The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]
Page 61
San'lr'in’ studied Sle'nel’ for a moment, staring into her eyes. She placed her hand on her cheek and spoke softly, “I am grateful for you, My Elf. With you, I have no desire to waste My moments thinking on what might be. There is little need to fear the future as the present seems to be frightening enough. Come. Let us go to these falls. I think you will find them most enjoyable. Show Me your Elfin bow as we go."
They walked to the waterfalls with Sle'nel’ showing her Queen the bow's features. As they arrived, they saw that the others were already resting or playing in or near the water. Sele’ was playing with Uthrn and Sam under the waterfall, Mil'der'in’ was trying to bathe Ann'wn, Meera had her head resting in Caitha's lap, and Shr'dler'in rested against a tree.
"Is the water overly cold for you?"
San'lr'in’ nodded, “I am sorry, My Desire, but it is. Overly so. But go and enjoy it. I have need to tend to My meditations."
Sle'nel’ nodded, kissed her, and then went to play with Sele’ under the waterfall, with Sam and Uthrn. For many long moments, San'lr'in’ stood slightly away from the group and went through her meditations, ensuring herself that she had prepared her powers well enough for what they might now face.
When the others were done playing and bathing in the water, they all exited the beautiful and clear blue pool, retrieved some refreshments, then sat around in the chairs provided for them, resting. Sele’ was napping with her head on Sam's lap, while Caitha told a story of The Realm to all of them. Sle'nel’ watched her Queen from a distance, noting that she was yet in her meditations. Shr'dler'in had gone over to sit near her Queen, prepared to assist her in exiting from them. Ann'wn also went close to her Queen, needing to remove herself from Mil'der'in's unyielding hold, and feeling strangely desiring of being closer to The Healer.
"Healer, may I sit next to you?"
The Healer looked up at her and patted the ground for her, but said, “Why are you not sitting next to your lover?"
Ann'wn groaned, “Please let us not speak of this tiresome affair."
The Healer laughed, “A warrior, yet unable to manage a mere High Counselor?"
Ann'wn shook her head, “Overly demanding for me."
Shr'dler'in laughed again, “A most sad affair, this, Warrior. I envy you not."
Quietly, Ann'wn responded, barely speaking, “But at this moment, sitting beside you, I am the most fortunate in all The Realm."
Shr'dler'in struggled to hear her, not quite making out her words, “Pardon me, Force Leader, but could you repeat that? I could hear you not well."
When Caitha finished her story, she began to speak to Sam, “Highest. Are your powers going to be as strong as our High Queen's?"
"Apparently, for some of the powers, there are only one of them in the entire realm, so it seems I will have differing powers."
"Uthrn, M'Love. Will you be asking Sam to be your companion?"
Uthrn pulled Sam close to her, kissing her passionately and possessively, “Yes. At the first festival for such."
Sam blushed, “We will see, Caitha. Woden has to get used to the likes of Uthrn, I would but guess. Did I tell you that while in Sansthera, we will be able to read the First Ones’ first diaries? Sume'n'tinel'ti'non has them."
Meera looked interested, “Has she read them?"
Sam laughed, “Some, but as in all things, she said that they but bored her with overly many details."
Sele’ had woken when Uthrn had kissed Sam, “I met her when I was overly young."
"You did?” Sam hadn't known of this.
Sele’ nodded, standing, “When Birth-Mother came to rescue A'lon'lden, her mate and baby. She seems to be quite mean, but I think it is just a show on her part."
Sele’ went to San'lr'in', but The Healer gently halted her, whispering to her, “You know she cannot be disturbed at this moment."
"I wish to help her. She enters into meditations that are overly difficult alone."
"She wishes it this way, Young One."
"She feels it is her burden, alone. I will assist her as she begins her exit."
"I want to be like her."
The Healer nodded, but said, “I think this would not make her pleased. I think she hopes that The Realm will be an easier place by the moment of your reign, and will have no need for what she must do in This Realm."
