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Brazenly Beau

Page 4

by Tilly Kane

  I’m gonna kill my brother. Honestly.

  He exits the car, coming to where Beau and I stand, dumbfounded (me) and confused (him) on the sidewalk.

  “You were being weird on text, so I thought we’d come check on you and make sure you were okay,” Adam explains.


  Brooklyn exits the car then, looking sheepish. Did my best friend sell me out? Vaguely, I note that she looks better than she has in ages, relaxed and content. Actually, so does Adam. But I don’t have time to think about that right now.

  “How did you know where I was?” I ask, still so confused.

  If anything, Brooklyn now looks even more uncomfortable. “We still share our locations, and I mentioned that you were in Filipinotown. Apparently that’s not remotely close to where your interview was -- “

  “So I panicked,” Adam finishes for her, giving her a grateful smile before fixing his attention back on me. “By the way, I’m a little offended that you share your location with Brooklyn and not your own brother.”

  “Clearly I was right not to because you do crazy shit like this!” I yell, giving Brooklyn the stink eye. “And Brooklyn might have those privileges revoked soon too”

  Brooklyn mouths, “I’m sorry,” behind Adam’s back. I’m not really upset with her, but I am furious with my brother.

  Belatedly, I realize that Beau and I are still holding hands, and I haven’t introduced him. I look up at him to check his reaction, and I see an expression I haven’t yet seen on his face. It looks... forlorn?

  “Hey, everyone, this is -- “ I trail off when Beau abruptly drops my hand. It hurts like I’ve been scalded.

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Beau,” he says, reaching for Adam’s hand and shaking it, before doing the same to Brooklyn. “I’ve actually got some work to wrap up in the office.” He spares me a brief glance. “Come on up and say bye before you go. Uh, if you want.” And then he heads back in without another word.

  I turn back to Adam and Brooklyn, my eyes filling with tears. Brooklyn pulls me into a hug.

  “Aw honey, what happened?” she asks.

  And I tell her everything. About how I met Beau last night, and how he thinks he’s not good enough for me, and how he thinks I’m too young for him. And how I am pretty sure I’m in love with him already and now it’s all messed up.

  Brooklyn lets me cry on her shoulder. I’m vaguely aware of my brother standing awkwardly to the side.

  “And you!” I say, turning to him. He backs away with his hands up.

  “Hey, I’m sorry, but you’re my baby sister in a strange city! I was worried about you. The interview ended a while ago,” he says, and I don’t even ask how he knows that.

  “Yeah well, did you have to show up in a freaking Town Car? Now he really thinks he’s not good enough for me.”

  Adam shakes his head. “I didn’t feel like driving. You move to LA and see how much you like driving around here,” he protests.

  Brooklyn lays a hand on his arm and he basically melts in real time. Curious, indeed.

  “So, are you going to go back in there or what?” she asks me. “We can wait for you in the car,” she offers, and Adam nods.

  Which is how I find myself riding the elevator once more, nervous as hell but ready to fight for this thing I have with Beau, even if he doesn’t feel it yet.



  I half expect Charlie not to come back upstairs, but I’m ready if she does.

  There’s a timid knock on my door and I glance up to see her, her face tracked with tears and her eyes searching mine for... what? Hesitation? Anger? Whatever it is she’s looking for, she won’t find it here.

  I motion for her to come closer to me, until she’s close enough for me to set her down in my lap. I bury my nose in her hair, inhaling her addicting scent.

  “Honey, will you just tell me if I have a chance? I’ll do anything to win you over,” I say.

  She blinks at me in confusion. “Win me over? I thought you’d want nothing to do with me,” she admits.

  “What? Why would you... are you kidding me?”

  She shakes her head. “You disappeared, and I thought you were upset.”

  “Oh god no, I wasn’t upset, baby. I just got further confirmation that I’m not good enough for you. Clearly you come from that fancy background like I suspected when we first met. But I didn’t leave because I was mad about it. I left because I have work to do if I’m going to be good enough for you. And I only hope you’ll let me prove that to you. I’m sure to your brother I seem like some simpleton, not good enough for you, but I promise, I’ll prove -- “

  She cuts me off with a growl and a kiss which, despite all of the emotions rioting through me, still makes my cock turn to steel.

  “Shut up, Beau. You don’t get it. Yeah, my brother has more money than god now,” she says with an eye roll, “but that’s because he got into some big tech companies when he was pretty young. It doesn’t mean I grew up rich. My family was normal middle class and remains that way even after Adam got rich. I wasn’t born into this, though I admit Adam gets cool perks sometimes. But he would never judge you for the way you make your money. All that matters to him, which he just reiterated downstairs, by the way, is that you make me happy.”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat. “I do?”

  “Mmmhmm. You do. And,” she says, looking nervous again, “I think I’m falling for you.”

  My heart swells in adoration and pride.

  “Well baby, that’s good to know, because I’ve already fallen deeply in love with you,” I say.

  She gasps, her eyes filling with tears.

  “And now I have to admit that I just lied when I said I think I’m falling for you. I already know I’ve fallen, I just didn’t want to creep you out,” she whispers. “I love you too.”

