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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Time passed, and it seemed forever before the boys left his home.

  Eliza was sitting behind her desk when he came back, and when he moved behind her, he saw she was already writing away. A document was open with the heading, “Chapter One”.

  “Wow, that was fast.”

  “Sorry. I just wanted to see if I could still do it. Ideas are always going around my head. Wow, this is real?”

  “It is.” He moved some of her hair off her neck, and began to kiss her pulse. She released a little moan and leaned back.

  “That feels so good.”

  “I want to read what you write.”


  She stood suddenly, and moved into his arms. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her close as he pressed her up against the wall. “I want you on my bed, legs spread, and playing with your sweet pussy,” he said.

  Brass released her and watched as she made her way out of his room. The shirt he’d given her dropped to the floor. He waited for a minute before following her. Picking up his shirt, and then the boxer briefs, he entered his bedroom. She was lying in the center, legs spread, and her fingers sliding between her slit, teasing her clit. His cock thickened, and it was a challenge to stay at the door, watching.

  “Are you mine?” he asked.


  “Then fuck two fingers inside that wet cunt.” The curtains were open with the sunlight pouring through the window giving him the perfect view of her cunt. Her pussy was covered in a small smattering of curls.

  Watching her fingers fuck inside her to the knuckle, made him wish it was his cock. She was always so tight, so hot, and so fucking perfect. He had fucked so many women over the years, and none of them had made them crave their bodies the way she did.

  “Show me how wet you are.”

  She lifted her fingers for him to see.

  “Finger your clit,” he said, removing his jeans, and fisting his cock. The tip wept pre-cum, and he smeared it into the whole head, watching as she stroked her clit. Moving toward the edge of the bed, he knelt down, and flicked his tongue across her fingers, bumping her clit as he did.

  “Don’t stop.” Releasing his cock, he spread the lips of her pussy wide, and watched as she filled her pussy. Taking her fingers, he sucked each digit into his mouth, moaning at her taste.

  He slid two of his fingers inside her, and then worked a third finger. Her pussy stretched around his fingers, and he began to pump them inside her. He was so damn hard, and he wanted to fuck her until neither of them could think straight.

  Eliza knelt up, wrapping one arm around his neck, and with the other she slid down his body, wrapping her fingers around his length.

  “I love how hard you get.”

  Glancing down, he continued to finger-fuck her pussy, at the same time she worked his cock. She palmed the tip, and used the pre-cum to coat the whole of his shaft. It felt fucking good to have her hands on him.

  She got as dirty as he did, and talked just as much.

  “You like that?” she asked.

  “You know I do.”

  She let his dick go, and moved his hand out of the way. He watched as she slid her fingers inside her, and then moved them to cover his cock, coating him with her own cum. It was erotic as fuck.

  “When I’m with you, I feel I can do anything and there won’t be any judgment,” she said, licking her lips.

  There would never be any kind of judgment from him. Brass wanted her to stay, and he was part of an MC that defied convention. They didn’t stick to the set of rules they were told to. They had their own rules, and that was exactly what Brass lived by. Their code, not what he’d been told to live.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her close, and smashed his lips against hers. He wanted to taste her, to make her forget every single man she had been with so she was only consumed with thoughts about him. Fuck, he wanted her so badly that it was all he could think about.

  Never had a woman gotten under his skin this badly before.

  Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and held it up to his lips, and he started to lick her fingers, tasting her. “You taste so fucking good.”

  In one swift move he had her on the bed with her legs spread. Grabbing his cock, he circled the entrance of her cunt, and then slammed every single inch of himself to the hilt inside her, listening to her scream. Taking hold of her hands, he locked them either side of her head, holding her close. Staring into her eyes, Brass started to fuck her. He worked her body until she had no choice but to give him everything. He pulled out of her, and sank down the bed until his face was between her thighs. Licking her clit, he tasted her creamy pussy, sucking the hard nub of her clit into his mouth. He flicked his tongue over her and plunged his fingers deep inside, feeling her pussy tighten around him.

  She was so close that with a few strokes of his tongue, she came on his fingers. Brass didn’t waste any time. Moving up the bed, he found her pussy once again, and slid deep inside her, going to the hilt. Her pussy was still pulsing around his dick, and he fucking loved it. He loved the feel of her surrounding him. Taking her lips, he slid his tongue into her mouth, claiming her.

  The need to take her as his own was so fucking strong inside him.

  “Brass,” she said, moaning his name.

  That was what he wanted to hear. His name cried out from her lips, sheer fucking perfection.

  He went from fucking her to making love, taking his sweet time with her body. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. From the moment she entered the mechanic shop to now. She took his breath away, and made him ache for more.

  There was no way he was going to let her go. She belonged to him, and as he followed her into ecstasy, Brass knew he was well and truly fucked.


  “I think it’s sweet that he got you a computer and stuff. Are you going to do it? You know, write?” Mary asked.

  “Yeah, I want to. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and I’ve always found a reason not to do it, so yeah, I think so. I don’t want Brass to think that he’s bought my stuff for nothing.” Eliza stood in the kitchen of the Trojans MC clubhouse, and it was kind of surreal. She had seen completely naked women, semi-clad women, and then she’d seen what Mary had told her were the old ladies, who were treated like royalty. It was all a little strange. Like a separate community from what she was used to.

