Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “No. I can wait, and speaking of waiting, I want to take you out away from here.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We are going to the beach. Do you think you can handle the back of a bike for a couple of hours?”

  She gave a little squeal. “A beach?”

  “Yeah. I think it’s time we got out of Vale Valley for a few days.”

  He saw the excitement in her eyes slowly start to fade until it was gone completely.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I just, what if he can cause us some trouble? My dad?”

  “It’s not going to happen. We’ll be back by tomorrow evening. I’ve already booked a reservation at a motel. It’s nothing classy, but it’ll just be me and you.” He saw she was still panicking. “How about I tell the brothers and that way they’ll be a phone call away if it scares you that much.”

  “Being alone with you doesn’t scare me, Brass.”

  “You father, I know. Have you ever thought that he’s not just a businessman?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “His pull on everyone around him. He took down an entire publishing company. Doesn’t that strike you as a bit too much power for a random businessman?”

  She sighed. “I would, but if I tell you that he’s one of the few billionaires around, and he’s old money as well. He’s … strict.”

  Brass was going to look into him anyway. Something didn’t feel right. It could be that he was just rich, which was how he was able to have so much sway with everyone. Diaz couldn’t come through fast enough for him.

  Pressing his lips against her, he cupped her waist, plunging his tongue into her mouth. She melted against him, and he loved her soft curves. He gave her a final kiss, and climbed out of the bed, pulling her up with him. “Come on. The sooner we get on the road, the better.”

  She giggled, following him into the bathroom.

  After using the toilet, he washed his hands, brushed his teeth, and headed out to give her privacy. Pulling up a pair of boxers followed by jeans, he padded into the kitchen, picking up his cell phone.

  There was a missed call from Raoul, and he dialed him back.

  “What’s up?”

  “So I just got off the phone with Diaz. It turns out your guy is the shit. He’s richer than most people combined.”

  “His business is all legit?”

  “Every single cent. He’s got businesses all over the globe, and then some. Seriously, this guy has it all everywhere. Also, he’s a major control freak, and he’s not so squeaky clean on the home front. Diaz found he had mistresses in each city. He has a clean family man image, yet he’s got several bastards all around the country.”

  “Do you think Eliza knows?”

  “Nope. Not a chance. Bishop has a reputation for control. He demands it, and right now he’s focused on joining forces with the guy that Eliza’s supposed to marry. Two names brought together as one.”

  Brass thought about that for a second. “Check him out, please. I want to know if he’s got any bad shit around him.”

  “Will do. This will all cost money, and this is not club business, Brass.”

  “I already know this is personal shit, and I’m paying. You pay Diaz, and I’ll pay you back.” He hung up his cell phone just as Eliza walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a pair of jeans, and a really long baggy shirt. He had come to see that she rarely wore anything that hugged those curves of hers, and she wasn’t all that confident in displaying them either, which was such a shame because her curves were fucking glorious. He loved holding onto them, and driving deep inside her pussy.

  Down, boy. No action today.

  He was going to prove to her that they could spend time together without sex. Brass wasn’t just interested in banging her. He wanted it all, and if it made him sound like a pussy then so be it.

  “Am I okay?” she asked, holding her arms out and giving him a chance to look.

  Yeah, she was more than fine because they were going out in public, and it was just warming up a little. Spring would be with them soon, but it was still cold out. He wouldn’t have to worry about men ogling her body because she never put it on display.

  That’s a good thing.

  Brass wasn’t handling all the jealousy that well, not anymore.

  “You look perfect. Let’s get some breakfast, and head out.”


  They settled on some toast and coffee, and were on the road within twenty minutes. Brass loved being on his bike. It fucking rocked his world, and was way more freeing than a car. In a car, he wouldn’t have Eliza’s arms wrapped around him with her body flush against his chest. No, he’d have her beside him, and that just wouldn’t do.

  Making several stops along the way to freshen up helped, and he noticed that her legs got a bit stiff by the third stop.

  “You okay, babe?” he asked.

  “This is my first time riding a bike at all.” She ran fingers through her hair trying to avoid having it shaped like the helmet he forced her to wear.

  “You like it?”

  “Hell yeah, it’s so amazing. Even when you’re doing the bends. I’ve never felt so alive.” She released a little chuckle and headed into the toilets. He filled his bike up, and paid for it. By the time he got back, she already had the helmet back on and was waiting.

  The next time he stopped, they were at the beach. Considering it was spring with a bite in the air it was still busy. Climbing off, he took the helmet from her, securing it to his bike. Once everything was set up, he grabbed her hand, and headed toward the beach.

  “This is so perfect,” she said, snuggling against him. It was just after eleven, and it was starting to warm up a bit. They walked along the edge of the ocean, and Brass wrapped his arm across her back, cupping her hip.

  “Thank you for coming with me today.”

  “It’s no hardship believe me. I love coming to the beach, but I don’t get the chance to be here all that often.”

  “You dad is a big time businessman, right?”

  “Yeah. I’m surprised he hasn’t used every opportunity to get you working for him,” Brass said.