  “Thank god for that,” I say, before setting her on my desk again, needing to claim her more than I’ve ever needed anything in my life.


  Epilogue: Charlie

  One Month Later

  “Are you sure you want to keep the couch? And the bed? I’m really happy to get all new stuff,” Beau says, as he soothingly runs his fingers through my hair.

  We’re laying on the aforementioned couch, half asleep after a full day of officially moving me into his place and then the copious lovemaking to celebrate moving me into his place.

  Truthfully, I didn’t have all that much to move in, besides clothing, but we spent the day picking up little odds and ends at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

  I rest my chin on his strong chest, gazing up at his handsome face. He’s got a little wrinkle between his eyebrows cause he’s so concerned, and honestly it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Hi, you’re adorable, you know that?” I say, loving the way he blushes. “I’m going to say it once more -- I love the couch. And the bed. I don’t care if you had them before I moved in. The couch is where you made me come for the first time, and the bed is where we first made love. This whole apartment is special to me, because you’re special to me,” I say.

  He’s silent for a moment, clearly thinking hard on what I’ve said. I watch him, unable to hide my amusement. Finally, he gives me a begrudging smile.

  “Okay baby, those reasons seem good enough for me. But you promise you will speak up if you ever want to change something, right?”

  I nod, sitting up and yanking my t-shirt off in an instant.

  “Not that I don’t love where this is going, but... what’s happening?” he asks, his voice low and growly.

  I shift on his already-hard cock, moaning as he hits me just right through the barrier of our clothing.

  He sits up and grabs me, pulling me to him and jamming his fingers in my hair before he takes my mouth in a searing kiss.

  “You’re... we’re just talking too much... and I feel like we should be fucking more. Now that we live together and all,” I explain, panting through our frantic kisse
s as we undress each other.

  “God, I love you so much,” he groans as I free his cock from his gym shorts, rubbing my thumb over the slick head of him before positioning my pussy over it. He watches me, wide-eyed with arousal and so much damn lust it consumes me.

  I tease my opening with his thick cock, torturing us both until he grabs my hand, helping me guide him into me. I sink all the way down onto him, somehow still not used to how big he is. It takes me a moment to fully seat myself on him, but when I do, we both groan in relief. This is perfect. This is everything.

  Neither one of us last very long, and he comes inside me hard, like he didn’t just come a few hours ago. Every time feels brand new.

  I slump against his sweaty chest, loving the sound of his heart beating so close to me and the feel of his cock softening inside me as his seed drips out. It’s filthy, but it’s us and I love it.

  “I love you, so much,” I whisper.

  “And I love you. You’re perfect. I’m so glad I convinced you to take a chance on me,” he says.

  I sit up, ready to argue, and he cracks up laughing. It’s become a running joke between us that he pursued me, when we both know I’m the one who made this thing happen between us.

  After my fateful interview day when Beau met Adam, Beau and I made a plan to have me move into his place permanently even if I didn’t get the job.

  Whether through divine intervention, luck, skill, or nepotism, I did get the job at DYME, though they kept me waiting for three whole weeks.

  Now it’s been just over a month since Beau and I first met, and I start my new job in a few days. Life is, in a word, perfect.

  “Hey baby,” Beau says, pulling me out of my reverie.


  He gently cups my chin and lifts my gaze to his.

  “This isn’t exactly how I’d planned to do this, but I can’t wait. I have to do it now... will you be my wife?” he asks, a hopeful grin on his face.

  I shriek and burst into tears. “Of course! Of course! I love you,” I say, laughing as I feel him hardening inside me yet again.

  “You’re insatiable,” I chide, but I certainly take advantage of the fact that my husband-to-be is hard once more as I rock my pussy over his length.

  “Only for you, baby girl. Only for you,” he says, thrusting into me and giving me a preview of what our life will be like for the next fifty years. Perfect.

  Thank you!

  Hi reader! Thanks so much for reading! Be sure to sign up for my newsletter here to stay up-to-date on all my upcoming releases, and leave a review on Amazon if you feel so inclined!

  Stay tuned for a preview of the next book in the series — CHARMINGLY CHASE!



  "Chase, can you grab the blueprints and take ‘em to the leasing office for me?” my boss, Beau, asks with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

  I eye him suspiciously. “Yeah, of course… what’s going on?”

  He shrugs, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets. “My lady needs me at home. Urgently. And you know I’m not one to deny her.”

  I groan and roll my eyes exaggeratedly.

  “Yeah yeah, don’t be jealous, kid. Lock up,” Beau says as he saunters out of the small office.

  Beau's transformation from perpetual bachelor to loved-up boyfriend of the year happened in less than a month and, if I hadn't witnessed firsthand just how happy his girlfriend Charlie made him, I wouldn't have believed it to be true.

  It’s late when I finally arrive at the commercial real estate leasing office where Beau has secured us our next contract. He’s a good guy who started his own construction business a few years ago and actually treats his employees like people — what a concept. I’ve only been on the team for a few months, but it’s already been the best job I’ve ever had. Me and the other guys on the crew have formed a little brotherhood, and I’m honestly surprised that they accepted me so quickly. I’ve never had a community like this before.

