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Bad Company (The Brother's Creed Book 4)

Page 10

by Joshua C. Chadd

  Inside, Connor and Tank sat at their normal table with Chloe waiting on them. By the looks of things, they were taking it easy. That was good since they had a big day tomorrow.

  “Jamesy boy!” Tank hollered as James made his way to them.

  “How’d the date go?” Connor asked as James sat down, a massive grin on his face.

  “That well, eh?” Tank asked. “Gonna give us them details?”

  He did, starting with the dinner, which they had him skip through. When he got to the episode, he left that part out. His brother would be pissed if he knew he’d had another one. He just told them they’d both opened up about struggling with stuff. Then he told them about the walk, sitting on the bench, and finally the kiss.

  “Well, hell,” Tank said. “You kissed her?”

  “Yep,” James said.

  “Chloe!” Tank yelled. “We need a round of shots for James here. He just kissed a girl for the first time!”

  James was too ecstatic to be embarrassed at the dozen or so heads turning towards him. It was true and he wasn’t ashamed of it, even if it had taken twenty-one years. Chloe came over and dropped off their shots, smiling the whole time.

  “She’s been waiting for that for a while now, ya know,” Chloe said. “I’m just glad it didn’t stay as awkward as it was at first tonight.”

  “Oh, shut up,” James said, still smiling. “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “It was,” Chloe said over her shoulder as she walked away.

  “Well, buddy,” Tank said, “this toast is for you! Welcome to the world of a real man.”

  The three of them tipped their shots back, and James felt the burning liquid go down his gullet. He’d have to be careful tonight to not drink too much or tomorrow would be miserable.

  “Wait,” Tank said. “Didn’t you have your first kiss back in Colorado?”

  “That doesn’t even come close to counting,” James said, indignant. “She just randomly stuck her tongue in my mouth! I was in the middle of talking with her.”

  Tank laughed. “I don’t know…”

  “You shut up, too,” James said.

  He glanced at his brother. Connor was staring off into the distance. There were things going on inside his head that James couldn’t even begin to understand. He felt bad for his brother. His issues rarely allowed him any peace, even for one night. Connor just needed to drink a little more.

  “Chloe,” James said, as she walked by, “let’s get another round.”

  “Sure,” she said, walking back to the bar.

  “Damn,” Tank said. “Your balls really did drop tonight. Congrats man!”

  James couldn’t even pretend to be mad at him. Tonight was just too perfect.

  Chloe brought them another round.

  “What are we toasting now?” James said.

  “Bro, we don’t have to toast every time we take a shot,” Connor said.

  “I usually agree with you, but we do have another reason to toast tonight,” Tank said, a grin on his face. “I took your advice. Chloe and I are officially dating!”

  The last part he said loudly and Chloe looked over from the bar, laughing. One of the regular patrons a couple of tables over grumbled something.

  “That’s right, Lincoln,” Tank said to the man. “She’s officially mine, so keep your hands off!”

  “Whatever,” the old man, Lincoln, replied, waving a hand at him. “I don’t know how a guy like you got with a lady like that.”

  “It’s all about the moves, my man,” Tank said.

  That got a laugh out of the patrons within earshot and a scowl from Chloe. The scowl didn’t reach her eyes, however. They truly liked each other, James realized. He thought it’d just been about sex at first and maybe it had, but now it’d blossomed into a real relationship. Tank deserved someone special, and James liked Chloe. She was a good match for his best friend—supportive, but she didn’t take any crap.

  “Another round for the lovebirds,” Lincoln said to Chloe. “On me!”

  “Thank ya, ya old bastard,” Tank said with a laugh.

  “You better watch it. I may be old, but I’ll still kick yer ass!”

  They laughed and Chloe brought them another round. They toasted to the Wolf Pack next, a tradition every time they had shots—well, a tradition James liked to indulge every time they had shots. He liked to make sure each shot had an appropriate toast, but after a couple more rounds even he forgot to toast. They continued to drink late into the night.



  Post-outbreak day 19

  James woke up with a headache and immediately knew he’d overdone it the night before. He’d even warned himself to be careful not to do this, yet here he was. He never could keep up with his brother when it came to drinking, let alone Tank. Leaning up, his head swam, but after a little food and a lot of water, he should be feeling mostly back to normal.

  Damn alcohol, he thought. More like damn lack of self-control. Oh well, what’s done is done.

  Then he remembered why he’d been celebrating and a smile broke out on his face. He’d been on his first date and had his first kiss with the most amazing woman he’d ever known. Sitting on the edge of his cot, he stared at the wall in befuddlement. It hadn’t been just a dream; it’d really happened. What a night!

  Climbing out of his cot, he dressed and noticed Connor was already up and outside. Going through all the pouches on his plate carrier and pack, James reorganized a few of the items. This only took five minutes since they ran their kits similarly. He set his decked-out ACR on the bed, along with his tactical belt, suppressed .22 Beretta handgun, plate carrier, combat helmet, and small backpack. One last glance and he was content that everything was all set.

  Connor came inside. “Tank up yet?”

