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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

Page 7

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘Right, guys. I think I’ll skip that coffee as it’s getting late and I'd better be heading to the station,’ Rebecca says reappearing from the toilet.

  ‘I understand Becs,’ I say.

  ‘Will I be expecting you in later Gemma?’ She asks.

  ‘I’m hoping they’ll let me pull out one of those little chair beds to sleep on tonight. I’ll give you a call and let you know.’

  ‘No problem. It’s great to have you back and I’ll touch base with you when you get home. You can tell me everything you don’t want to about the trip then.’ Rebecca gives me a knowing smile.

  ‘Will do Becs. Thanks for looking out for mum while I was away, and well for everything. I’ll sort you out for the tickets when we get home.’

  ‘No problem hun, in your own time and you know I’m always there for the Jones family,’ she pulls me into a warm embrace.

  ‘Come on Rebecca. I’ll walk out with you,’ Colin says tipping his head towards the door. ‘And Gemma, we’ll see each other again tomorrow I’m sure.’

  He pauses for an awkward moment appearing unsure whether to shake my hand or hug me. Opting for an awkward pat on the shoulder instead.

  I watch them walk through the exit together as Rebecca waves back at me over her shoulder. Turning to the coffee machine again, I still don’t see anything I want, so I give up and head to the elevator. I wait for the lift to arrive and smile at the people inside once the doors open. Stepping inside I press the button for floor three again.

  I arrive back at my mother’s ward to find the doors locked this time. Looking through the viewing panel on the door, I see the kind nurse I spoke to earlier. I wait for her to finish her call before tapping on the glass panel to get her attention. She sees me and gets up to unlock the door and let me in.

  ‘Hello,’ she whispers holding the door open for me as I slip through.

  ‘Hello. Thanks ever so much for letting me back in like this.’

  ‘It’s no problem, are you staying this evening?’ She walks with me towards my mother’s bed.

  ‘I was hoping to be able to if I could.’

  The atmosphere on the ward has changed. The light is dim and peaceful. Most of the patients appear to be asleep and all the visitors seem to have gone home.

  ‘I’ll fetch you some blankets,’ the kind nurse says as I sit down next to my mother’s bed. The chair comprises of three large cushions stacked on top of each other. It looks as though it will fold out into a small single bed of sorts. The nurse soon returns with a pillow, on top of a folded up sheet, on top of a folded up blanket in her arms.

  'Here you go,’ she says passing the pile to me.

  ‘Thank you,’ I say taking the bedding from her.

  Glancing outside, I see Colin. His hands are in his pockets as he walk. Then he speeds up, skips a little, and smiles. I follow his eye-line down to the edge of the car park nearest the hospital where a woman sits against the bonnet of a car. She takes a step in his direction and he appears to smile back in recognition. I watch them both as Colin gets closer and it looks more and more as though they are looking at each other. He is a few feet away now as she opens her arms and walks towards him. He walks straight into her embrace, and then keeps one arm around her shoulder as they walk to the car together. Gobsmacked I watch them get in and drive off together. I cannot believe what I have just seen. My poor mother, I turn back towards her and kiss her on the forehead.

  What am I going to do?

  I can’t keep something like this from her. But if it is what it seems it will destroy her, and she’s in no condition for a revelation like this right now. What is it with us Jones woman? Are we cursed to always find the wrong kind of guy?

  I foldout the chair and shake my sheet out on top before throwing the pillow down. Laying myself down, I pull the blanket up over myself and think about what's happened the last few days. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

  Chapter 26

  It’s been several days since I saw Colin with another woman outside the hospital and I know I need to tell mum. I just need to find the right moment, as the hurt will be deep and she’s strong enough for it right now. I haven't seen him since so that has helped. Mum says he’s struggling to get the time off work. Perhaps he knows I saw him, or perhaps he has a family he can’t slip away from so easy, who knows.

