Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7) Page 7

by Sam Crescent


  He released her hand long enough to pull out his wallet to pay for the room. Taking the key, he left the main reception and went toward their room. They were on the third floor right at the end. He liked the privacy.

  Entering the hotel room, he closed the door behind her, and immediately pressed her against the door. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her captive against his body. Plunging his tongue inside her mouth, he ravished her lips, doing to her mouth what he wanted to do to her cunt.

  Running his hands all over her, he groaned, knowing nothing was ever going to be enough, not to him.

  “I love your hands on me,” she said, pulling away from the kiss.

  Suddenly, she caught his hands, and made him stop. He frowned, and watched as she sank to her knees before him. “What are you doing, babe?” he asked.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “You don’t need to do that for me.”

  “I want to do it.” She sat back on her feet. “Don’t you want me to do it?” she asked.

  “More than anything.”

  Eliza began to unbuckle his belt. “Then let me do this for you. It doesn’t have to be a give and take. Sometimes it can be give, give, give, and other times it can be take, take, take.”

  She pulled his pants down until his cock sprang free. He groaned as her hand wrapped around his length running from the base up to the tip then back down. Closing his eyes, he tried to focus on not coming too soon.

  He wasn’t some horny teenager who didn’t know how to deal with his shit. This was going to last. She licked the tip of his cock, tasting his pre-cum, and swallowing it down. She let out a little moan that only served to arouse him.

  Forcing his eyes open, he watched as she worked the entire length of him with her hand, and licked the tip, swallowing down his pre-cum.

  “Do you want me to stop?” she asked.

  “No, not a fucking chance.” Stroking her hair, he twirled the strands through his fingers, groaning as she took the entire tip of him into her mouth. She didn’t stop there, taking more of him to the back of her throat, and pulling back out.

  She bobbed her head, and he held her head in place, knowing when he could, he was going to lick her pussy out, and have her screaming his name. He wasn’t going to stop until she was begging, and then he was going to fuck her until she couldn’t walk straight for days.

  Just thinking about driving his cock deep into her cunt sent him over the edge.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, I’m going to come,” he said.

  She didn’t pull away, and he came, filling her mouth up with his seed. He watched her as she swallowed every single drop, and licked her lips, cleaning away any that had seeped out of the sides. It was so fucking sexy watching her do that.

  He ran his thumb across her lips, and stared into her eyes. “I can’t give you anything.”

  “You don’t have to.” She pressed a kiss to his hip. “There are going to be times that I want to give you something. Don’t always think I’m after something because I’m not.” She stood up, and kissed his cheek.


  Later that night, Eliza was lying on the bed in only a pair of underwear while Brass read out one of her old stories. She had sent one of them in an email, and he was just now reading it.

  “So, this guy, he’s a complete asshole?” Brass asked.

  “Yes, he is. What do you think?” she asked.

  “I’m wondering how the fuck he can be deemed a hero. He’s a bully. When did you write this?”

  Her cheeks were staring to heat up. “A few years ago, actually. I kept it secret. I never submitted that one. It was for my personal pleasure, you know. Getting out all that was locked inside.”

  Brass stared at his phone, and sighed. “Did you try to leave your father?”

  “Yes. Lots of times. This was the first time I was ever successful.” She pushed some hair out of her face. “Let’s not talk about that.”

  “You’re still worried though.”

  “Of course I’m worried. When you live with a man who always gets what he wants no matter what, it makes you feel a little afraid.”

  She watched as Brass licked his lips. “I had a friend look into your father.”

  “Oh, to see if there was anything you could hold against him?” she asked, and he nodded. “Well that’s easy. No of course not. He’s squeaky clean. I doubt there is an ounce of dirt on him or his image.”

  “You see, that’s where you’re wrong,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” She locked her fingers together, and stared right up at him.

  “Your father doesn’t lack female company, and it’s not always your mother either. I’ve got a guy who was able to find his mistresses all over every state. Not to mention all of the kids he’s helped create as well. You’ve got some half brothers and sisters walking around.”

  She tensed up, and her mother dropped open. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. I was thinking about getting the guy to make a file on the women, the past women, and the kids that he has walking around. Would that help?”

  Eliza frowned. Would it? Her father always talked about being a respectable human being, with high morals.

  “Yeah, I think that could help. Anything that could risk his image, would be useful.” She reached out, touching him arm. “You’re being serious about this, aren’t you? You’re all in?”

  “Yeah, I am, and not because you suck my dick either. I’m all in because the moment you walked into my life at the mechanic shop, I couldn’t fucking think.”

  She laughed remembering his short answers and intense stare. It was the first time she had ever been looked at. Really looked at, and not just overlooked either. He’d made her feel visible when all of her life she had been invisible. She was to be not seen and not heard. Her father wanted her to shut up and do as she was told.

  “I thought you were disgusted with me or something. I had no idea until you approached me that it had anything to do with this, between us.” She pointed between them, and smiled.

