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Vanished Kingdoms

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by Norman Davies

  Columba, St 53, 57, 60

  Columbanus, St 102

  Columbus, Christopher 218

  Comet 37

  Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 234, 725


  Communist China 716, 723; see also China

  Estonian Communist Party 714, 717

  League of Yugoslav Communists 581

  Montenegrin Communist Party 615

  Soviet Communism 716, 724; Soviet Communist Party 301, 302, 706, 712, 715, 717, 721, 732–3; see also Soviet Union (CCCP)

  Communist Party of the Soviet Union (KPSS/CPSU) 715

  Commynes, Philippe de 138

  Compromise of Caspe 207

  Comtat Venaissin 118, 123, 125

  Connaught Rangers 650

  Conrad I of Burgundy (Conradus Pacificus) 114, 117

  Conrad II, emperor 119

  Conrad IV 127

  Conrad, duke of Mazovia 339

  Conrad, son of Frederick II 192

  Conradye of Thuringia 341

  Conrad von Zähringen 120–21

  Consalvi, Ercole 523

  Consilium Rationis Bellicae (An Outline of Military Method) 269

  Constantine I the Great 314, 319, 322

  Constantine I, king of the Picts 66, 70

  Constantine II, king of Scots 66, 72

  Constantinople 214, 259–60, 311, 317, 319; see also Byzantion/Byzantium; Istanbul

