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The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]

Page 30

by Robbie Collins

  Uthrn left to her task, knowing that being with The Highest wouldn't be possible this eve without much good luck. She had a message delivered to her, knowing it would have to be enough as she had no spare moments with this most difficult of tasks.

  The High Queen had held out her hand to Sle'nel’ as she came near, but Sle'nel’ instead took her arm and held it close to her. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ saw that her eyes were yet somewhat red. Meera left to retrieve Caitha from the storytellers.

  Erthrn turned to The High Queen, “What else may I do for you so as to entice you here?"

  "In truth, Erthrn, I have been giving much thought to this.” Erthrn was most interested to hear of this, surprised, but having guessed that the Valley over-used their Queen.

  "I have been thinking of relinquishing My role as Queen of the Valley and of just being High Queen until The Realm's Future Supreme Sovereign decides who she would like as High Queen."

  "You know the law, Highness."

  "I know, Erthrn. But a law can be changed."

  Sle'nel’ asked, “What law is this?"

  Erthrn responded for her, “The law states that The High Queen is such until death. Only this. And it is written in the legends that the Supreme Sovereign's role is a role far removed from that of High Queen."

  Sle'nel’ looked at San'lr'in'thel'ineln', “That leaves you as High Queen for a very long reign then, no matter the law or the legend."

  Erthrn nodded, “As it should be. She just hopes otherwise, but it will be so. Of this I know. Even the Future Supreme Sovereign will need her as High Queen. But tell me, my friend, what can I provide for you so you might come? What have you been thinking in this regard?"

  They began to walk back to The Caves so as to begin their preparations for Erthrn's gathering, “I couldn't just leave the Valley, but I was thinking of sharing My reign between the Valley and under your protection."

  "A mediation then. Wise. You wish not to disrupt the Valley from its high culture, but you would also bring it here.” She nodded, “I much like this idea, my Queen. It possibly has more strengths than choosing just one location. What would you like here that I might provide for you?"

  "You would truly want such as this, Erthrn? Think well on this as it has become a thought for Me. It would provide much change in this valley of yours."

  "I need no thought on this, my friend. I would welcome you here with more offerings than the Valley has ever provided to you. Come. Let me show you of your next surprise, my Queen, so that you may see for yourself how much we would like your presence among us. You may enjoy this surprise for a few long moments prior to our eve's affair."

  They had begun to walk up the long flights of stairs. Sle'nel’ wondered why The High Queen was thinking along these lines. She halted briefly, looking back out across this valley to the great sea.

  Erthrn smiled at San'lr'in'thel'ineln', but nodded her head toward their Elf, “It is a beautiful site from here, is it not, Elfin Princess?"

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ also turned to see the view. Having seen it prior, she knew of the beauty of such a sight, but never ceased to enjoy it. Sle'nel’ nodded, “It is most stunning. Not peaceful like the Valley, though. More as The Realm really is. Moody, I think. The Valley is so peaceful it almost seems unreal at moments. The weather here is more changing."

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ laughed lightly, “I cannot tell from your statement if you find Rns'deln’ pleasing or not."

  Sle'nel’ smiled, “Anywhere with you is most pleasing."

  Erthrn laughed, “I know not which I fear more, Highness. This one's powers as the High Sorcerer of the Stones, or when she acts so gentle and loving as this."

  The High Queen touched Sle'nel's cheek softly, “Then you have not lived, Erthrn, as this adds to the excitement."

  * * * *

  Erthrn guided them into another mammoth cave, adjoining to the one in which their chambers were located. She showed them the indoor theatre, then led them down another hall. She halted as they reached another set of massive doors, exactly the same as the ones opening to their chambers.

  "I hope you will be pleased, my Queen. We are most proud of this."

  As the guards opened the doors, San'lr'in'thel'ineln's eyes opened widely. Sle'nel’ just stared in disbelief as Erthrn led them in, “This is for you only, Highness. I have long desired to return my friend to me."

  Inside was a great columned room containing an expansive and fully tiled bath. It measured at least half the size of their chambers. Sle'nel’ saw the heat rising from the tiled bath. Letting go of her Queen's arm, she went to the side of the pool, bending down to feel the water.

