olivia nodded her head in the hollow of his throat. She opened her mouth to speak but her tummy growled first. It sounded so ferocious that they both started to laugh. “Maybe we should eat?” she asked staying close to him. She wasn’t ready to leave his arms.

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Ethan answered lifting the covers from the dishes. He handed Olivia her cheeseburger and immediately, she took a huge bite. “Slow down, honey. I don’t want you to choke.” He watched carefully as she chewed that bite and swallowed before taking a second, much smaller, bite. “That’s better!” he praised, and he picked up his own burger.

  His Little girl stayed in his lap for the remainder of the meal. She ate very well. When Ethan asked when she finished off the last of her fries if her tummy felt better, Olivia blushed a delightful shade of pink. She nodded her head and looked at down at his arm wrapped around her torso to keep her safe. She answered shyly, “You always seem to know what I need, Daddy.” Olivia peeked up at his face and smiled. “Even if I hate it when you put things in my bottom.”

  “Daddy knows what his Little girl’s bottom needs, honey.” Ethan kissed the side of her face. “Your bottom will get used to Daddy’s attention,” he added ominously. “Now, teeth need to be brushed and a Little girl needs a bath and a shave before bed.” He set her on her feet and gave her a firm spank to get her started toward the bathroom.

  “No spanking, Daddy. I’m a good girl,” she smiled at him as she walked to the bathroom.

  Thirty minutes later, Olivia yawned widely as she was tucked into bed with Hippy, the hippopotamus. She had enjoyed her bath. Her Daddy had even let her have bubbles. After the bath, he had shaved her diaper area free of the pesky, adult curls and had smoothed diaper rash ointment over her skin before putting on her fresh diaper. The long day of travel combined with a spanking and a tummy treatment had exhausted the Little girl. She was asleep before he turned to go take a shower. Ethan was pleased when she turned immediately when he climbed into bed to snuggle up to his side. His Little girl loved her Daddy, too.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  At the end of the second day, Ethan and Olivia reached the outskirts of their hometown. They had decided on the long trip that Olivia would move in with Ethan. She had given up her apartment and placed her furniture in storage before her marriage. She smiled when he pulled into the driveway in front of a large home with a white picket fence around the yard. Ethan lived on a short street in a unique corner of his neighborhood. It was secluded with only one house next door.

  “Come on, honey. Let me show you our home,” Ethan said gently as he helped her out of the car.

  Olivia walked through the beautiful home. It was amazing - modern yet homey and welcoming. She smiled up at him, “I love your house.”

  “I’m glad you love our house because I plan on us being very happy here for many years.” He lifted her off the ground and twirled her around in the big kitchen. Setting her down carefully, he kissed her thoroughly. “There’s one more room you need to see,” he whispered against her lips.

  “The nursery?” she asked shyly.

  He nodded and led her back to the master bedroom. Opening a door on the side of the room that she’d expected to be a closet, Ethan turned on the light switch and stood back to watch her face.

  She walked through the doorway and looked back at him with delight. “It’s so beautiful, Daddy. It’s even prettier than the nursery at the cabin.” Olivia ran over to open the toy chest. “Look, Hippy will have so many friends,” she said with glee as she pulled a fuzzy brown puppy out of the chest and squeezed it against her breasts. Looking around at all the walls, she pointed at the netting that was draped high over the crib just like a princess’ canopy. She got up and ran back to throw her arms around his body. “And the nursery is in your room. I love it here.”

  Ethan left her to play in the nursery while he unpacked the car and threw some laundry in the washer. Calling a local pizzeria, he ordered a couple of different pizzas for their dinner. Stopping in the nursery to check on his Little girl, Ethan kissed her head as she played with her toys happily and let her know that he’d be right back. A quick dash to the neighbors for his mail and a couple of boxes. He had special ordered diapers in Olivia’s size and a few outfits to wear during their stay at the cabin. Following his instructions, the boxes had been left at his neighbor’s house.

