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Vanished Kingdoms

Page 91

by Norman Davies


  106. Thadden, Prussia: The History of a Lost State, p. 125. 107. Florian Illies, ‘Prussia’s Most Beautiful Jewel’, dot De Magazin-Deutschland (13 Nov. 2009). 108. Merriam-Webster online, (2009). 109. Ausstellungskatalog, Preussen versuch einer Bilanz (1981):…katalogpreussen/index.htm (2008). 110. ‘Prussia 2001’, (2008). 111. (2008). 112. Power and Friendship: Berlin–St Petersburg, 1800–1917: Rediscovering an Era of European History, (2008). 113. Agnes Miegel, from ‘Es war ein Land’, (2011), trans. Norman Davies. 114. Bernd Längin, Unvergessene Heimat Ostpreussen: Städte, Landschaften, und Menschen auf alten Fotos (Dusseldorf, 1995).


  Bibliographical Note. Since it cannot be fitted tidily into French, Swiss or Italian history, Savoy is frequently overlooked. No standard survey has been published in English, either of the land of Savoy or of the House of Savoy. Indeed, British library catalogues give more space to religious matters in seventeenth-century Savoy than to all other Savoyard topics. Of course, specific studies have been addressed to particular people, periods or episodes. But an introduction to the historical identity of Savoy remains extremely elusive. French historians, such as Henri Ménabréa, Histoire de Savoie (Paris, 1933, 1960), find great difficulty in transcending the concept of Savoy merely as a province of France. Interest in the Casa Savoia is largely, if not exclusively, Italian. Jacques Lovie, Savoie (Grenoble, 1973) is much quoted; and a recent study by Robert Colonna d’Istria, Histoire de la Savoie (Paris, 2002) brings an open-minded approach to the subject. A polemical study by Jean Pignon, Savoie française: histoire d’un pays annexe (St Gingolphe, 1996), illustrates the convictions of the separatist minority.


  1. RAI bulletin, 3 June 2008: 2. ‘Napolitano alla Festa del 2 giugno’, (2008). 3. P. Kammerer, ‘Italy’s Enduring President’, Le Monde diplomatique (English edn.) (1 Aug. 2008). 4. (2008). 5. ‘L’inno nazionale’, (2010). 6. ‘E la festa della Repubblica diventa la festa di Silvio’, (2008). 7. (2010). 8. (2008).