  "It is quite warm, my Queen."

  Erthrn was smiling, “The aches and pains of all your prior injuries need such as this, my Queen."

  The High Queen was most impressed, knowing that Erthrn knew well of her wound from long prior, “I have nothing such as this, Erthrn. This is beautiful."

  The High Queen saw that, as in her chambers, a window to the outside had been provided. She knew that in such a place as this, a window through all this stone required a phenomenal effort, yet the window was large and displayed the beautiful view they had just admired.

  Erthrn nodded, “It is an improvement over you having to seek out your hotsprings, is it not?"

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ nodded, “Indeed. But you spoil Me."

  Erthrn laughed, “I am trying, Highness. But I only begin. More surprises await you, but only one at a moment, my Queen. I leave you now to enjoy your bath. Your attendants will assist you as needed."

  "Thank you, Erthrn. I only wish I had earned such as this. But tell Me, friend. What are your plans for this eve, or do I already guess them?"

  Erthrn raised an eyebrow, smiling knowingly, “Now that Uthrn is otherwise detained, I seek out your sister for the eve, if she will have me. She already awaits me. The attendants will help you to prepare at the proper moment. Your eve meal will be waiting for you at our little gathering. Until later, my Queen."

  Erthrn left while the attendants helped The High Queen and Sle'nel’ to disrobe. With that completed, the attendants waited in a small-enclosed alcove so as not to interfere with The High Queen's bath. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ stepped down the four stairs into the hot bath, enjoying the feeling. She held out her hand to Sle'nel', “Come, My Elf. This is luxury."

  They both sat in the deepest section, allowing their aches, pains, wounds, and bodies to enjoy the feeling of the hot water surround them in such a beautiful and safe setting.

  "Why do you not have such as this in your own Valley?"

  "In truth, I have never asked for such. Perhaps I will though. This is exceptional."

  Sle'nel’ went to the side, bringing the cloths and soap back to her Queen, “Allow me, my Queen?"

  "And it comes complete with My own Elf to wash Me."

  Sle'nel’ splashed some water on San'lr'in'thel'ineln', but quickly went to her task of washing her Queen. They bathed and washed each other, enjoying the moment between them.

  "Yes. We must have one of these built for us in the Valley."

  As she washed her Queen's hair, Sle'nel’ asked, “You told Queen Erthrn that you think about giving up your role as Queen of the Valley."

  "I spoke truly. I have longed believed that it is not good for the Valley to have Me as both. If I die, it leaves them overly vulnerable. And I need to visit more of The Realm as High Queen, yet I cannot as Queen of the Valley."

  "Perhaps you seek something else, my Queen?"

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ stood, turning to her Elf, touching her breasts softly, then kissing her for a long moment, “Perhaps."

  Sle'nel’ moaned at the feeling, wishing they were back in their chambers. She returned the kiss, feeling The High Queen's arms slowly, then kissing her breasts. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ shivered as she did so.

  Sle'nel’ moved slightly away, “And perhaps when you have such as this built in your Valley, it might be built closer to your quarter

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ laughed quietly, knowing her meaning, “A good thought."

  "Are there other locations you think of in regard to your reign, Highness?"

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ sighed, “My Elf, when do you think you might consider not calling Me by My titles?” She sighed, “There are two other towns that would be most pleasant and provide for My needs well. And they would also benefit from the increased culture."

  "But Rns'deln’ seems to appeal to you more. And you must give me more moments to think on what to call you. It has not yet come to me. Have patience, my Queen."

  "Rns'deln’ does appeal, in truth. The other two towns are more like the Valley. Quiet. Pretty. But overly conservative regarding how I must act in my roles. They, like My present Counselors, would try overly to control Me. Queen Erthrn would prohibit such, be a strong advocate for Me, provide for My needs, protect us well, and be a good friend, as she has ever been."

  Sle'nel’ hadn't yet noticed her Queen's garments for the eve. The gown was a warm one, made for sitting in cool rooms, heavy in the material, but lacking much of it as well. The usual ‘V’ cut down the front was provided, but a slit in one side of the gown from the thigh down was also provided, something that didn't occur in the Valley until Sle'nel's Faerie gown had been worn. Sle'nel’ was captivated by the effect, enjoying it fully, seeing that San'lr'in'thel'ineln's leg was quite sensually displayed.