  I assumed I could just drop off the blueprints with a receptionist or something, but I don’t see anyone when I step into the sleek, upscale office. I’m definitely out of place in my work clothes, all beat up and paint-splattered. I’m sweaty after a long day, and all I want is to head home, eat a burrito, and pass out.

  I almost turn to leave, thinking everyone has gone home for the day, but then I hear raised voices down the hall. It’s hard for me to make out the bulk of the disagreement, but it sounds like a woman arguing with a man — her father, perhaps?— about wanting to live her own life.

  I should go.

  Briefly, I wonder if I could just leave the blueprints on the desk or something, but knowing my luck they’d get lost, and then I’d be in deep shit with Beau.

  After a moment, it seems like the voices are getting closer, and I can now make out the specifics of what the man is saying to the woman.

  ‘Maybe you should whore it up like your mother dearest. Heard you’re good for it.’

  An older, red-faced man stalks toward the reception desk, followed by the most beautiful, angelic little thing I’ve ever seen. She’s wearing an expression of fury as she glares at the man, waiting for him to hand her something. The fact that this perfect girl was on the receiving end of this asshole’s tirade — that makes it even worse. That simply will not do.

  I’m braced for a confrontation before I even realize what I’m doing — the response is etched into my psyche at this point in my life.

  I clear my throat, and finally they both notice my presence at the same time. Before either of them can say anything, I speak first.

  “Sir, I think you’d better apologize to the lady for speaking to her that way,” I say, with my most congenial Texan good ol boy charm. I know how to turn it up when I need to.

  The red-faced man grows impossibly redder as he sizes me up. “And who the fuck are you?”

  I gesture to the blueprints in my hand. “With Beau Williams Contracting. Dropping off the blueprints for the Alameda site.”

  I place the blueprints on the desk in front of him, then gesture back toward the perfect angel who is now watching me curiously.

  “Now then, I’m sure this sweet thing didn’t do anything to warrant such vitriol from you,” I say, winking at her.

  Her curiosity turns back to fury, and she directs her glare from me, to the man, then back to me, almost like she’s trying to decide which one of us to be more upset with.

  The man ignores me, tearing a check out of a ledger and handing it to her without a second look. She pockets it without a word, seeming almost embarrassed by the transaction.

  “Always a pleasure doing business with you, Uncle Denny,” she says, in a tone that conveys that nothing could be farther from the truth.

  She turns to leave, but now I’m even more pissed. This is her uncle? How dare he talk to his family like that?

  “Alright now wait a minute, miss, I think your uncle here owes you an apology. What do you think?”

  She stares at me for another inscrutable moment… and then…

  She laughs.

  It’s a very distinct laugh.

  A very distinct laugh that makes my heart pound triple time.

  The laugh transforms her whole demeanor, and if I thought she was beautiful before, I’m in danger of cardiac arrest now.

  The beauty nods toward the office door.

  “Come on, cowboy, I’ll let you walk me out,” she says, with a wink, before linking her arm in mine and leading me out the door.

  I glance back, still sputtering about the apology that never came, just in time to see her shitty uncle skulking back toward his office.

  Once outside, she pats my hand, then unlinks our arms. I mourn the loss.

  “Thanks for trying to come to my rescue, or whatever that was, but I don’t need the help. I know how to handle myself, thank you.”

  I swallow, hard, because suddenly I’m too close to this perfect beauty, and I’m acutely aware
of just how fancy and gorgeous she is. I feel like the schlubbiest schlub.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, for some reason feeling like I absolutely must know this information.

  She hesitates for a moment before holding her hand out to shake mine.

  “It’s Dakota. Dakota Miller.”

  Dakota Miller.

  She’s all big bright blue eyes and thick, dark brown hair, with an air of innocence about her that I’m extremely curious about.

  “Crap, you’re waiting for my name, aren’t you?” I say, stupidly, as I stand there holding her hand like a loon.

  “That’s typically what happens next, yes,” she answers wryly.

  “Duh, yeah of course. It’s Chase. Chase Hall,” I say, and is that my voice sounding all out of breath? What is happening to me?

  “Well Chase Hall, it’s nice to meet you. It’s rare to meet a gentleman these days. As for my uncle, he’s a fucking turdgeyser so don’t even bother. It’s not worth it.”

  That’s where you’re wrong, I want to say, wanting her to know that she’s worth every good thing in the world.

  “Anyway, thanks for the support, Chase. See ya,” she says, and before I can process it, she’s hopping into a car just as it pulls up, leaving me staring after her, wishing I’d gotten more than two words out in her presence.



  After two days, I still can’t stop thinking about that handsome as sin guy who stood up for me in front of my douchebag uncle Denny. Nobody’s ever gone to bat for me like that, at least not when Denny is involved, because he’s got more money than he knows what to do with and most people are intimidated by that.

  But not this guy, not Chase. I try (and fail) to bite back a smile as I remember how he seemed to be flustered when talking to me.


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