Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “You that posh woman everyone is talking about? The one that is shacking up with Brass?” he asked.

  “Wow, news really travels fast around these parts, huh?” she asked.

  “It’s Vale Valley, and in case you didn’t know, Trojans MC are the shit. Everyone wants to be them, and they’re pretty respected around these parts.”

  “I’m with Brass, but I don’t know if I’m with him with him.” How old was she? She didn’t get it. Never had she experienced this amount of indecision. She blew out a breath, and ran fingers through her hair. “Just ignore me.”

  “The name’s Mac, by the way. I own this place.”

  “Eliza.” She shook his hand.

  “Nice to meet you. Just so you know, we all have a story to tell in these parts, so you’re not weird or different.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s your story?” she asked as he placed her coffee in front of her.

  “I saw you with Mary the other day. Pike’s woman.”

  “I know her. She’s great.”

  Mac sighed. “She also used to be part owner in this establishment, and I wanted her for myself. Had hoped that I would win her over in time. I’m not part of the Trojans MC, could be, but decided not to.”

  He didn’t puff his chest out, or try to make out he was better than anyone else.


  “Yeah. Anyway, even if I wanted to join the club now, they probably would laugh at me, and Pike would use any excuse to kill me now. No one tries to steal a Trojan’s old lady. I don’t blame him either. I was a total asshole.”

  “Burger up,” someone said.

  Mac grabbed the plate and put it in front of her. “Eat, enjoy, and remember, food is not always the answer, but it certainly helps.”

  She watched him walk away, and stared down at the juicy burger. Diets had been her whole life, and she’d always seen food like this as a guilty pleasure.

  “Fuck it.” She grabbed the burger, and took a large bite, closing her eyes, and moaning. Now that was a juicy piece of meat, and so damn tasty. She took another bite, and kept her eyes closed. This way she didn’t have to look at anyone, or care that she was eating something so damn good.

  Savoring every delicious bite, she made a deal with herself to do no more diets, and just enjoy good food.

  “It looks like you’re making love to that thing,” a woman said.

  Eliza’s peace was gone, and when she opened her eyes, she turned to see a young girl, dressed in a waitressing uniform with a name badge saying her name was Luna.

  “It’s really good,” she said.

  “It always is,” Luna said, taking a seat. “I’ve just finished my morning shift. I can sit here, right?”

  “Yes, of course. Go ahead.”

  “Thanks. My feet are hurting me.”

  Mac placed a large milkshake in front of Luna, and left them alone.

  “They do good shakes, too,” Luna said. “You know what, most of the menu was written by Mary and Holly, so you’re pretty much good to eat everything.”

  “Oh.” She glanced over at Mac, and wondered if he loved Mary, or if it was just for the good of the restaurant. “Does he love her?” she asked.

  Luna didn’t even pretend to look confused. “That’s what everyone is curious about. Mary is so sweet, and she’s feisty as well. No one saw Pike and Mary ever being together because of his rep with the Trojans.”

  Eliza frowned. “What rep?”

  “Oh, you know, Trojans are horn-dogs. They have women who literally sleep with every single one of them. Not just that, but the horn-dogness goes into their kids as well.” Luna blushed. “Anyway, Mary always worked here, and of course you had her blog with Holly, and she helped shape the menus here. She always looked happy, so I think everyone expected her to actually date and marry Mac.” Luna shrugged. “I don’t think it was ever meant to be. If you ever get the chance, watch the way that Pike watches Mary. He’s completely in love with her. It kind of verges on obsession, but that’s not a totally bad thing, right?”

  “You sound envious.”

  “I am a little.” She sighed. “Okay, I am a lot. I read a lot. I used to go to college and not dwell on everything I don’t have, but now all I seem to do is think, you know? Daydream probably. It’s what I’m good at.” She rested her chin on her palm. “I hate my head sometimes.”

  Eliza chuckled. “Is there a special guy out there for you?”