  He reached out tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You blew me away.” He glanced down at the bed before returning his gaze to her. “I’m not good with the whole romantic words and shit. To be honest I don’t even know if they work or anything. Actions speak for me, but I’m really pleased your bag of shit car broke down.”

  Eliza couldn’t wipe the smile off her face, or stop the butterflies in her stomach. “You didn’t need to add the bag of shit car.”

  Brass shrugged. “It was, and I’m grateful for it. I want you to keep it so that it’s a memory.”

  A memory for what? Their kids? Was he thinking that far ahead?

  Instead of voicing her thoughts, she merely smiled, and in her heart, she hoped, she begged, that maybe, just maybe, they were on the same path.


  “I’ll do it,” Maya said.

  Landon paused, and stared down at the young girl. She was sixteen years old, and had been through more hell than he could ever imagine. “What?”

  “I told you. I’ll do it. I’ll agree to it providing I can stay here. If you don’t want me here I can get my own place. That’s all I want, to pave a life for myself far away from that world. I don’t want any part of it. Guarantee me that, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  He couldn’t believe it, but then knowing what he did, and seeing the way she was, he could totally understand it. “I can protect you, Maya.”

  “I know. You all can protect me and I know what I promised to do, but if Granddad can keep him away, then that is what I want. He’s the only one that can talk sense into him, and he wouldn’t know what happened to me. In fact, he would get really, really mad at him.” Maya pushed her hair off her face, and blew out a breath. “I know you’re disappointed in me.”

  “I’m not disappointed.” He moved to sit beside her on the sofa. Landon placed his arm across her shoulders, and pulled her in for a hug. There was nothing sexual in
his feelings, or his actions toward Maya. He wasn’t joking around when he said he saw her as a sister, and nothing more. All he wanted was to protect Maya, and allow her to have one hell of a good life. Not to be worried about the men who attacked her before. That shit was over with.

  “You are.”

  “No. I don’t like the thought of those men being left alive,” Landon said. He didn’t like it, and he had gone through her file, and every single bit of information that Clinton had without giving the game away that he was in fact hunting.

  Everyone saw him as the fun-loving college boy. He was not a college boy any longer, nor was he pretending anymore. Maya was the sister he never had, and he wanted to protect her, which meant going hunting.

  “Landon, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me. Give me the names of the men who did this, and I will do everything I can to make sure you have a life away from the Abelli name. That’s all I ask.”

  They stared at each other, and Landon refused to close his eyes. He was determined to win this. She sighed. “Fine. All of the close bodyguards to my father. That is who you’re dealing with. They are deadly, trained to keep someone alive in the utmost pain so that they can torture them some more.”

  If she thought she was scaring him, she was wrong. He loved a good fight, a challenge.

  He pressed a kiss to her head, and sat back.

  “I heard some of the club say they’re worried that you have feelings for me,” Maya said.

  Landon glanced over at her to see her biting her lip, the telltale sign that she was worried. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Do you have feelings for me?” she asked.

  “Do you want me to have feelings for you?” he asked. He wasn’t about to hurt her feelings.

  “No, I don’t. I care about you, Landon. You’re sweet, and you’re like a brother I never had.”

  He smiled. “Good, because that is exactly how I feel, only you’re the sister part, not the brother part.” He gave her a wink, and they sat together, staring at the blank screen of the television.

  “Is it wrong I don’t want him to pay, and I just want to be left alone?” she asked.

  “It’s not wrong. I get why you don’t want to go after him. Believe me, I do.” All she wanted was a life away from the Abelli clan. Was it really too much to ask?

  Chapter Seven

  Their trip was over, and now they were back in Vale Valley. Brass watched as Eliza walked around the house, putting a few of her feminine touches … finally. He had expected her to put some of her own mark on his place from the moment he got her out of the hotel room, but she hadn’t. His space had remained permanently his. Did it make him a pussy that he wanted to have his woman mark his place? Should he ask his club brothers?

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Eliza said, moving toward him, and hugging him close.

  “You finally settling down with me, and then wondering if I’m a pussy.”

  She burst out laughing. “It’s a little strange, but it makes you that perfect guy.” She pressed her lips against his, and he sank his fingers into her hair. He felt the instant she melted against his body, and he fucking loved it.


  “Because you want me to be part of your space. You’re not going crazy because I’m putting my stuff in places that you hate.” She stroked his cheek. “I like you, Brass.”

  It wasn’t words of love, but he could live with that.

  Brass paused. Whoa! When did he start thinking about fucking love? Shit! Staring into Eliza’s eyes, he felt something deep in the pit of his stomach, and it wasn’t revulsion. The thought of living without her filled him with deep sadness and regret.

  “What is it?” she asked.


  “You look a little sick. You’ve gone pale. Do you think it was something you ate?”

  He pulled away. “No, it’s nothing. I just remembered I need to head out. I’m due at the shop. I’ll see you here tonight though, right?”

  “Yeah, I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay right here. Have a good day.” When she went to press a kiss to his cheek, Brass couldn’t help it and so he pulled away. He couldn’t deal with this right now, and it was having a really strange effect on him.

