The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]
Page 23
At this announcement, there were many murmurs in the room. There were few in all The Realm that believed any of the Masters yet existed.
"I will take Woden's Highest and our future Supreme Sovereign of The Realm. Although I am keenly aware that My presence is needed in the Valley, I am certain that this report allows you to see that My presence is especially required in The Realm on behalf of the Valley. It is the problem I have spoken to you of upon many occasions. If I stand as both the Queen of the Valley as well as High Queen of The Realm, whenever I have a mission as High Queen, I interrupt My duties as Queen of the Valley. But so it is for now. I wish no offense on any of My Counselors or Advisors, and in deference to you, I have made this decision for the benefit of all The Realm. I wish not to make extra burdens on My Advisors, but so it must be. I am certain that the every turn responsibilities within the Valley will be well tended by My most able Counselors and Advisors. If two or three of My Counselors would wish to attend with Me, the invitation is advanced. I also take our Force Leader, the Warrior Woman of Woden, and her mate if so desired, Sle'nel', Mil'der'in, as High Counselor, My Healer, and attendants. I will hear no objections to My decision, as I expect none. If there are questions, My Force Leader is here to speak to the ongoing battle with the Dungaras."
She sat, waiting for the outbursts that she hoped wouldn't occur, guessing that they would. She waited many moments, but no one raised any issues. Surprised, she rose once again, “Hearing no comments or dissension, I thank you for your understanding and consent."
One of the Counselors rose, “High Queen. I understand the urgency of these missions. I am pleased that your effort to defeat the Dungaras is finally occurring. I support the final push to place an ending to our battles against them, and in this regard, certainly understand the need for your absence. I wish you a safe and productive journey in hopes that this is one step closer to peace. Please send messengers every few turns with reports. My only request is for you to take more guards along with you. And please know that with you as High Queen, we need no other Queen for our Valley."
A few of the other Counselors and Advisors agreed with the statement made, and The High Queen nodded her assent, “Thank you for your support. I will do as you desire. More guards will be taken with us, on both the journeys. And I will send messengers once every few turns. I wish you and all of us well in the duties that now face us. This assembly is concluded."
At the assembly's conclusion, The High Queen turned to her High Counselor, “Mil'der'in. I wish not to interfere, but would like to offer My gardens to you. I will not be using them this eve. I will see you at midmorn for our journey. I wish you a pleasant eve."
"Thank you, my Queen."
* * * *
The High Queen and Sle'nel’ left to their affairs, while Sam waited for all to leave, hoping that Mil'der'in would see her. Mil'der'in acted as the hostess for the assembly, seeing all to the exit. After all had left, she returned to Sam, “The High Queen has offered us her gardens for this eve. Would you like to walk through them with me, Highest? They are most beautiful. We could walk to the lake, and then return."
"I would like that, Mil'der'in.” She offered her arm as was done with The High Queen, but Mil'der'in laughed lightly and said, “I laugh not at you, Highest. It is just that this offering is only for The High Queen. I will take your arm as presented at your side. This is our custom in the Valley."
Sam blushed but wasn't truly embarrassed, “It is difficult to know another culture's ways. Thank you. I think I could use you with me more so I don't make but a fool of myself."
"You are certainly no fool, Highest. Just somewhat new to our ways. I suspect that Woden doesn't have such a high culture as exists in the Valley. It is only this way because we host The High Queen. Wherever she is, so is the high culture."
They had left the Great Dining Hall and had begun walking toward The High Queen's Lake, “It is but interesting to know my sister in such a position as this. She has given up her life to this, and given up all her privacy, yet the position be most enviable."
"Enviable?” Mil'der'in thought about it for a moment, trying to recall any moment of a High Queen's life that would be enviable, “I personally think this not so. I find it nothing but overly demanding on her. The Realm keeps her at a distance from any familiarity so as to hold her up as a commanding object rather than someone with a life. She has to remain firm at all moments without succumbing to depression, tiredness or weariness of her responsibilities, all the while displaying fairness, intelligence, compassion, and strength. It is a lot we ask of her for the privilege of maintaining The High Queen in our Valley. Do you have these expectations on you as The Highest of Woden?"
