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by Michelle Woods - Catching Trick (Red Devils MC #3) , 25th July

  “Damn, I came here to talk, not screw you. We should stop.” Only even as he said it his mouth was sucking on her neck. His tongue was licking a particularly sensitive spot on her neck.

  “No, I don’t want to talk. Just fuck me and leave asshole!”

  He nipped her neck a little hard for that, naughty girl. She was asking for a spanking with that attitude. “You and me, baby. We need to try this, and see where it goes. We’re both burning up with the need for it.” He continued to kiss and suck on her neck wanting to take her to her room and tie her to the bed. He needed to talk to her about that. He finally stopped kissing her and made her meet his eyes with her own.

  “You have to know going in that it’s not going to be a fairytale wedding at the end of this affair.” He told her.

  She nodded. “You think I’m an idiot, Trick. I know this isn’t going to end with a wedding and a damned happily ever after! I just want to work this crazy lust out of my system.”

  Trick wanted to growl as he leaned in nipping at her mouth before he thrust his tongue against hers again. Angry, at her indifference. He knew better. She wasn’t this hard woman she was trying to pretend she was. He needed her to listen, so he tore his mouth away from hers again.

  “I’m a hard man. I don’t take things easy. The other night, that was just a taste of what I need from you, Katie. I won’t pull back, I can’t,” He muttered with a frown. “The sex will be rough, and if you can’t handle that you need to say something, now not later. I will pull back the minute you do, and this will be over. Done, and it will never start again. I need to dominate my lovers, it’s not a choice, Katie. It’s a need.” He watched her face as she looked at him with wet lips and eyes bursting with burning desire.

  “You’ll need to decide if it’s too much for you. Really think about it, because once I get the go ahead, it will be me in charge in the bedroom. I will put up with no defiance from you. I’ll want total submission. There will have to be a safe word, one that if you decide to utter, it’s over from that moment on.” He watched her, waiting for a response. He wanted to know what was going on in her head. He needed to know. His phone began to ring, but he ignored it. Katie watched him silently.

  “You going to get that?” She finally asked.

  He shook his head, still watching. Katie could feel her heart pounding in her ears. She wanted to tell him that she was ready for whatever he dished out, but she wasn’t sure. She didn’t like pain with her sex and after that speech she wasn’t sure if that was what he meant.

  “What is in that head that has you looking so fearfully at me?” Trick asked.

  “Are you saying that you need to…to hurt a woman?” Her lips trembled, as she asked the question.

  “No, sugar. It will never be about pain. That’s not my kink, I just want submission. Total submission. The kind that allows me control over your body.” His voice was low and filled with a dark need that she could sense that he was feeling.

  “Oh, like how much? All the time, like I won’t be able to umm…have a say?” She timidly asked.

  “Not like you mean. It will be more like I’ll have a better idea of what your body needs than you do. Sometimes you might not like what I demand. In my bed, no, you won’t have much of a say over what happens. If you object or if something frightens you, we can talk about it, and if we can work it out then we will and if we can’t. Well that will be the end. Out of my bed you can be defiant to an extent, but I will sometimes punish you for it.”

  “How? How will you punish me? With pain?” She demanded, her eyes clouding with the fire of anger at the thought.

  “Not with the kind of pain you mean, sugar. The pain will be from needs I might not fulfill to teach you lessons about your defiance. Like I might withhold pleasure for a while, force you to wait for your climax.” Trick’s voice was dark and sexy, making her even wetter for him.

  Damn, so far this deal sounded hot. Only she needed to be sure, it would destroy her if they didn’t work after they started this. She needed to know what exactly he was saying.

  “No pain though, right?”

  “Never. I would never hurt you.” The deep pools of his eyes promised her that he’d never go back on that promise. That he meant every word he’d said.

  “Okay,” She replied making his dick jump, it wanted out to play with her.

  There was a hard knock on the door and Pretty Boy called out to them making him want to growl in frustration. “Bone called, you need to go to church with Log, Trick.”