  "What do you stare at so, My Desire?"

  "You have the most beautiful legs in The Realm, my Queen."

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ looked down at her gown, “Really? I have never given this any thought.” She looked back up, “But if they are alluring to you, I am pleased."

  Sle'nel’ gave her a knowing look and smile, “Then you must be very well pleased, indeed."

  The gown was the color of a dark leaf green, which was striking with The High Queen's dark red hair. She wore no jewelry this eve, except for the one earring and her small golden circlet crown. The gown reached just above the ground, being well made and designed, fitting The High Queen perfectly. It wasn't an ordinary gown, but was also not of the exceptional gowns that The High Queen had worn to her formal affairs. The High Queen also thought nothing of the gown's slit along its side, viewing it as normal for Rns'deln'. She was then provided with a deep rich brown full-length cloak.

  Queen Erthrn had provided new garments to Sle'nel’ as well, designed and made especially for the Elfin Princess. The material wasn't the Elfin material that she had worn upon a prior occasion, but similar. They had prepared Elfin pants that were half-covered by her knee-high boots, and a light and mostly see-through top that tied loosely in the front, forming the customary ‘V’ shape to the middle of her breasts. The sleeves of the top were long and to her wrist, but were also light and mostly see-through. Sle'nel’ also wore her earring. The cloak provided to her was a soft full-length black cloak.

  "What is this we attend this eve?"

  "I know not. Erthrn always supplies wonderful surprises, however, and even better meals."

  They were escorted to the theatre and given special seats. The audience was a small one for only those invited. The High Queen's traveling party was in attendance, as were a few selected leaders from close-by villages. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ saw that Erthrn was fully engaged in persuading Sam to her for the eve, and looked like she was succeeding. Meera and Caitha were sitting nearby to The High Queen's seats, with The High Queen noticing that Meera never remained far from her. Ann'wn was also seated near by, and like Meera, never far from The High Queen's side.

  She saw The Healer was seated next to Ann'wn, thinking them a good pair, but knowing they yet remained far from such consideration. She saw also that many Warriors of the Sword were making much effort to win Ann'wn's favors. She guessed that Ann'wn was considered a prize catch for them, thinking them probably correct. She had never really thought of Ann'wn as a possible lover for herself, but conceded that Ann'wn was a beautiful woman in her own right. She noticed that her Healer, Shr'dler'in, was being well entertained by one of the Warriors of the Sword, as was Mil'der'in. But she also saw that Ann'wn was quietly and secretly keeping her eyes on The Healer. The High Queen guessed Ann'wn's look was one of hope.

  As they were escorted to their seats, San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ looked upon her own Elf, yet in awe and amazement that one such as her, and one so beautiful, would even consider being with her. She knew that as High Queen she could have any lover she desired, but never did she imagine that one such as Sle'nel’ would truly love her, apart from her as queen.

  Sle'nel’ was looking around, but turned briefly toward her Queen, catching a look of reflection from her that she seldom saw. She knew the meaning of the look, bringing The High Queen's hand to her lips and kissing it. Prior, she would have wondered differently about the look from The High Queen.

  She let go of The High Queen's hand, smiling at her, “It is not always a good thing to give away your devotion so, my Queen. Your lover will know she doesn't need to try as hard, knowing that you are already won over."

  The High Queen placed her hands on Sle'nel's shoulders, speaking softly but with great truth, “She knew I was won over when I first saw her."

  "Your lover just thought you were considering her as a passing lover, only."

  "Only in that a lifespan is a passing moment, My Love."

  "Come, my Queen. Let us sit prior to you slipping further into this reflection. I was jesting only, my Lover. Only this."

  The High Queen wouldn't allow the moment to leave, “Do you know, My Love, that while I often have physical desires, I am relieved that I have one lover only? That I am relieved that I no longer must experience the frustrations of having strangers in My bed every eve?"

  Sle'nel’ placed a finger to her Queen's lips, “Shhhh, my Queen. You need not concern yourself over this. Enjoy the moment, as you well know that I am yours."

