The Amish
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8. Moses B. Glick, “Shopworker’s Diary,” The Diary, June 1993, 38.
Comprehensive Study of Amish Life
Kraybill, Donald B., Karen M. Johnson-Weiner, and Steven M. Nolt. The Amish. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
Contemporary Amish Life
Johnson-Weiner, Karen M. Train Up a Child: Old Order Amish and Mennonite Schools. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
Curricula, parent-teacher interaction, and philosophy of education, with attention to how schools not only shape but also reflect their particular settlements.
Kraybill, Donald B. The Amish and the State. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003.
Chapters on topics such as Social Security, health care, slow-moving-vehicle issues, land use, and the role of outsiders in legal negotiation.
Kraybill, Donald B., and Steven M. Nolt. Amish Enterprise: From Plows to Profits. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
A look at the shift from farming to small business entrepreneurship and the implications for Amish society.
Louden, Mark L. Pennsylvania Dutch: The Story of an American Language. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015.
A close look at the place of the language in the life and culture of the Amish, as well as non-Amish, speakers of this oral vernacular.
Stevick, Richard A. Growing Up Amish: The Rumspringa Years. Rev. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
Amish youth culture, courtship, and marriage by an educational psychologist.
Religion and Spirituality
Elder, D. Rose. Why the Amish Sing: Songs of Solidarity and Identity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
How music functions in church, home, school, and community, written by an ethnomusicologist.
Kraybill, Donald B., Steven M. Nolt, and David Weaver-Zercher. Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2007.
Examines Amish understandings of forgiveness in the aftermath of the 2006 Nickel Mines Amish school shooting.
Kraybill, Donald B., Steven M. Nolt, and David Weaver-Zercher. The Amish Way: Patient Faith in a Perilous World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010.
Exploration of Amish spirituality and religious practices.
Nolt, Steven M. A History of the Amish. 3rd ed. New York: Good Books, 2015.
Overview of Amish history in Europe and North America from the 1690s to the present.
Roth, John D., trans. and ed. Letters of the Amish Division: A Sourcebook. Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Historical Society, 1993.
Documents from 1693 to 1720 detailing debates surrounding the origins of the Amish, including writings of Jakob Ammann.
Studies of Specific Settlements
Hurst, Charles E., and David L. McConnell. An Amish Paradox: Diversity and Change in the World’s Largest Amish Community. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2010.
Detailed look at the Holmes-Wayne Counties, Ohio, settlement, with special attention to issues of family, schooling, work, and health care.
Johnson-Weiner, Karen M. New York Amish: Life in the Plain Communities of the Empire State. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2010.
A comparison of five quite different Amish settlements, from highly traditional to more progressive.
Kraybill, Donald B. The Riddle of Amish Culture. Rev. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Classic study of social change in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, settlement, including issues of technology, schooling, and the social structure of the community.
Nolt, Steven M., and Thomas J. Meyers. Plain Diversity: Amish Cultures and Identities. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.
A comparison of nineteen Amish settlements in Indiana, analyzed through the lenses of migration, ethnicity, economic contexts, and church Ordnung.
The Amish and the Rest of Us
Cates, James A. Serving the Amish: A Cultural Guide for Professionals. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
Written for medical staff, law enforcement, social workers, and counselors who work with Amish clients, by a board-certified clinical psychologist.
Trollinger, Susan L. Selling the Amish: The Tourism of Nostalgia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.
Examines tourism in four towns in Holmes County, Ohio, and surrounding area.
Umble, Diane Zimmerman, and David L. Weaver-Zercher, eds. The Amish and the Media. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
Essays on journalism, television, feature and documentary films, as well as Amish-produced publications.
Weaver-Zercher, David. The Amish in the American Imagination. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Analyzes popular representations of the Amish in tourism, novels, Broadway, and Hollywood, and asks what those views say about American culture.
Weaver-Zercher, Valerie. Thrill of the Chaste: The Allure of Amish Romance Novels. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
Explores the phenomenon of Amish-themed romance fiction from the perspective of writers, publishers, booksellers, and readers—including Amish readers.