  “Yeah,” Tank said, rolling over. “Don’t really want to get up, but I’m awake.”

  “Ten minutes until food,” Connor said.

  “I’ll be ready,” Tank said, sitting up.

  In ten minutes they were all ready and loading their gear into Scourge.

  “What is that?” James said, stepping out the front door and pointing to their LAPV.

  “Just a little upgrade,” Tank said.

  The front doors on each side of the vehicle now sported an emblem painted in gray. It looked like three wolf heads, one facing out and the other two facing each side.

  “That’s kick-ass!” James said, taking a closer look. “What is it?”

  “Angel, the artist in town, said it was his version of Cerberus,” Tank said.

  “It looks more like wolf heads than dogs,” James said.

  “Exactly,” Tank said. “I thought it was fittin’—three separate heads workin’ as one.”

  “It sums up the Wolf Pack perfectly,” James said.

  “Plus, it just looks awesome,” Connor said as he finished loading up.

  “Well done,” James said, climbing in as Tank started the rig.

  “Thanks. I wanted something to distinguish Scourge from the rest of the LAPVs.”

  He pulled out and headed to the Mess Hall where they quickly ate and then drove over to HQ. There were a half dozen various military vehicles running outside, with soldiers moving all around. They pulled up to an open parking spot and jumped out, walking over to where Emmett stood next to the man who must’ve been Cpt. Sanders.

  “Morning, boys,” Emmett said.

  “Mornin’, sir,” James said. “They heading out to get those supplies?”

  “Yes, sir,” Emmett said.

  “Where do you want us, sir?” Connor asked, looking to Cpt. Sanders.

  “Head upstairs and talk to Cpt. Miller,” Cpt. Sanders said, not even looking at them. “He’s on babysitting duty, not me.”

  “Excuse me?” Tank said.

  “I’m in charge of real soldiers and Marines, not three boys playing army,” Cpt. Sanders said as he walked off, then barked orders at a
group of soldiers standing next to one of the Humvees.

  Tank opened his mouth, probably to yell something at the captain, but Connor elbowed him in the side. Tank glanced at him and then mumbled, “Dick,” under his breath.

  “What was that about?” James asked Emmett.

  “Cpt. Sanders doesn’t like it that civilians are helping out with military duties and doesn’t think they need the help. He thinks they have everything under control without us.”

  “What do you think?” Connor asked.

  Emmett looked at them. “I think they could use all the help they can get. Even though they’re in contact with other bases in the states, I don’t think they fully realize how bad it is out there.”

  “How is it, really?” James asked.

  Emmett paused before answering. “I’ve been in one of their meetings and I’m not at liberty to speak, but I will say this: more cities have fallen and the infected are growing in number every day. It’s better than we originally feared, but how long it’ll stay that way, I don’t know.”

  “Is it safe here?” Connor asked.

  Emmett nodded. “The safest place right now.”

  “Emmett!” Cpt. Sanders hollered from inside one of the Humvees.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” Emmett said, walking off. “Stay frosty out there.”

  “Yes, sir,” Connor said.

  “Well, that’s bullshit,” Tank said.

  “I’m starting to think they just want to keep us busy so we’ll stay out of their hair,” James said.

  “That might not be far from the truth,” Connor said. “But to be fair, they do have it well under control.”

  “True,” James said. “And we are untrained.”

  “Still,” Tank said, “that guy didn’t need to be an ass about it.”

  “Let’s head up and see what Cpt. Miller has for us today,” James said, leading the way through the glass doors and up the stairs. They knocked once on the captain’s door and were ushered inside.

  “Morning, gentlemen,” Cpt. Miller said. “I have another scouting mission for you today. You ready?”

  “Yes, sir,” Connor said.

  “One of our birds saw activity down by Sunburst, in the US Customs building east of town.”

  “What kind of activity?” Tank asked.

  “There were some vehicles there that weren’t there before, and we have reason to believe there may be survivors inside.”

  “Why send us?” James asked.

  “Most of our men are heading north today and the rest need to stay here to protect the town. We figured you could head down there and check it out.”

  “If they’re friendlies?” Connor asked.

  “Invite them back and we’ll interview them.”

  “If not?” James asked.

  “You survived out there against the odds. I think you know what to do if they’re hostile.”

  “Yes, sir,” Connor said.

  “If we don’t see you back here by tonight, we’ll assume something went wrong and send a team out to check on you in the morning.”

  “Good,” Connor said. “Anything else, sir?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Then we’ll be on our way,” Connor said, standing.

  “Good luck, gentlemen, and be careful out there.”

  “We will,” James said as they left the room.

  As they exited the building, they noticed that all of the military personnel had already left, their taillights shining in the predawn light as they headed north. The three of them piled into Scourge and Tank started it up. Pulling out, they headed south towards Sunburst. Remember We Die by Gemini Syndrome played through the speakers as they drove back through the narrow channel of vehicles that guarded the border. Now that James had stayed in Coutts for a while, he appreciated the security that wall of vehicles provided, especially since this was their first time heading south since they’d arrived.