  Her family would spit and curse one moment, and then a few seconds later hug the same person they’d been hating on. She had found it next to impossible to behave like that. Her father got so angry with her because she didn’t play by the rules. The more she thought about it, the more she imagined Darcy was a punishment for not being a very good daughter.

  “My dogs behave better than you.”

  “Your father has that much reach?”

  “When he’s got wealth behind him, he can do anything, even if he’s not supposed to be able to. It sucks. I’ve spent my whole life knowing that he’s always going to be one step ahead.”

  “Brass can take care of it, and he can take care of you.”

  She nodded. Brass rocked her entire world. There were moments, like now, when she felt uncomfortable with how easy it was for Mary to tell her that.

  “Hey, guys, sorry I’m late. It has just been really busy,” Holly said, entering the room.

  “It’s fine. This is Eliza.”

  “I know. We met before at Knuckles and Beth’s wedding. It’s great to see you again. I take it things with Brass are going amazingly well?”

  “I think so.” This was the first time she had been around two women who were asking her these kinds of questions. This was a whole new world for her.

  “In that case he’s doing a good job. I have to say I’m a little intrigued about you, Eliza. I don’t know much other than the fact your father is a total bastard.”

  Her hands started to get sweaty. “There’s not much to tell to be honest,” she said. “I’m just a girl. You know?”
/>   “There’s more to you than just being a girl, sweetie.”

  She blew out a breath, and decided to not give a fuck. “Here goes. I’m the daughter of a rich businessman, and he is not known for being a very nice man. In fact, he wants me to marry a man who loves someone else, and every time I tried to set my own path, I was stopped. I’m scared that my father is going to do something to hurt you guys, and I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of scared.”

  Silence fell.

  “Wow, you’re a fucking morbid one,” Zoe said.

  “I thought that was me,” a girl said, coming up behind Zoe.

  “Nah, it’s not possible. Hi, I’m Eliza,” she said, extending her hand.

  “Winter. Actually, the real name is Maya, but I’m Winter while I’m here.”

  Zoe covered her eyes and groaned. “Seriously, can’t you just pretend that you want protection or something?”

  “Sorry. I guess I just don’t really care. Is that a bad thing?”

  “Yes!” All of the women shouted the word at the young girl.

  Winter, or Maya? Eliza didn’t have a clue what she was going to think of her as. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, nice to meet you, too.” Maya looked close to tears, and Zoe wrapped an arm around her.

  “Look, we care okay. It may not be something you’re used to, but to us, we care, and it means a hell of a lot to us, okay?”

  “Yeah, I get it. I do.”

  Holly sighed, wiping her hands on a towel. “You’re going to cry?”

  “No. I’m not going to cry. I haven’t cried since I watched my father murder my mother, and I was eight years old. Believe me, tears do not come easily to me.”

  In fact, Eliza watched as the pain on her face seemed to fade away as if it wasn’t there at all.

  She had never seen anyone cut off their emotions like that, and become almost cold.

  Maya sat down at the table, and Eliza watched as Mary nudged Holly’s arm.

  “Go talk to her.” Mary whispered. Eliza stood close, which was why she could hear.

  “What do I say?” Holly asked.

  “She’s your sister.”


  “You are not the bitch you’re acting like here, Holly.”

  “You know I can hear you,” Maya said, looking up. “You don’t have to pretend to like me. I know my presence has caused a real shit-storm for you.”

  This time Eliza turned to Holly, and watched as she ran fingers through her hair. Mary simply gave her a pointed look.

  “It’s nothing, okay? I’m sorry. I just, I don’t know what to do or to think, and right now, everything is crazy. It’s all fucking crazy. For the longest time Russ has been my dad, and I didn’t think that I could have another life.”

  “Abelli is no father. Russ, he sounds like a pretty decent guy,” Maya said.

  “Then you don’t really know him either. He can be an asshole. I find it harder to talk to him now than ever before. He lied to me, and I know he’s hurt my mom as well. Not a physical hurt either. He cheated on her, and it lost her baby. I guess there are elements of the past we will never know.”

  Maya nodded and licked her lips. “I know about you. Abelli was always talking about you, and your mother. There were times he’d compare us.”

  “He had nothing to compare to, Maya. Don’t let it get to you. He’s an asshole, and I have met him.”

  Eliza saw Maya tense up. “I guess that was an interesting conversation.”

  “It was. Pretty intense.”

  Mary took Eliza’s hand, and they headed into another room filled completely with food.

  “Wow, this place is like your own supermarket.”

  “Yeah, the guys don’t like cooking, so we told them that we would feed the entire house, providing they got the food for us. I imagine the food bill is out of this world. We’re doing a big cook off today. Want to help?”

  “I’d love to.”

  She watched as Mary picked up a wicker basket, placed it on her arm, and started picking random items off the shelf. Eliza did the same, seeing the variety of different beans, and pastas. There was rice and even quinoa. “They eat this?” she asked, holding up the bag.