"In truth, not by far to this measure. I suppose that the measure is but determined by the size of the town. In your case, The High Queen is of The Realm while I am but of Woden only. What do you mean by maintaining The High Queen in the Valley? Is she not from here?"
"A High Queen may elect to live in any town within The Realm, as she is High Queen of The Realm."
"Yet my sister chooses to live where she was raised?"
"In this rare case she is also Queen of the Valley, and the Valley would like it to remain this way. Otherwise it would need another queen, and she would yet remain High Queen. I know she has thought to give the Queen of the Valley to another, but the Counselors fight fiercely against this. She argues with them that if she were to die, they would lose both the Queen of the Valley as well as High Queen of The Realm."
"She is correct, though, is she not?"
"She is, but the Valley wants her as both and is willing to face the consequences."
"She is that desired?"
"Yes, and more so."
While she was interested in this topic, she was more interested in Mil'der'in, “Tell me more of yourself, Mil'der'in."
"Truly, Highest, I know not what you see in me. My life is simple. It is my place to oversee the Valley's Advisors and Counselors for The High Queen."
"Not about your duties, Mil'der'in. Tell me about you. Tell me about your love. Tell me what interests you have."
"I have no long-love, but I do have one that intrigues me. She is a Master, and was one of The High Queen's teachers. This was hidden from all, but you will soon learn all the reasons for this secrecy. I no longer know how stands this relationship. I often think of her. As a Master, she can control her mind like no other. She can make mists appear, rain to fall, and she can shape shift into other forms."
"Can The High Queen do these things, as well? I saw her make a large fog in our battle against the Dungaras."
Mil'der'in smiled at Sam, “You will have to ask her that, Highest."
She looked at Mil'der'in, wanting to kiss her, thinking her stunning and exciting, “You know, Mil'der'in. I find you most beautiful."
"Do you not miss Sle'nel', Highest?"
Sam sighed, saddened that a possible moment to kiss her had passed, “At moments, but those moments now become fewer and fewer. She belongs to my sister and is happier than I have ever prior seen. It was my own fault that she left. She should have left me. I was wrong. But it has turned out even better for her, so now it is my moment to go forward. But I miss her not at this moment. In all The Realm, this is where I choose to be at this moment, arm-in-arm with you."
They passed by one of the benches along the path, and Sam motioned to it, “Would you like to sit for awhile and rest?"
"Not yet, Highest. The lake is yet ahead."
"Do you find yourself lonely, at moments?"
"My life is full. I have many friends and many duties to keep myself busy and productive."
They had arrived to The High Queen's lake. Sam was surprised at the beauty of it and its expansiveness, “This is only for my sister? These are her gardens, only?"
Mil'der'in nodded, “One of the benefits, it would seem, although she does share it when she is not in attendance. She calls it her retreat."
"I can see why as this is
beautiful beyond words. Have you been here with her?"
Mil'der'in laughed, “A few moments, but mostly she comes here alone. She is more solitary than any of us can imagine, Highest. It is her training. She trusts no one."
"Not even Sle'nel'?"
"Only Sle'nel', as she is an Elf and doesn't lie."
"You speak truth. While I never knew she was an Elf, she never could lie."
The moon was low in the sky, and its shadow bounced across the still lake. Mil'der'in looked at Sam, “You also are a beautiful woman, Highest. Your eyes could cause one to drown in them, they are so much like liquid.” She looked back to the lake, “I love this spot."
Sam moved her gently toward her, looking into her eyes, “Thank you for this eve.” She drew her closer and kissed her. Mil'der'in was surprised only in that Sam waited as long as she did.
She laughed, “You treat me as if I am breakable, Highest."
