Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7) Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Are you ready for this evening?” Holly asked.

  They both had trolleys and were gathering up food for the barbeque. “I’m nervous, but I want to do this for Brass. It’s important to both of us, and he made sacrifices for me. I think it’s only fair that I do the same with him.” She loaded her trolley with several cans of tomatoes while Holly took care of the beans. Bell, Holly’s little girl, was sitting in one of the trolleys with a toy.

  “Did you hear that Zoe is in fact pregnant?”

  “No, I didn’t. I know she did the test and it came in positive, but she doesn’t trust tests, does she?” Eliza asked.

  “No. She doesn’t. One of them got her hopes up only to learn that nothing was there. They went to the doctor, and ta-da, they are pregnant. I’m so excited. We’re going to need to throw a celebration party as well as a baby shower. I love children.” Holly pressed a kiss to Bell’s cheek, and then blew a raspberry. Bell chuckled.

  “You’re a good mother.”

  “I try. Matthew is back at college now, and that is always a tough one. I don’t like him being away from home.”

  “You’ve been a good mom to him. Was that weird? You’re not that much older than him, right.”

  Holly shrugged. “He’s a kid, and his mother was a bitch. She neglected him, and a lot worse stuff, believe me. Duke said it helped that Matthew had a crush on me. I don’t think that is true. I think I was just the first woman to actually talk to him, you know. Sit down and find out what was wrong with him.”

  They moved to the fridges, and both started to load up on the cheese.

  “Where is his mom?” Eliza asked.

  Holly stood. “I don’t know. Somewhere. We’ve not heard from her, and Matthew’s good. So, what are you going to wear?”

  Clearly, Matthew’s mother was a sore subject. “I don’t know. Do you think I should wear something sexy?”

  Holly covered Bell’s ears. “You’re going to have sex. Of course you’re going to want to look sexy.” She blew another raspberry on Bell’s cheeks and lowered her hands.

  This was not a conversation for tender ears.

  “How is Maya?” Eliza asked.

  Holly sighed. “Again, this is a hard one. She’s my sister, half-sister, whatever you want to call her. I don’t know what to say to her. It seems really weird right now. I’ve not been able to talk to my mom and Russ. I can’t even call Russ ‘Dad’ anymore. It’s all messed up.”

  “You’ll get there. It’s understandable you feeling a little lost. I’ve learned I’ve got brothers and sisters everywhere. They will all probably hate me because I got to live with my dad.”

  “I wonder if Maya hates me. I bet she does. I would hate me as well. I live in Vale Valley, the life I’ve lived just from the pictures alone shows I had a great one. I’m married to the love of my life, got kids, and I’m living the dream. She was raped and tortured. Spent most of her life miserable, and I don’t know what to say to her.”

  “Maybe you could start with, ‘how are you getting on? I’m Holly and I’m as nervous as you’?” Eliza tried to offer suggestions.

  “I try. When I see her I have the best of intentions, but then I just freeze up and walk away. She probably thinks that I hate her, and I don’t. I’m just confused, and trying to make my way in the world like everyone else.”

  “You really need to talk to her though. It’s important that you do.”

  “Yeah, I do. I’ll do it. I will do it. Tonight at the bonfire. Before or after your old lady thing, I’ll talk to her.”

  “I’d do it before. My old lady thing is not happening until late, really, really late.”

  Holly laughed. “Let’s hope you don’t get a taste for being watched. You’ll be trying to get someone to watch you then.”

  Eliza stuck her tongue out, and then burst out laughing. It was fun having some time with the girls.

  After they got all the good, Holly dropped her off back at home, and she spent the rest of the afternoon wondering what the hell to wear.

  It wasn’t a sex party, and it was warm now. Should she wear jeans? He was going to be taking them off her. Could she risk a skirt?

  Wow, so many decisions.


  After storing everything in the pantry, Holly made her way into the kitchen to find Maya sitting at the table doing something in a book. She stared at her for a few seconds until Maya looked up at her. Holly froze up, and being a complete coward, she turned around and went straight into the pantry.