  “I don’t know. There was only one guy for me, and he was kind of an asshole.” Luna looked around the diner, and then back at her. “It was with a guy at school. We had sex, and it kind of went too far if you know what I mean. We thought I might be pregnant. Anyway, I wasn’t, and I was happy and sad about that. I’ll never get to be with him again, and I don’t want to be with him again.”

  She saw the younger girl was torn. “You wanted him, but you didn’t want the excess crap that went with him.”

  “Exactly, and the thing is, he’s full of a lot of crap. I don’t want to fall for it, and be brokenhearted again. He went from me to another girl, and then I missed my period, and before I knew what was happening, there was this risk that I could trap him. Let’s not forget he’s also the son of the President of the Trojans. That’s just bad news.”

  That news surprised her.

  “You got it bad for a bad boy?” Eliza asked.

  “Yeah, I do. I have no idea why I’m telling you all this,” Luna said.

  “I have one of those faces. It’s kindness, and somewhat depressing, and stuff.”

  Luna chuckled. “I don’t even tell my parents about this stuff. They would have a fit if they knew what had happened in my life.” She sighed once again.

  “Hey, my dad wants me to marry a guy who is in love with another guy, and I’m just to have kids, and be completely miserable.”

  “Is that why you’re still here in Vale Valley?”

  “Pretty much, and I really like Brass.”

  Luna stared at her. “Brass is a good guy. Weird at times, but he fixed my mom’s car real good, and only charged her like half of the quote. My mom thought it was some discount, but it wasn’t. He’s a good guy, and he tries to have this real evil persona, we all know it’s fake.”

  Eliza smiled. “I know.” That was why she stuck around, not because of the sex. She enjoyed being with him.

  “Does this mean you’re going to be his old lady?” Luna asked. “So wrong, ‘old lady’.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t agree with the term either.”

  “It’s wrong. So wrong,” Luna said.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to be.” She didn’t tell Luna that there was a catch to being with a Trojan.

  Luna sipped at her milkshake while Eliza finished her burger.

  “Brass is a good guy. You shouldn’t be worried about him at all.”

  “I’m not.”

  She watched as Luna finished her shake, did a few stretches, and then got back to work. After she’d eaten her food, she handed some money and a huge tip to Mac, and made her way back toward Brass’s home. He still wasn’t back, and even though she was a little worried about that, she decided not to dwell too much. Both of them had lives before either of them had actually met. Hers was crap, but his was full of the club, and she was determined not to be one of those women that stalked their boyfriends, and demanded all kinds of crap. That wasn’t her.

  Chapter Eight

  Later that night Brass sat at the bar, and was just finishing up his beer ready to go home. Duke wasn’t going to make it home tonight. Their car had broken down, so they had booked into a hotel. Tomorrow Brass and several of his brothers would head out, and go to collect them. They would take their tow truck with them so that Duke didn’t have to rely on anyone else to deal with his car. There was only so much trust all of them placed in other people.

  “I spoke to Maya. She’s going to take the deal if Duke’s secured it that is,” Landon said, dropping down in the seat next to him.

/>   “Shouldn’t you be guarding her?” he asked.

  “I am. I’m getting Zoe to look after her for the night. I need a full night’s sleep, and she doesn’t exactly offer me any reprieve.”

  “You do look like shit.”

  “This coming from the guy whose girl was seen eating by herself at Mac’s diner, talking with Mac himself.”

  Brass tensed up, and turned toward him. “What?”

  “You didn’t hear? It has been all over town, all that anyone can talk about. Brass’s woman eating alone. Besides, I’m your designated driver for tonight. I get to make sure your ass is safe at home before I go and camp out for the night.”

  “We work you to the bone, don’t we?” Brass said, spilling sarcasm into his voice.

  “It takes a lot to make me look this pretty.”

  “You’re fucking ugly,” Pike said. “Not pretty.”

  “Do I need to be worried about Mac around Eliza?” Brass asked. He watched as Pike tensed.

