The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]
Page 25
Caitha was also fully amazed, “It is as if there were a mating ritual this eve."
The High Queen laughed lightly, “Indeed, Storyteller. It seems so as it is so. I am surprised that you and your companion have not been approached."
Caitha smiled, placing her hand on Meera's cheek, “Oh, but I was, my Queen. M'Love told them to remain away from me or she would be forced to kill them."
"That would have made them even more desirous of you, I fear."
Meera's eyes opened widely, “Now you tell me of this, my Queen?"
Both The High Queen and Sle'nel’ laughed. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ said, “They will leave you alone now. At least until we get to their village."
"Should you not inform them of the earrings?"
The High Queen nodded, “Find an adornment of matching earrings, such as we have. Each of you should wear one of them, on the opposite ears. It is a symbol that you are within a union and are not to be approached in this regard."
Meera laughed, “Once again, my Queen, now you choose to inform us of this? It wasn't a pretty moment when I had to almost rip them off of my Caitha."
"You yet know not of these women, My Warrior Woman. Observe carefully, and know that your eve will be filled with sounds of their pleasure throughout the long eve. It is why we are now so amused. But we will also be well guarded. They allow this not to interfere with their duties."
"They selected the site well this eve, Highness."
"As they ever do. They guard The High Queen now, Warrior Woman. They wouldn't wish to have Me killed while on their watch. The Realm would never forgive them. I suspect that there are many more Warriors of the Sword than we know, surrounding us. They are known as the most skilled and dedicated warriors in The Realm, and to have The High Queen killed while on their guard would remove that honored label forever."
Uthrn approached, “High Queen?"
"You may approach, Uthrn."
She knelt at The High Queen's feet, bowing her head deeply, “May I have a moment, in private?"
The High Queen placed her hand upon Uthrn's head, What may I answer for you, Force Leader of the most powerful Warriors of the Sword?
I desire your sister, High Queen. May I have your permission to do so?
You need not My permission for such. Only hers. Enjoy your eve.
The High Queen removed her hand, and Uthrn raised her head, “Thank you, High Queen. Please rest well this eve in knowing that you are well guarded. Although an attack would be most difficult for our enemies upon this island, we are also well prepared with many. You will not be harmed."
"Thank you, Force Leader. I wish your eve all you hope it to be."
As Caitha sang them a song of a past high queen, they watched as Uthrn made her very aggressive moves on Sam. Sam was being fully receptive, but didn't know that Uthrn had only begun.
Sle'nel’ was surprised, “Are they always as public as this?"
Again, The High Queen laughed, “No. Not such as this. Usually it is even more so. They are being polite out of respect to Me. You will see even more of this when we arrive to their village."
Meera was surprised, “They do everything except the act itself, and removing their garments."
"Keep watching, My Warrior Woman, as they will begin to do even that. The body is seen as a decorative enjoyment in their village. They are tattooed in the most interesting of places. They do as such so as to show off during the mating ritual. It is a public demonstration of their excellence. They take great pride in their bodies and strength. They will also begin to fight over their desires. Look over at Mil'der'in. Two begin to fight over her now."
"They will fight? To the death?"
The High Queen shook her head, “No. Not to the death, and not with weapons. They will mostly wrestle, using some minor powers. As they fight, the object of their desire is supposed to select which one they wish to be with. But your Highest doesn't know of this rule, so this will be amusing."
Three of the women were fighting over Ann'wn, even though she told them she was uninterested. She had forgotten that this was seen as part of the ritual, for her to show a lack of interest. As they fought between themselves, she came over near The High Queen.
"Why the depressed look upon your face, My Force Leader? It is not often you have three such as these fighting over you. You should be well pleased."
"It is embarrassing, my Queen. And I desire them not."
"You have been with them prior. Why are you embarrassed?"
"I am not interested this eve, but forgot, and told them of such. Now they desire me even more. Help me, my Queen."
The High Queen shook her head, laughing almost hysterically, but trying to control it, “Help you? Then I suggest you choose the one that just won. She looks overly strong and most capable. I especially like the way she looks at you."