  Staring at the abundant shelves filled with food, she gripped the pole of one of the shelves, and rested her head against it. “You can do this. It’s not hard to do. Just talk to her, and you’ll be fine.”

  She took a deep breath, and made her way into the kitchen to find Maya packing up.

  “Wait, where are you going?” Holly asked.

  Maya looked up, and Holly’s stomach knotted. “I know you’re uncomfortable being around me. I’ll go study outside. It’s no big deal.”

  “No, wait.”

  Maya stopped by the door.

  “I’m not uncomfortable around you. At least not in the way you think.” Maya turned toward her, and Holly took a seat at the table. Her hands were shaking. She was so nervous. This was completely unlike her. “Please, sit with me. I would like it if you would. I’m not all bad. I promise. Just a bit weird, that is all.”

  Slowly, Maya sat down opposite her.

  Holly took a deep breath. “I … I’m not uncomfortable with you. It’s hard. You knew our real father, and for the longest time I didn’t even know I had another father.”

  “I know. You didn’t miss much. Our dad was a monster.”

  “This is what I mean. I’ve had a really good life, Maya.”

  “You think I hate you?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “I don’t hate you, Holly. I never have. I knew about you, and he always talked about you. I hoped that you were nothing like him, and you aren’t. It means that I have hope.”

  “You’re nothing like that horrible man, or like Francis.”

  Maya smiled. “That’s good to know, I think.”

  “I want us to get to know each other. Not just as sisters but as friends. I want to be there for you. I always wanted a sister or a brother.”

  “I would really like that.”

  Holly stood, and opened her arms. “Then hug me. Come on, bring it on, give me a hug.”

  Maya got to her feet, and then wrapped her arms around Holly. As she closed her eyes, the knots in her stomach faded. She had a sister, and she was going to work on that.

  Chapter Twelve

  “You look beautiful,” Brass said.

  She had settled on a pair of jeans and a crop top shirt with Brass’s leather jacket. He had walked in right in the middle of her little temper tantrum. She had refused to go, and when he had told her she had no choice, she had made him pick her clothes.

  “Of course you think that. You picked everything.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Anyone ever tell you that you can be an annoying pain in the ass?” he asked.

  She sighed. “I feel stupid. I know why we’re here.”

  “We’re here to have fun, to mingle, eat really good food.”

  “Have sex. Don’t forget that last part.”

  “You are not the first, and you will not be the last with this, babe.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Relax, otherwise you’re going to spoil it for yourself.”

  The moment they entered the clubhouse parking lot, Holly rushed toward her, and pulled her away. Brass went for a beer, and toward the barbeque area. The coals were already being prepared on the burning fire.

  “Your woman has made a friend out of Holly,” Duke said, moving toward him.

  “She has?”

  “Yeah. They went shopping earlier, and Eliza convinced her to talk with Maya. Holly listened, and now they are going to work on being close.”

  “I’m pleased. Not just for my girl but fo
r Holly and Maya.” He had seen the ghosts in the younger girl’s eyes. It was hard to ignore that kind of emotion, and now it was even more so.

  Sipping at his beer, he looked around the clubhouse. “Everyone is here?”

  “Knuckles and Beth are still on their honeymoon. Daisy and Maria have taken their kid for a mini vacation. All is good though,” Duke said. “Matthew got back to campus safely. Luna is in her college. I’ve got a feeling I’ll be seeing more of that girl in a few years.”

  “She may leave Vale Valley,” Brass said.

  “Nah, Vale Valley, it’s in your blood. You can’t ignore the calling of your town, and this place has a lot to offer.”

  “I wonder which brother will be next to follow this path.”

  Duke glanced around. “Pie could be next. He’s too damn cocky. Actually, I want him to fall next. It’ll teach that fucker a lesson in love.”

  Brass burst out laughing. “Yeah, I could see that.”

