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Her Wolf's Guarded Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Romance with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 10)

Page 21

by Vella Day

  “And now you know.”

  How did she do that? EmmaLee hadn’t told her everything. “Yes, I do, but when Slater—that’s the name of the man who used to be my boyfriend—turned out to be a dragon, I kind of freaked.”

  “I can understand why.”

  “Earlier this afternoon, he admitted that he killed my parents and wanted to kill me too. Before I could ask him all my questions, he shifted into his dragon form and shot fire at us. When Connor went on the attack, he disappeared.”

  Her eyes widened. “As in he vanished?”

  Connor answered. “Yes. I was in mid air, ready to sink my teeth into his leg, and it was as if he was sucked away or became invisible.”

  Ophelia nodded. “Ah, yes. The four sisters of Fate must have interfered. They probably have been watching him all along.”

  The four sisters of Fate? EmmaLee’s heart sputtered at Ophelia’s intimate knowledge of the realm. “Have you been to Tarradon?”

  She smiled. “I’ve been there many times. I’m surprised your friend Vinea didn’t tell you.”

  “No. She said nothing.” Perhaps she wanted EmmaLee to figure things out for herself when it came to dragons and this realm. A little hint would have been appreciated though. “What’s it like?” EmmaLee asked, forgetting why she’d come in the first place.

  “I believe you have more pressing questions than learning the details of this other realm.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry.” Acid bubbled in her stomach at the reminder of their recent ordeal.

  “Tell me why Slater said he wanted to harm you.” Ophelia glanced between the two of them.

  “On the night of the fire, I found a talon on the ground, and he feared I’d figure out what kind of animal it belonged to,” EmmaLee said.

  Connor leaned forward. “Coghill confessed that it was his.”

  “Interesting.” Ophelia stuffed a hand into her pocket, turned around, and bowed her head. She said nothing for a full minute before facing them. She exhaled. “I can say with confidence that he’s gone. For good.”

  EmmaLee wanted to believe her, but she needed to be sure. “Not to be rude, but how do you know that?”

  “Killing you both would have raised too many questions. The manner of your death would have been hard to cover up. It seems that your young fellow got out of hand, and the sisters had to take him back.”

  “Who are these sisters?” she asked.

  “Powerful beings.”

  “But how do you know he won’t come back?” Connor asked. EmmaLee loved how he didn’t shy away from getting proof Slater was gone for good.

  “Because I just asked someone on Tarradon.” Ophelia shoved her hand in her pocket again and pulled out what looked like a one-inch long scale. “This dragon scale is filled with magic. With it, I can communicate with Jamison Sinclair, the man who once ruled the Guardians. He told me that Slater had been dealt with. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Like Vinea used to do, this woman floated away and then disappeared into the woods.

  Stunned, EmmaLee faced Connor. “What do you think?”

  “In all the years our Clansmen and Wendayans have been coming to Ophelia for help, she’s never steered them wrong. We need to believe her and move on, knowing that asshole won’t ever harm you again.”

  She crossed her fingers. “Amen.”

  Connor hugged her tight, and she’d never felt more secure in her life. “How about we forget this terrible day and enjoy your new found freedom, huh?” He led her back to the SUV. “At least now you know that what you saw that day was real.”

  “True, but to think Slater killed my parents still freaks me out. They didn’t have to die.”

  He ran a knuckle down her cheek. “No, they didn’t. They were searching for the truth just like you. Only they got too close.”

  “I know.” She looked up at him. “I’ve been thinking. It might be time for me to get the help I’ve needed for a long time.”

  He smiled. “I know just the doctor.”

  Connor helped her into the car and then drove over to his place. The exterior of the home had the same brick style as his parents, only his was one-story instead of two. The landscaping was rather minimal, but given how much Connor worked that didn’t surprise her. He wouldn’t have time to garden. If she stayed in his house with him, she would need to add some flowers along the entranceway path.