  Mum’s condition has made a rapid improvement. She’s having more regular meals, sleeping well, and chatting away throughout the day. I already had the week booked off work for my Texas trip, so as I’m back early I’ve been able to spend the time with her. Though am not sure how things will work out when I go back to work yet, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. Rebecca's been helpful, dropping in every visiting time. She’s pretty much the other Jones girl, that’s how it’s always felt to the three of us anyway. It’s been like that since we were young. She was always around our house when we were growing up. There's been plenty of Pizza, Ice cream and chick flick's over the years and today’s no different. Rebecca's bought mum a stack of magazines and they’re both ogling film stars in their swim trunks.

  ‘What I wouldn't give…’ Rebecca stares starry-eyed into the magazine. ‘What do you think Faith?’

  ‘I’ll leave it down to you single women,’ my mother says and I wince inside.

  The truth will come out soon enough and it pains me to think about what this will do to her.

  ‘Good afternoon ladies.’ Colin pushes his head around the curtain with a cheesy grin.

  How’s that for timing.

  ‘Colin darling, you made it,’ my mother says sounding elated.

  ‘I have darling, but I don’t have long as have to return to the office. How are you feeling today?’

  ‘I’m feeling fine, much better now that you’re here.’

  He leans down to kiss my mother on the head and she blinks her eyes shut.

  ‘Hello, ladies and gentleman.' My mother’s consultant appears at the bottom of her bed. ‘How are we today Faith?’ He asks as the nurse beside him passes him my mother’s notes.

  ‘I'm good thank you, Doctor.’ My mother smiles.

  ‘So, your observations are good. Everything seems to have been steady and healthy for some time. Your blood tests are coming back clear.’ He flicks to the next piece of paper and scans down the page with his eyes.

  ‘Yes, Doctor.’ My mother nods.

  ‘How have you been finding getting around, to the toilet and so forth?’ He asks walking around my mother’s bed and I step back to move out of his way.

  ‘Fine, although I do hobble a bit with the cast,’ my mother lifts her leg. ‘Other than that, it’s fine

  ‘Good, that’s what I like to hear. I think you’re making a brilliant recovery. Assuming things continue in this vein overnight you should be fine to go home tomorrow.’

  ‘Doctor that’s wonderful.’ My mother’s face lights up.

  ‘That’s excellent news Faith.’ Colin takes her hand in his.

  ‘Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.' The consultant steps back before turning on his heel and moving on to the next patient.

  ‘Oh mum that’s great,’ I say stepping back into my original position.

  ‘Sure is darling,’ she replies.

  ‘Listen, mum, I don’t think you should be home alone just yet. Why don’t you come and stay with me and Rebecca until you get your cast off at least?’

  Rebecca nods in agreement at the foot of my mother’s bed.

  ‘I couldn’t impose on you both like that.’

  ‘Nonsense Faith, it will be great to have you there,' Rebecca says.

  ‘Well if you don’t mind,’

  ‘Let’s keep you well rested and ensure you get to come home tomorrow,’ I say tucking my mother’s blanket down her side.

  Chapter 27

  Mum’s condition continues to improve overnight and the next morning the hospital agree to discharge her as they said they would. Colin’s meant to be organising her transport, but he’s late. We�
��ve been ready for some time and not heard a word from him.

  ‘I can’t think what is keeping Colin,’ my mother says.

  ‘Perhaps he got the wrong time Faith. Did you tell him 10 AM?’ Asks Rebecca.

  ‘I’m sure I did. Perhaps I should text him to make sure.’ My mother reaches for her phone.

  ‘How many texts have you sent him already?’ I ask.

  ‘He doesn’t always have a chance to look at his phone you see if he’s at work. He must be tied up and that's why he hasn’t been able to get back to us yet,’ mum says.

  ‘It’s just, it’s getting late mum.’

  ‘I know that thank you, Gemma,’ my mother snaps at me.

  ‘Good morning, how are we all today?’ The nurse asks as she approaches the bed.

  ‘We’re fine thank you, nurse,’ my mother replies.

  ‘I see you’re all packed and ready to go,’ she says looking at my mothers cases.

  ‘We are,’ my mother replies.

  ‘Can’t wait to get this one back to our place to look after her,’ Rebecca says rubbing my mother’s arm.