  Patriarch of 260

  Constanza di Hohenstaufen 191, 195

  Continental System 522, 523

  Cooper, Edith 499

  Copenhagen, Ole Worm Collection 481

  Copernicus, Nicholas 343

  Corbeil, Treaty of 185

  Corfu 597

  Declaration 598–9

  Coria 46

  Coroticus (Ceretic Guletic) 51–2

  Corps of Carabinieri 415

  Corpus de Sang 222

  Correlates of War Project (COW) 731

  Corsica 197, 201, 210

  Cosgrave, W. T. 656, 660–61

  Cosimo I de’ Medici collection, Florence 481

  Cossacks 260, 265, 277, 281–2, 293–4, 361, 380

  Côte d’Or 108, 137

  Counter-Reformation 408

  Courland 259, 270, 291

  Courland-Livonia 345, 351

  Courrier des Alpes 425

  courtly love 172

  COW (Correlates of War Project) 731

  Cowen, Brian 677–8

  Cowper, George Nassau, 3rd Earl 499

  Coyanza, Council of 163

  Craig, Sir James/Viscount Craigavon 656, 667

  Crimean khanate 260, 261, 268

  Croatia/Croats 476, 602, 604

  see also Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Kingdom of

  Cromwell, Oliver 82, 408, 641

  Cromwell, Thomas 730

  Crown of Ireland Act (1542) 641, 665–6


  Second Crusade 108

  Fourth Crusade 317, 318

  Albigensian Crusade 125, 179

  Crusade of Barbastro 167

  Iberian 218

  Northern 339, 341–2

  Teutonic Crusaders see Teutonic Knights

  see also Reconquista against the Muslims

  Culloden, Battle of 82

  Cumbria 45, 70, 78

  Cumbric 45, 79

  Cunedda ap Edern 49

  Curzon, George, Earl Curzon of Kedleston 608, 620

  Cuthbert, St 60

  Cymru Fydd (Young Wales) 679

  Cynon, son of Clydno Eidyn 58, 59

  Cyril, St 245

  Cyrillic 245

  Czartoryski, Adam Kazimierz 284, 483

  Czartoryski, Izabella (née Fleming) 482

  Czartoryski Museum 482–3, 484–5

  Czartoryskis 264, 272, 284, 455

  Czechoslovakia 7, 623, 625, 626, 626, 627, 633, 736

  Czech Republic 736

  Czeczot, Jan 298

  da Susa, Adalina 404

  Dabrowski, Jan Henryk 452

  Dagobert 102, 103–4

  Dalriada, Kingdom of 53, 61–2, 63, 65

  Damnonia/Damnonii 46, 47, 54

  Danelaw 68

  Danes 65, 72, 90, 338–9

  see also Burgundia/Burgundians

  Danilo, crown prince of Montenegro 593, 612

  Danilo I of Montenegro 583

  d’Annunzio, Gabriele 612

  Dante Alighieri 172, 194–5, 495–7, 538

  Danzig/Gdańsk 344, 345, 348, 349, 361

  revolt of 278

  Darentasia, abbey of 117

  ‘Dark Ages’ 42, 70, 81

  Datini, Francesco 200

  Dauphiné 112, 118, 123, 127

  David, St 55

  David, prince of the Cumbrians, later David I 77–8

  David MacBrayne Ltd 37

  Dawson, Christopher 183

  Dayton Accords 581

  de Gasperi, Alcide 400

  de Gaulle, Charles 666

  De Salis report 608, 609

  De Salis-Soglio, Sir John 608

  de Valera, Éamon 639, 649, 650, 651, 654–5, 656, 657, 660, 661–2, 663, 664

  Deakin, William 8

  death of states, theories of 729–39

  Deira/Deur 53, 59

  Democratic Socialist Party of Montenegro (DSPM) 581

  Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) 668, 677, 681

  Dempsey, Damien 676

  Denhoffs of Parnava 360

  Derry/Londonderry 677

  Battle of the Bogside 668

  ‘The Descent of the Men of the North’ (Bonedd Gwyr y Gogledd) 49, 57

  Dessaix, Joseph 414

  Diana, princess of Wales 572, 573

  Díaz de Vivar, Rodrigo (El Cid) 167–9

  Dieupentale (Tarn-et-Garonne) 27

  Dijon 106–7, 134

  see also Divio

  Din Guauroy 53

  Dinant 138

  Diocletian 314

  Disraeli, Benjamin 559