  “I don’t know. Mac’s a good guy.”

  “Even though he was hoping to score with your old lady?” Landon asked.

  Pike shot the other brother some daggers to which Landon held his hands up.

  “I’m only saying the truth. Mac wanted Mary, and let’s face it, once you take him out of that stained cover thingy he wears, he’s not a bad looking guy,” Landon said.

  “Really? I’ll arrange a date for the two of you, and you can smooch up to the guy.”

  “He makes a good burger. I could do worse.” Landon flung his head back and batted his eyes.

  Brass burst out laughing. He had seen Landon balls deep inside one club whore, while fingering another, and licking another’s pussy. There is no way Landon was interested in any cock unless it was his own, and it was getting well and truly sucked.

  “You guys are fucking killing me here,” Brass said.

  “I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about when it comes to Mac, unless he’s after your woman, and I don’t even know if he was after Mary, or her cooking and recipes. The burger he makes, it’s Mary’s recipe.” Pike sighed.

  “You still boycotting the place?” Brass asked.

  Pike nodded. The whole Trojans MC were boycotting the diner. None of them had eaten there for a long time.

  “I’m worried that if I see him face to face, I’m going to beat the shit out of him, and that is not good for business. Don’t want to get locked up, and especially now.”

  “Why? What’s happening now?” Landon asked.

  Pike paused. “Nothing. Forget about it.”

  Before either of them could question him further, Pike walked away.

  “Well that was interesting.”

  Brass watched Pike’s retreating back. “Do you think we’re all turning into a bunch of pussies nowadays?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “There’s no parties—”

  “Duke has banned parties, remember?” Landon said, interrupting him.

  “I know, but look at the club whores. They looked bored.” Not to mention that several girls had left as well.

  “It’s out with the old and in with the new. Some things just change, Brass. I don’t think we’re getting pussies. I think it’s cold, and no one wants to dress in skimpy clothing, and party. I’m never settling down.”

  “You’re not?”

  “Nope. I like my pussy with variety. No one bitch is keeping me in place.”

  Brass chuckled. He finished off his beer, and stood. “Come on then. Let’s get out of here.”

  He had a woman at home, and he needed to make sure she understood exactly who she belonged to.

  Landon had his car outside, and he climbed in, strapping the seatbelt.

  “I will protect Maya to the death,” Landon said. “I’ll never accept a deal where we hand her over.”

  Brass turned toward Landon, who had started up the car and was making his way into town. “No one will ever make that kind of a deal, Landon. You don’t need to worry about that shit.”

  “We shouldn’t have to make any kind of deals, and yet we are doing that. It fucking sucks.”

  He rubbed at his temples. The Abelli situation was a huge problem. He knew that, and it was causing the whole club a headache. They were not used to being given ultimatums and shit. They were hard core bikers. They were not abusers, and beating the shit out of children, which was exactly what Maya was, a child, was not part of the deal. None of them wanted anything to do with that shit.

  Duke had killed his ex-wife, but that was because of what she did to Holly and Matthew.

  That shit was over.

  “Sometimes we need to make concessions and deals like this. Duke will never make a deal he doesn’t agree with. It’s not who he is,” Brass said. “Why don’t you have a little faith in the club that you worked your ass off for? We’re all going to band together with this shit. It’s not about separating. It never was.”

  Landon nodded. “You’re right. Shit, I’ve not had a lot of sleep, and I’m clearly not thinking well.”

  “Good.” They pulled up outside of Brass’s home. “Go home, text me when you get there, and get some fucking sleep. That is a damn order.”

  Climbing out of the car, he headed inside seeing only a few lights on. Entering the house, he was overcome with the smell of burning. Following the smell, he found Eliza in the kitchen, glaring at a mixing bowl.

  He cleared his throat, and she looked up. “I think I burnt the chocolate. It’s all gritty, and that smell is horrible.”