  9. Bayle St John, The Subalpine Kingdom: or, Experiences and Studies in Savoy, Piedmont and Genoa, 2 vols. (London, 1856), vol. 1, pp. 141–3. 10. Claude Genoux, Histoire de Savoie (Annecy, 1852), p. 68. 11. E. Cox, The Green Count of Savoy (Princeton, 1967). 12. Jean d’Orville ‘Cabaret’, La Chronique de Savoie (Les Marches, 1995), ‘Comment le comte Pierre devint seigneur du Pays de Vaud’, pp. 108–9. 13. Robert Somerville, The Savoy: Manor, Hospital, Chapel (London, 1960); Compton Mackenzie, The Savoy of London (London, 1953). 14. J. N. D. Kelly, The Oxford Dictionary of Popes (Oxford, 1986), pp. 243–4. 15. A. S. Barnes, The Holy Shroud of Turin (London, 1934); H. E. Gove, Relic, Icon or Hoax? Carbon Dating the Turin Shroud (Bristol, 1996); R. Hoare, The Turin Shroud is Genuine: The Irrefutable Evidence (London, 1994). 16. Quoted by E. Ricotti (1861) in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn. (1911). 17. Margaret Trouncer, The Gentleman Saint: Francis de Sales and his Times (London, 1973). 18. J.-P. Fouchy, Et Nice devient le port de Savoie (Cannes, 2008). 19. Nicholas Henderson, Prince Eugen of Savoy (London, 1964). 20. C. Storrs, War, Diplomacy and the Rise of Savoy, 1690–1720 (Cambridge, 1999). 21. John Campbell, The Present State of Europe, 6th edn. (London, 1761), p. 380. 22. Ibid., pp. 398–402. 23. J. Dessaix, La Savoie historique et pittoresque, 2 vols. (Annecy, 1854). 24. (2008). One of several stanzas that are often omitted refers to Poland’s struggle for freedom: ‘Relève-toi ma Pologne héroïque / Car pour t’aider je m’avance à grands pas, / Secoue enfin ton sommeil léthargique / Et je le veux, et je le veux, tu ne périras pas!’ (‘Arise, my heroic Poland, / for I’m striding to your aid. / Shake off your lethargic sleep / I wish it, wish it: you will not die!’). Quoted by Liliana Batko-Sonik, ‘Stan wojenny w Małopolsce: relacje i dokumenty’ (Kraków, n.d.), p. 19. 25. César Vidal, Charles Albert et le risorgimento italien (Paris, 1932). 26. C. Jemolo et al., Lo Statuto Albertino (Florence, 1946). 27. ‘John Beckwith’, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn. 28. Quoted at (2008). 29. Denis Mack Smith, Victor Emanuel, Cavour and the Risorgimento (London, 1971); idem, Cavour (London, 1985); Maurice Paléologue, Cavour (London, 1927, 1970). 30. (2010). 31. Sylvain Milbach, L’Éveil politique de la Savoie: conflits ordinaires et rivalités nouvelles, 1848–1853 (Rennes, 2008). 32. Justin Godart, A Lyon, en 1848: les Voraces (Paris, 1948). 33. St John, The Subalpine Kingdom, vol. 1, pp. 19–20, 72–4. 34. Ibid., pp. 156–64. 35. Edward Gibbon, Gibbon’s Journey from Geneva to Rome…, ed. G. A. Bonnard (London, 1961), p. 18, quoted by H. Trevor-Roper, History and Enlightenment (London, 2010), p. 10. 36. (2008). 37. Orsini Letters, in Paléologue, Cavour, ch. IV, pp. 105–46. 38. C. Bayly (ed.), Mazzini and the Globalisation of Democratic Nationalism (Oxford, 2008). 39. Donn Byrne, Garibaldi: The Man and the Myth (Oxford, 1998). 40. Denis Mack Smith, Cavour and Garibaldi: A Study in Political Conflict (Cambridge, 1985). 41. Claude Dufresne, La Comtesse de Castiglione (Paris, 2002); Giuseppe Borghetti, L’Ambasciatrice de Cavour (Rome, 1933); P. Apraxine and X. Demange, La Comtesse Divine: Photographs of the Countess of Castiglione (New Haven, 2001). 42. Paléologue, Cavour, ch. V, pp. 149–71. 43. Franco-Sardinian Treaty, 1860: (2008). 44. ‘Annonce d’un referendum et appel au calme’, 10 March 1860: (2010). 45. Napoleon III, 21 March 1860: 46. Lovie, Savoie, pp. 38–41. 47. Ibid., p. 37. 48. Ménabréa, Histoire de Savoie, pp. 231–2. 49. Lovie, Savoie, p. 41. 50. Ibid., pp. 43–5. 51. Ménabréa, Histoire de Savoie, p. 347. 52. Lovie, Savoie, p. 48. 53. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn. 54. 55. (2010). 56. Cecil Headlam, in Harmsworth Universal Encyclopedia (London, 1925). 57. Denis Mack Smith, Italy and its Monarchs (New Haven, 1969), p. 342.


  58. Robert Katz, The Fall of the House of Savoy: A Study in the Relevance of the Commonplace or the Vulgarity of History (London, 1971). 59. See:, also…htm, Category: ‘Pretenders to the Italian Throne’. 60. (2010). 61. ‘Right Royal Punch-up’, Guardian (29 May 2004); see also,_prince_of_naples (2010). 62. ‘Prince admits killings on video’, Sunday Times, 27 Feb. 2011; Birgit Hamer, Delitto senza Castigo: la vera storia di Vittorio Emanuele (Civitavecchio, 2011). 63. 64. Alpes du Nord, Michelin Guide Vert (Paris, 2007), p. 30. 65. (2008). 66. Alpes du Nord, p. 88. 67. Communauté du Chemin Neuf, L’Abbaye de Hautecombe (Lyon, n.d.). 68. (2008). 69. Maison de la Maurienne, Guide Patrimoine (St Jean, n.d.), pp. 7–8; also (2010). 70. Ménabréa, Histoire de Savoie, p. 674. 71. Colonna d’Istria, Histoire de la Savoie, pp. 243–4. 72. Projet de Constitution de la Federation Savoisienne, (2008). 73. (2010). 74. ‘150ème Anniversaire de l’Entrevue de Plombières’, (2008). 75. Open letter to the president of the Rhône-Alpes region, Arpita News, 27 June 2008, (2008). 76. David Gilmour, The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, its Regions and their Peoples (London, 2011), p
. 399. 77. Kammerer, ‘Italy’s Enduring President’.