  “It could be anyone. This isn’t a game though. We will see what happens.”

  “To the Trojans,” Brass said.

  “To the Trojans,” Duke said.

  “Actually, we should be congratulating Duke on kicking everyone’s ass,” Pike said. “I think you turned Diaz on as well. You killed it with Bishop and that other fucker.”

  “I didn’t even need to use my fists either. That’s a good thing. Holly hates it when I get bloody.”

  “Speaking of old ladies. Eliza was pretty nervous so I’m going to go and keep her company.” Brass made his way toward the group of women. Wrapping his arms around Eliza, he pulled her close. Pressing his lips against her neck, he breathed in her scent. “Hey, baby. You’re still here.”

  “I’m still here. I think Holly’s under instructions to keep me close.”

  “I’m not. I’m just under instructions to make sure you’re happy.” Holly winked.

  “They’re going to start up some food. Let’s dance.”

  The music was softly playing, and Brass pulled her into his arms. He didn’t care that they were the only ones that were dancing. He was just thrilled to have her in his arms.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m happy. Thank you so much for everything, Brass.”

  “I love you, babe. There is nothing to thank me for. I will do everything for you, in a heartbeat.”

  “That is why I love you.” She rested her head against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  After their dance, Duke announced that some food was ready, so Brass did his best trying to distract Eliza. There was food. More slow dancing, and a lot of loving. The night wore on, and some of the club left to go home, while others made their way inside.

  When there was no more time to wait, Brass took her hand and led her inside.

  The lights were down low, and the music was soft.

  The men that were staying were already there, and the door was shut.

  “This is it?” she asked.

  “This is it. Tonight, you’re all mine, Eliza. No turning back, no running away. You will belong to me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She cupped his face and pressed her lips to his. He felt the tremors in her body. She was nervous but was doing this for them, for the club.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he moved her back, going toward the pool table. Chip and Pie had been playing a game of pool. Both brothers moved away, taking their cues with them.

  The brothers’ gazes were on them, and he felt their stares in the back of his neck, all around him.

  Brass had participated in the club whores, and watched a few of the old ladies. He had been envious then, and now he knew what it was all about.

  “No one will see you,” he said. Eliza belonged to him. Her pussy, ass, mouth, tits, every single part of her belonged to him, and he didn’t like sharing.

  “Please,” she said, moaning his name.

  Lifting her up, he placed her down on the pool table, needing her eyes on him. She wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else if he took her a different way. Brass wanted her gaze on him so that she knew who was fucking her, who was claiming her, and who was owning her.

  Opening her jeans, he eased them down to her knees, and only removed one leg. The jacket he wore hid her thigh from sight. This was about his woman’s comfort as much as the club. He had spoken to Duke to make sure he could give her as much privacy while also claiming her.

  Tearing her panties off her body, he pocketed them as well. Pulling down his zipper, his cock sprang free, and he slowly eased inside her body. Her pussy was soaking wet, squeezing him with each inch that he slid inside her. She was still so incredibly tight.

  “Brass!” She cried out his name, and he relished the sounds, knowing there was never going to be any other woman quite like her. Eliza belonged to him just as he belonged to her.

  “I love you, baby.” He slammed ever single inch of his dick inside her, relishing the pulse of her cunt. Keeping his gaze on her, he waited for her to get accustomed to his dick, and only when she started to wriggle did he begin to fuck her. Plunging in and out of her, he took his time, making love to her, drawing out her cries, and need for him and the entire room to hear.

  Everything faded into the background, and he made love to her. Reaching between them, he stroked her clit, hearing the sounds of her cries as she catapulted over the edge into orgasm.

  Brass wasn’t going to last long, and he filled her pussy with his spunk, knowing that in the eyes of the Trojans, his woman would be forever looked after.


  Being made love to in a roomful of men was erotic, it was alluring, and it was entirely embarrassing. Eliza didn’t know if she made a lot of noise or if anyone heard her. Either way, it was over, and she was now Brass’s old lady. She was even going to get some ink as well. She had seen Holly’s ink across her back. It was black thorns, and below was Duke’s name. Eliza wanted Brass’s name inked on her skin.