  “Damn it! I want to finish this discussion. You need to be sure, sugar.” Trick said, his hand running down her face, leaning forward his lips taking hers in a slow, deep kiss. When he finally pulled away she was flushed and her lips were a pretty berry color, making him crave more. Only he needed to leave. This must be about the Jackal’s, those assholes were always messing with shit they shouldn’t. It was annoying.

  “Think long and hard about this before you agree. I’ll pretend that you didn’t say yes once, but the next time I will just take what I want. So, be damned sure.” Trick kissed her again, pulling back looking at her heavy lidded look.

  “I won’t change my mind, Trick. You’re the one who’s not sure what he wants. So, you be sure, baby. I already know what I want.” Katie growled, after he stepped away, she stood up frowning at him.

  She blinked and she was pinned against the wall with Trick’s tongue invading her mouth with aggressive strokes that made her want to wither with the need that they created. When he finally pulled back, he growled, “When I get back I’m spanking your ass for that smart mouth, sugar.”

  His tone made shivers of need move down her spine, she watched as he strode to the door. He paused as he was opening it. “Pack some things, leave your father a note, and be at my house when I get home. Don’t defy me in this, or I won’t let you come for hours.” He then left the room with a confidant stride. Katie stared after him wanting to chase him down and beg him to make her come now.

  Damn, she was a freaking push over. She’d just let him walk in here and do exactly what she said she wouldn’t allow. Shit, she was so screwed. She sighed and stood up. She might as well face the fact that she wasn’t going to be stupid. She wasn’t going to give up the one thing she’d wanted for four years. Trick in her bed. She left her study with her small portable computer, and the knowledge that she was going to do what he said. She was going to wait on him at his house, he had cameras set up for security, so it was safer at his house anyway.

  Trick walked into church to see everyone was there already, this shit must be bad. Taking his seat, he waited. Bone began after Log shut the door and went to lean on the back wall.

  “Tiny and I just got back from Titus. The Jackal’s are definitely trying to set up a base there. We saw fifteen men, and I don’t know which camp there in. The Jackal’s that are trying to stir up trouble, or if they are the ones wanting to be left alone. Not that it matters, we have to take them out either way. Can’t have a rival club in our territory without any consequences. That would lead to any club wanting to make a name taking pot shots at us. The reason we’re meeting is to see if we go tonight or wait until morning. Let’s vote.”

  Trick looked around the table as the men voted. They were going tonight, he was a little pissed about it. He wanted to get back to Katie. He also didn’t like the thought of her being out of his sight with the stalker getting so bold. Log had told him what the stalker had left her this time and it made his blood run cold. The doll head had been creepy, but the photos of Katie and him with whore written all over her face were disturbing. The stalker was getting bolder, and it worried him that he might become dangerous.

  Casting his vote to move tonight, even though he would rather go home and be with Katie. He knew she was safe at his house. He’d just rather be the man there with her, rather than knowing that Pretty Boy was the one with her.

  An hour later, he was getting off his bike near the house the Jackal’s had set up, he checked
his clip. He moved into his position. Ready to enter at Bone’s signal. Tank was on his left with what looked like a sniper rifle. Damn, that man love his toys. He smiled, guess a man needed a hobby. His was painting cars, and Tank’s was collecting hardware. Duck moved up behind them, and hit Tank on the back of the head. Tank hissed out a curse aimed at Duck, who growled.

  “You’re an idiot, what the hell do you need that gun for?” He demanded, making Trick snicker. He was sure that Bone put those two near each other on purpose because he thought it was funny when Duck attacked Tank. Duck never disappointed. He really didn’t like Tank much.

  “I’m supposed to watch your back, old man! I can’t do that if I can’t shoot the assholes from behind cover and a good distance away. Stop hitting me in the damned head, or maybe I’ll let one of these fuckers shoot you instead.” Tank hissed back.

  “Ha, you think I’d allow that.” Duck barked, only to be shushed by Bone.

  “You two stop! This is a fucking raid, not a damned bitch session. We go in on four.”

  Although, the two men augured like cats and dogs, they would both lay down their lives for the other man. That was what the club was, family.