Before Sam could respond, Mil'der'in went to the shore of the lake, unfastened some of her buttons, and dropped her gown to the ground. She stood fully naked, staring at the lake. Sam found her body beautiful from the back, fully surprised, “The water is refreshing, Highest. I am going for a swim. Care to come with me?"
Mil'der'in entered the lake slowly, turning after a moment, not yet fully in the water. She waited a moment, then turned back toward the lake and began swimming. Sam quickly undressed, following her.
* * * *
The High Queen and Sle'nel’ had returned to their quarters. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ was tired after her turn of The High Queen's Audience, and wanted some privacy with her Elf prior to their new journey, “Do you need another meal this eve, My Desire?"
"No. Just you. Now that my memories are returning, you are all that I desire."
"I allowed Mil'der'in access into the gardens this eve, with your prior lover."
"They could both use some entertainment. I hope only that Mil'der'in is prepared for such as Sam, as Sam loses interest quickly in a new lover."
The High Queen smiled at this, “Then My sister has met her match. Mil'der'in takes a new lover upon every eve."
"Has she never loved just one?"
"She has, but was betrayed. The woman only pretended to desire her so as to learn more of Me."
"So, Sam may get her heart broken once again."
"Worry not about her, My Love. If Mil'der'in plays with her heart, My sister will find that Uthrn has much interest in her."
Sle'nel’ smiled slightly, amused at the notion, “How do you know this?"
"I saw her interest toward your prior lover. The journey will be an amusing one, if nothing else. I imagine that Mil'der'in will take one of the Warriors of the Sword as a lover next eve, as she has a preference for very aggressive and passionate lovers. And the Warriors of the Sword are legendary as lovers in this regard. Mil'der'in rarely misses this opportunity, if presented."
"I don't think I wish to know more. I may find out that you were once taken by one of them."
San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ laughed, “I think it is the desire of every young girl in the Valley to be, as you say, taken to the bed of one of the Warriors of the Sword. But no, I have never lain with any of them. Long prior, I caused many battles between them as they battled over who could take Me to their bed. Sadly, I was called away and couldn't lay with the winner."
Sle'nel’ laughed at the thought of it, “I don't think Sam is yet quite ready for either Mil'der'in or Uthrn. As you said, this should be an amusing journey."
"And they are legendary for their loudness in the bed, as well."
She looked shocked, “You jest!"
The High Queen raised her hand to her chest as if offended, “Truly, I do not. And I have heard them, as you will also. They boast that they have a lover both every eve and every morn."
"Their village sounds amusing. Poor Sam."
"How are your wounds, My Desire?"
"Improving steadily, but sore. And yours?"
"Well enough to hold you to Me this eve, My Desire."
They had been walking arm-in-arm, and now Sle'nel’ also moved her other hand to her Queen's arm, holding it tightly to her, “Then we can ask for no more than this."
* * * *
San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ woke in the morn to the feeling of Sle'nel's touch. Sle'nel’ felt her Queen stir, “Shhhh, my Queen. Move not, as you will feel your wounds instead. Just feel me touch you."
On the prior eve, The High Queen had commanded that no one enter until called. Their journey would be long, and she had wanted one morn of privacy between her and Sle'nel’ to lie quietly together without interruption. She had woken to the feeling of her lover touching her. In spite of her wounds and pain, the feeling made The High Queen shudder.
"My Des—"
Sle'nel’ whispered, “Shhhh.... make no sounds or moves. Feel my touch, only. Softly, my Love."
While their physical movements were curtailed by their injuries, their need of each other was without question. They moved to each other's rhythms, and after many moments of giving their pleasures, their bodies tensed in their releases, then relaxed into a depth they hadn't felt for what seemed a long while.
"Come, My Elf. Lay on top of Me."
Sle'nel’ gently did as San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ desired. For many moments they laid together, feeling each other's warmth. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ placed her arm around Sle'nel', and Sle'nel’ covered them up slightly to keep in their warmth. They kissed each other, then finally lay quiet together, falling back to sleep.