"What sort of help is this, Highness?"
The Healer also laughed, nodding her head toward the winner, “She does look most spectacular, Force Leader. I think she is a good match for you."
Ann'wn silently thought, You are the match I seek, Healer, but said instead, “Why is it that none are fighting over you? Are you diseased or something?"
The Healer got up and tried to hit Ann'wn on the arm, “No, I am not diseased, Mean One. They were fighting over me, but I told them that if they continued I would give them a potion to halt their desires. That frightened them off, permanently."
Ann'wn had caught The Healer's hand before it could touch her, and now just held it firmly, enjoying the feeling of The Healer's hand in her own. She took quick notice that The Healer didn't try to remove herself from the embrace, “Mean? Me? You are the one to frighten them."
"Look, Force Leader. The winner now comes to get you."
They were all laughing hysterically, except Ann'wn, who now wished to just sit with The Healer, but saw herself as caught in a dilemma.
The High Queen was now just chuckling to herself, “Thank you for this entertainment, Ann'wn. But in truth, go and enjoy your eve. You deserve it. And your champion awaits you. And know that every young woman in the Valley would gladly trade places with you at this moment. If I were you, I would go and choose My lover."
Ann'wn shrugged, then bowed her head, “Rest well, my Queen."
Ann'wn's champion had stripped the garment from her top, exposing her breasts to Ann'wn. Sle'nel’ saw a tattoo of a large animal upon one of the breasts, and a tattoo of a beautifully carved weapon on the other. On the woman's back was a tattoo that covered the entirety of the back with a depiction of a woman warrior with a bow and arrow shooting an arrow to the moon.
Sle'nel’ watched, seeing that the woman who desired Ann'wn was showing off her muscles, flexing them for Ann'wn, hoping to increase her interest and pleasure. Sle'nel’ was impressed at these women's physical attributes, noting that their bodies were truly stunning. This woman's breasts were full and very erect, while her stomach and arms displayed many trained muscles. Sle'nel’ saw that they all had similar hairstyles to Uthrn's, but Uthrn was the only one with the hair on the back of her head reaching to her waist.
Caitha was surprised at how bold the Woman of the Sword was with Ann'wn. She saw the woman taking Ann'wn's hand and placing it against her private area. Ann'wn chose to leave her hand there, moving her hand slightly in a caressing manner, rather than remove it. The woman then took Ann'wn's other hand and placed it on her breast.
Uthrn wasn't to be challenged by any others this eve, as none would dare challenge her for such a rank as Sam's. Uthrn also was beginning to guess that The Highest knew nothing of the Warriors of the Sword's ways. It mattered not to her, well intrigued at the one who had such a legend as killing the Buron man. Uthrn wanted her and would have her this eve, many moments. She removed her top, as Ann'wn's champion had done, showing off her tattoos and muscled body. She hoped that The Highest would also remove her top, as well. Uthrn thought Sam a beautiful woman and quite a prize for the eve. She also hoped that this sis
ter of The High Queen's would be as aggressive as the legend of The High Queen.
Sam was fully surprised, “Should we not go somewhere more private?"
Uthrn laughed, placing Sam's hand onto her breast, “Not as yet, Highest. It is our way. We will, eventually. I must show off your desire of me, first."
She took Sam's other hand and placed it on her private area. As had occurred with Ann'wn and her champion, this was done with the garments yet on. The High Queen watched with much amusement, knowing that Sam would be shocked at such a move. As her hand was placed on Uthrn's private area, Sam flinched, moving her hand away slightly, then slowly moving it back, feeling the area more carefully.
The High Queen laughed, “Watch your Highest."
Meera, Caitha and Sle'nel’ all watched as Sam was indoctrinated into the aggressive ways of the Warriors of the Sword. Meera laughed, knowing that Sam was aggressive in her own right, but knowing that Uthrn saw her as mild.