  Before she had moved into the safe house, he’d taken her to his house once before, and while it could use a woman’s touch, she loved how the light poured into the living room window.

  He set down her two suitcases in the entranceway. “What do you feel like doing first?” he asked. “Rest, eat, or unpack?”

  EmmaLee faced him. “I’m not sure. I still can’t believe it’s over.”

  Connor clasped her shoulders and drew her near. “It is. We can start living our lives. No more hiding.”

  She darted a look to the side. “I should feel elated to have my freedom, but something seems to be missing.”

  His eyes widened. “What’s that?”

  “I can’t describe it. I have this sense of being incomplete. Maybe it’s the fact that I know who killed my parents and why, so I don’t know what to focus on now.”

  He smiled. “Ah, I understand. I’ve had cases that drove me day and night. When I finally caught the person, I also felt empty inside because the chase was over. My goal had been fulfilled.”

  Her pulse sped up. “Yes, it’s just like that. So how did you handle it?”

  “I focused on something else, like building the business. I learned that attaining a goal though isn’t nearly as rewarding as building relationships.” He cupped her face, and her heart nearly burst. “Life is about love and being mated to the most wonderful and brave woman in the world, and not how many criminals I bring to justice. I’d give up my business if I had to in order to be with you.”

  She studied his face. “You talk of being mated, but so far I haven’t seen any evidence of you making any kind of attempt to fulfill it.” Of course, she was teasing.

  “For that I am sorry. I was waiting until this mess with Slater was resolved before I claimed you for my own.”

  “I’d love to be your mate. Forever.”

  Connor picked her up in his arms and swung her around. “Then I say we get to it.”

  EmmaLee dropped back her head and laughed. “I could use a little less talk and a lot more action.”

  “Still as sassy as ever, I see.”

  She drew his head closer and sucked on his bottom lip. “You like my sassy mouth, don’t you?”

  “I love everything about you,” he said.

  Connor then proved just how much he loved it. They explored and tasted each other like never before. Knowing they were to be mated added extra zest to their already amazing sex life.

  Connor set her down. “I think we’re overdressed,” he said, as he stepped out of his shoes.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” She removed her sandals but then stopped. “Let me finish undressing you.”

  The hair on Connor’s face thickened. “Don’t take too long. Now that I have it in my head that we’ll finally be mated, my wolf is clawing for release.”

  She held up her palms. “Please try to keep him hidden, at least until we’re done. Afterward, I’d like to hold him and cuddle him.”

  “We’ll see about that. My wolf is a warrior not a cuddler.” He puffed out his chest.

  She chuckled. “I think I could convince him to enjoy a snuggle or two.”

  “I think he would do anything you asked.”

  As she reached out to undo the button on his pants, Connor undid hers. It became a race to see who could undress whom first. He won, but that was only because he wouldn’t lift his arms to let her take off his shirt.

  By the time they were naked, her need to be with him nearly took her breath away. EmmaLee was nervous yet excited. “Will it hurt?” she asked.

  “Not if I do it right. I�
�m hoping you’ll be so lost in passion that you won’t even notice I’ve pierced you.”

  “Then I’m ready.” She inhaled and almost giggled.

  She’d been waiting for this moment her whole life. Giving and receiving unconditional love had been something she’d lost after her parents died. Now, she could start her new life again. Reborn. Rekindled. Renewed.

  “I can’t wait,” Connor said, his hooded lids hiding his sensual eyes.

  His lips descended again, and when their tongues touched, heat exploded, licking its way up and down her body. As if they both had the same image in their mind, she wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up, encasing his waist with her legs. Connor cupped her rear and lifted her up. He then kissed her with total abandon.

  Pressing her breasts against his chest and wiggling her hips, she closed her eyes. EmmaLee blocked out everything but the love and joy rushing through her.

  Connor broke the kiss. “Be careful.”

  She opened her eyes. “Of what?” she asked as innocently as possible.

