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Fight Like A Girl

Page 6

by Lindsey Owens

  “Yeah… I know,” she sighed.

  It took nearly all of first period to get enough makeup on her face to help her conceal the bruises. Jake had pulled a hat and sunglasses from his locker for Lilly to cover some with and then went on his way to class.

  By the time the end of the day had come around, Lilly had been asked so many questions and heard so many rumors she was tired of it. She had to do something.

  “So have you thought about my request...” Grayson whispered as he held onto Lilly’s hips pulling her back against him.

  “I…” she muttered. She did need Grayson’s help, but she had decided on a different option today. Pulling from Grayson’s grip she raced off toward the gymnasium door and disappeared out of it.

  “Girls,” Grayson chuckled, “So dramatic.” He couldn’t see Lilly’s face, but he could only imagine the crimson which lit her features.

  “Give her a break man.” Jake snorted from behind Grayson.

  “What’s it matter to you?” Grayson snapped. He hadn’t realized Jake had come up behind him and it frustrated him. He turned quickly and pushed Jake out of the way as he strode into the locker room.

  “She has a hard life, Grayson” Jake called after him, but it fell upon a silent response.

  Oh no you don’t!

  Chapter 15

  Lilly paced up and down the Tenth Street Bridge over and over. It was rare people had passed through here so she would be safe from prying eyes. She couldn’t go back to that life, Frank had beaten her quite bad and this time she had tried to stop him and it just caused her more pain.

  Tears were streaming down her face over her blackened eye and she was panting from all the frustrations as she stomped back and forth. The old wooden bridge spanned a moderate sized gorge which held a raging river within it. She stopped by the edge of the bridge. “I can do this,” she said to herself.

  She pushed her headphones into her ears and continued to pace. She didn’t know what she was waiting for. Maybe she was hoping courage came to her or maybe she was praying that something would snap her back into reality and realize that jumping from the bridge was a bad idea.

  A new song began to blare through what used to be Will’s mp3 player and she began to cry more. “I can’t wait to see you again brother. I am sorry!” she shouted. “I love you Will and I wish I could make him pay, I just can’t do it anymore!” The pain was evident in her hoarse shattering voice as she cried out wishing her brother could hear her.

  She walked toward the pillar she had decided upon a half an hour ago. With one last deep breath, she gripped her hands tight onto the cool rusty old metal. One foot after another, Lilly pulled herself up to a standing position and pressed her back to the firm metal pillar.

  “HEY!” A voice yelled, but Lilly couldn’t hear it. She had her headphones blaring in her ears trying to drown out the world that hated her so much.

  Lilly leaned forward and looked down. She was going to do it. Any minute she would jump and end the pain, suffering, and hate. Snapping back, she pressed her body to the metal once again taking a deep breath.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Strong arms wrapping around Lilly, snapped her into reality.

  The arms pulled her back into a hard chest and back down to the bridge main platform. Ripping the headphones from her ears Lilly glared up at the despicable person.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She hissed.

  “Me!” The man snapped back. Lilly could see now the man who was standing before her and her eyes flew wide as she tried to rip herself from his grasp. “What do you think you’re doing?” He growled. “Calm down. I’m not letting you go, Lilly, not until you talk to me.” Duke barked. She had remembered him from the fight with Grayson at the gym.

  “I don’t owe you an explanation.” She whipped her head away and pushed against him, furiously trying to free her from Duke’s iron grip.

  “Don’t you have a date with Grayson at the gym?” Duke asked. He didn’t know… Lilly looked away, shaking her head softly. She decided she was going to jump instead of going back to the gym or Frank’s abuse.

  “I think you do,” Duke said dryly. “I’ll drive you there. I bet Grayson’s eager to see you.” His voice dripped with sarcasm. “I can’t see what he likes in you anyway. Scrawny, crazy, and obviously got something mentally wrong. What happen to your face anyway?” He questioned without stopping, Lilly couldn’t put a word in as he dragged her through the woods and down the trail the opposite direction she had gone to get there. “You probably tried to break up another fight didn’t you. Stupid girl.”

