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by Shaun Usher

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  p.2-3 Letter reproduced with thanks to Robert Crumb and the Agence Litteraire Lora Fountain & Associates; photo © George Steinmetz/Corbis

  p.4-9 With thanks to the Hollis Frampton Estate; Letter from Hollis Frampton to Donald Richie, January 7th, 1973, from the exhibition file, “The films of Hollis Frampton”. March 8, 1973 through March 12, 1973. New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Department of Film Exhibition Files, 408. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York. Copyright unknown. © 2015. Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York/SCALA, Florence

  p.10-11 Reproduced by permission of Pollinger Limited and the Estate of Rachel Carson; photo © Noradoa/Shutterstock

  p.12-15 with thanks to Steve Albini

  p.18-19 Courtesy of the Elizabeth Smart Estate; photo © The John Deacon Archive/Getty Images

  p.20-22 The Times, June 18th, 1940

  p. 23-28 John Muir Papers, Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. © Muir-Hanna Trust

  p.29 Picture taken by George N. Barnard, an American Civil War army photographer

  p.30-31 Letter taken from Letters Home © Estate of Aurelia Plath and reprinted by permission of Faber and Faber Ltd; photo © Kodak Collection/Sciend & Society Picture Library

  p.32-35 Aldous Huxley’s October 21, 1949 letter to George Orwell “1984 vs. A Brave New World.” Copyright © 1949 by Aldous Huxley. Reprinted by permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc. on behalf of the Aldous and Laura Huxley Trust. All rights reserved; Image provided courtesy of UCL Library Services, Special Collections

  p.36-38 Courtesy of the American Foundation for the Blind, Helen Keller Archives

  p.39 With thanks to Museum Jorn, Silkeborg; © Donation Jorn, Silkeborg/ 2015

  p.40-41 Reproduced with thanks to Brian Doyle at the University of Portland; photo © Eric Freeland/Corbis

  p.42-43 photo © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS

  p.44-45 © Special Collections Department, Iowa State University Library

  p.46-47 “THE SIMPSONS”™ and © 1990 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved; York. Copyright unknown.© 2015. Digital

  p.48 Carl Sandburg’s “Letter to Margaret” is courtesy of the Carl Sandburg Family Trust. Reprinted by arrangement with the Carl Sandburg Family Trust and The Barbara Hogenson Agency, Inc. All rights reserved.

  p.49 SELECTED LETTERS OF RAYMOND CHANDLER (edited by Frank MacShane) © 1981. Reprinted by kind permission of the Estate of Raymond Chandler

  p.50-51 © Copyright Catherine and Jean Camus. Reproduction forbidden; photo © Loomis Dean/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

  p.52-53 © Winston Churchill Estate; reproduction courtesy of Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge

  p.54-57 Lion Feuchtwanger: DU SOLLST IN HÄUSERN WOHNEN, DIE DU NICHT GEBAUT HAST. In: Pariser Tageblatt 463, March 20, 1935. © Aufbau Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 1999, 2012; illustration Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.58-59 York/Scala, Florence; photo © DE /G. DAGLI ORTI/Getty Images

  p.60-61 Letter of June 25,1973 from Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor [pp. 360-361] from FURIOUS LOVE by SAM KASHNER and NANCY SCHOENBERGER. Copyright © 2010 by Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers; photo © Norman Parkinson/Corbis

  p.63-68 Reproduced by kind permission of Frederick Warne & Co.

  p.69 With thanks to the Bernard Family

  p.70-71 With thanks to the Warner Estate; illustration Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.72-75 © Curtis Brown Ltd.; illustration Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.80-91 Courtesy of Edward Davis

  p.93-95 © The Janis Joplin Estate – – Fantality Corporation; photo © Michael Ochs/Corbis

  p.96-110 Courtesy of the Estate of Tom Clancy Junior; photo © Louis Atlan/Getty

  p.111-113 Ishos translated by Dr Christopher Hood; Isho by Hirotsugu Kawaguchi provided with permission from Mariko Kawaguchi. Photograph by Dr Christopher Hood

  p.114-115 Dear Jay, Love Dad, by Jay Wilkinson. Copyright 2012 University of Oklahoma Press. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved; photo © A.Y. Owen/Sports Illustrated/Getty Images

  p.116-117 Reproduced by kind permission of PRIVATE EYE magazine; photo © Olivia Harris/Corbis

  p.118-122 Letters from “The Outsiders” © Zoetrope Corp. 2000. Courtesy of American Zoetrope

  p.123 United Authors Publishing Ltd wishes to thank the National Association for the Adv
ancement of Colored People for authorizing this use of Dorothy Parker’s work.