  “Of exciting my wolf too much.” Connor nipped her chin and then her lips as he walked her down the hallway toward the bedroom. Once inside, they both dropped to the bed. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  EmmaLee lifted up and kissed his nose. “I know I will never have my fill of you either.”

  “I wish that were true. I can be cranky, overbearing, demanding, overprot—”

  She placed a finger on his lips. “Shh. You’re mine and that’s all that matters.”

  “Show me.” Connor dipped his face to her neck and kissed the tender skin under her jaw.

  She’d be lying if she said she didn’t hold her breath. It wasn’t everyday a girl was bitten, enabling her to transform into a wolf. When Connor lifted his mouth from her neck, a wave of disappointment raced through her. It was quickly forgotten however when he ran his tongue around the tip of her nipple in a maddening circle.

  “Yes, Connor. Harder, please.”

  He nipped and pulled, sending spikes of need straight to her core. With each tug, her climax built, but she needed more. Pressing the soles of her feet into the mattress, she reached between them.

  Connor grabbed her wrist and chuckled. “You’re always so impatient; just relax, Em. I got this.”

  As if a homing device was attached to the tip of his cock, he found her wet entrance. EmmaLee relaxed, letting him fill her completely. While her inner walls had to stretch to accommodate him, the slight pain pushed her closer to her ultimate bliss.

  Connor dipped his head again and sucked one nipple then the next, his groans of pleasure increasing with each pull. Needing to touch him, she ran her fingers through his hair. Oh how she loved the course texture.

  His sharpened teeth scraped her sensitive nipple, forcing her to suck in a breath. Connor stopped. “Did I hurt you?”

  “A little.”

  “I’m sorry.” He licked the swollen tip in a gentle, caring manner, and the tension in her body released.

  “I’ll forget about the ache if you move your cock.”

  Connor looked up and grinned. “Anxious are we?”

  “Just horny and in love,” she shot back.

  He bared his sharpened teeth. “Me too.”

  Slipping his hands under her shoulders, Connor withdrew then drove right back into her, filling her to the hilt. Erotic bliss slammed into her as she held on for dear life. “Kiss me,” she demanded.

  “You don’t have to ask,” he said a second before devouring her lips.

  Massive shots of excitement scurried over every inch of her body, and EmmaLee couldn’t touch or kiss him fast enough. It was as if she’d been tossed underwater, and only Connor could provide her with enough oxygen.

  He plowed into her once more, and EmmaLee rode every wave with him. He lowered his lips to her neck again, and she could tell by his sharpened nails, the growth on his face, that he too, was close to his climax. Anticipation filled her with joy as his teeth scraped the tender skin between her neck and collarbone.

  As Connor continued to growl and huff, she sucked in more air. Just as his cock slammed into her back wall, his teeth sunk into her neck. Instead of the expected pain, euphoria filled her, sending her into a state of climactic oblivion. His cock pulsed and expanded as his hot seed shot into her.

  Different colors swirled behind her lids like never before, and her body welcomed this new change. At that moment, EmmaLee had never felt more alive.

  Holding on tight, they remained in some kind of suspension until her body sagged.

  Connor withdrew and then cupped her face. “How do you feel?”

  She smiled as much as her cheeks would allow. “Like I want to howl.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  The evening of the white moon

  “I’m nervous,” EmmaLee said as she ran her palms down her black pencil skirt.

  Connor smiled down at her and skimmed a knuckle across her cheek. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. Everyone already knows you’re my mate. This is just an excuse to celebrate our union and to welcome you into the family.”

  “I know, but I’m not used to being in the spotlight.”

  “I’ll be right by your side.”

  “Thanks.” Knowing that made her feel much better. EmmaLee stepped back. “How do I look?”

  She’d worn a skirt for a change, along with a moderately low cut white blouse. The striking addition to her outfit was the amethyst necklace Connor had given her. She fingered it now.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  Because he hated to be late, she stopped fussing and grabbed a change of clothes for afterward—for when they celebrated her first shift.