Amish-Authored or -Issued Works
1001 Questions and Answers on the Christian Life. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 1992.
Amish-authored explanations of key beliefs and practices, with biblical references.
Ausbund: Das ist, Etliche schöne Christliche Lieder. Lancaster, Pa.: The Amish Book Committee, 1996.
Hymnal used by the Amish in worship. Contains 140 hymn texts from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Braght, Thieleman J. van, comp. The Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians. 2nd English ed., 24th printing. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 2002.
Anabaptist church history book, first published in Dutch in 1660. This English edition, or an Amish-published German edition, is common in Amish homes.
A Devoted Christian’s Prayer Book. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 1995.
English translation of a 1739 Anabaptist devotional book, Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht, containing prayers for all occasions, frequently used by the Amish.
Family Life. Alymer, Ont: Pathway Publishers.
A monthly family and community magazine, issued by an Amish publisher with articles by Amish and Old Order Mennonite writers.
In Meiner Jugend: A Devotional Reader in German and English. Translated by Joseph Stoll. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 2000.
Prayers, devotional readings, and texts used in baptisms and weddings, plus the Dordrecht Confession of Faith and Rules of a Godly Life.
Digital Resources
The Amish. Produced by David Belton. Boston: American Experience Films/Sarah Colt Productions, 2012. DVD.
A 120-minute documentary exploring the beliefs, lifestyle, and history of the Amish, as well as their complex relationship to mainstream American culture.
Amish Studies website:
Reliable information on Amish life and culture, developed by the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College.
abuse, 52, 62, 71, 102
acceptance. See Gelassenheit
Adams County, Indiana, 106
adaptation, 7–9, 35–36; and technology, 33–34, 80–81, 93
adolescence, 49, 53–61; and deviant behavior, 58–60; and identity, 56–58; and peer groups, 54–55, 57–61
affiliations, 37–39, 64, 76, 79, 91
Affordable Care Act, Patient Protection and (2010), 100, 116
agriculture. See farming
alcohol, 60–61, 100
Allen County, Indiana, 99
Alsace, France, 16–19
Amana Colonies, 123
American Revolution, 20
Amish brand, 9, 89, 113, 116
Amish Farm and
House (Lancaster County), 110
Amish in the City (reality series), 54, 112
Amish Mafia (reality series), 112
Amish Mennonites (19th century), 19, 23. See also Beachy Amish Mennonite affiliations
Ammann, Jakob, 15–19
Anabaptists, 14–18, 29
Andy Weaver affiliation, 37, 67
apprenticeship, 70, 75
Arcola, Illinois, 80
Arthur, Illinois, 21, 32
assimilation, 28, 108–10, 113, 117
auctions, 97
Ausbund (hymnbook), 14, 69
authority: of church, 34–35, 48, 55–56; of government, 99–102; of parents, 55–56
automobiles, 24, 26–27, 32, 58; and ownership vs. access, 1–2, 9, 33
Bann (excommunication), 17, 50–52, 55
baptism, 29; and Amish origins, 13–14, 16; described, 40–41, 49–50; and joining the Amish church, 6, 52, 55–56, 61
barn raising, 86
Bavaria, 14
Beachy, Loren, 66
Beachy Amish Mennonite affiliations, 122–23
beards, 122–23
bed courtship, 62
Beiler, David, 22
beliefs, 13–14, 29–34, 119–21
benevolence, 97
Berks County, Pennsylvania, 20
Berlin, Ohio, 98
Bible, 8, 29, 34, 48, 69, 78
birth, 44, 69, 104
birth rates, 6
bishops, 35–37, 48–49; selection of, 48