  ‘So I expect you’ll be on your way then.’ The nurse says. The tone is one more of a statement maybe even a suggestion than a question.

  ‘We’re just waiting for Faith’s lift nurse,’ Rebecca says.

  ‘Let’s hope they won’t be too long then. I don’t mean to rush you or anything, but we do need the bed. I’m sure you all understand.’

  ‘Yes nurse, of course, we'll be on our way shortly,' says my mum.

  ‘Okay,’ the nurse replies.

  ‘Mum, I don’t need to push you or anything. But we're going to have to make a decision.’

  ‘I know Gemma. I don’t know what’s keeping Colin; he said he'd be here.’ My mother looks concerned

  ‘That’s no problem Faith. We can take you can't we Gemma?’ Rebecca says.

  ‘Of course we can.’

  ‘And Colin can meet you back at our apartment later.’ Rebecca places her hand on top of my mothers.

  ‘If it’s not too much trouble for you both.’

  ‘Of course it’s not faith.’

  ‘Don’t be silly mum you know nothing is too much trouble for you.’

  ‘I do need to stop off at my place first on the way if that’s okay with you both. I’d just like to pick up a few things,’ my mother asks.

  ‘No problem at all,' I say.

  Arriving at her building, we all look at each other as we stand at the bottom of the stairwell. My mother in the middle with Rebecca and me at either side of her.

  ‘Right, so how are we going to maneuver this then?’ Rebecca first looks up the stairs, then down at the plaster cast on my mother’s leg.

  'I’m not sure yet, but we’ll work it out. How many times have I told you that you should have chosen an apartment with an elevator mother?’ I ask looking up the stairs.

  ‘Too many, but this is the first time you were right,’ she replies.

  ‘Right come on then,’ I put one foot on the first step so, between us, Rebecca and myself can lift mum onto it.

  ‘I don’t know where Colin’s got to today. I expected him to be here.’

  ‘Hmmm, there’s something I need to speak to you about mum.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘It’s about Colin, but I think it should wait until we get inside.’

  It takes a while though we manage to get mother to the top of the stairwell. Luckily, her apartments on the first floor or we’d never make it.

  We continue to support her as she hobbles down the corridor on her crutches. She’s getting the hang of them now but is still a bit wobbly.

  'I’m sure her balance and confidence on them will increase with time and practice.

  ‘Pass me your keys mum,’ I ask when we reach the door.

  ‘Here you go,’ she says handing them to me.

  ‘Let’s get you inside then,’ I put my key into the door of my mother’s apartment and push it open.

  I notice the TV is missing straight away and freeze on the spot. My mother’s pushing behind me, so I try to close the door back up before she can’t get through to see what’s happened.

  ‘Gemma, are you going to let me through?’

  ‘I’m just thinking mother. It may be better if I collect your things while you wait in the car with Rebecca,’ I say and Rebecca gives me a puzzled look.

  ‘After all that palaver we’ve just been through getting up the stairs? Nonsense I want my stuff. Now let me through please Gemma.’

  ‘No, come on Mum I think its best.’ I try to lead her away by the arm. ‘Gemma, move out of my way, please!’

  She uses the tone as if I'm six years old and I step aside as my mother hobbles past me to the door. Turning the key in the lock, she opens the door again and I hold my fingers to my brow.

  ‘Gemma,’ she says.

  ‘Yes, mother.’

  ‘My TV’s gone.’

  ‘I know mum.’

  ‘Where’s it gone?’

  ‘I’ve no idea mum.’

  That’s not altogether true. It’s true that I don’t know, but I have a strong suspicion.

  ‘And my DVD player. Oh no, it's a burglary. What am I going to do?’ She appears unsteady on her feet so I rush to support her with Rebecca close behind me.

  ‘Come on let’s get you back to our place,’ I say as Rebecca and myself hold her steady.

  ‘Okay.’ Mother nods in agreement. ‘But what about all this? I must need to sort some things out.’

  ‘I’ll deal with this don't you worry. Becca can you take mother downstairs and I’ll see what bits I can bring for her.