  Ethan shared his good news of finding his Little girl with Neil Patterson and his Little girl, Sophie. The private detective and Ethan had been good friends instantly when Neil had purchased the house next door. Sophie hadn’t liked his first two Little girls. Ethan was eager to introduce her to Olivia. Sophie’s instincts had been right about Samantha and Victoria. They had not been right for him. He wanted to see what she thought of Olivia. Ethan assured them that they would get together as soon as Olivia settled into her new home before dashing back to the house.

  While they waited for the pizza to be delivered, Ethan handed Olivia the phone and said “I think you should call your parents and let them know you’re okay. I’d like to meet them. Would you like to meet them for lunch tomorrow?”

  She nodded slowly and took the phone pressing in the buttons slowly. “Hi, Mom. It’s Olivia.” Ethan could hear a rush of words coming through the receiver. “Yes, Mom. I’m okay. I’m sorry I disappeared and worried you so much. I’m fine. I had an encounter with an elk that totaled my car, however.” After a brief pause, she answered, “Yes, an elk. I was in Montana. How about if we meet for lunch tomorrow at Romano’s? One o’clock? I have someone I’d like you to meet. We’ll see you there.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Ronald and Beverly Davenport were waiting for them at a secluded table at Romano’s the next day. Olivia was glad to see that a half empty glass of red wine sat on the table in front of both her parents. She was nervous and didn’t quite know what to expect. She hadn’t talked to anyone to find out the explanation that Preston had given for canceling the wedding. She hoped he had taken her threat to heart and not blamed her.

  Beverly stood as soon as she saw Olivia and wrapped her in her arms. She eyed the handsome, well-built man that had accompanied her daughter. “Olivia! What were you thinking? We were so worried about you. Preston called off the wedding at the rehearsal dinner when you didn’t show up. I was just beside myself.” She hugged her closely again before standing back so Ronald could take her place.

  Observing the reunion from a few feet away, Ethan was glad to see that Olivia’s parents were happy to see her. Beverly was the image of his precious Olivia after a few more years. She was heavier than Olivia but with the same curvy shape. Her hair was the same shade of deep brown but salted with white strands. Ronald Davenport had not changed very much since their time on the advisory board for the city several years ago. At that time, Ethan’s company had started to make its mark on the business world.

  “Ethan Stewart?” Ronald Davenport’s big voice boomed as he tucked Olivia under his arms as if he was afraid she’d disappear again. “I’ve been following your successes, young man. I must say I’m surprised to see you and my daughter together. You’re advertising business rivals, I’m sure.” The two men shook hands.

  Olivia wiggled free from her father’s embrace, “It doesn’t surprise me that you two have met. Let’s sit down. I’ll catch you up to date with all that’s been happening.” She allowed Ethan to pull out her chair. Olivia smiled up at him with obvious affection. She heard a sharp intake of breath from her mother and realized that her parent had figured out that they were not just business associates.

  “Tell me what Preston said when he announced that our wedding was off, and I’ll fill in the blanks,” Olivia suggested.

  “Preston said that while you both cared about each other greatly, the two of you had decided that you weren’t in love. He told us that you had decided to use your vacation and take a little time for yourself. He covered all the costs of the wedding explaining that he was to blame for the break up
. I heard from Margaret Hemsley that he has moved a woman into your house,” Beverly said with indignation.

  “Mom, it’s okay. It wasn’t my house. I’m glad Preston has moved on with his life. I have too. Dad, you and Ethan have met but I don’t think you’ve met Ethan Stewart, have you, Mom?” Olivia smiled at her mother’s protective nature. She paused while the two of them exchanged greetings. “I needed to get away as Preston explained. I didn’t want anyone to find me for a while. I decided to go to Montana.” Olivia held her hand up as both of her parents rushed to ask questions. “I’ll explain. Just give me a little time,” she asked with a laugh.

  The waiter took advantage of that little break to approach the table and ask Olivia and Ethan if they would care for anything to drink. “Bring us another bottle of this red wine and a couple of glasses. It’s delicious, Salvatore,” Ronald instructed looking at his daughter and Ethan for their consent. When they both nodded in agreement, he added, “Bring us the appetizer sampler, we may take a little while to order.”