"Their abilities in mating are legendary. Uthrn, as their force leader, must earn the respect of all the Warriors of the Sword across all arenas of their life. She has had to prove herself upon many occasions in this fashion, as well. That she went after Sam'r'in'thel'ineln’ was evidence that one so great a leader as The Highest would find Uthrn desirable."
Meera shook her head, “Will Sam find this aggressiveness desirable?"
"I would place a wager that by the morn your Highest will wish to make an eternal companion of Uthrn."
"Our Sam?
The High Queen merely nodded. She noted that her Healer had sat quietly at the fire, facing well away from the ongoing show, but had also noticed that The Healer had watched Ann'wn being taken by another, for a moment. Unknown to The Healer, The High Queen had also witnessed Ann'wn look sideways at The Healer for a quick moment as she left with her champion for the eve. She saw that Ann'wn had a sad look upon her face, as if she were sorry she had left The Healer.
Sle'nel’ had lost interest in the events, turning to her Queen, “My Love. Do you recall our journey home from the Sacred Isle?"
The High Queen closed her eyes, focusing upon the moment, “Why do you ask?"
"What did your forces say about the battle scene? Did they explore the area?"
The High Queen reopened her eyes, looking into Sle'nel's. She saw that her Elf wasn't smiling, “You are wondering how the Dungaras knew to be there."
Meera nodded her head, “I have wondered over the same, my Queen. Did your guards find an encampment near?"
"I was informed that they found no such encampment."
Meera wished she could examine the site, “Was it a thorough investigation, my Queen?"
"I was informed that it was."
Sle'nel’ frowned, “Then we were betrayed."
The High Queen nodded, “So it would seem. It is presently being investigated."
Meera thought about it for a moment, “You but sensed the minds of the Spirits of the Valley and the High Wizard Sorcerer, so it couldn't be them, unless they were able to hide as such from you."
"I believe it not them, My Warrior Woman, but I have been wrong, prior."
Sle'nel’ looked confused, “If it were not them, it could only mean that it was one of the two guards, the Dungaran or A'lon'lden."
The High Queen didn't wish to discuss the topic, but also didn't wish to silence her most trusted of companions, “Perhaps. It could be as you say. But let us speak of other things this eve. Caitha, would you sing us a song you have learned recently?"
Sle'nel’ saw that her Queen didn't wish to discuss the topic, so asked something else, “What is this island, my Queen? Has anyone lived upon it prior?"
The High Queen was yet watching the Warriors of the Sword competing for their eve's conquest, answering the question without really thinking on it, “The First Ones, as you call them, passed by here. A short distance behind us is a small cave they remained in briefly. They must have halted here to re-supply their ships. There are some interesting writings and art on the walls. If you rise early enough prior to our leaving, you could examine it."
Caitha sang them a few songs of Woden, of the Valley, and one she had recently learned of the Sorcerer Women. Sle'nel’ moved her hand to her Queen's, holding it firmly, saying nothing. The High Queen looked over to her, looking relaxed and somewhat tired. The High Queen squeezed her hand lightly, smiling softly at her. She was surprised that she never tired of looking at Sle'nel'.
"What is it my Queen?"
San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ yet said nothing, just smiling.
Sle'nel’ raised The High Queen's hand to her lips, kissing it. She said quietly, “You are stunningly beautiful, my Queen."
The High Queen leaned back into her chair, feeling contented for the eve. She listened to the sounds of the eve, hearing Caitha hum, hearing an eve bird making its eve calls, and hearing the sounds of passion all about them. She closed her eyes and rested. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ was thinking how grateful she was for Sle'nel', never wanting to have to partake of such activities as these again. Sle'nel’ looked over to San'lr'in'thel'ineln', seeing an amused smile on her face. She wondered if her Queen would rather be seeking out one of the Warriors of the Sword.
"Why do you smile so, my Queen?"
Softly, without moving from her resting position, she answered, “Why do most smile? One smiles for happiness, correct? I smile for such, and for relief."
"That I no longer have to bring strangers to My bed. Many thought that I would never find happiness in a single union. But I knew I just needed to find the correct union. And I smile for My good fortune. Never would I have thought that I would end up in the arms of an Elf."
