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Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story

Page 3

by Candace Werts

  They start us with a cheese fondue, with mini bread loaves, sausage, and apple slices for dipping purposes. The cheese smells incredible. I’m reluctant to begin first, so I wait for Cooper. Using a toothpick he sticks it in an apple slice, dips it into the warm cheese, and brings it back out dripping of sauce. Once he wipes the sides to eliminate any spillage, it is presented at my mouth. Stunned, I imagine myself being the apple slices and him the toothpick. I shake it off, and then open my mouth wide enough to receive what he’s giving. Biting down, I taste a mixture of bleu cheese and white wine; it goes perfectly with the apple. He sits back and studies my facial expression, seeing whether I like it or not. I let him know with a lick of my lip that it is very tasty.

  Before I can even begin to take charge and feed him some of the delicious snacks, he already has the sausage perfectly dipped waiting at my lips. Playfully, I act as if I’m about to open, and then the cheese is smeared all over my lips. Somewhat embarrassed, I reach for my napkin to wipe off the residue, but in an instance his lips are completely over mine sucking and kissing the cheese away, until it’s all gone. Now my juices are really flowing.

  The waiter comes back with the main course. It is filet mignon, chicken, and lobster tail. There are a variety of different sauces to choose from. We are provided a pot to cook the already cut pieces of meat on. Once they’re edible, the dipping starts. Being that Cooper got me with the cheese, I feel a little payback in the works. As we look over everything, I ask him out of the three meats, which is his favorite; he says filet mignon, typical male I say to myself. Once the filet mignon is cooked to completion, I choose cheddar cheese to dip it into. It seems Cooper is caught off guard when my cheese soaked filet mignon meets his lips, ready to enter. But without hesitation, he slides the meat off the stick and chews it with precision. I never noticed how truly sexy he chews, something about the way it makes his jaw clench, is a true enjoyment to watch. I decide now to get serious with eating as it seems the champagne is starting to catch up with me. The last thing I had to eat was breakfast earlier this morning.

  “Everything you ordered was delicious,” I say to Cooper.

  “The best is yet to come my dear,” he says with a flirty wink.

  Our final course arrives. Dessert is my favorite. It’s a chocolate fondue, surrounded by strawberries, cheesecake and brownie bites. Trouble, is all I’m thinking as I ponder what of these three he would be most interested in. I take the strawberry and dip it until it’s completely covered in chocolate, minus the stem. I then tell Cooper to open up. Since I was busy creating a special treat for him, I hadn’t realized he was making one of his own. Two chocolate covered strawberries. I smile inside. We both feed them to each other at the exact time, however, I make sure a little chocolate drips down his lip to his chin, and then with the works of my lips and tongue, I clean him up perfectly. The look in his eye is priceless. That’s when I know he has to be hard because I even managed to get myself wet in doing that.

  We finish off our champagne, and after he pays the check, he asks in a stern but playful tone, “Shall we go dancing?”

  “Oh yes!” is all I can say.

  Exiting the restaurant, the hostess tries again to make her presence known. She holds the door for us and wishes us a good evening in her most cheerful tone. I can’t help but to notice that she is undressing him with her eyes, which is understandable. She is not met with the attention she is seeking.

  Cooper kindly responds, “You as well,” without looking in her direction.

  His focus is on one thing, and one thing only, Me! I feel victorious at this very moment. The valet quickly pulls up the car; Cooper again holds the door for my entrance. He is quite the gentlemen.

  Chapter Seven

  Once behind the wheel, he asks, “Have you ever been to the Skydome Lounge?”

  I reply, “No, the girls and I have talked about going, but never got around to it.”

  “Well it certainly pleases me in knowing I’ll be your first. In taking you there of course,” He winks.

  When his hand firmly holds my thigh, different tingly sensations run through my body. Trying hard to control myself, and not run my hand through his hair, I bite my lower lip.

