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Bad Company (The Brother's Creed Book 4)

Page 13

by Joshua C. Chadd

“Tank’s okay?” James asked, shocked.

  “The plate carrier Tank was wearing stopped the infected's teeth from sinking into his flesh,” Dr. Nelson said. “It bruised him but didn't break the skin. We're going to keep him overnight just to make sure, but I'm confident in my assessment that he's not infected.”

  “You’re serious,” James said, a smile beginning to grow on his face. “What about the blood?”

  “It must've been from the infected's mouth. It wasn't Tank's, even though some of it was fresh.”

  “Praise God,” James said.

  “Indeed,” Dr. Nelson said. “He was extremely lucky. Just another inch closer to his neck and it would’ve missed his vest.”

  “Yeah, luck,” James said. “What about my brother and me?”

  “You're good to go whenever you're ready.”

  “Can I get some clothes?”

  “Of course. Alexis, could you grab those?”

  “Yes, Dr. Nelson,” Alexis said, giving James one last look before turning and walking out the door.

  James let out a sigh of relief.

  “I didn't realize you two were seeing each other,” Dr. Nelson said.

  “Yes, sir. We had our first date last night,” James said.

  “I see it went well.”

  “It did.”

  “Good for you. Alexis seems like a good girl. Reminds me a lot of my wife.”

  The way he said it gave James pause. “She didn't make it?”


  James could see pain in the man's eyes and wondered what it must be like to lose someone so close. Losing his parents had been bad enough and he hoped never to feel that again, but he knew he would.

  Alexis returned a little while later, begrudgingly giving him his clothes, and then left. He dressed and exited the room, meeting his brother in the hall.

  “You hear about Tank?” James asked.

  “Yeah,” Connor said.

  “You two can see him if you'd like,” Dr. Nelson said. “He's down at the end of the hall.”

  “Thanks,” James said.

  They walked down the hall. It was evident which room Tank was in since two guards were standing outside. They didn't stop James as he walked into the room and Connor followed behind him. Tank was in a typical hospital bed with one of those gowns on and his left hand cuffed to the rail.

  “They aren't takin' any chances,” Tank said as the brothers walked up.

  “Holy crap, man,” James said. “That was too close. I thought…”

  “The doc said I got lucky.” Tank said, smiling.

  “More like blessed,” James said.

  “Glad you're okay,” Connor said.

  “Me too,” Tank said.

  “Sounds like they're gonna keep you in here overnight, just to make sure,” James said.

  “Yeah, I don't mind,” Tank said, “as long as they feed me.”

  “We’ll stay, too,” Connor said.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Tank said.

  “Of course we do,” James said. “We’re brothers.”

  “Plus, if you do turn…” Connor let the rest go unsaid.

  They all knew what would need to be done. They’d made a pact back when they were captured by Bryce that if any of them turned, one of the others would finish them off. There would be no waiting and putting others in danger. They had each other’s backs, even at the end.

  “We could take shifts,” James said. “That way, we’ll all be rested for tomorrow.”

  “What’s tomorrow?” Tank asked.

  “We need to sit down and seriously think about what our plan is,” James said. “The Reclaimers know we’re here, and it’s only a matter of time before they find their way inside.”

  “We take the fight to them,” Connor said.

  “Or we leave, soon. We could have a huge head start before they even realized it.”

  “Ya think bein’ out on the road with ‘em is safer than in here?” Tank asked.

  “Maybe not,” James said, “but we have to do something.”

  “I agree,” Tank said, “but runnin’ ain’t it.”

  “We don’t have many other options,” James said.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Connor said.

  “Right,” James said. “For now, we just need to rest and be ready for whatever comes next.”

  Tank glanced at the clock on the wall. “No wonder I’m starvin’,” he said. “It’s almost seven o’clock.”

  “You want some food?” James asked.

  “That’d be nice.”

  “I’ll go see what I can do,” James said, turning to his brother. “You got first watch?”

  “I got it,” Connor said.

  “Rest up, brother,” James said to Tank. “I’ll be back with some food soon.”

  “Hey,” Tank said, looking at James as he began to leave the room, “tell Chloe I’ll come see her in the mornin’. I don’t want her to see me like this.”

  “I will,” James said, exiting the room and heading towards the staircase.

  How could Tank not see that their best bet was to leave? James didn’t want to be out on the road with the Reclaimers either, but they didn’t have much choice. Without any idea of where they were, it would be near impossible for them to hunt the Reclaimers down, and he wasn’t going to just sit here and wait for them to find some way to get in. Those people were resourceful. They’d find a way to attack them in here; he was sure of it. Turning the corner out of the hallway towards the stairs, he practically ran into Emmett, who was just coming up.

  “You guys okay?” Emmett asked.

  “Yes, sir,” James said. “It was a close one though.”

  “What happened?” Emmett asked.

  “The Reclaimers,” James said. “They set a trap in the customs building Cpt. Miller wanted us to check.”

  “How’d you know it was a trap?”