  Duke had seemed nicer the day before. But now he was completely unattractive in every way. He was mean and brutish.

  Duke dragged Lilly to his car and shoved her into the front seat. Snapping the door shut he stomped around to the driver’s side. Once they parked at gym, Duke slammed his car into gear and walked around to the far side.

  He wasn’t letting up. Duke yanked the door open and dragged her until they came to a front entrance which Lilly didn’t know existed. A sign boasted “O’Conner gym,” Lilly looked up shrugging her shoulders. Duke pushed the door open and began to wind his way through the receptionist area. “GRAYSON!” He called out making Lilly jump.

  “Duke… What’s…,” Grayson called back as he came through the doorway. When he saw Lilly within Duke’s hands, he frowned. “What are you doing with her?” he questioned.

  Duke pushed Lilly forward shaking his head. “You take care of her… She’s crazy.” He shook his head and stomped away.

  “What’s going on?” Grayson questioned as his arms caught Lilly from falling to the hard floor.

  She looked up at him nervously then back toward where Duke was stomping off to. “Don’t forget to ask her why she was going to jump off the old Tenth Street Bridge,” Duke called out over his shoulder.

  Dragged Back

  Chapter 16

  Grayson’s eyebrow rose as he looked back down at Lilly. He wasn’t quite happy to have her back at the moment but… he would deal with it. “This way” he sighed as he walked down the hallway. He made turns and twists until he finally came to his office. “In,” he said. His short sentences were beginning to scare Lilly, but she didn’t dare run away. Grayson wouldn’t hurt her at least not like Frank would.

  Shyly, Lilly found her way behind Grayson’s desk quivering as he closed the door and turned his gaze back on her.

  Grayson came around the desk slowly until he was mere inches from Lilly. She backed away and he advanced. They continued until Lilly smacked her back into the wall.

  Grayson’s arms slammed into the wall beside Lilly’s head. “Well.” He said as he hovered over her.

  “What are you doing?” She hissed quietly as she slapped his chest and tried to duck out of his arms.

  “Put away the claws, I want to know,” Grayson whispered as he pushed himself closer.

  “Grayson?” A voice asked from the other side of the door.

  “I’m busy. Go away.” Grayson called back.

  “I just needed to talk a min…” the man called back again.

  Grayson groaned pushed from the wall and stomped toward the door. “What!” He yelled at the man on the other side.

  “Oh…Uh… Lilly?” He paused.

  “What do you want Carl?” Grayson snapped.

  “Are you alright Lilly?” Carl asked with eyes full of worry.

  “She’s fine. Now get lost.” Grayson snapped.


  “Yeah, Carl I’m fine,” Lilly said hesitantly.

  “She’s too good for you, Grayson. She’s not your type.” Carl said sternly.

  “Maybe I changed my tastes?” Grayson smirked. “Now get lost.”

  “Lilly come on, I’ll take you back home,” Carl said attempting to push open the door.

  “If you want to be able to use that thing again…” Grayson growled. His foot was slammed against the door and he glared, “I sug
gest you say your peace and leave.”

  “I swear if you …” Carl hissed, “not here.”

  Carl rolled his eyes and shook his head at the girl getting in way over her head. “I’ll talk to you about it later,” Carl grumbled.

  “Grubby paws,” Grayson muttered as he slammed the door shut.

  “Grayson…” She said nervously as Grayson closed the door “I…”

  Grayson raised an eyebrow at the scared girl as he made his way back toward her. He gripped her sides and tugged down onto his office couch. Hovering above Lilly, Grayson’s smile was different, more caring than usual. They had grown used to each other during her time at the gym and Grayson was beginning to like the girl. Lilly wasn’t quite sure of anything at the moment. She gulped as Grayson pressed himself down and pressed his head into her neck.

  He took a liking to the area and began to kiss her soft skin. He sucked gently leaving Lilly squirming beneath him.