  Bibliographical Note. Library systems which fail to distinguish between ‘Galicia’ as a province of Spain and ‘Galicia’ as a province of the Austrian Empire can cause needless confusion. So, too, do entries which insist on placing historic entities into modern categories, such as ‘Galicia (Ukraine)’ or ‘Galicia (Poland and Ukraine)’. The sole overview of the subject in English, Paul Magocsi’s Galicia: A Historical Survey and Bibliographical Guide (Toronto, 1983) is written very deliberately from a Ukrainian standpoint, while Polish, Jewish and Austrian imperial perspectives are equally important. Readers are best advised to start with the relevant chapters in one of the general introductions to the Habsburg monarchy – such as that by Henry Wickham Steed (1913), by A. J. P. Taylor (1948, 1990), or by Robert Kann (1977) – and then to move on to studies of the different ethnic communities. In addition to Magocsi, it is possible to explore Galicia’s Polish connections in the chapter ‘Galicia’ in Norman Davies, God’s Playground: A History of Poland (Oxford, 1981), vol. 2, and Galicia’s Jewish heritage in Jonathan Webber, Rediscovering Traces of Memory (Bloomington, Ind., 2009).


  1. Journey undertaken in May 2006. 2. Yury Lukomsky and Mariya Kostik, Putyvnik-Halych (L′viv, 2003). 3. ‘Korotka istorichna kronika Halicha’, ibid. 4. Ibid., p. 1.