  Mary laughed. “Nah, they don’t, but we still cook it in the hope that they will change their minds. Men are so stubborn. They do not eat quinoa.”

  “That was kind of intense back there,” Eliza said.

  “I can’t really talk to you about the whole details of it. You’re not an old lady, or one of the women they screw.”


  “No, I don’t mean with Brass. Ugh, they call them club whores, sweet-butts, the girls they screw with no meaning to it. They have one purpose in life, to make the boys happy. I don’t mind most of them, and I know Pike is faithful. The thing with Maya and Holly and the club, is it has some really personal problems attached to it. I’m just an old lady, and you haven’t been brought in by Brass.”

  “No, no, no, of course. I didn’t mean to pry. You and Holly are close, and you said they were sisters.”

  “They’re half-sisters. Same dad but different moms. Anyway, I really can’t discuss what is going on.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “It’s all on Brass and what he decides.”

  She picked a variety of cans and packets of food, heading into the kitchen.

  “Can I try to cook something?” Eliza asked. Right now she wanted to do something with her hands, and distract her from how upset she was.

  “Sure,” Holly and Mary said.

  She took her ingredients and made her way to the fridge, picking up random items. Eliza didn’t have a clue what she was going to make or even if it was going to be edible. She found several cut up chickens, briskets, and other meats. So many fresh vegetables and herbs. It was crazy, but then, food bloggers for old ladies must be a bonus for these men. She grabbed one of the cut up chickens, and several vegetables, and went back to her work station. She didn’t like how much Mary’s words had hurt.

  Chapter Four

  Duke stared across the clubroom, and with the kitchen door partially opened, he watched his woman work her magic. The scents coming from the kitchen made his mouth water. No matter how much he tried to distract himself, this wasn’t going to help in his decision about Abelli.

  “You okay?” Pike asked, coming to stand beside him.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m watching our women.” He smiled. “I remember sitting outside those damn doors, watching the two of them, wanting her for my own, and not knowing if I was ever going to keep her.” He had come a long way from being jealous of Raoul. The love he had for Holly was fucking pure. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  “I know. I nearly lost Mary, and now I’ve got a kid. We’ve, erm, we’ve got another on the way, Duke. She doesn’t want to tell anyone. Thinks it’s bad luck.”

  “Congratulations.” He shook his hand. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Yeah, you do. You just don’t want to upset Holly. It’s either Sheila or Russ, or we declare war with the entire Abelli family.”

  Duke looked at the floor. “I’m in contact with the head of the Abelli family.”

  “Wow,” Pike said.

  “Yeah. It seems Holly’s father was out of favor, which is why no backlash has come from Russ’s attack twenty years ago. As far as Daddy Abelli sees it, his son had it coming. Anton has a reputation for doing what he wants, and it’s not to better the Abelli name. Francis doesn’t like that. Every decision has to be made for the wealth and respect of Abelli. Twenty years ago, Anton was causing a lot of problems, severing ties left, right, and center. What Russ did, Francis considered it a job well done. It makes me wonder what kind of shit Anton was doing for a father to not care. If anyone did that kind of shit to Matthew, I wouldn’t stop until their head was mounted on my wall.”

  “What are you hoping to do?” Pike asked.

  “Deal with Francis Abelli. He’s H
olly’s grandfather. I don’t want to alarm her about this. I’m trying to do it under Anton’s radar.” Anton Abelli was Holly’s father, and the one that had given him the ultimatum. “Make a deal with him, save Russ and Sheila’s life, and while I’m at it, make a few deals that benefit the Trojans, and we all get to live another day to enjoy life and to fuck.”

  “You think you can do that?”

  “Trojans are not to be messed with, and we’re certainly not someone’s messenger. I want to deal with this without much death. Anton doesn’t give a shit about the Abelli name. He’s after vengeance, and I think he’s trying to make a statement to his father. I don’t know. Either way, no one is going to die as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Is that why you’ve got Matthew home?” Pike asked.

  “I’ve got no choice. I don’t know how far his reach is. Once I do, I’ll deal with it.” This situation had to be handled properly, without much death, and if he could do that, he would.

  “Hey, Dad, can I talk to you?” Matthew asked.

  “Sure, follow me.” Duke went into his office, and closed the door. “What’s up?”

  “Luna lost her scholarship.”

  “Oh, crap, I’m so sorry, son.” He wasn’t going to pretend that he didn’t have a clue who Luna was. That girl nearly made him a granddaddy.

  “Can we give it to her?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I want to give Luna the money to go to college. Can’t you get Diaz, or that lawyer Briars to do it?”

  “And what exactly do you want me to do?”

  “Pay for it. I know all she wants to do is go to college, and I want this for her, Dad. Please.”

  He stared at his son. Matthew had never been passionate about anything other than being a pain in the ass. There was something in his son’s eyes, something he recognized. “You love her.”

  “Yeah, I do.” Matthew didn’t hesitate. “I want her to have everything her heart desires. Is that a bad thing?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “I’ll do anything. Scrub floors, clean out toilets, damn, I’ll even mop up after the fucking orgies. I just want Luna to have what she needs.”


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