Blank, Benuel, 114–15
blood donating, 97
Bloomfield, Iowa, 101
Botschaft, Die (newspaper), 43–44
branding. See Amish brand
Breaking Amish (reality series), 112
Brethren, 123
Budget. See Sugarcreek Budget
buggies, 2, 33–34, 37, 99; and Slow Moving Vehicle emblems, 101. See also horse-drawn transportation
bundling. See bed courtship
bureaucracy, 7, 41–43. See also decentralization
Bush, George W., 100
businesses, Amish, 41–43, 67, 86–89, 115; and technology, 91, 93; and tourism, 114; women and, 70
Butler County, Ohio, 23
Byler Amish affiliation, 37
California, 54
Calvin, John, 13
Canada, 4. See also particular locations
carriages. See buggies
cars. See automobiles
Catholic Church, 10, 13–14
cell phones, 4, 61, 86
charitable work, 97
Chicago, 95–96
children, Amish, 6, 69–70. See also adolescence
choice, freedom of, 33, 39, 118
Chouteau, Oklahoma, 82
Christian Aid Ministries (CAM), 97–98
church, 23, 32–33; and affiliations, 37–39; and Amish businesses, 88; and church buildings, 10, 23; and discipline, 17, 23, 50–52; joining and leaving, 6, 40–41, 49–52; leadership of, 35, 47–48; small scale of, 41; Sunday services of, 10, 32, 37, 45–47, 64, 93; and tourism, 114–15; and weddings, 63–64
church district, 32–33
citizenship, 99
civic participation, 96–99
Civil War (U.S.), 22
clergy. See bishops; deacons; ministers
Clinic for Special Children (Pennsylvania), 106
clothing. See dress, Amish
Cold War, 25, 109
communion, 16–17, 29, 48–49
computers, 91
confession, 50, 102
congregation. See church district
Congress, U.S., 8
conscientious objection, 18, 22, 24–25, 99–100, 116
consumerism, 22–23, 88. See also Amish brand
converts, 15, 49
courtship, 57, 59, 61–63
creativity, 33, 80–81, 93
crime, 54, 102, 112
cultural capital, 88
culture, American, 21–22, 27–29, 108–11, 118
culture, Amish: common features of, 8, 43–45; and education, 77–79; and high context, 43; and Ordnung, 33–34; and religion, 45–49; and Rumspringa, 55–58; and tourism, 108–13; and work, 86. See also identity, Amish
Dawdyhaus, 73
DDC Center Clinic for Special Needs Children (Ohio), 105–6
deacons, 35, 45, 48–49; selection of, 48
death, 44, 103
decentralization, 7–8, 37, 41–43
defection, 40–41, 51–52
Delaware, 6
Devil’s Playground (documentary), 54, 112
disabilities, 36
Disaster Response Services (DRS), 98
discipline, and church members, 14, 22–23, 38–39, 48, 50. See also excommunication; shunning (Meidung)
diversity, Amish, 4–8, 37–39; and courtship, 62–63; and health care, 103; and Rumspringa, 58–60; and schools, 79; and technology, 91–93
divorce, 72
doctrine, religious. See beliefs
Dordrecht Confession of Faith, 17–18
dress, Amish, 8, 31, 35, 37, 39, 53, 57, 115; vs. dress of other Plain groups, 122–23; and weddings, 63
East Lampeter Township (Pennsylvania), 109
economic factors: and adolescents, 56, 69–70; and Amish employment, 8–9, 84–88; and education, 75; and farming, 82–84; and labor costs, 115; in the nineteenth century, 22; and religion, 50, 87; and technology, 91–94; and tourism, 9, 113–14; and women, 70–71. See also business
education, 1–2, 56, 69, 75–79; and business, 88; higher, 41, 122–23; and homeschooling, 76. See also high school, compulsory attendance; schools, Amish; schools, public; teachers
efficiency, 41, 115
elderly, care for, 8–9, 72–74
electricity, 2, 83, 89–91; alternatives to, 91
Elkhart County, Indiana, 84–85
endogamy, 61, 64
Engadine, Michigan, 114
English, the, 11. See also outsiders
English language, 8, 44, 59, 69, 77; as a second language, 11, 103
entertainment. See recreation