  5. Stanislaw Grodziski, W Królestwie Galicji i Lodomerii (Kraków, 1976); see also Henryk Wereszycki, Niewygasła przesztość (Kraków, 1987); H.-C. Maner, Galizien: eine Grenzregion im Kalkül der Donaumonarchie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Munich, 2007). 6. T. C. W. Blanning, Joseph II and Enlightened Despotism (London, 1994); S. K. Padover, The Revolutionary Emperor: Joseph II of Austria (London, 1967). 7. Galizien, Deutsche Geschichte im Osten Europas (Berlin, 1999). 8. W. J. Podgórski, Pieśń Ojczyzny pełna: Mazurek Da˛browskiego w dziejowych rolach (Warsaw, 1994). 9. (2008). 10. Karl Emil Franzos, Aus Halbasien: Culturbilder aus Galizien (1876), quoted by Marcin Pollack, Nach Galizien, trans. as Po Galicji (Wołowiec, 2007), p. 12. 11. M. Orłowicz, Ilustrowany Przewodnik po Galicji, Bukowinie, Spiszu, Orawie, i Śla˛sku Cieszyń;skim (Lwów, 1919, repr. Krosno, 2004). 12. J. Czajkowski (ed.), Łemkowie w historii i kulturze Karpat (Rzeszów, 1992). 13. (2011). 14. F. A. Ossendowski, Huculszczyzna: Gorgany i Czarnohora (Wrocław, 1990). 15. Daniel Beauvois, Trójka˛t ukraiński: szlachta, carat i lud …, 1793–1914 (Lublin, 2005), brilliant but bilious, contains many references to Galicia; see also his ‘Szlachta w Galicji Wschodniej’, Studia Historyczne, 34/2 (1991). 16. M. Sliwa (ed.), Rok 1846 w Galicyji (Kraków, 1997); see also Davies, God’s Playground, vol. 2, pp. 147–8. 17. Stefan Kieniewicz, The Emancipation of the Polish Peasantry (Chicago, 1969). 18. S. Unger, The Galician Petroleum Industry (London, 1907); Norman Davies, ‘Brytyjski kapitalism a nafta galicyjska’, Studia Historyczne, 13 (1970), pp. 283–9; Alison Frank, Oil Empire: Visions of Prosperity in Austrian Galicia (Cambridge, Mass., 2005). 19. S. Szczepański, Ne˛dza galicyjska w cyfrach (Lwów, 1888), quoted by Davies, God’s Playground, vol. 2, p. 146. 20. Dorota Praszałowicz et al., Mechanizmy zamorskich migracji łańcuchowych w XIX wieku (Kraków, 2004). 21. W. Thomas and F. Znaniecki, The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (Boston, 1998). 22. (2008). 23. John Czaplicka (ed.), Lviv: A City in the Crosscurrents of History (Cambridge, Mass., 2002); S. Wasilewski, Lwów (Wrocław, 1990); P. Fässler et al., Lemberg, Lwów, Lviv – eine Stadt im Schnittpunkt europäischer Kulturen (Cologne, 1995). 24. From K. Baedeker, Austria-Hungary (London, 1905). 25. From Wincenty Pol, ‘Pieśń o ziemi naszéj’ (1843), ‘A Song of Our Land’. 26. Jan Slomka, From Serfdom to Self-Government: The Memoirs of a Polish Village Mayor (1842–1927) (London, 1941). 27. ‘Austria-Hungary, Die Kaiserhymne’, (2008). 28. (2008). 29. Kornel Ujejski, from Skargi Jeremiego (Paris, 1947), trans. Norman Davies. 30. Naphtali Herz Imber (1855–1909). See J. Kabakoff, Master of Hope: Selected Writings of N. H. Imber (New York, 1985). 31. A. Krawczuk, Christian and Social Ethics in Ukraine: The Legacy of Andrei Sheptytskij (Edmonton, 1997). 32. A. V. Wendland, Die Russophilen im Galizien (Vienna, 2001). 33. K. Stopka, Ormianie w Polsce dawnej i dzisiejszej (Kraków, 2000). 34. Mikhail Kizilov, The Karaites of Galicia: An Ethno-religious Minority, 1772–1945 (Oxford, 2009). 35. P. Palys, ‘The Road to Galicia: František Rehor and Everyday Life in Galicia in the Second Half of the 19th Century’, Studia Historyczne, 50/1 (2007). 36. S. Ansky, The Enemy at his Pleasure: A Journey through the Jewish Pale of Settlement during World War One (New York, 2002). 37. Stanisław Vincenz, On the High Uplands: Sagas, Songs, Tales and Legends of the Carpathians (London, 1955). 38. Marcin Król, Stańczycy: antologia myśli społecznej i politycznej konserwatystów krakowskich (Warsaw, 1982). 39. W. Berbelicki, Aleksander Brückner (Warsaw, 1989); M. Katz (ed.), Aleksander Brückner: ein polnischer Slavist in Berlin (Wiesbaden, 1991). 40. J. Dutkiewicz, Szymon Askenazy i jego szkoła (Warsaw, 1958). 41. Mikhailo Hrushevsky, The Traditional Scheme of Russian History (Winnipeg, 1958). 42. Isaac Biderman, Mayer Balaban, Historian of Polish Jewry (New York, 1976). 43. J. Rosnowska, Dzieje Poety: o Wincentym Polu (Warsaw, 1963). 44. B. Lasocka, Aleksander Fredro: drogi z.ycia (Warsaw, 2001). 45. K. Przerwa-Tetmajer, Poezje wybrane, ed. J. Krzyz.anowski (Wrocław, 1968); K. Przerwa-Tetmajer, Tales of the Tatras (New York, 1943). 46. Kazimierz Wyka, Młoda Polska (Kraków, 1987); S. Pigoń, Śpiewak wielkości narodu (Wrocław, 1957), on Wyspiański. 47. From S. Wyspiański, Wesele (1901): The Wedding, trans. Gerald Karpolka (Ann Arbor, 2001). 48. J. J. Lipski, Twórczość Jana Kasprowicza (Warsaw, 1975). 49. Rusalka dniestrovaia: ruthenische Volks-Lieder (Budim, 1837) 50. J. Kozik, The Ukrainian National Movement in Galicia, 1815–49 (Edmonton, 1986); ‘Ivan Franko’, in Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Toronto, 1970). 51. Elz.bieta Wiśniewska, Wasyl Stefanyk w obliczu Młodej Polski (Wrocław, 1986). 