The High Queen readjusted herself into her chair even further, settling in, fully understanding that it would take some moments for Sle'nel’ to lose the memories of her short past with Sam. Patiently, she said, “When will you trust Me, My Elf? I am not your Sam. My needs are not as hers, as you well know."
"But did you not say that these are the most sought-after lovers throughout The Realm?"
The High Queen opened her eyes slightly, peering over to Sle'nel', “You mean, the most sought-after lovers after My Elf?” She laughed lightly, closing her eyes, “And you know Me well enough to know that I care not for the openness of these physical demonstrations. They simply amuse Me as would a play."
Sle'nel’ blushed, then softly replied, “Thank you."
As the eve grew cooler, Meera placed more wood upon the fire, while Caitha continued to hum as she held on to her own warrior woman. Sle'nel’ covered San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ with one of the animal hides, then watched the flames of the fire. The Healer sat quietly among them, feeling somewhat alone, but gladdened to be in their company.
Throughout the turn while riding, Sle'nel’ occasionally checked on her memories to see if all were still there. She found it frustrating, laughing at herself, How am I supposed to know that which I cannot remember?
"Jandra, M'Love. What is it like to be an Elfin Faerie?"
Caitha was leaning against Sle'nel's legs, also enjoying the sounds and sights of the eve. Meera was lying upon the ground on top of an animal hide, her head on Caitha's lap. Caitha was absent-mindedly stroking Meera's hair while also holding The Healer against her shoulder, having made her come over closer to her. The Healer was now sleeping comfortably against Caitha, contented in the moment.
Sle'nel’ shrugged, “I know not. I don't think I have known of this long enough to know how it feels. Strange, in truth. Nice, as Elves seem to be respected and well loved. It is but strange to be the only one, though. Do you miss Woden, Caitha?"
Meera listened, interested in Caitha's response, wondering herself if she could now go back to small little Woden. Caitha shook her head, “I know not, M'Love. A storyteller and singer of songs needs to travel throughout The Realm so as to learn more, as well as to share stories and songs. And as long as I am with Meera and you, then what else do I nee
d? I can see that you no longer miss Woden, though."
Sle'nel’ looked at her Queen, seeing her shallow breathing, as if in sleep. She placed her hand on Caitha's head and softly said, “San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ is my home, wherever she is. As it is with you and your Warrior Woman."
"Then I am happy for you, M'Love. While I had hoped it would be such with The Highest, I can see now that it wasn't meant to be. And I think The High Queen an excellent lover for you."
Caitha and Sle'nel’ spoke softly between themselves until late eve. The Healer, San'lr'in'thel'ineln', and Meera had fallen asleep long prior, enjoying their moments away from their responsibilities. Sle'nel’ was just beginning to think of rising and calling a few guards over to carry The High Queen to her bed, when a loud noise erupted from someone. It startled Caitha and Sle'nel', and caused The High Queen, The Healer and Meera to jerk wide-awake. The sound was much like the battle cry of the Valley's Warriors when entering battle.
Meera jumped up, prepared to fight. Caitha just asked, “What was that?"
The High Queen sighed, trying to calm her heart and newly returned pains from its sudden jolt, laughing lightly, “That, My Storyteller, was the sound of the first physical conquest of the eve."
Sle'nel’ shook her head, “Surely you jest? They announce it?"
The High Queen chuckled, “Your Sam will most likely be most frightened when she first hears this from Uthrn. Uthrn, as the leader of all their forces, will have need to be the loudest throughout the eve, and the one who calls it the most."
Sle'nel’ laughed while rising. She offered her hand to her Queen, “Enough of this, my Queen. My wound hurts from overly much laughing. Come with me to our bed. You are tired."
The High Queen took her hand, smiling, “You order your Queen? Is the aggressiveness of the Warriors of the Sword wearing off onto you, My Love?"
Sle'nel’ began to untie her shirt, as if to expose her breasts, “If you so desire, I too could provide such a yell as this when we have—"