  “I like the captain,” Connor said.

  “I do, too,” James said. “I trust our military. Just not so sure about our government.”

  “You do know our government controls the military,” Tank said.

  “I do,” James said. “But the military could be acting on orders, just doing their jobs, and still not know what’s truly going on.”

  “Yep,” Connor said.

  “I can see that,” Tank said. “What I’m still wonderin’ is who those people in the black uniforms are. Black ops? Private contractors? Or maybe somethin’ more sinister.”

  “That’s a very good point,” James said. “I don’t trust them at all.”

  “They did let us keep Scourge,” Connor said.

  “But why?” Tank asked.

  “Maybe Emmett really went to bat for us and Cpt. Miller gave them no choice,” James said.

  “That’s assumin’ they follow orders,” Tank said.

  “They have to at least pretend to follow orders, or they wouldn’t be in town,” Connor said.

  “Yeah, I guess that seems legit,” Tank said. “But I still don’t trust ‘em.”

  “I’m not sure who I trust,” Connor said.

  “But you do trust Cpt. Miller?” James asked.

  “He seems honest,” Connor said.

  “What about this mission?” Tank said. “Sound like a trap to anyone else?”

  “Could be,” James said. “The few Reclaimers that survived are out here somewhere, including Jezz.”

  “You hear what Alexis said about her?” Tank asked.

  “She talked about her last night,” James said. “That woman sounds like the most unhinged person we’ve met so far.”

  “And a psychopath,” Tank said.

  “Yeah, if the woman is as crazy as Alexis claims,” James said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if she wants revenge. There’s no telling when or where she might turn up and how many of them there’ll be.”

  “We need to make sure to watch ourselves out here,” Connor said.

  “Already plan on it,” James said.

  “How we gonna play this?” Tank asked.

  “I’d like to be able to scout the building,” Connor said. “But…”

  “It’s open as hell out here,” Tank said.

  “Anywhere we stop to scout the survivors, they’ll be able to see us if they’re paying attention,” James said.

  “Roger,” Connor said.

  “Then we shock-n-awe again,” Tank said.

  “Go right in with Scourge and have someone on top with the SAW,” Connor said.

  “But we drive around a bit before going in,” James said. “Hopefully, they’ll come out.”

  “If there’s even anyone there,” Connor said.

  “And if they don’t shoot at us right away,” Tank said.

  “I hate all these unknowns,” James said.

  “Semper Gumby,” Connor said.

  “Always flexible,” Tank translated. “And if anyone is gonna shoot the SAW this time, it’s me. Jamesy Boy, you wanna drive?”

  “Do Dall sheep love the mountains?” James asked, smiling.

  “I don’t know,” Tank said. “You’re the damn hunting guide.”

  “Of course they do!” James said.

  “Then why are you asking me?” Tank asked.

  “It was a rhetorical question to…” James trailed off after seeing Tank’s smile. “Oh, just shut up and pull over.”

  Tank started laughing as he pulled over on I-15.



  Alexis made her way through the front door of the infirmary. The black-uniformed guards out front had been even more brisk than the last time. First, they asked to see her ID, then they wanted to go through her purse, and they even made her leave her gun belt with them at the gate. She’d been reluctant to do so but reminded herself that the entire place was surrounded by heavy-duty fencing. Thankfully, they hadn’t checked her whole body and found the knife she kep
t concealed on her lower leg, a habit her dad had taught her—always have a weapon on hand.

  Her excitement about her date with James the night before was clashing with her nervousness at finally starting her actual job.

  “Good morning, Ms. Wolfe,” Dr. Nelson said with a smile as he walked into the lobby.

  “Morning, Dr. Nelson,” Alexis said.

  “Remember, call me Henry.”

  “Okay, and I’m Alexis.”

  “Fair enough, Alexis. You ready to start working today?”


  “Good, then follow me and I’ll give you the grand tour,” Henry said, walking down a hallway to their left.

  There were three doors down the hall. The first one led to a large conference room and the second led to a small classroom with an outside door. The last door at the end of the hall was locked tight with a keypad next to it. Henry explained the first two rooms and turned to leave.

  “What about that last door?” Alexis asked.

  “Oh, that,” Henry said, turning around. “Dr. Hart keeps all the pharmaceuticals under lock and key in that room.”

  “Is that all that’s in there?”

  “There’s also a door that leads to the basement, but we don’t use that. Supposedly, it’s full of mold and rats.”

  “What do I do if I need to get something from inside?”

  “Dr. Hart has the code and only he goes in there. If he wants you to get something from inside, he’ll give you the code, but even I don’t know it.”

  He continued on, but Alexis took a longer look at the door. She then jogged to catch up with Henry as he escorted her to the stairs in the main lobby. After climbing to the second floor, he continued the tour. The two doors to their left were Dr. Hart’s and Henry’s offices. There was a cubby with a desk next to the farthest room where Alexis’s “office” would be. To their right was a long hallway with four rooms on each side. These were all examination rooms. Apparently, they weren’t usually very busy since they typically only used the first four rooms and rarely the back.


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