  ‘Of course.’ Rebecca takes my mother by the arm. I’m not used to seeing them like this. My mother looks so frail leaning upon Rebecca for support. I watch the two of them walk down the corridor together before stepping inside the apartment. The TV is missing like mum said, and the DVD player. They were the first things I noticed. They shouldn’t be too difficult to replace, I’m sure she’s insured. If do have a few weeks left at work yet if needs be. I can also contact Mr Cunningham to push through a quick sale if Jacob's still interested that is. It’ll all help.

  Walking through to the bedroom, I see that her drawers have been rifled through. So we’d better check her accounts when we get back and cancel her cards if needs be. I pick out a few essentials for her. She already has a toiletry bag with her from the hospital, so I don't need to get her anything else. I shut the door behind me as I leave and head to the car where Rebecca and my mother are waiting.

  Chapter 28

  We bring Mum back to our apartment and make her as comfortable as we can on the sofa. I’ve already called the police and will call the insurance company tomorrow. I should speak to Mr Cunningham and get the ball rolling on the land sale as mum’s going to need all the help she can get. It’s evening here, so if he works Saturdays, there’s a chance he'll be in his office. Picking up the phone, I dial the number to find out.

  ‘Hello.’ I say as the phone's picked up the other end. ‘Is Mr Cunningham available please?’

  ‘Hold on a moment, I’ll just check, who may I say is calling please?’ the woman who answers sounds familiar. I think it’s Jess, which would make sense as she is his assistant.

  ‘It’s Gemma, Gemma Jones.’

  She pauses and I’m sure it’s her. The last time she saw me I was over Jacob’s shoulder. ‘I’ll just see if he’s in Ms Jones.’

  The line clicks and the next voice I hear is Mr Cunningham's.

  ‘Hi, Gemma glad to hear from you.’

  ‘The timings convenient isn't it Mr Cunningham? I wasn’t sure that it would be.’

  ‘Yes, it's fine. I’ve been trying to get hold of you too.’

  ‘Yes, I apologise for that. I’ve been busy and also I’m sorry for just running out as I did, I had a family emergency to rush back for. I did get your messages. But I've been busy looking after my mother so haven’t had a chance to get bac
k to you before now.’

  ‘That’s no problem at all, I understand,’ Mr Cunningham says.

  ‘It’s about the land, I want a quick sale. Is Jacob Callaway still interested? If so you can get a quick sale put through for me?’

  ‘Yes, I’m sure he’ll waste no time taking it off your hands. I understand you had a run in with Ashleigh Callaway when you were last in town?’

  'Oh do you now, word travels fast in your town then doesn’t it? Needless to say, I’m not proud of that interaction. Neither am I proud of the indiscretion that caused it so would rather just forget it if it's all the same to you.’

  ‘Well, when I say, Ashleigh Callaway, I know that’s not her name anymore. But I can never remember her new name and she’ll always be a Callaway to me.’

  ‘The divorce came through quick then?’

  ‘Divorce? No, they straightened all that business out. I thought you knew.’

  'Straightened it out? Why doesn't that surprise me, managed to talk his way out of it did he?’

  ‘Talk his way out of it? Gemma, did you by any chance leave still thinking that Ashleigh was Jacob’s wife?’

  ‘Isn’t she?’ I ask.

  ‘No. She’s his sister,’ Mr Cunningham replies.

  ‘His sister?’

  ‘Yes, his sister. She has keys to his place to stop by every so often when he’s out of town. Which he often is for long periods. Her and her husband had a row, as I understand it. She thought he’d gone to Jacob’s to cool off as he'd taken the keys. Though unbeknown to her, he’d decided to stay at his mum’s place instead. When she turned up at Jacob’s the next day to sort things out, she found you, which as you know didn't go down well. Not knowing that Jacob was back in town, she jumped to the wrong conclusion.’

  'Oh,’ I say.

  I’m not sure what else to say.

  ‘She confronted her husband who, of course, pled his innocence but it fell on deaf ears. News of their impending divorce reached Jacob’s ears and then they learned he was home. They then put two and two together, but I guess you'd already left by that point.'


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