  Brass moved toward the bowl, and took a small sniff. “Yep, it’s completely burnt.”

  “I’ll toss it out and start again.”

  She ignored him, throwing the mixture into the trash before moving toward the sink. He saw her laptop was set up on the counter. Brass was an idiot, and knew she was giving him the silent treatment.

  “I heard you had lunch today at Mac’s diner.”


  “None of the Trojans go there.”


  “We’re all there for Pike. I don’t know if you know, but Mac was after Mary, and we’re all—”

  “I know.”

  Again, she didn’t look up, nor did she pay him any attention.

  Her long raven hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she was reading from her computer.

  “It was a long day. How was yours?” he asked.




  “Look at me.”

  He heard her sigh, and then lift her head. The shirt she wore was much too big, and spilled over one shoulder, showing off a white bra strap. She also wore a pair of jeans. The shirt was so big that it hid the view of her ass. He loved her ass.

  “I’m looking.”

  “What’s the problem?” he asked.

  “You want to know what the problem is?” she asked, leaning on the counter, and staring right at him. Her green eyes blazed fire, all of it coming his way. It only served to enflame his cock.

  “Yeah, I do. I wouldn’t ask.”

  “What was your fucking problem this morning?” she asked.

  If she was cussing, he knew he was in fucking trouble. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t give me that.” She slammed her hand against the counter. “God, I told you I liked you, and then you went a little crazy on me. You just … changed. What did I say or do that was wrong?”


  “Nothing? Then why did you run out of here as if you were being chased by a pack of savage wolves, huh?” she asked.

  “Why did you go to Mac’s to eat?” he asked, moving closer to her.

  “I was hungry, and I wanted some food. His place looked pretty damn good.”

  “Yeah, well he has a reputation for trying to steal what doesn’t belong to him.”

  “So now I belong to you, is that it?” she asked.


  “What was your p
roblem this morning? Did I say the wrong thing?” she asked.


  “If all it means is that whenever you don’t like something you can just disappear, that’s not going to work for me. That will never work for me.”

  “I didn’t say it was.”

  “Then what the hell?” she asked. She took a step toward him so that they were now standing toe to toe. “What is your problem?”

  Brass didn’t know what to say. He felt like an asshole, and he was behaving like one, but she didn’t make it easy for him either. He wanted everything with her, and yet she seemed to be able to keep her shit together, even if she just stayed silent. What happened to women that were easy to read? Eliza, she was confusing as fuck.

  “This is my problem!” He sank his fingers into her hair, and pulled her close. Slamming his lips down on hers, he silenced any and all protest. He didn’t want to hear any more shit coming out of her mouth. Plunging his tongue inside, he felt her slowly begin to melt against him.

  This was the one area that they matched. Pressing her up against the counter, he ran his hands all over her body.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “We’re fucking doing this,” he said. She had finished her cycle yesterday, and now he was going to taste her pretty cunt.

  Tugging on the shirt, he tore it from her body, and threw it to the floor.

  “I liked that shirt.”

  “It was fucking ugly. Anything that covers up these beauties needs to be destroyed.” He cupped her tits together, and pulled her bra down, exposing her nipples. Flicking his tongue against each bud, he relished her moans.

  He moved her out of the way, slid his hand across the counter, shoving everything to the floor. Several items smashed, and he ignored them. He’d deal with the cleanup later. All he wanted was his woman, naked, and ready for him.

  “Brass,” she said.

  He lifted her up and started to tug on her jeans. She used her hands, lifting her body up so that he could slide her jeans down her thighs, and throw them to the floor as well. Her panties followed, and then he had her legs spread. As he slid a finger inside her wet cunt, they both groaned.

  “This belongs to me, Eliza. You’re mine whether you like it or not. All mine. All fucking mine.” He would say the words all day if she had to hear them. Kissing her tits one at a time, he glided his tongue down her body, dipping into her bellybutton, and then going further down to between her thighs. Spreading her open, he licked her clit, circling the bud.


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