  “I’ve got to go.” He’d hurt her when he pulled away. He knew that, and still, he walked right out of his apartment toward his bike, and was on the road within minutes, riding toward the mechanic shop.

  The only thing he could do was clear his head. Love was a very strong, very deep emotion. He’d never been in love before, and now he was thinking about forever with a woman, and he had grown to care about her.

  He wasn’t a complete fucking idiot. The jealousy he felt toward fucking Darcy made things clear to him. Did he want forever with Eliza? He wasn’t joking with her when he said he was all in, and now he was terrified. His own feelings made absolutely no sense. Entering the mechanic shop, he saw Daisy, Pie, Bertie, and Landon working in the main garage. They had several cars hooked up, and were doing several different jobs.

  “You okay, man?” Landon asked when he walked in.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You look a little … weird. Kind of like a serial killer.”

  “I’m good.”

  “Great. Did you know Duke is due back today?”

  “Yeah, I did. Did you speak to Maya?”

  “I did. She’s willing to drop everything so long as she can stay in Vale Valley and never go back to that kind of life. I’ll take care of her. It doesn’t have to be on club terms or shit like that. I like having her around, and no, it’s not because I’m some kind of fucking perv either. I like my women to be, you know, women, legal, and ready to take my cock without complaint.”

  “I don’t need to hear shit about your dick, Landon,” Pie said, sliding out from underneath the hood of the car.

  “No one believes you’re a perv,” Bertie said.

  “I think I’m in love with Eliza,” Brass said, speaking up.

  Silence fell on the whole shop as he spoke.

  “Like love love, or love love love?” Landon asked.

  Brass frowned. “What is the fucking difference?”

  “Do you love her like you would a dog, or do you love her like a woman, a wife, and old lady?”

  “An old lady.” He didn’t even hesitate. “She knows about that as well. I told her while we were gone.”

  “You’re meant to keep that shit under wraps until you know for sure,” Daisy said.

  “I know. I know without a doubt what I feel for her.” The more he was around his brothers, the clearer his mind became. “I have no doubts.”

  “What about her? Does she have doubts?” Daisy asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You’ve got to be careful. We all know you got Raoul to get some info on her dad and her soon to be husband.”

  “She’s not marrying him. She wants to be with me as much as I want her. She’s going to be my old lady.”

  He looked at each of the men, and saw the doubt within their gaze.

  “What the fuck is it?” he asked.

  Daisy sighed, and when no one else spoke up, he took it on himself to be the voice of reason. “How do you know she’s not just using you for a quick break away from Daddy?”

  “Eliza is not like that.”

  Daisy shrugged. “I’m watching out for you, and I’m watching out for us and the club. You’ve got to be with her a lot longer than a handful of weeks to know what you really want. Look at Holly and Duke. They were bouncing around each other for fucking years. Mary and Pike the same. Even Raoul and Zoe.”

  He couldn’t deny that each couple had a lot longer together before they made that final leap to be together.

  “What do you want?” Pie asked. “At the end of the day, we can say and do what we want. As brothers we’ll be at your side through thick and thin. You know that. We don’t want to see you hurt. I d
on’t want to see you hurt.”

  They were a team. Their decisions were made as one, which was why they all agreed for their old ladies to be taken in such a way. When he first heard it many years ago, he’d figured it was just a way for a bunch of men to get their kicks. Experiencing it the number of times he had, he saw it for something more, something sacred. The idea scared many, aroused plenty, but to the Trojans MC, it was a mark of respect, of unity, and of loyalty. Anyone stepping out on a brother was going to get hurt.

  “I’ll take my time,” he said, seeing the value in waiting.

  “With everything going on, I don’t want you to jump in, and get burned.”

  Brass could see why his brothers were so concerned, and he wasn’t in the best of minds at the moment either. His feelings for Eliza were all over the place. “Thanks, man.”

  “You do care about her though, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do.” He wasn’t in any doubt that he had feelings about her.


  Eliza was going crazy sitting at home all day writing. Yes, she loved doing it, but the way that Brass just stormed out really pissed her off, and grated on her last nerve. Staring at the screen, the words blended together.

  “Screw it.” Turning off the computer, she grabbed her jacket, and made her way outside of his home. She went straight toward Mary’s house, not sure if she would be there or not. When no one answered, she decided to head toward the diner for some food. She wasn’t hungry but the food would offer her comfort, and right now, she needed that. Entering the busy diner, she saw a large man standing at the counter. She wasn’t interested in eating at a booth, so she sat in the only available seat near the main desk. The food smelled amazing, and her stomach started to crumble.

  “What can I get for you, sweetheart?” he asked.

  “I’ll take a really strong black coffee, and then whatever you have that is awesome here.”

  “We have the juiciest, meatiest, cheesiest burger going.”

  “Then I will have that, and don’t forget some apple pie for dessert. I want to eat.” She wanted to drown her sorrows in the food that was supplied here, and she didn’t care how miserable that made her sound. It was what was going to happen.


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