They woke to the sound of The Healer's voice, “My Queen. Are you ready to rise?"
Sle'nel’ looked at The Healer, then her Queen, “Perhaps we could bolt the door?"
The High Queen laughed as Sle'nel’ gently moved off her. They were prepared for their journey, with Sle'nel’ donning her High Sorcerer garments. The attendants braided the front right side of her hair as they had seen done upon her return from the Sorcerer Women, and they had cleaned and altered her garments slightly to ensure a better fit. She knew that Ann'wn would carry her staff for her.
The High Queen was dressed in riding garments that had been made to help her remain warm through the colder lands. She was dressed as a High Queen visiting other sections of The Realm, yet, as Sle'nel’ looked upon her, she saw that The High Queen looked different. The garments were of the same thick and dense material Sle'nel’ had seen when they first met, and designed in the traditional way of the Valley with much of the breasts showing, so it wasn't the garments that looked different. After a moment of studying her, Sle'nel’ finally saw the difference. It was the jewelry and the neck decoration that were stunningly different. The High Queen was wearing one of her crowns and a ring upon her left hand that held the red stones of the Valley. She also wore a long dangling earring of the same red stone, hanging from her left ear, and the attendants had painted a sign upon the right side of The High Queen's neck—a picture of a large fire with an elaborate sword running through it. The High Queen looked fully imposing and commanding.
"My Queen, you look as you did upon our first meeting. I have not seen you as such since that moment."
San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ was concerned, “Do you not like it, My Desire?"
"I very much like it, my Queen. I was unaware then of your role, and have not seen these designs since. You are magnificent in appearance. Your stance is truly exceptional, but these decorations are unusual for you."
"Ah. The adornments then."
"And the sign upon your neck. And you wear your larger crown. And what is this earring that you wear? Why do you wear only one? Did you wear as such at our first meeting?"
San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ smiled, “I didn't wear this earring, and in truth, My Desire, it has great meaning. I have another for you if you would like to wear it. But first you must understand its meaning. I was going to tell you of it in just a moment, but you raised the topic first. It means that I am fully within a union, and that it would be inappropriate to approach Me about su
ch. I wear it not in the Valley as all know of our union. But the Warriors of the Sword are different and would fight much over Me, as well as you, to have us in their beds. With this earring, they will not approach the issue."
The High Queen walked over to Sle'nel’ opening her hand and showing her the identical earring, “It is a matched set. This one is for you, if you would accept it and its meaning. The small red stones within it will also help to strengthen your powers somewhat. But please know that you are not forced to do so. It is your decision alone. You would wear it upon your right ear if you should decide to do so."
"You don't mind wearing it?"
The High Queen placed her hands upon Sle'nel's shoulders, looking directly into her eyes, “I have told you prior, My Desire, and meant it prior that I willingly shout our union from the mountaintops. I will never hide our union. All know of it, as I have commanded it so. The Realm has been delivered the message of our union. The entire Realm, My Desire. This earring just serves as a reminder for those who need it. But you should also know that I only wear such adornments when necessary, so will not wear this earring when we are in the Valley. But it doesn't mean I love you any less."
Sle'nel’ nodded, finally understanding, “Sam gave me a bracelet and a ring when we became companions. It is not exactly the same meaning as this, but is the only reason I asked about it. She gave me a ring to demonstrate her eternal devotion to me. But it didn't last long, did it?"
She hugged Sle'nel’ closely to her, then looked into her eyes once again, “Whenever you so desire, My Love, you may ask Me to wear this earring."
"Thank you, my Queen. But you need not do so on my account. I know of your feelings, and am grateful for them. I need no symbol to know that which you demonstrate at all the moments. But I will happily wear this earring, Highness, with great pride in doing so."
The High Queen smiled and placed it on Sle'nel's right ear, “It doesn't quite match with the High Sorcerer's garments, but it is stunning upon you. And your braids on this side of your hair make it all the more intriguing. The Warriors of the Sword will be well disappointed, My Desire."