  “He’s old fashioned. He believes a woman’s place is in the home and nowhere else. I don’t think he employs that many women, and tries to avoid it if he can. Last time I was in his office, I saw three women total, and they were all dealing with coffee.”

  “Your dad sounds like a real shit.” He had a lot more words to describe him, but as it was, he was going to keep them to himself.

  “Can we not talk about him? He scares me enough as it is.”

  Brass tensed. “He ever hurt you?”

  “Not in the physical way. Just with how much reach he has. It scares me of what he can do to you guys, and I like the Trojans MC. I know I’m nothing special. I’m not an old lady or a club whore, or even a patched in member, but I still care about what happens to you.”

  He glanced down at her, and she was staring straight ahead. There was something in her voice. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was, but it did sound a little like pain. Did it hurt her?

  Silence fell between them, and he didn’t know what to fucking say. He wanted her as his old lady, but so far she hadn’t shown any signs of commitment.


  His silence sucked big time. Eliza couldn’t even look at him as she felt tears fill her eyes, and that was no good. He didn’t need to know how much his silence affected her. She wasn’t good enough for her father, and now she wasn’t good enough for Brass. She wasn’t good enough for Darcy. She needed a dick to be good enough for him.

  What did Brass want? She was afraid to ask because what if he didn’t want anything, and he just wanted to have some fun?

  “Eliza, have you even considered being my old lady?” He stopped, and she turned to face him.

  “Yes, I have. I know we’re moving fast, and that it seems almost too crazy to think about the future right now, but I know I love being a
round you, Brass. Even though you did tell me a little white lie.” They had gone to her hotel as he had said to her in the beginning that he didn’t have an apartment. Of course that was a total lie. He did have an apartment, and she now lived there. Before she’d moved in, he divided his time between the apartment and the clubhouse. Now he spent all of his time at the apartment, and he never invited her to the clubhouse.

  She did feel like he was holding back part of his life, but there was nothing she could do about that.

  “Being part of the club means that if your dad comes to town you can’t leave, Eliza. An old lady, it comes with a great deal of responsibility.”

  Should his words be scaring her? No, she wanted to be part of the Trojans. She had seen them around town, including the way they were with their women. She was so damn envious of the women that were taken. They were loved and protected, taken care of. Everything she wanted in life they had, and she wanted to be part of it but also knew that it was next to impossible to have for herself.

  “Forget it. It’s fine. We’re just having fun right?” she asked even though her heart was breaking. She wasn’t going to force Brass to do something he really didn’t want to do. This was the story of her life, and she wasn’t about to overstay her welcome.

  When she made to pull away, he held onto her hand. “No, it’s not just fun. You know that, and so do I. We both know what we want, and I’m not going to back down anymore. I want you, Eliza, and I want you as my old lady. All you’ve got to do is commit to me, totally to me, and forget about the life with your father. It’s over with him, and that asshole Darcy. You’ll belong to me. Everyone here will know that you belong to me. No holding back.”

  She stared into his eyes. There was no doubt in her life. “Yes. It’s what I want.”

  He cupped her cheek and tilted her head back, running his thumb across her bottom lip. “There are a few things I need to tell you before you completely commit.” Just like that her stomach started to growl. It was time for some food. “Let’s get something to eat.”

  “That sounds so much better. Yes, please, food.” She was a little nervous about what he was about to say, but nothing could be as bad as marrying a guy who doesn’t even want to have sex with you.

  They found a very old style diner, and Brass made sure they were in a secluded booth. When she picked up the menu, her mouth watered at the food on offer. She was so going to have a burger, and right now she needed one.

  Once they had ordered their food, she focused all of her attention on Brass. “What’s the big secret?” she asked.

  “Most of the guys tend to keep their woman in the dark until the very end. I’m going to give you a chance to change your mind. So, the club has a rule when they deal with old ladies.”

  “What is it?”

  He ran fingers through his hair, and she was starting to get even more nervous. Did they demand blood, a sacrifice? There was no way she was doing anything crazy.

  “Don’t judge. We have two ways of dealing with club women. When we take a club whore and she becomes the property of the club, a minimum of five guys screw her as the club watches. She’s club property, and no one else can touch her.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “That’s not an old lady, right?”

  “Right. For an old lady, I would have to have sex with you while several of the club brothers watch.”

  Okay, she didn’t hear right.


  “They become the property of the brother who claimed them, and all the brothers know she’s not to be touched, but she is to be taken care of.”

  Eliza couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She heard that MCs were all different, and all crazy, and this was so farfetched it was totally unbelievable. “You can’t be serious. There is no way a woman would ever agree to that.”

  He sighed. “Every single old lady has done it, Eliza. It allows us to know that they are dedicated to their man, and to the club. Any woman who can do that, well, let’s just say to us they have a lot of respect.”

  They were interrupted by the waitress bringing them their food.

  “But I’m not really good,” she said, pointing at her body.

  Brass frowned at her. “I don’t get it.”

  “I have a fat ass, Brass. No offence, but I’m not going to be laughed at or made a joke out of.”