  James chuckled. “It sure as hell wasn’t an accident. There was a tripwire rigged to some explosives on four doors containing dozens of zombies. The wire was set so we’d have a safe room to barricade in, and there was another note from Jezz in the room.”

  Emmett cursed. “How could they have known you’d be there?”

  “That’s the question, isn’t it? Maybe they didn’t, but they knew someone would come to investigate. The trap could’ve been set for anyone from Coutts.”

  “They could be looking for information about the town.”

  “I need to report to Cpt. Miller,” James said.

  “No need. He put me in charge of you guys and any other scouting parties we send out.”

  “Sweet. It’ll be easier working with someone we trust.”

  “Indeed, but you can trust Cpt. Miller. He’s one of the good guys.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Anything else to report?”

  “Just that Tank was bitten, but it didn’t pierce his vest so he’ll be okay. They’re keeping him overnight, and we’re going to keep a watch on him personally.”

  “Good. Being a leader means always being there for your men. It’s one of the keys to a good team.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Sir,” James said and then hesitated.

  “Speak your mind, James. I’m your friend first.”

  A question had been nagging at the back of his mind ever since they’d been sent on this little scouting mission. He didn’t think it was true, but he had to ask. He needed to hear it from someone he trusted.

  “The mission,” James said. “You don’t think Cpt. Miller or someone else set us up, do you?”

  Emmett didn’t answer right away, which James respected. At least he was thinking about it. “Saul didn’t know and wouldn’t do that, I can promise you that. But someone else brought him the information. I don’t think anyone knew, but I can’t tell you for sure. I wouldn’t worry about it eith
er way. It was probably just coincidence.”

  “Good. That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

  “Anything else?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Get yourself some rest tonight. You three had a long day.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And James, I can tell by how Alexis is acting that last night went well. Make sure you continue to take care of her.”

  “I will.”

  “Good.” Emmett turned and walked back down the stairs.

  James stood there for a few moments. It felt good to know that Emmett didn’t suspect anything, and he knew now that Cpt. Miller could be trusted. Emmett had alleviated most of his fears, but there was still a small part of him that wondered what else could be going on. He started down the stairs but stopped, realizing he didn’t know if the guards outside would let him back through the gate if he left. He walked over to the desk in the corner where Alexis sat looking at something on her desk.

  “Hello, Alexis,” James said, unable to stop the smile that spread on his lips when he looked at her.

  “Hey, James,” Alexis said, looking up at him from her tablet. “You feeling better now with your pants on?”

  James chuckled. “Much better. I didn’t think you’d still be here. It’s getting late.”

  “I wanted to finish the inventory I started earlier before I was interrupted by you guys coming in here all bloody and covered in gore.”

  “Sorry about that. We had a little trouble this morning.”

  The mirth left her eyes as she stood up and walked around the desk to stand in front of him. “You’re okay, right?” she asked, concerned.

  “Yeah,” James said, emotions surging within him.

  In the moment, all he’d cared about was survival, about getting out alive. After that, he’d been too concerned with Tank to really think about how close they’d come to death. It’d been easy to keep a tough face then, but standing here looking into those hazel eyes, he could feel his resolve waning. He felt like wrapping Alexis in his arms and just letting all his emotions out.

  Not here, he scolded himself. He had to stay strong… for now.

  “I was worried about you,” Alexis said, taking his hand in hers.

  “I know. I was, too,” James said, reveling in her touch. “Can we talk about this later tonight? In private?” He glanced at the open door to Dr. Nelson’s office.

  “Sure, I’ll be done shortly,” Alexis said, giving his hand a squeeze before she released it.

  “Thanks,” James said, leaning in and giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

  Smiling, she walked back behind her desk, and James walked into the doctor’s office. Dr. Nelson sat at his desk, looking at some papers on a clipboard. The name on the top read Hook, Allen.

  “Mr. Andderson,” Dr. Nelson said, looking up, “how may I help you?”

  “I wanted to go out and get some food,” James said, “but I’m not sure if they’ll let me back in.”

  “No need to go out,” Dr. Nelson said. “I can radio the Mess Hall and have them bring some food.”

  “I’d really like to get out for a bit.”

  “I see. I’ll get you a guest pass that’ll be valid for twenty-four hours.”

  “That’d be perfect.”

  Dr. Nelson opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out a clip-on plastic badge. He scanned it with a small device that was hooked up to his computer and then typed in some information. Once he was done, he handed it to James.

  “This’ll only work for you.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “Don’t mention it. And if you need anything else, I’ll be here all night, regularly checking on your friend.”

  “We plan to stay with him too, if that’s okay.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Thanks again,” James said, turning and leaving the room.

  Alexis was standing by her desk when he walked out. “Walk a girl home?” she asked.

  “Of course,” James said, smiling.

  They took the stairs. He noticed that she glanced down a hallway at a door set at the back. He wanted to ask her about it but decided to save it for later. They exited the building, the cool evening air a relief from the heat earlier in the day. Checking out with the guards, James told them he’d be back soon. Outside the gate, James took Alexis’s hand in his as they walked down the driveway towards her house.