  The waiter smiled and suggested that they take their time. He knew Ronald Davenport was very appreciative of good service through his tips. Within minutes, Olivia and Ethan were sipping the deep, red wine with appreciation.

  “So, Montana,” Olivia continued when they were alone. “I don’t know why. I guess it just sounded far away. I didn’t have any trouble until an elk ran into my car.” She continued over her parents’ concerned questions. “I was knocked out, but a very capable hunter rescued me.” She laid her hand over Ethan’s on the table, smiling at him. “I couldn’t remember who I was for a little while. Ethan patched me up and kept me safe until my memory returned. When the snow cleared enough for the plows to get through, we made our way back home together.”

  “Goodness gracious, Olivia. Losing your memory? We need to get you to a doctor right away!” her mother said worrying. “Maybe you shouldn’t drink that wine?”

  “I’m okay, Mom. The accident just knocked me for a loop,” Olivia said taking another sip of her wine.

  “I’ve already made her an appointment to see Dr. Matt Richards this evening,” Ethan reassured Olivia’s mother. He smiled when Olivia turned her head in shock to look at him. Olivia knew what kind of doctor she was going to see.

  “Oh, Matt Richards. He’s a brilliant surgeon. He fixed the Albert Sanders’ leg when he broke it in that awful skiing accident. He doesn’t even have a limp now,” Ronald Davenport said nodding his head in approval. “I’d heard that he accepted a few private patients, but it is extremely difficult to qualify for his care. Ethan, I’m impressed that you’ve been able to get Olivia in to see him. Dr. Richards’ will take great care of her, Beverly. There’s no need to worry,” he smiled at his wife.

  “Ethan, if I can be nosy,” Ronald continued looking at the younger man, “I am guessing that the two of you are now a couple?”

  “I haven’t known your daughter for long, Ronald, but she is my world,” Ethan let his heart speak for him as he looked tenderly at Olivia capturing her gaze. The two seemed to communicate silently between them with the world dropping away from around them.

  Olivia’s parents looked at each other stunned. They had never seen that look on their daughter’s face. Ethan was obviously her everything. Any thoughts they had on reuniting her with Prescott evaporated. Ronald mouthed a message to his wife, “He’s a good man.” She smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

  “Ahem,” Ronald said loudly as the appetizers appeared bringing the pair’s attention back to the table.

  The tone of the luncheon changed. Olivia’s parents spent their time learning more about Ethan. They enjoyed the happy look on their daughter’s face. They didn’t quite believe that Preston had told them the whole story about the broken engagement, but it really didn’t matter now.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Ethan shook hands with Ronald and hugged Beverly back when she swept him into a big hug at the restaurant’s door. The lunch had gone exceedingly well. Olivia’s parents were reassured that she was okay, and Olivia had learned how the cancelation of the wedding had been handled. She had been very worried. Thank goodness, she had been right about Preston. He was a good man – just not the right man for his Little girl. Ethan hoped he would be happy. He could afford to be magnanimous. Olivia was his.

  He helped Olivia into the car gently. She was still a little fragile from the bruises she gotten in the car wreck. He got in the driver’s seat and turned to take his Little girl’s hand. “I thought that went well. How about you, honey? You know your parents better than I do.”

  “I think it went well, too. Mom always worries. She and Dad were both impressed when you announced that I had a doctor’s visit with Dr. Richards this evening. How did you know that would go over so well?” she bubbled with happiness. “I’ll make an appointment with my doctor in a few days. Thank you for buying me some time.”

  “No need to call your doctor. You’ll be treated by Dr. Richards from now on. He takes care of all the Littles in our community. You have an appointment at six this evening,” he said firmly. “You have just enough time to take a nap when we get home and then you’ll be rested to see the doctor.”

  “I don’t want to see the doctor tonight. I’ll go later,” Olivia said stubbornly.

  “You will see Dr. Richards tonight. He is going to give you a complete physical and make sure you’re okay after your accident,” Ethan said glancing over to look at her with his stern Daddy face.