  p.124-125 © the Estate of Noel Coward by courtesy of Alan Brodie Representation Ltd; photo © Popper Foto/Getty Images

  p.126-134 Courtesy of © Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University

  p.135 “March 20, 1966: To Cat Fancy Magazine”, from LETTERS OF AYN RAND by Ayn Rand, edited by Micheal Berliner, copyright © 1995 by The Estate of Ayn Rand. Used by permission of Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.; photo © GlobalP/Shutterstock

  p.136 with thanks to The Mark Twain Project

  p.137-139 reproduced with thanks to Jane Smith and Maine State Museum

  p.140-141 Image via Flickr user esprit_de_sel (licensed under Creative Commons)

  p.142-143 Courtesy of HarperCollins (US) and Penguin Random House (UK); photo © Bob Adelman/Corbis

  p.144-145 Reprinted with permission from The Correspondence of W.E.B. Du Bois, Volume I: Selections,1877–1934. Copyright © 1973 by the University of Massachusetts Press; photo © Corbis

  p.146-147 Reproduced by kind permission of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation; facsimile courtesy of The Bertrand Russell Archives, McMaster University Library

  p.148-148 Wellcome Library, London from N. Hoyer, ed., Man into Woman. An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex. The true story of the miraculous transformation of the Danish painter Einar Wegener (Andreas Sparre). London: Jarrolds, 1933. Photograph: Lili, Paris, 1926, opp. p. 40

  p.150-151 photo © ullstein bild/Getty Images

  p.155 © 2015 Eugene Winick, Administrator, C.T.A., for the Estate of Thomas Wolfe

  p.156-157 photo © Corbis

  p.158 © Curtis Brown Ltd

  p.159-162 Norfolk Museums Service, Embroidered letter made by Lorina Bulwer c. 1901, NWHCM: 2004.824. Transcription with thanks to Ruth Fleming

  p.163 Courtesy of Sandra Dodd

  p.164-165 photo © AF Archive/Alamy

  p.168-169 photo © Universal Images Ltd/Science & Society Picture Library

  p.170-175 with thanks to Bryn Mawr College Library

  p.176-183 Austen, Cassandra, 1773-1845. Autograph letter signed: Winchester, to Fanny Knight, [1817 July 20]., P. 1-6 & envelope. New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library. Bequest of Alberta H. Burke, 1975. MA 2911.10.© 2015. PhotoResource/Scala, Florence

  p.186-188 Courtesy of The Royal Air Force Museum, London; Churchill: Gordon Wise @ Curtis Brown Group

  p.189 photo © The Washington Post/Getty Images

  p.190-191photo © Stuart Dee/Photographer’s Choice/ Getty Images

  p.192-193 photo © Francis Reiss/Stringer/Getty Images

  p.194-195 © 2015. Photo Pierpont Morgan Library/Art Resource/Scala, Florence

  p.196-197 © Volkswagen/DDB

  p.198-199 Reprinted with the permission of Simon & Schuster, Inc. from FEAR AND LOATHING IN AMERICA by Hunter S. Thompson. Copyright © 2000 Gonzo International Corp.;

  p.200-209 © 1971 Yoko Ono. Used by Permission/All Rights Reserved; Images courtesy of Profiles in History

  p. 214-215 © The Trustees of the British Museum

  p.218-219 With thanks to Eric Idle; ©Popperfoto/Getty Images, ©Spiegl/ullstein bild via Getty Images

  p.220-221With thanks to Iowa State University Library Special Collections Department; photo © APA/Getty Images

  p.222-223 Letter from Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to their sons reprinted with the permission of the copyright holders © Michael and Robert Meeropol; © New York Daily News Archive/Getty Images

  p.224-225 Courtesy of Dr Rowan Williams; Alex Renton

  p.226-227 Reproduced by kind permission of Marsha McQuinn Saucier

  p.228-230 With thanks to the executor of the Alan Turing Estate; © Archive Centre, King’s College, Cambridge