"Can I help, also, with her meditations?"
"Do you know how?"
"I heard her meditations prior, through the fourth. I think I can do this."
"This is not a game, Sele'. Her meditations require great concentration."
"I may have the body of a child, and at most moments the maturity of a child, but I need remind you that my mind is not of a child's, and this you know well."
"Your indignation goes nowhere with me, Young One. I am The High Queen's Healer, and it is my duty and desire to ensure that she is well at all the moments. I am the only one that can even ignore The High Queen's annoyance with me. You have no such privilege. And forget not, Young One, I am also your Healer."
Sele’ looked at The Healer, then bowed her head, “I apologize, Healer. But may I? I will not harm her or interfere."
"You can assist me, when it is the moment."
"I sense that it is the moment, Healer."
The Healer examined The High Queen, seeing that Sele’ was correct. She placed her hand on her Queen's head, then her other hand on Sele's, Slowly, my Queen. Take the moments needed to back out of your meditations. Feel your heart. Hear your breathing. Slowly. No urgency. As you were taught.
Both The Healer and Sele’ could feel The High Queen give in to her Healer's assistance, and they could both feel her exhaustion, learning she had gone into her eighth meditation for a few moments. Slowly, and for many moments, they helped The High Queen re-enter her realm, returning her breathing and heart rates to normal.
As she re-entered her third meditation, her Healer slowed her even further, Relax your mind, High One. Breathe softly. Float. Let go your weariness. Let go, my Queen. Breathe. Focus only upon your breathing. Slowly. Feel only your heart.
The Healer kept her Queen moving slowly back into The Realm, preventing her from re-entering it overly soon. The Healer knew that the longer The High Queen spent in her meditations and away from The Realm, the more difficult it was to re-enter, and the longer it should take upon the exit. As they moved her into her first meditation, The Healer made her Queen bow her head, allowing her Healer to take completely over her moving back into The Realm.
"Hear my voice. Concentrate upon the sounds. Slowly. Breathe deeply. Hear your breath. Come to my voice."
Finally, after many long moments, both The Healer and Sele’ felt their Queen breathe in deeply, raising her head, returning her patterns to normal. She took a few deep breaths, then opened her eyes, staring at her Healer, and at Sele'.
She placed her hand on her Healer's cheek, saying softly, “Thank you."
She crouched down to Sele's level and stared into her eyes, touching her hand to Sele's cheek. They remained this way for many long moments as The High Queen sent her thoughts to the Young One. When she was done, she bowed her head for a moment and closed her eyes. Finally, she reopened them, then stood. She placed her hand out to Sele', and Sele’ placed her hand in her Queen's, feeling proud.
They walked over to the others, “Has the messenger come as yet?"
Ann'wn answered, “Your elite guards have arrived, my Queen, but it is not yet the moment to prepare for the eve."
The High Queen looked down at Sele', “Young One. Go and help your mother practice some of her powers."
Sele’ nodded and took Sam to do so. San'lr'in’ sat in a deep chair, one next to Sle'nel's, “Did you enjoy the waterfall and pool?"
"I did and feel refreshed, but you look tired. Would you like something to eat?"
She nodded, and Sle'nel’ went to get her something. When she returned, San'lr'in’ was already asleep in her chair, her legs stretched out before he
r, and her arms clasped in front of her.
Ann'wn looked at her Queen, quizzically, “She sleeps so easily as this?"
The Healer laughed softly, wishing Ann'wn would sit close to her, desiring her touch. She spoke to her from a short distance, “She needs the rest. Her powers take much energy, and her mind is overly working, these turns."
San'lr'in’ slept for many moments, resting peacefully amongst her companions. When she woke, she sensed them all around her in their various chairs, resting and speaking quietly to each other. She listened for a short while prior to opening her eyes, enjoying the quiet moment.
"You do too need to."
"But High Queen desires that you know more."
"I but practice enough."
"I practice more than you, and I hate it worse than you, but I do it because High Queen wants it so."