  “Get your fat butt off me.” She groaned as she tried to cover up a moan she didn’t want to escape. She liked what Grayson was doing, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.

  “Really? Is that all you can think of at the moment.” Grayson chuckled softly. “I’m not fat.”

  “Fat butt,” She murmured.

  “You know that’s not true,” Grayson said as he backed away and stood up. “I’ll prove it.”

  Lilly looked up anxiously, wanting more. She couldn’t admit she liked what Grayson was doing, but she was trying desperately to not be interested.

  Grayson grasped the hem of his shirt lifting it up and tossing it nonchalantly across the room. He smirked as Lilly’s eyes lit up. She hadn’t fully realized Grayson was ripped. His stomach sporting tightly packed muscles. She realized he was big but… he wasn’t just big he was fully muscularly developed. His strong shoulders looked as if they had been pushed to the extreme.

  Grayson’s smirk grew as he pushed his low slung jeans down further until they dropped on their own accord to the floor. Lilly sat there wide-eyed staring at him. Almost naked, Grayson stood in nothing but tight boxers.

  “Do you see something you like?” Grayson asked as he lifted his arms over his head and flexed his muscles.

  “Uh…” she shuttered as her eyes traveled down his long lengthy body. Finally, she settled back on his chest.

  “We’ll talk later.” He grinned as he advanced on the couch once again. Lilly fidgeted but didn’t dare move. Grayson was so close she could feel the heat from his body as he came back to her. “You want to feel don’t you?” he said softly.

  Lilly may have been living a hard harsh life, but she was still innocent in most things. She had noticed other guys at the gym with their shirts off, but when Grayson took his off it was more intimate. More sensual. Yet, now he even stood without his pants. Only covered by black tight fitted boxers, Lilly could see the outline of all his male pride.

  She nodded.

  Grayson’s grin widened into a big bright smile; he reached down, grabbed Lilly’s hand, lifting her up from the couch, and tugged her around to his swivel office chair. Now she was up higher, no longer lying down on his couch.

  He pushed her back into the chair gently and brought Lilly’s hand up to his chest. “Explore,” he murmured.

  “Your muscles…” she breathed “Are so… tight.” Her voice betrayed her, lust clear within it and Grayson knew he had her then.

  He stayed silent as he let Lilly explore his body with her hands. Slowly, she brought her other hand up to roam him more thoroughly. She examined his taught muscular shoulders, down his massive biceps, then down Grayson’s back exploring the muscles there.

  “How…” She began.

  “A lot of work,” Grayson shrugged. Lilly could feel the muscles bunch beneath her hands and she moaned. His body was amazing, she thought to herself.

  Lilly continued, she now smoothed her hands back down his chest, across his hips and then across his groin. He let out a breath as her hands began to move around feeling his parts.

  He couldn’t take it any longer. Grayson’s hands shot out and lifted Lilly up. Spreading her legs around his chest, he pinned her to the wall as his lips crashed onto hers. “You’re getting me all riled up," he murmured into her ear sending shivers down her spine.

  “I’m sorry.” Lilly nearly whispered.

  “And that voice…” Grayson groaned “God you’re so sexy.”

  Lilly shivered nervously. "I'm sorry..."

  He groaned, "just be careful what you're touching..." he set her back down regrettably, "...continue."

  Grayson had been anxious to talk to Lilly, but she had fallen asleep in his arms while they had watched a movie. It was a new and interesting event that he could spend time like this with a girl without them having sex. She felt right in his arms and he couldn’t see why he didn’t see it earlier. He had managed to get it out of her why Duke had mentioned a bridge and now he desperately wanted to know why she had decided to jump in the first place.

  Lilly yawned and wiggled slightly as she stretched. “Morning beautiful” Grayson murmured.

  Lilly’s eyes widened and she sat up rapidly. “What?” She replied confused.

  “It's morning you fell asleep in my arms and you just looked so peaceful.” He said softly as his arms gently wrapped around her tighter hoping to get more action.