  Chapter 13

  Five hours later, Trick finally stumbled into his house. He was exhausted. It had been one hell of a night, they’d taken out the Jackal safe house. Only they’d lost two good men. Brick and Ticker had both been shot, one had died at the warehouse and the other in Doc’s office, a little over an hour ago. He needed to shower and fall into bed. Pretty Boy was on the couch cleaning is gun.

  “She went up about two hours ago. I think she got tired of waiting for you to come home. How’d it go?” Pretty Boy asked.

  “Not fucking good. We lost Brick and Ticker.”

  “Damn. Anyone else hurt?” He questioned.

  “Not really. Mac got cut with a knife on the arm and needed twenty stitches, but otherwise no. That house was full of Juice.” Trick said, referring to a designer drug that the Jackal’s sold.

  “That shit is getting old. Those assholes need to get a fucking clue. We’re not going to let them run that shit though here. Stupid, mother fuckers!”

  Trick watched Pretty Boy as he ran a hand though his hair. He could understand the man’s frustration. It was getting old. The Jackal’s had been a problem for the club for several years now. They were bad news and what they’d found out tonight was damned unfortunate. The Jackal’s had joined forces with the Headhunter’s, another MC from the north, thankfully it wasn’t the Cutthroat’s as they had feared. The Headhunter’s were a large club, almost as large as the Red Devil’s, and until tonight hadn’t been much trouble for the Red Devil’s. Only it looked like times were changing, and they would have to see what shit storm they had coming.

  “Yep, and now they’re upping their numbers with the Headhunter MC. So, that’s going to be a mess. Bone is not happy. We’re having church tomorrow to discuss it.”

  “Shit,” Pretty Boy exploded.

  “I know. I’m going to head up, I set the alarm and you know where the guest room is whenever you’re ready for bed. Night.”

  “When I’m done here,” He nodded to the gun he was cleaning. “I’ll do one more check before I call it a night.”

  Trick began heading up the stairs, pausing on the second step “Sounds good. And Pretty Boy,” He waited till the other man looked over his shoulder. “Thanks, for watching her for me.”

  “Sure thing, man. What are brothers for?” He went back to cleaning the gun.

  Trick continued up the stairs. He entered his room seeing Katie sprawled across the bed on top of the covers. She put on some light sleep shorts and a Red Devils tee. Lying there on his bed, she looked delicious. He stared at her, so soft and sweet in his bed. He watched as she shifted slightly in her sleep. Her bent leg was close to her chest, allowing him a good view of her ass where the shorts slid up. Damn, too bad he was too damned tired to do anything about it. Taking off his boots, he headed to the shower. He stripped and got in, letting the hot water soothe his aching muscles, before getting out and heading into his bedroom.

  Pausing by the bed, he looked at her again. She looked so innocent, lying there in his king sized bed. He smiled, as he shifted the covers back and lifted her, placing her under the covers. She grumbled and shifted in his arms and he slid in behind her, pulling her into his arms with a growl of pleasure. Not only that her sweet ass cradled his hardening cock, but that she was in his bed, where she belonged.

  Katie woke the next morning, moaning. She could feel Trick’s arms around her waist. Holding her possessively close to him. His hands resting on her stomach, and she wondered what time he’d finally gotten home. She looked at her watch and sighed. Shit, she needed to get a move on it if she was going to meet the girls at the diner. She slowly slipped out from beneath his arm, hearing him grumble and his hand clutched at her hip as she slid away. She thought he’d wake, only he didn’t. It must have been really late when he got in.

  Katie headed to the shower. She was ready ten minutes later, leaving Trick a note on her pillow she exited the house, followed by Pretty Boy. As they neared the truck Pretty Boy moved in front of her opening the door.

  “It’s clear. See you at the diner.” He said, moving to his bike.