entrepreneurship, 87–88, 90
environmental concerns, 110
Erlenbach, Switzerland, 16
Esprit clothing company, 110
Eucharist, 16–17, 29, 48–49
Europe, 13–21
evangelism, 122
evolution, 75
ex-Amish. See defection
excommunication (Bann), 17, 50–52, 55. See also shunning (Meidung)
Facebook, 28, 53, 60–61
family, 35–36, 41, 55–56, 67–72; and church discipline, 50; extended, 69, 102; and healthcare, 104; and high-context culture, 43; intergenerational, 70, 73, 87; and Rumspringa, 55–56, 58; and technology, 93; and work, 42, 70–71, 83, 87–88; worship, 45
Family Helpers, 71
farming, 7, 18, 81–84; dairy, 83; decline of, 7, 83–84; with horses, 80–81; organic, 84; produce, 83–84; profitability of, 83; and technology, 80–81; with tractors, 82
fiction about Amish. See publishing
firefighting, volunteer, 97
Florida, 6–7. See also particular locations
footwashing, 17, 49
Ford, Harrison, 110
forgiveness, 30–31
freedom: of choice, 33, 39, 118; of religion, 2, 22, 116
funerals, 73, 93
Geauga County, Ohio, 83–84, 97
Gelassenheit, 29–31, 39, 41, 63, 71–72, 88, 102–3
gender, 69–72; and adolescent peer groups, 59–60; and church, 45; and work, 86–87. See also women, Amish
General Educational Development (G.E.D.), 76
General Motors, 26
genetics, 105–6
German language, 8, 24, 59, 78, 122–23. See also Pennsylvania Dutch
Germany, 13, 15, 24
God’s will, 29–30, 103
Goshen, Indiana, 98, 104
government, 8–9, 19; local, 100; negotiation with, 100–101, 116; regulation by, 8–9,
75–76, 88, 100–101; relations with, 18–19, 24–25, 99–102
Green County, Wisconsin, 76
Green Field Farms (Ohio), 84
Habitat for Humanity, 97
Hadith, 35
Hartshorn, Missouri, 101
Haslibacher, Hans, 14–15
Haven, Kansas, 82
health care, 96, 102–6; alternative, 103; and Amish diversity, 103; and birthing centers, 104; and death, 103; and folk resources, 103; and immunization, 103; for mental illness, 104–5; and mutual aid, 41–42. See also Affordable Care Act; insurance
high-context culture, 43
high school, compulsory attendance, 2, 75–76, 102
holidays, 79, 87–88
Holmes County, Ohio, 11, 21–22, 38, 83–84
homes, Amish, 31–32, 68; technology in, 93; worship in, 10, 32, 45–47, 93
horse-drawn transportation, 8–9, 24, 32, 38, 44, 57, 110, 113
Horse Progress Days, 80–81, 83
horses, 99; farming with, 80–81
humility, 17, 29–31, 45, 68, 73, 90, 99
Hutterites, 123
I & J Manufacturing, 81
identity, Amish, 8–9, 39, 56; and American identity, 27–29; and Amish newspapers, 44–45; and Amish schools, 1–2, 79; in the nineteenth-century, 22–23; and public image, 114–15; and Rumspringa, 56, 61. See also culture, Amish
immigration, North American, 19–21
immunization, 103
Indiana, 6. See also particular locations
individualism, 28, 56, 117; and American religion, 22, 48
industrialization, 22, 27–28
In Meiner Jugend, 119
innovation. See invention
Instagram, 61
insurance, 8, 24, 41–42, 88. See also mutual aid
Internet, 28, 44, 61, 88, 91
invention, 33, 80–81, 93
Iowa, 22. See also particular locations
Ixheim, Germany, 21
Jamesport, Missouri, 25
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 105
Judging Amy (CBS TV), 54
Kalona, Iowa, 21, 63, 82, 98
Kentucky, 6, 96
LaGrange County, Indiana, 21, 84
Lancaster Amish affiliation, 38
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 11, 20–22, 37, 63, 82, 97–98, 100, 110
language, 8, 68–69, 77–78. See also particular languages and dialects
Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, 83
lawsuits, 102
leadership, 35, 47–48; selection of, 48. See also bishops; deacons; ministers