  She wanted to burst into tears. Her hope of ever having a relationship with Brass was dying with each passing second. There was no way she could handle the thought of the men laughing at her.

  “Babe, that would never happen.” He reached out, grabbing her hand. “You are beautiful, Eliza. The guys, they wouldn’t make you feel nervous, or anything. Have you seen Holly, Mary, Zoe, Leanna?”

  She hadn’t noticed.

  “Every single brother would kick their ass if they hurt their woman, and that is the same with you. I would hurt anyone that hurt you.”

  “I’m going to lay my cards on the table here, Eliza. I’m all in. Are you?”

  Holy shit!

  Eliza stared at him. Even as their food was getting cold Brass didn’t look away once. This was it, all or nothing. She didn’t want to go anywhere but forward, and even though it terrified her, she knew her life was with Brass.

  Life didn’t have to be planned or easy. She would rather spend the rest of her life with Brass than with Darcy.

  If she was truthful, she was starting to fall for Brass. He never held anything back, and he was always giving. He was considerate, and everything she wanted in a man.

  Taking hold of his hands, she nodded. “I’m all in.”

  There was no way she was holding back anymore.

  Chapter Six

  “Your favorite color is brown, seriously?” Brass asked.

  “Yeah. There’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t know, it’s dark, and goes everywhere, don’t you think?”

  “Are we talking furniture here?” He grabbed a donut out of the warm bag and handed her one.

  “No, well yes, well, maybe. I don’t know. Brown furniture goes everywhere. Think about it, a lime green room, brown would work, but something yellow might not, and we’re talking a really horrible yellow as well. Nothing good or nice.”

  He started to laugh and grabbed his own donut. “You’re a screwball. Girls are supposed to like pinks and red and shit like that.”

  “Call me unconventional. What about you? What is your favorite color?” she asked.

  His cock thickened as he watched her licking off the sugar on her fingers. They had been at the beach for the past three hours, and he didn’t want it to end. Not one bit. The club already knew he wasn’t heading back, as he’d told them before he left that he was staying out. He wanted some drama free time away with Eliza.

  There had been no word from Duke, and as far as Brass was concerned, he was going to take the break while he could. He had a feeling shit with Abelli was going to go south very fucking quickly.

  “You know that red underwear you wore the other day?”

  “The one that is completely covered in lace?” she asked.

  “That’s the one. Yeah, that is my favorite color right now, and believe me, I’m not going to change it. In fact, we’re going to buy you as many different reds as I can afford.” And he could afford a lot.

  She chuckled. “What’s the point? You tore those off me, and I had to throw them in the trash. Everything you buy will just have to go there as well.”

  “It would still be money well spent.”

  He handed her another donut, and she sighed. “How am I going to diet around you?”

  “You’re not. It’s simple, I love your ass with a jiggle to it, and I expect you to keep it that way.” He reached behind her and gave her ass a squeeze. “God, I love it.” He did, and one day he was going to fuck her ass as well. He was going to have her begging for more, and relish every single sound she made as he claimed that one final part of her.

  “Don’t you think we should be heading back? It’s ge
tting cold.” She rubbed her hands together, trying to make them warm.

  He covered them with his own, and blew on them. “Yeah, let’s get to that hotel.” He had booked the hotel in advance, but he hadn’t told the club until a few hours ago that he was staying overnight. He didn’t want to worry them.

  Heading back to the bike, he tossed the last of the donuts away before handing Eliza the helmet. He found her so cute wearing it. Even though he was an expert rider, he wasn’t going to risk it. She was going to be protected in all things.

  “Do I have to wear this?”


  “Why don’t you have to?”

  “Because I’m awesome.”

  “You’re saying that I’m not?” she asked.

  “No. I’m saying that you don’t know how to ride, and until you do, you’re wearing the helmet.”

  “Okay, fine, but it still sucks. Oh, I could ask Landon to give me lessons.”

  He paused, and turned to glare at her. “Landon?”

  “Yeah, I heard he was giving Zoe lessons, or was Raoul giving her lessons and Landon just watching?” She frowned and then shrugged. “I’d be good at riding a bike.”

  “The only bike you’ll be riding is mine, and you’re not taking lessons. You wear the helmet, and that is the end of that.” He patted her head, and she shoved his hand out of the way. Climbing on the bike, he patted the seat behind him. “Get on, sweetie pie.”

  “I’m going to learn to ride.”

  He loved it when she had fire inside her. “We’ll see.”

  Her thighs squeezed his legs, and he chuckled. There was no way her father could ever burn out that fire inside her. Eliza may not think it but she was filled with passion, fire, and he was going to relish drawing more of it out of her. He was never going to let her withdraw from him. Whatever her father or Darcy had to throw at him, he’d take it, and throw shit right back.

  Pulling away from the beach, he parked outside of the hotel, and waited for her to climb off. Taking the helmet from her once again, he headed into the main reception holding her hand.

  “What if they have no rooms?” she asked.

  “I booked ahead, babe.”


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