52. James Cleugh, The First Masochist: A Biography of Leopold Sacher-Masoch (London, 1967). 53. Wilhelm Feldman, Dzieje polskiej myśli politycznej (Warsaw, 1991). 54. From Mordechai Gebirtig, Mayne Mider (New York, 1948); G. Schneider (ed.), Mordechai Gebirtig: His Poetic and Musical Legacy (London, 2000). 55. See Leszek Mazan, Zdarzenia z z.ycia naszego monarchy (Kraków, 2003). 56. On 1848, L. B. Namier, The Revolution of the Intellectuals (Oxford, 1992). Namier, formerly Bernstein-Niemirowski, was himself a Galician; see Julia Namier, Lewis Namier (Oxford, 1971). 57. Paul Magocsi, The Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism: Galicia as Ukraine’s Piedmont (Toronto, 2002). 58. New York Times (13 April 1908). 59. Robert Asprey, The Panther’s Feast (London, 1959); see also Janusz Piekałkiewicz, World History of Espionage (Washington, 1998). 60. M. Kilowska-Lysiak, ‘Nikifor’, in Visual Arts Profiles, (2008). 61. ‘Bober (Hasidic Dynasty)’, (2008). 62. W. Milewska et al., Legiony Polskie, 1914–18 (Kraków, 1998); Waclaw Je˛drzejewicz, Joseph Piłsudski: A Life for Poland (New York, 1982). 63. They are not to be confused with the Ukrainian Legion raised by the Waffen-SS in the Second World War. They were to form the basic military force of the West Ukrainian Republic in 1918–19. See Stepan Ripetsky, Ukrainske sichove striletstvo (New York, 1956). 64. Mark Von Hagen, War in a European Borderland: Occupations and Occupation Plans in Galicia and Ukraine (Seattle, 2007); see also Norman Stone, The Eastern Front, 1914–17 (London, 1988). 65. Jaroslav Hašek, The Good Soldier Svejk and his Fortunes during the Great War, trans. Cecil Parrott (London, 1998); Cecil Parrott, The Bad Bohemian: The Life of Jaroslav Hašek, Creator of the Good Soldier Svejk (London, 1978). 66. J. W. Wheeler Bennett, The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and Germany’s Eastern Policy (London, 1940). 67. Mikhailo Hutsuliak, Pershyi Listopad 1918 roku na zakhidnikh zemlyakh Ukrainy (Kiev, 1993); Artur Leinwand, Obrona Lwowa: 1–22 listopada 1918r (Warsaw, 1991); Oleksa Kuz′ma, Lystopadovi dni 1918r (L′
viv, 2003); Maciej Kozłowski, Mie˛dzy Sanem a Zbruczem: walki o Lwów i Galicje˛ Wschodnia˛, 1918–19 (Kraków, 1991). 68. Norman Davies, White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War, 1919–1920 (London, 1972); Michał Klimecki, Galicja Wschodnia 1920 (Warsaw, 2000); idem, Galicyjska Socjalistyczna Republika Rad (Toruń, 2006); Michael Palij, The Ukrainian-Polish Defensive Alliance, 1919–20 (Edmonton, 1995). 69. See Norman Davies, ‘Great Britain and the Polish Jews, 1918–20’, Journal of Contemporary History, 8 (1973), pp. 119–42. 70. A. Zakrzewski, Wincenty Witos: chłopski polityk i ma˛z. stanu (Warsaw, 1977). 71. P. Kaluza, A Life of Stefan Banach (Boston, 1976). 72. W. Łerner, The Last Internationalist (Stanford, Calif., 1979). 73. Muhammad Asad, Islam at the Crossroads (New York, 1934), The Road to Mecca (New York, 1954; London, 1996), The Principles of State and Government in Islam (Berkeley, 1961), etc. 74. W. Łazuga, Michał Bobrzyński: myśl historyczna a działalność polityczna (Wrocław, 1982). 75. M. Friedman, Encounter on the Narrow Ridge: A Life of Martin Buber (New York, 2003). 76. Jan Pomian, Joseph Retinger: Memoirs of an Eminence Grise (London, 1972); G. Witkowski, Ojcowie Europy (Warsaw, 2001). 77. F. E. Sysyn, Adelphotes: A Tribute to Omeljan Pritsak (Cambridge, Mass., 1990). 78. W. von Sternburg, Joseph Roth (Cologne, 2009). 79. J. Jarze˛bski, Szulz (Wrocław, 1999). 80. B. Hochman, The Fiction of S. Y. Agnon (Ithaca, NY, 1970). 81. Keith Sword (ed.), Sikorski, Soldier and Statesman (London, 1990). 82. Timothy Snyder, Red Prince: The Fall of a Dynasty (London, 2008). 83. W. W. Szybalski, The Genius of Rudolf Stefan Weigl, a Lvovian Microbe Hunter (Madison, 1957). 84. Javier Aranzadi, Liberalism against Liberalism: The Works of Ludwig von Mises (London, 2006). 85. K. Anders, Murder to Order (London, 1965). 86. T. Segey, Simon Wiesenthal (London, 2010). 87. Asad, The Road to Mecca. 88. Keith Sword, The Soviet Takeover of the Polish Eastern Provinces, 1939–41 (Basingstoke, 1991). 89. ‘Galicia Memorial Sites’, (2011). 90. T. Piotrowski, Polish-Ukrainian Relations during World War Two: Ethnic Cleansing in Volhynia and Galicia (Toronto, 1995). 91. M. O. Logusz, Galicia Division: The 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division Galizien (Philadelphia, 1997). 92. V. Humeniuk and L. Luciuk, Their Just War: Images of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Toronto, 2007). 93. Norman Davies and Roger Moorhouse, Microcosm: Portrait of a Central European City (London, 1999). 94. Information on Ustrzyki Dolne provided by the late Professor Eugeniusz Waniek of Kraków, 2009. 95. (2011). 96. (2011). 97. J. Grabowski, Judenjagd: polowanie na Z.ydów, 1942–45. Studium dziejów pewnego powiatu (Warsaw, 2011).


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