"When did you become so wise and old as this?"
"I know what The Realm needs of me."
"You were born knowing this. I was not. You shouldn't argue with me. I am your Mother."
Sle'nel’ picked up Sele’ from Sam and returned to her own seat, holding her, “Your Mother is correct, Sele'. Even though you may be correct, you should argue not openly with her. Find another way. Besides, you should have enough Elfin within you to avoid direct arguing such as this with those you love."
Sam frowned, “Apparently, not enough."
Sele’ turned to her Birth-Mother, looking at her quizzically, “Are all older ones grumpy?"
Sle'nel’ laughed softly, “Older Ones just see The Realm not in the same way you do."
San'lr'in’ laughed quietly to herself, and then listened to another conversation.
"But, Love, I know what I desire. I want us to be more together for a few more eves. What harm is there in this? I have spent half my lifespan in the arms of many strangers, and I feel as if we have known each other for many long-prior moments. I am well comforted in this."
"I cannot, High Counselor. I have another on my mind."
"Do you not desire me in the same way?"
San'lr'in’ removed herself from this conversation, then found Meera and Caitha's.
"No, I think Woden will not like Uthrn being Sam's companion."
"They will have to get used to it. Besides, I think it will not last."
"Poor Woden. So many changes for them. And now we return not, as well."
"Will you miss it?"
"Some. But we are together, so what is the difference? Besides, I like being our High Queen's storyteller. I just wish there were more moments in which I could be of assistance, such as you."
"Even I am not as needed here as I was in Woden, in the smaller ways. But in the larger ways, we are more needed, I think. She is a good..."
San'lr'in’ exited their conversation and took a deep breath, opening her eyes, and awakening fully. As she sat up, everyone turned to her.
"You finally awaken, Highness. It is boring without you. Teach me a new spell."
Sele’ had jumped off of Sle'nel’ and went to her High Queen, crawling into her lap. Sle'nel’ picked her up and placed her back onto the ground, “Not now, Young One. Perhaps later. And remember who you address."
"Sister. What is Sansthera like?"
While Sam had asked the question, all waited for the answer, curious. San'lr'in’ looked to her Healer, “Were you there with Me, all these cycles prior?"
"No, my Queen."
She sighed, listened to the sounds of the flying birds honking just above them, then began to describe some of it, “It has buildings different than elsewhere across The Realm. Buildings made by the First Ones of overly long prior. It has objects that have no meaning to us, but seem to last forever. Once, long prior, it must have been quite strange looking to our standards, as it was all of different building sources than we use. They must have brought them with them. Now, it is a mix of our style built in and amidst theirs. And there are all types of things they called technology. They ran their lives with it. We have nothing like this. But I know not what Sume'n'tinel'ti'non has done with Sansthera. All could be changed now. Caitha, My Storyteller, there must be a story you could tell us that describes it somewhat."
Caitha nodded, pleased that she could be useful, “The storytellers have many, many stories of such, but I will give you a short background only. It is said that the First Ones, the humans of which I am one, came from far away, bringing everything they thought they needed with them. It is said that they knew that our realm could give them the things they needed like wood, water and so on, but that they also knew that the things by which they ran their lives would be difficult to make here. It is said that they rode upon four-wheeled carts, but upon wheels that were soft, and that horses pulled them not. There are stories that these wheels yet exist. It is also said that they had music, but not such as ours, and that they could use their technology, and music would come from it. The oldest storytellers say that the First Ones had poor memories, relying upon their technology and books to remember for them. And it is said that half of their unions were between a woman and a man, as Sam has read in their diaries."
The Healer asked, “Why did they do this? Could they not reproduce by any other fashion?"
Caitha shrugged, “It is not known for certain amongst the storytellers, but they make guesses only that it was in their custom to form unions amongst all patterns, as there is rumor that there were as many men as women. The storytellers also say that their healing was far different than ours, relying on medicine they called drugs, instead of our healing practices."