  p.231-236 photos © The British Library Board, Zweig 64 f1; © The British Library Board, Zweig 64 fv; © The British Library Board, Zweig 64 f2r;© The British Library Board, Zweig 64 f2v

  p.237-239 Letter from Dawn Powell (April 15th, 1969) from Selected Letters of Dawn Powell 1913-1965, edited by Tim Page (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1999). Reprinted by permission of the Estate of Dawn Powell; photo © Genevieve Naylor/ Corbis

  p.240-241photo © age fotostock/Alamy

  p.242-246 By Permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS AM 1118.5 (B79) © The President and Fellows of Harvard College

  p.247 Peter Sellers / The Lynne Unger Children’s Trust

  p.248-249 photo © Stock Montage/Getty Images

  p.250-251 © Everett Collection Historical / Alamy

  p.259 With thanks to the Daily Mirror, 11 July 1975

  p.260-261 With thanks to the Bukowski Estate

  p.262-263 Letter from The Collected Works of C.G. Jung: The spirit in man, art, and literature (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966) © Taylor and Francis Group; illustration Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.268-269 photo ©Gordon Parks/Getty Images

  p.270-271 illustration Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.272-273 The Estate of Katherine Mansfield; photo © ullstein bild/Getty Images

  p.274 Reproduced by kind permission of the Kurt Vonnegut Trust

  p.275-277 Excerpt from the “SELECTED LETTERS OF MARTHA GELLHORN”, edited by Caroline Moorhead. Copyright © 2006 by the Estate of Martha Gellhorn. Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and Company, LLC. All rights reserved; photo ©FPG / Staff/Getty Images

  p.280-281 PD; illustration by Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.282-285 Courtesy of Dr. Seuss Enterprises

  p.286-289 photo © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis

  p.292-298 © Vertebrate Paleontology Archives, Division of Paleontology, The American Museum of Natural History; illustration Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.300-302 Courtesy of The Wylie Agency/Random House; photo © Chris Felver/Getty Images

  p.303-308 From Selected Letters of Charles Baudelaire: The Conquest of Solitude trans. and ed. Rosemary Lloyd, © 1986 by the University of Chicago; Bridgeman Art Library

  p.309-310 By Tennessee Williams, from SELECTED LETTERS. VOLUME II: 1946-1957, copyright ©2002 by The University of the South. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.; Harry Ransom Center The University of Texas at Austin

  p.311-313 Unthinkable Tenderness: Selected Poems, by Juan Gelman, edited and translated by Joan Lindgren, © 1997 by Juan Gelman and Joan Lindgren. Published by the University of California Press. Reproduced by kind permission of the University of California Press; photo © Miguel Rojo/AFP/Getty Images

  p.314-315 illustration by Samantha Kerr at Here Design

  p.316-317 © Trustees of the British Museum

  p.318-319 photo © Eudora Welty/Corbis

  p.321-325 © 2015 The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust; photos © Victor Rice-Wray/Corbis; © Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust/CORBIS

  p.326-327 photo © Bettmann/Corbis

  p.328-329 Reprinted by permission of The Estate of Jessica Mitford. Copyright © 2006 by Constancia Romilly and Benjamin Treuhaft, all rights reserved; photo © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS

  p.332-336 Courtesy of Berghahn Books

  p.337 Reproduced by permission of Matt Stone

  p.338-339 photo © National Portrait Gallery, London

  p.340-341 With thanks to the Reagan Library

  p.342 U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Thomas Edison National Historical Park

  p.343-351 The Staffordshire Regiment Museum; photo © Daily Herald Archive/National Media Museum / Science & Society Picture Library

  First published in Great Britain in 2015 by Unbound

  Unbound, 4–7 Manchester Street, Marylebone, London W1U 2AE

  First edition

  Copyright © Shaun Usher, 2015

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  Cover design and typesetting by Here Design

  British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

  A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library

  ISBN 978-1-78352-147-0 (Limited edition)

  ISBN 978-1-78352-149-4 (Deluxe edition)

  ISBN 978-1-78211-454-3 (Trade edition)

  ISBN 978-1-78211-455-0 (eBook edition)




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