  The sun was up, and it was a bright new day. She was outside, picking up the last of the bottles, and throwing them in the recycle can.

  “You look chipper this morning,” Holly said, moving out to join her.

  “I am. I’m in a world of bliss.”

  “You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” Holly asked.

  Her cheeks heated. “I did enjoy it a little bit. I’m not going to lie. You’re up early.”

  “Yeah. My mom’s dropping the kids off to Mary’s and I’ll pick them up later. I’ve asked her and Russ here, and I wanted to talk to them. You know, I talked with Maya, and we’re going to get close. I think it’s time I made up with my parents. Russ may not be my biological dad, but he’s still my dad, if that makes any sense at all.”

  Eliza giggled. “It does make sense. I’m so pleased.”

  Just then a car pulled into the parking lot, and Eliza saw it was Russ and Sheila. “They’re here.” Holly gave her a hug, and Eliza went back to picking up the last of the bottles. There had to be a way of making this an easier clean up. She was humming to herself when she heard the first shout.

  Turning toward the sound she saw a man, a really scared, almost beastly looking man. He had two guns in his hands. Both of them were pointed at Russ and Sheila.

  Her heart began to pound, and she looked toward the clubhouse door.

  “What’s it going to be, Holly? Your mommy or your daddy?” the man asked.

  “Put the damn gun down,” Russ said.

  “You think I didn’t know what kind of deal you made. You think you could silence me. I gave you a fucking choice, Holly, and now it’s going to happen. Your mother or your father!”

  Duke, Brass, Maya, and several of the brothers made their way outside. They had spotted the guns, and had their own raised.

  “Anton, what the fuck are you doing?” Duke asked.

  “You think because you went to my dad that all was done? I gave you an ultimatum. Sheila or Russ.”

  “Anton, you don’t want
to do this,” Sheila said.

  “I don’t. I would have great satisfaction of ending the fucking both of you, but as it is, you don’t mess with the Trojans. Even the Abelli have a respect for them right now, because of you.” Anton was now looking at Duke. “Get Daddy on the phone. I don’t care. I’m done.”

  Guns went off, and Eliza screamed at the same time as Holly. She was pushed to the ground, and when she looked up, she saw that Brass was on top of her.

  “No,” Holly said, screaming.

  Getting to her feet with Brass surrounding her, Eliza took in the sight before her. Sheila was down, and Holly was over her. There was also no sign of Russ.

  Holly was pressing against Sheila’s chest, and sobbing.

  Anton was tackled to the ground, and Duke was by his woman’s side.

  Eliza saw the blood.

  “Call an ambulance!” Holly screamed, and Pike was already on it, putting a call through.

  “This is bad,” Chip said from the other side of the car.

  Brass left her, and she watched as Sheila and Russ were worked on by the club, trying to keep them alive. Anton was escorted into the clubhouse, and he also had a gunshot wound.

  Eliza saw that Maya was crouched on the floor, and she went straight to her.

  “Everything is going to be messed up,” Maya said. “I’m cursed. I hurt everything.”

  She wrapped her arms around Maya, and held her close. “You’re not cursed. This was that asshole’s fault. Not yours.”

  The sirens for the ambulances filled the air, and for the next twenty minutes, everything went to shit. Brass moved toward her covered in blood.

  Landon took Maya and headed back into the clubhouse.

  “Russ didn’t make it. He’s dead.”

  “No.” She looked toward Holly, who was trying to help the ambulance crew get her mother on the stretcher.

  “It doesn’t look good for Sheila.”

  “What does this mean?” Eliza asked.

  “We’ve got Anton. This is all on Duke again. Anton came after one of our own. If Sheila dies, I don’t know what will happen. He’ll do anything for Holly. If she wants the whole of Abelli gone, then we will go and kill every single one of them.”


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