  “That’s because I slept so peacefully,” She yawned. Lilly wanted so badly to reach up and kiss Grayson, but she wasn’t sure if she was allowed to do that. Nervously and slowly, Grayson watched as Lilly slid her way up his body until she could reach to kiss him.

  “Good morning to you too,” she replied quietly.

  “Well, since there’s no school today…” he drawled. Lilly looked into Grayson’s eyes and watched as he struggled to say whatever it was he was trying for.

  “Yeah…” she encouraged.

  “Well… would you be interested in …” Grayson paused.

  “In what?” she smiled. She wanted him to beg or gravel, not really knowing why but she did.

  “Oh come on Lilly. You’re killing me here.” Grayson grumbled as he slipped from the couch. Lilly got a full view of his backside as Grayson mumbled incoherently and made his way around the room searching for his clothing. He had sat by her with his clothing off all night covered by Lilly’s clothed body and a blanket.

  Lilly sighed and slid from the couch pulling the blanket tight around her as she made her way over to Grayson. “What is it you would like to do?” she murmured. “I need to hear you say it,” Lilly whispered as she pressed herself into his back.

  Grayson smiled softly as he turned around and pushed his hands beneath the blanket. Roaming Lilly’s body, he groaned. “I want to hold you again.” He whispered as he leaned forward and nibbled on her ear, his hands finally stopping on her butt and squeezed gently. “But since I know that we can’t just do that all day… I want to know if you would like to go out to eat and then we can spend the day together… maybe a movie?”

  “Sure,” Lilly answered.

  Grayson sighed. “Good.”

  Double Take

  Chapter 17

  Food was amazing. Lilly couldn’t quite figure out if she should have called it breakfast or lunch because it was so close to lunch and she hadn’t eaten breakfast. Grayson took her to a quiet family style restaurant where they had sat in the back; a quiet space, all to themselves.

  After the food had arrived and Lilly dug in Grayson began to prod for information. “Why were you going to jump Lilly?” He asked.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s over now.” She avoided.

  Reaching forward he gripped her hand and squeezed it. “I want to know.”

  Lilly looked up into Grayson’s eyes as if to say he was really interested. She then downcast her eyes and muttered, “My life is horrible.”

  “What?” Grayson asked. Not sure if he had heard her right.

  “I can’t stand my life anymore. I can’t take the pain.”

  That was something he could work with. “Look Lilly… I am sorry Will died, but you’re going to have to get over it sometime. He’s gone and…” He paused reaching forward and lifting her chin up so he could get a good look at her. “I want to help you through that.”

  Lilly simply nodded. She wasn’t quite ready to reveal everything to Grayson. “I’d like that.” She said softly.

  They had spent the time at the restaurant holding hands and talking then Grayson paid and together they went on to another location.

  “So… your family owns the gym?” She said out of nowhere. They had been walking in silence ever since they had left the restaurant and Grayson insisted on holding her hand.

  Grayson turned and smiled down at Lilly. “It’s mine” He chuckled softly knowing the reaction he was going to receive from Lilly.

  “Yours!” She nearly shouted stopping in the middle of a street, which they were crossing and staring at him with wide eyes.

  “Out of the road,” Grayson said urgently tugging at Lilly’s hand. “Then talk.”

  Once clear of the street, Grayson explained. “My grandfather left my dad the gym. My father has no interest in it nor the time… so he asked Carl to take care of it until I graduated school. He’s my manager, but he tries usually to act like he’s my boss or my father or something.” Grayson shrugged. “Anyway… I have been just training in my off school time.”

  “Oh…” She mouthed. “That’s cool.”

  “So… Are you coming back to me at the gym?” Grayson had to ask. He had wanted to know all day and now this was his boost of confidence he had been waiting for.

  “I don’t know if it’ll help.” She said looking down at her feet and fidgeting.

  “Help what?” Grayson asked.

  “Oh uh… nothing. Look, Grayson, I had fun and all, but I have to…” Lilly’s words died as another roared above hers.

  “Liliana Walker! Where have you been?” Frank screamed. He must have seen them walking across the street and now he was in the park following them.


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