  Divio 95, 101–2

  see also Dijon

  Djilas, Milovan 601

  Djukanović, Milo 581, 582, 614, 616

  Dmitri ‘Donskoy’ 253

  Dobrzyn 342

  Knights of 339, 340

  Dolgorukiy, Yuri 247

  Domingo, Plácido 225

  Domitian, emperor 19

  ‘Don Carlos’ von Habsburg 222, 223

  Donation, Bull of 215

  Dönitz, Karl 385

  Donnchad (Duncan) I 76

  Dorothea of Denmark 354

  Dorpat see Tartu/Dorpat

  Douce de Provence 174–5

  Draga, queen 589–90

  Dragovichi 243

  ‘Dreadnought race’ 566

  Drogheda, Siege of 641

  Drohobycz 457

  Drouot, Antoine 531, 533

  Drovnyak, Epifanyi (Nikifor) 472

  Droysen, J. G. 367

  DSPM (Democratic Socialist Party of Montenegro) 581

  Dubienka 288

  Dublin 68, 637, 638, 642, 643, 648–9, 649, 678

  Phoenix Park 647–8, 672

  purging of British statues 648

  Dubrovnik 597, 614

  Dufay, Guillaume 135

  Dumbarton 37–42

  Castle 39

  global use of the name 41

  and the Kingdom of the Rock see Alt Clud, Kingdom of the Rock

  Rock 35–7, 39, 48, 54, 79

  shipyard 37

  Dumbarton, Confederate vessel 41

  Dumbarton Castle, HMS 41

  Dumnagual Hen 57

  Dumnonii 47, 54

  Dun Eidyn (Edinburgh) 49, 58, 59

  see also Edinburgh

  Dun Rheged (Dunragit) 56

  Dunblane 68

  Duncan (Donnchad) I 76

  Dundonald, Castle 39

  Dunin-Marcinkiewicz, Vincent 298

  Dunkeld 65

  Dunmail Raise 72–3

  DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) 668, 677, 681

  Durazzo 1

  Dusberger, Peter 338, 341

  Dylan, Bob 666

  Dynfwal III 74

  Dynfwal map Teudebur 64

  Dyrka (‘The Wasteland’) 261

  Dzieduszycki Museum 482

  Dzieduszyckis 455

  Dzierżyński, Feliks 237, 297

  Dzyarzhynovo (formerly Oziembłów) Manor 237

  Eadberht, king of Northumbria 64–5

  Eamont Bridge 72

  East Anglia 68

  East Prussia 348, 355, 373, 378, 381, 382, 383–8

  Ebling 342

  Ebrovaccus 96

  Eburodunum (Embrun) 95

  Ecgfrith, son of Oswy 60, 61

  Edgar, king 74

  Edinburgh 75

  see also Dun Eidyn

  Edmund the Elder 74

  Edward, duke of Kent 549

  Edward VII/Edward Prince of Wales 558, 559, 562, 569, 643, 659, 662

  Edwin of Northumbria 60

  EEC (European Economic Union) 666

  Efrosinia of Polatsk, St 246–7

  Egypt 199

  Éire see Ireland/Éire

  El Cid (Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar) 167–9

  Elba 214, 505, 524, 530–32

  Elbing (Elbag) 342, 345, 349

  Elderslie 79, 80

  Eleanor of Aragon 207

  Eleanor of Provence 406

  Elena of Italy 614

  Eleonora d’Arborea 206

  Eliot, T. S.: The Waste Land 308

  Elizabeth II 570, 665–6, 674, 678

  Ełk 343

  Emanuele-Filiberto, duke of Savoy 407

  Embrun (Eburodunum) 95

  Emeland see Varmia/Varmians

  Eneci see Annecy

  Engels, Friedrich 731

  Enghien, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, duc d’ 517–18

  England/the English 6, 42

  Hundred Years War 128

  occupation of Paris 131

  and Sabaudia 406

  English Defence League 683

  Enrique of Castile, El Impotente 216

  Eochaid map Rhun 71

  Eogan II (Owain the Blind) 76

  Epaon, Council of 99

  Epila, Battle of 203

  Erasmus of Rotterdam 135

  Erbin 52

  Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip 313

  Ernst II, duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 545, 546, 547, 555, 557, 560–61

  Ernst III, duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, later Duke Ernst I 543, 545, 547, 555, 557