  Olivia recognized that look. If she pushed him any further, she would earn a spanking. Her shoulders sagged. It looked like she would be going to the doctor tonight. She really didn’t want to go see him with a red bottom. “I don’t want to go to the doctor, but I will if you go with me. I’m a little scared. Do Little girl doctors treat patients differently?”

  “I will be there with you always. Dr. Richards treats a lot of Little girls and boys. He’s a specialist in knowing just how to make them feel their best,” Ethan reassured her. He knew that Dr. Richards’ physical exam would be more intrusive than the ones Olivia was used to, but she would adapt.

  Ethan took his Little girl home to her new nursery. He took her clothes off gently and changed her diaper. Picking her up, he cradled her in his arms and sat down in the rocker with a warm bottle for her to drink. Teasing her lips with the nipple, Ethan watched his Little girl carefully to assess how easily she would adapted to a life as a Little girl now that they were back at home. A broad smile spread across his face as Olivia yawned widely and wrapped her full lips around the nipple. Sucking strongly on the bottle, her eyes closed as she relaxed in her Daddy’s arms. Soon, she was fast asleep. Ethan stood carefully with his precious bundle in his arms. He laid her in the crib softly and covered her with a warm blanket. Raising the railing, he tiptoed from the room.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Ethan pulled Olivia’s hand urging her up to the wide, entrance door. His Little girl was nervous. When the big door opened, she jumped. Ethan put a steady hand on her back. “Hi, Paul. I’d like you to meet, Olivia.” He explained to Olivia, “Paul has worked for Dr. Richards for many years.”

  The older man stood so straight that Olivia immediately knew he’d been in the military. She gave him a slight smile and said, “I’m glad to meet you, Paul.”

  Paul stood back to welcome them into the mansion. He extended his hand to shake hers gently. “It’s nice to meet you, Olivia. I will look forward to you meeting my Little girl, Angelina, soon. The Littles enjoy getting together. They are a very friendly bunch.”

  A door labeled Exam Room 2, opened and a tall man with light brown hair in a white doctor’s coat walked out. Attached to his leg was a small, blond Little dressed only in a diaper. Her arms and legs were wrapped around his leg holding on for dear life. Olivia watched with fascination. He ran a very loving hand over her tousled blond hair. “Zoey, I know you really want a giraffe. Unfortunate, the city prohibits residents from having a zoo in their backyard.” He lo
oked up and smiled at Olivia and Ethan. “Now, look, my new patient is here. They are going to think that their doctor’s Little girl is not well behaved.”

  The blonde’s head turned immediately to look at the new arrivals. Instantly, she let go of Dr. Richards leg and crumbled to the ground in an exposing tumble of nude Little girl. Zoey jumped to her feet and hid behind her Daddy peeking out at Olivia and Ethan. “Hi!” She waved enthusiastically. “What’s your name?” she asked Olivia.

  “This is Olivia, Zoey. She’s come to see your Daddy for the first time,” Ethan explained with a smile.

  “Hi, Olivia,” Zoey began when a plump older woman in her 50s appeared with a blanket.

  “You rascal. You absconded when I turned to start your bath water! I’ve been searching for you,” Jillian said as she wrapped Zoey in the blanket.

  “Absconded!” Zoey giggled. “I like that word. I’ll have to abscond again. Want to join me, Olivia?”

  Her laughter was infectious. “I’d love to abscond with you, Zoey,” Olivia laughed with her.

  “Absconding will have to wait for another day, Zoey.” Dr. Richards tried to look stern, but Olivia could see the corners of his mouth turning up in repressed laughter. “Olivia, this is my talented housekeeper, Jillian. She is going to take Zoey to have her bath. Any more absconding during bath time will result in a red bottom.”

  Zoey dropped her gaze and looked repentant. “Yes, Daddy.” She allowed Jillian to usher her from the room. Before she walked though the doorway, she turned back and waved, “See you soon, Olivia.”

  “Bye, Zoey! It was nice to meet you!” Olivia said genuinely waving back.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  “Come on, honey.” Her daddy’s big hands landed gently on her shoulders and turned her toward the open Exam door.


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