"What is this thing they called technology?"
Caitha shrugged again, “It is not known, but it is known that they used it to create light and heat."
"It sounds like our magic, then."
Caitha nodded, “But they were not Mystics, although the storytellers say that their weapons, healing, and energy from their technology all resembled The Realm's mystical abilities."
Sam turned to her sister, “I thought you had never met our sister prior, and yet you have been to Sansthera."
San'lr'in', “You are correct on both. Sume'n'tinel'ti'non moved to Sansthera after I was there. I visited Sansthera in My youth, while I was being trained for The Realm. I know not what she has done to it."
"She is also my Aunt, is she not, High Queen?"
San'lr'in’ nodded to Sele', “In a sense, yes. In some other sense, no. But you and she are distantly related. Try not yet to make sense of this, Young One, as even I have not yet done so."
Two messengers arrived, kneeling and bowing their heads, “Great High Queen. Our Queen has pronounced that it is the moment we take you back to begin your preparations for the eve."
* * * *
Sle'nel’ had agreed to go with Sele’ for both their preparations, leaving The High Queen alone to hers. San'lr'in’ guessed that the Skr'kinges had invited others when she saw that a new gown had been made for her. She guessed that they had also invited The Women of the Waters, who lived close to them, and perhaps the Women of the Winds as well. Without Sle'nel’ near, she felt oddly alone, a feeling she had been long used to prior, but no longer. Her attendants were chattering amongst themselves, excited by the eve's possibilities as they prepared her in her High Formal garments, something she thought she wouldn't wear until their return to the Valley.
When they had dressed her in her gown, they prepared her hair, jewelry, and High Queen designs upon her neck and chest, as well as a small one upon her forehead. They had also placed the Jeweled Stone of Power necklace upon her, the first wearing of it since she had received it, and her crown.
"Is My Elf being prepared in the High Formal fashion, as well?"
"All our, Highness. All have been provided with new gowns for the eve, including the Young One."
The Healer entered and bowed her head, “High Queen."
San'lr'in’ thought her Healer beautiful, knowing her well from their long prior union, and was pleased to see that The H
ealer's new garments suited her well, “Healer. They have chosen your garments well for you this eve. But why do you come?"
"To bring you more ointment for your back. How fares it?"
"Your new ointment works well. Very well. I have had few issues with My back in spite of all our riding and fighting."
"How do the new powers fit within you?"
"Slightly troublesome, but improving. I will try to tend to My meditations again this late eve."
"Might I suggest you wait until next eve? I will help you with them."
San'lr'in’ waved her hand in dismissal, “As you say, Healer."
"Your Private Guard and Black Guard arrived earlier and will be in attendance this eve."
"The Skr'kinges invited them to the celebration?"
"They said that it just supplied improved protection. Ann'wn waits outside the door, Highness. She wishes to escort you into the celebration and seeks your approval."
"It is fine, but what of Mil'der'in?"
"Best leave that between them, High One."
"Indeed. You look beautiful this eve, Healer. I thought long prior that you would find yourself someone well prior to when I did so. But here you are yet beautiful and yet alone."
"My potions’ ingredients scare most off, Highness.” She was laughing, thinking of her room where she kept all her experiments.
San'lr'in’ smiled, also recalling The Healer's row after row of containers filled with ingredients, knowing never to look or reach into any of them, “Please never tell Me of the ingredients in My back potion. I would never be able to use it again. Go now, Healer, and enjoy the celebration. I will see you there."
Ann'wn gasped as her Queen exited her room. She knelt and bowed her head, “My Queen. You are most stunning this eve."
"Rise, Force Leader. Is this a new Warrior's garment they give you?” She placed her arm upon Ann'wn's.
"For the celebration."
As they neared the celebration, San'lr'in’ saw that many guards were outside the main door, “This is to be another grand entrance, then?"
"Yes, High Queen. They have bid it so."
"Odd, are they not? These grand entrances?"