  Erwig (Euric/Evaric) 18, 23

  Espérey, Franchet d’ 600

  Estonia 689–728, 690, 709

  1917 declaration of independence 704–5

  1988 declaration of sovereignty 723

  1991 UN recognition 723

  arts 719

  Committee of National Salvation 704–5

  ‘cyber war’ 697–8

  and democracy 707, 708–9

  Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic 711–12, 714–23

  exiled government in Stockholm 714, 715

  expulsion of German Estonians 711

  German occupation 712–14

  inter-war period 707–9

  Jewish extermination 713

  language 689–90, 719, 720

  Moscow’s 1924 attempted coup 708

  national identity 699

  national movement 723

  and the Nazis 695, 710, 712–14

  Nystadt Treaty 699

  Tallinn see Tallinn

  Tartu Treaty 705–6

  VAPSI movement 709

  War of Independence 705

  ‘War of Symbols’ 695–7

  World War II 695, 710–15

  Estonian Communist Party 714, 717

  Estonian Guard Company, 4221st 715

  Estonian Heritage Society 722

  Estonian Lutheran Church 719

  Estonian Peasant Party 709

  Estrada Doctrine 617

  Etruria, Kingdom of 509–38, 513

  creation of 509–10

  dissolution of 523–4

  Florence see Florence/Florentines

  and France 509–10, 515, 516, 524–7, 529–33

  local politics 515–16

  regiments 518

  see also Tuscany

  EU see European Union

  Eucharistic Congress (1932) 660

  Eugène de Beauharnais 413, 521, 523, 535

  Eugene of Savoy 409

  Eugénie, Empress 428

  Euler, Leonhard 332

  Euric (Evaric/Erwig) 18, 23

  European Economic Union (EEC) 666

  European Union (EU) 234–5, 681, 697, 727

  Commission 677

  and Estonia 689, 695, 697, 725

  and Montenegro 581, 582

  Everest, mount 1

  Evissa (Ibiza) 189

  Experius, St, bishop of Toloso 20

  External Relations Act (Ireland, 1936) 662, 664

  Eyck, Jan van 135

  Eymerich, Nicolau 205

  Eynard, Jean-Gabriel 518, 535

  Farouk, king 401

  Fascism 430

  Fauchet, Jean-Antoine, baron 524

  Faucigny 402, 425, 435

  Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 577, 614, 615

  Fehrbellin 363

  Feldman, Wilhelm 467

  Felipe II (Philip II, the Prudent) 220, 221

  Felipe III (Philip III, the Pious) 220

  Felipe IV (Philip IV, the Great) 220

  Felipe V (Philippe de Bourbon) 223

  Felix V (Amadeus VIII) 406

  Fenians (IRB) 644, 646, 647, 650, 651, 654

  Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor 219

  Ferdinand I of Austria 450

  Ferdinand I, of Leon and Castile, the Great 163–4

  Ferdinand II, king of Aragon 210, 215, 216, 218, 219

  Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies, King ‘Bomba’ 425

  Ferdinand IV, king of Naples 506, 508

  Ferdinand VII of Spain 522–3

  Ferdinando III of Tuscany 503, 504, 507, 508, 516, 534

  Ferguson, Samuel 642

  Fernando d’Antequera, Fernando I of Aragon 207–9

  Fernando I of Naples, Don Ferrante 214, 218

  Fernando II of Naples 214

  Fernando El Católico 214, 216, 218

  Fiachna of Ulster, king 56

  Fianna Fáil 639, 660, 661, 677, 678

  Field, Michael (Bradley and Cooper, ‘the Mikes’) 499

  Filips de Goede (Philippe le Bon) 132

  Filips de Stoute see Philip the Bold

  Fine Gael 639, 678

  Finland 693, 702, 704, 710, 712

  Finlay, George 317

  Finnic tribes 242, 244

  fitzAlan-Stewart family 79, 80

  Flaochad 103

  Flemish School of painting 135

  Florence/Florentines 429, 493–9, 494, 512, 513–14, 521, 523, 527, 529

  29e Légion de Gendarmerie de Florence 527

  British colony of 499

  Cosimo I de’ Medici collection 481

  Franco-Neapolitan Treaty of 509

  and Napoleon Bonaparte 500–510, 519–20

  periods 497–8, 499

  Pitti Palace 503, 504, 512, 516, 524, 525, 527, 534, 537

  ‘Vélites de Florence’ 525

  Florschütz, Christopher 546

  Fontainebleau decree 523

  Forez 118

  Forgaill, Dallan 645

  Formentera 189

  Fortriu 61, 63, 66

  Fossombroni, Vittorio, count 518, 535

  Foster, Norman 389

  Foster, Roy 646, 657

  Fourcalquier 119


  1797 campaigns and new republics 505

  and Albania 601

  and Austria 451–2, 500–501, 505, 508–9, 516

  and Britain 505, 507, 516, 522

  Burgundian–Armagnac civil war 131

  and Catalonia 179, 199, 222

  and Etruria 509–10, 515, 516, 524–7, 529–33

/>   Franco-imperial Habsburg wars 407

  Franco-Sardinian Treaty 423–5, 436

  French Revolution 288, 412, 423, 642

  Hundred Years War 128, 131

  and Italy 508, 521; Italian campaign of 1796 500–501

  Kingdom of 104, 128, 139, 141, 404–6

  modern 141–2

  and Napoleon I 500–510; ‘Second Polish War’ 293–4

  Nice see Nice

  and Poland 521

  and Sabaudia 404–6, 407, 412, 414, 417, 435, 436; annexation 412, 425–7, 435, 436, 501; Napoleon III 419–22, 423, 425; Nice 409, 410, 412, 421, 423–5, 426; plebiscite 423–8, 435; Treaty of Turin 423–5, 436

  and Spain 506–7, 522–3; Franco-Spanish War 222–3; Treaty of Aranjuez 509

  and Switzerland 517

  Third Republic 435

  and Tuscany 509, 525

  War of the Sicilian Vespers 193

  war with Aragon 210

  West Francia’s rebranding as 115

  World War I 379

  Franche-Comté 128, 141, 142, 147

  County-Palatine of Burgundy 124–5, 127–8, 130, 131, 138–41

  Francis de Sales, St 407–8

  Francis I, duke of Lorraine 504

  Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor 450, 503

  Franciszka Wiśniowiecka 264

  François VI de Beauharnais 520

  Fränkel, Moses 479–80

  Frankish language 100

  Franko, Ivan 467

  Franks 24–6, 30, 97, 99, 104

  Catalans see Catalonia/Catalans

  Franko-Burgundian society of Regnum Burgundiae 100–104

  Franko-Burgundian wars 99

  Franz-Ferdinand of Austria 597

  Franz-Joseph I of Austria 450, 468–9, 475, 481, 559

  Frauenburg (Frombork) 343

  Fredegar/Fredegarius/Pseudo-Fredegarius 102–3

  Frederick I, Barbarossa 120, 122, 124

  Frederick I of Prussia (Frederick III Elector of Brandenburg) 364–7

  Frederick II of Hohenstaufen 123, 126, 192, 339

  Frederick II The Great, king of Prussia 286, 350, 369, 370

  Frederick III Elector of Brandenburg (Frederick I of Prussia) 364–7

  Frederico II of Sicily 195

  Frederico IV of Naples 214

  Fredro, Alexander 463, 466

  Free Trade Zone, French–Swiss border 425, 428, 436

  Freemasons 515

  Fribourg 121

  Friedland 521

  Friedrich Josias, prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 571

  Friedrich von Sachsen 351

  Friedrich Wilhelm, The Great Elector 358–9, 361, 362, 363, 364

  Fuero d’Aragon, ‘Codex of Huesca’ 174

  Gaelic language 41, 43–4, 76–7, 78, 80, 637, 638, 660

  Gaelic Revival 642–3

  Gaels 37n, 42, 43, 46, 53, 62, 71, 81–3

  of Argyll 53–54

  Picto-Gaelic fusion 37n, 63, 65–6

  see also Scots

  Gaeltacht 38, 75, 82

  Galbraith Clan 77

  Galicia 289, 292, 295, 734

  and the Bolsheviks 475–7

  east Galicia/West Ukraine 441–9, 442, 450–51, 477, 478, 480, 481–2; Distrikt Galizien 479


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