  "Do you not desire these women, My Desire?"

  Sle'nel’ looked at the Women of the Sword, finding them interesting to interact with, but finding them much like Sam. She looked back to her Queen, “Even my Mother wasn't tempted, and she lived among them for many moments. Now may we sit and enjoy this play? All wait upon us, my Queen."

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ looked around, seeing that Sle'nel’ was correct. She sat, pulling Sle'nel’ close to her, gladdened that Erthrn had provided them seats in which they could sit together. Erthrn came over, kneeling to The High Queen, and bowing her head, “High Queen of The Realm. We are overjoyed at your presence in our village and would like to display to you our ability to bring the high culture here that is needed with your reign. This eve, we provide you a play. The play was written and developed here. We hope you find it to your liking. Food and drink will be provided to you during the play, and our main meal will be given after."

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ nodded her appreciation, “My Most Special Erthrn. I first have a few requests of you."

  Erthrn desired that The High Queen could count on her to deliver her needs to her, “Anything, Highness. All you need do is ask and it shall be made so."

  "You make a wine that I had prior, that is unlike other wines. One that I may drink. Could that be provided this eve?"

  Erthrn nodded, smiling, “For you only, my Queen. And your Elf."

  "I need you to teach My sister some of her powers. And to help her improve the ones she already knows. And some of your sword skills."

  "I am pleased to do this for you, my Queen."

  "I would like some of your Dungaras leader captives to be at the War Council next turn."

  "As you say, my Queen. Would you be willing to share with this one as lowly as me why you would like this, Highness?"

  "I will tell you at our morn meal."

  "And your next request, my Queen?"

  "If I were to consider moving My reign here for part of the cycle, I would need a space for My meditations."

  "It has already been designed and built, my Queen. Y
ou will see them soon. It is your next surprise."

  "Erthrn. You know how much I respect you. But you need to know this. My sister could do no better than you, but The Realm has great need of her. The best you can do for her is to teach her to be such as you. To teach her your strengths and your ways of leading. She needs to become more committed and understanding of the ways of The Realm. This is the greatest gift you could give to her and to The Realm."

  Erthrn nodded her head, “I will consider it as my duty, then, my Queen."

  The High Queen placed her hand upon Erthrn's shoulder, “You please Me well, Queen Erthrn. I often think that The Realm would have done better by choosing you as its High Queen instead of Me. If there is anything I may do for you as well, ask freely for it. If it is in My powers to give, I will do so."

  Erthrn couldn't show a display of emotion other than strength, even though she loved this High Queen greatly and had long desired to be her lover. But it wasn't the way of the Women of the Sword, so she had swallowed this great love and loss of it long prior, “Just your presence, my Queen. All else is unobtainable. With you here, my life and our village would be complete."

  "I am considering such, Erthrn. What is this play to be about?"

  "It will be explained, but I think you will enjoy it, Highness."

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ laughed, “I never would have wagered that the Warriors of the Sword would ever provide a play to The Realm."

  She sat, and Erthrn returned to Sam. If she couldn't have San'lr'in'thel'ineln', the sister was a most excellent replacement.

  The play was as great a play as any in the Valley, and San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ thought it perhaps even more witty and astute. The play was in four parts. Each of the parts told the same story from a differing perspective. The play told the story of Erthrn's rise to Queen of Rns'deln’ from a warrior's, a lover's, a politician's and a comedienne's perspective. But each act was also given a cynic. The cynic, or chorus was provided so that no matter how convincing the actors in the scene, the cynic spoke otherwise. The audience was saddened during the lover's portion, as a love was torn apart because of the ascent to power, but the cynic reminded the audience that power became more important than the love. The audience was mesmerized by the warrior's tale of the feats of fearless battle, while the cynic reminded them that killing was easy, but sparing of life, which seldom occurred, was the more difficult. They were spellbound by the politician's view as they explored the treachery and various factions over the ascent, as the cynic laughed at the politician's belief in themselves as incorruptible. But the comedienne's tale made them laugh hysterically, casting a dry wit on all such leaders, events and issues. And the cynic laughed with them, as well.


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