  Even though Connor lived close to his parents, he insisted on driving, fearing she might twist an ankle when walking in heels at night. She couldn’t argue with that logic.

  When they arrived, the party was already going strong. A rather large group was clustered in the kitchen, another bunch surrounded the dining room table that was full of hors d’oeuvres, and the rest were huddled in the living room listening to Rye tell them some story.

  She knew most of those present, but a few faces were not familiar. She figured the woman speaking with Mrs. McKinnon was Chelsea, Connor’s sister. Then again, she could be Elana, Jackson’s brother’s mate. Connor said his mom planned to invite the two main families—the McKinnons and the Murdochs—along with those who worked in his firm.

  The one couple she was anxious to see was Vinea and Devon, but Connor hadn’t been sure if they’d make it—something about a case Devon was working on.

  As soon as they entered, Mrs. McKinnon rushed over and hugged them both. She turned to EmmaLee. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that my son has finally mated. I thought I’d go to my grave first.”

  “Mom, please.”

  “I’m sorry. I always get excited when we add a member to our family. Come in. Drinks are on the counter and snacks on the table. Make sure you introduce your new mate to everyone.”

  “I know what to do.”

  A knock sounded on the front door and then it eased opened. EmmaLee spun around. “Vinea?”

  EmmaLee squeezed Connor’s hand and ran to her friend who looked the same as she had when she moved to Pittsburgh. So far, her baby bump wasn’t showing.

  They hugged. “Let me see you,” Vinea said. “You’re looking good. I can’t wait for you to fill me in.”

  They’d spoken on the phone, but when she brought up the possibility that Slater had killed a professor and robbed her, Vinea became silent. Before they could talk, Connor hugged Devon, and the two of them started to chat.

  Vinea touched her arm. “Let’s sit. Now that I’ve had time to absorb what you told me about Slater possibly killing someone else, I need to know more.”

  Devon moved next to Vinea. “Can I get you some water?”

  She smiled. “I’d love some.”

>   She and Vinea found an empty spot on the sofa. “Did you really say that Slater was gone for good?” Vinea asked.

  “Yes. Ophelia contacted someone in Tarradon who said so.”

  “Then it must be true. Tell me exactly what happened.”

  EmmaLee started with the picnic and how Slater just appeared out of nowhere. “When he shifted into a dragon, I freaked.”

  “I think I might have freaked too. What did you do?”

  She explained about how when she ran toward Slater to save Connor, her bubble appeared and saved her. “I’d be dead if it hadn’t been for you.”

  Vinea smiled. “I’m just happy it worked. I’ve never tried to give someone that kind of power before.”

  “You should have warned me it was a prototype.”

  “It worked, didn’t it?” Vinea smiled.

  “It did.”

  “I’m glad.”

  EmmaLee wanted to change the subject. “And you and Naliana? How’s that going?” Vinea had said they’d met once during the last white moon.

  “We’ve made up more or less. I don’t think I’ll be going up to the light realm any time soon—mostly because of the baby—but after our child is born, Naliana said it might be time to reunite with my parents.”

  “I’m so happy for you.” EmmaLee hugged her again. “So you’re really happy?”

  “More than happy. It’s like I’ve almost forgotten who the evil Vinea used to be. All I can think about is Devon and our child. Life is definitely good.”

  “That’s so wonderful.”

  “So tonight is the night, huh?” Vinea asked.

  It was why EmmaLee had been so nervous. “Yes, it’s not every day a person shifts into an animal for the first time.”

  Vinea waved a hand. “I’ve seen a ton of humans do it. You’ll do great.”

  “I hope so. Connor said he’ll be by my side the whole time.”

  Jackson shouted out a hello, and EmmaLee turned toward the door. It was Blair. EmmaLee smiled. Blair had been her first friend in Silver Lake, followed by Lexi.

  Vinea nodded to her. “Do I know her?”

  “That’s Jackson and Kalan’s sister, Blair. When I wrenched my back, she helped me out.”


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