  She climbed into the cab and shut the door, grunting in disgust, he was just as overbearingly protective as Trick and her father were. They still hadn’t told her what was in that last gift her stalker had sent. She really should have followed Log outside yesterday to see what was inside that thing. Not that she really wanted to know other than it seemed to have made her men even more protective. Not that the thought of the stalker being inside her house while she showered hadn’t freaked her out, it had. She was still unsure how he’d managed to get in and out without Pretty Boy or Log seeing him.

  Deciding not to think about she got out of the truck and entered Tammy’s diner. Entering the diner closely followed by her new shadow, she waved at Racheal, Lisa, Brandy and Molly. She walked up and sat down.

  “Morning, doll.” Lisa said, smiling.

  “I hear someone’s been moved into Tricks house, hummm.” Brandy laughed.

  “Yeah,” Katie muttered feeling her cheeks heat.

  “Oh, she’s blushing! It must be true, finally!” Lisa crowed, making several other people in the diner look their way.

  “Shush, you’re embarrassing her!” Molly growled.

  The changes in Molly two years were really amazing. When she’d first arrived in Devils Falls she’d been timid and non-confrontational. Now, she was never timid and always confrontational. Which was funny, because most of the time it was aimed at Bone. Who really needed someone to keep him grounded. She was always telling him when he was out of line, which caused the couple to fight, often. Katie was almost sure that the fighting they did was more about starting a fight so that they could have great makeup sex than anything else. Of course, that wasn’t to say, if anyone else challenged the deadly club president like Molly did on a regular basis that they wouldn’t find out quickly why the Red Devils were a force to be reckoned with.

  “Stop making the girl uncomfortable,” Pearl demanded, coming back from the bathroom to sit next to Racheal, who smiled at her mother’s protectiveness. “We all have things we don’t wanna talk about that our men do. Now, are we going to go to the spa today or shopping?”

  “I vote shopping. Now, that I have my man back and he’s behaving so far. I want to get something that will burn his eyes out because it makes me so sexy.” Brandy said.

  Stick, her old man had recently been taught the error of his straying ways. Miss Pearl, as she preferred to be called, had worked with Brandy to make the man walk the straight and narrow. It had been three months since the two of them got back together, and things seemed to be going well for the couple. Katie was happy for them. She knew that it had ripped Brandy apart knowing that her man was stepping out with several of the sweet butts that hung around. She knew how a li
ttle bit about how that felt. She’d watched Trick run around with lots of those very same sweet butts and it had ripped her heart out every time.

  “Well, my vote is for the spa. I could really use it, being a new mom is wonderful, but it sucks too.” Lisa laughed.

  “Who’s keeping him today, Lisa? I know Slim has to work, Tiny too.” Racheal asked.

  “Well, actually, it’s his uncle Rex.” Lisa revealed, with a slight laugh.

  “Rex! You’re letting Rex keep your baby? Are you insane?” Brandy exclaimed in dismay. Leaning forward to get a better look at Lisa, who was sitting in the corner of the booth.

  “Actually, crazy as it sounds, yes.” Lisa smiled.

  “You have lost your freaking mind! That man is crazy. You do realize that he kills people for fun, right?” Brandy asked, glaring at Lisa.

  “Oh stop, no he doesn’t and he’s Slim’s cousin. He’s actually really good with Travis. Travis loves him.” Lisa growled, glaring back at Brandy.

  “Sometimes, I think you need mental help. Lisa, you can’t really think that Rex, who’s crazy, by the way, is a good babysitter.” Brandy stared in open mouth disbelief, at Lisa.

  Katie almost burst out laughing. Rex was a little out there. He tended to kill first and ask questions later. But she’d actually seen the man with the baby a few weeks ago at Lisa’s and he was a puss when it came to that baby.

  “He really is very good with the baby, Brandy.” Katie backed up Lisa. Earning a shocked look from Brandy that made her laugh. “Well he is.”

  “See, I told you. The man is crazy about my little boy, and besides who better to protect him than a man who doesn’t take shit from anyone.” Lisa asked, a grim smile that could only come from an over protective mother, gracing her face.

  “Okay girls, let’s get back to the voting.” Miss Pearl grumbled. Trying to make Lisa and Brandy stop fighting. She was ever the peace keeper.


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