  Change of Plans

  Alexis walked hand in hand with James and felt more at peace than she had in a long time. Their date the night before had been on her mind all day, and she kept thinking back to when he’d broken down after his episode. That had been the best part of the whole night. The vulnerability he’d shown had allowed her to see his heart, and it made her feel even closer to him. They’d shared something then, and she imagined they both had a small piece of each other’s hearts now. The kiss had been the icing on the cake, but the deep conversation after sharing that moment together had been the cake.

  She smiled, it’d been the best night she’d had, maybe ever. That might be a little exaggerated, but at the moment she felt it was true. And now, with him holding her hand and them walking side by side in the cool night air, she felt better than ever. Love really was intoxicating.

  Wait, love? something said in her mind.

  They crossed the street, approaching her house. She needed to distract her mind from the crazy thoughts she had swirling around in it.

  “So what happened?” Alexis asked.

  James hesitated for a few moments but then told her the story about how they’d been sent to investigate the US Customs building and about the trap set by the Reclaimers and their mad dash to get out. She shivered at the thought, knowing Jezz was out there right now, hunting them. She’d known that the woman would want to “reclaim” them even more now, but she hadn’t figured she’d find them so easily. They could’ve gone anywhere. Yet, they’d continued their trek north, so it hadn’t been hard for Jezz to follow the main route and find them there. Maybe they shouldn’t have stayed so long. Not that it mattered now; they couldn’t leave with the Reclaimers out there somewhere.

  “I haven’t felt hopelessness like that since this all started,” James said, stopping outside of Alexis’s house. “Not even when we were captured by Bryce.”

  He gazed past her to something unseen, the emotions plain on his face.

  “It’s okay,” Alexis said, pulling him into a hug. “You made it out, and you’re safe now.”

  He chuckled as a couple of tears streaked from his eyes. “I thought I was supposed to be the one who comforted and protected you.”

  “A relationship is more of a partnership,” Alexis said. “One is strong when the other is weak.”

  “Makes sense,” James said, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “So we are in a relationship?”

  “I assumed,” Alexis said. “From the kiss and all.”

  “I mean I want to be. I just don’t know how to do all this stuff.”

  “Good, because I want to be, too.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him. The moment was cut short when Alexis’s front door opened, causing James to jump back. He relaxed instantly, seeing who it was.

  “How’s Tank?” Chloe asked, eyes red.

  “He’s going to be okay,” Alexis said, climbing the steps and hugging her.

  “I didn’t know what was going on,” Chloe said as a sob escaped her throat. “All I heard was that he’d been bitten.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Alexis said. “I should’ve gotten word to you.”

  “So he’s going to be fine?” Chloe asked.

  “Yeah, the teeth didn’t penetrate through his vest,” Alexis said. “He has a nice bruise and they’re keeping him overnight to make sure he doesn’t turn, but Dr. Nelson thinks he’ll be okay.”

  “I need to go see him,” Chloe said, stepping back from Alexis and wiping her eyes.

  James opened his mouth but Alexis spoke first. “Security is tight. I don’t think they’ll let you in.”

  “I’m getting food and then going back,” James said. “I can take a message to him.”

  “Can’t you take me in with you?” Chloe asked.

  “I don’t think so. The doctor said the badge will only work to get me in.”

  “Okay,” Chloe said, taking a deep breath. “Okay, if he’s going to be fine then I can wait and see him tomorrow. Tell him that he needs to come see me as soon as he gets out, whatever time it is. Tell him I’m thinking about him.”

  “I will,” James said.

  “Don’t you have work tonight?” Alexis asked.

  “Yes,” Chloe said, taking another deep breath.

  “Let’s get you freshened up,” Alexis said, looking down at James.

  “We can catch up later,” James said, smiling at her. “I’ve taken too long getting food anyway. See ya later.”

  He walked off towards the Mess Hall and she watched him go. Yes, she did have strong feelings for him. She ushered Chloe inside so she could help get her ready for work and fill her in on more of what’d happened.


  James left the Mess Hall carrying two grocery bags full of hot food. Cook hadn’t even hesitated to pack up some food for him to bring back; however, she had threatened him about bringing the dishes back, but he’d been planning on that anyway. He really did owe her even more now and would have to make good on their next run.

  If we even go on another run, James thought.

  He was tired of delaying their journey there. They’d wasted over a week and could probably have been at their lodge in Alaska right now. This place was secure, sure, but it wasn’t safe—not like the lodge would be with their own community. Only in Alaska would they truly be as safe as they could be.

  The air was even cooler than when he’d left the infirmary earlier and the wind had begun to pick up. He looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, a streak of lightning flashing in the distance. A storm was coming tonight.

  Security was seriously tight at the infirmary. They patted him down and even checked inside all the food containers. Luckily for him, Cook had given them plastic silverware; otherwise they probably would’ve taken that. After scanning his badge and asking him some questions, they finally let him through. He understood them wanting to keep people contained in there in case they were infected, but why would they be so concerned about who came in? What could someone really do by getting in there?


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