  He must have caught me, because he asks, “Is everything ok over there Carmen?”

  I reply bashfully, “Yes, everything is great!”

  Then the car stops and I peer out of the window at the Double Tree staring back at me. I’ve never noticed just how beautiful the hotel looks with all the lights on at night. Cooper is speaking to valet, as I reapply my crimson lipstick, making sure not to have any on my teeth. He is holding the door for me as I push the visor back up. Hand in hand we walk into the lobby and make our way to the elevators. The lounge is on the top floor, and promises to offer a spectacular view. It’s approaching 10 o’clock, so I’m almost certain it won’t be crowded this early. Boy am I wrong. We stride casually over to where the bouncer stands checking ID’s and collecting the cover charge. He passes us through, and I’m stunned as we enter.

  There are tables everywhere, all surrounded with round, bright red plushy chairs. The dance floor is located in the back where the DJ is mixing some jams and the strobe light is rotating at a semi-fast speed. The more I look at them, the more it seems like they’re moving to match the beat of the music. Right now Rihanna is singing “Pour It Up” but they’ve mixed it with a different beat, which switches to Beyoncé’s older hit “Get Me Bodied.” I feel a sweet kiss on my shoulder.

  “You seem a little too impressed; maybe I should have taken you somewhere else, so your focus would remain only on me,” Cooper says in a flirtatious manner.

  Feeling full of myself, I place my freshly manicured hand on his chest. “I’m just enjoying the view. Don’t worry you’re the only one who my attention will be on this evening.” I smile at him in a seductive way.

  At that precise moment I look out the window behind him, and see the Monument. That wasn’t there a few minutes ago, which makes me realize that the room is on a slow rotation. The view is magnificent.

  He sees where my eyes have taken me and says, “Would you like to go to the table that I reserved for us?”

  I nod yes. We end up at the exact window I was using for my viewing purposes. Standing he motions for me to sit.

  I look up at him, he looks so tall from this position, and he bends down and asks, “What will you be drinking tonight?”

  I ask for a dirty martini, and he chuckles as he makes his way back to the bar. While he’s away I take this time to appreciate the perks from the window seat. Once he returns, I’ll be all his. The highway is below us now. Turning my back, I see Cooper striding towards me with my martini in hand and a scotch in the other. He is refined and captivates everyone’s attention. My eyes travel the entire course of his body. I struggle to keep my facial expression clear of my sexual thoughts, but something about him tells me that he will see through all my disguises.

  “A martini for the lady. You did say you wanted it the dirtiest possible right?” he wickedly says.

  “What can I say but I appreciate a good, dirty drink. Don’t judge me Cooper,” I playfully say.

  “I would never,” he replies. “However, I will judge your dance moves.”

  My heart is racing. Okay, breathe, breathe, and breathe. According to Marcia, I will find out what type of lover he is by the way he moves his body.

  “I accept your challenge, Mr. Jackson.”

  “Good. It’s show time,” he replies.

  Already? I try to hurry and finish the drink as all these naughty thoughts run through my mind, but I’m not quick enough.

  His hand is extended in front of me and I nervously accept. Usher’s “I Wanna Make Love in This Club booms through the speakers. That’s my cue. We start in a slow dance at first, facing one another, my hands are around his neck, his are located on my hips. This song is definitely setting the mood. I switch positions and turn around, placing my rear directly in front of his c
rotch. Working my way down to the floor, turning my head to see Cooper’s face, and then back up again; stopping at his center while grinding gently against him. We are in tune with the melody and each other. I can feel his hardness press firmly against me. He growls and with the slight pull of my hair, brings my ear to his mouth.

  “It’s time to go.”

  My vagina is pulsating. I can’t wait to get home!

  The elevator ride to my place is intense. In a futile attempt we try to keep our hands off each other. My hands are in his hair while he caresses my bottom. He quickly closes the small gap between us by pressing his hard body on mine.

  “Your actions earlier have caused this trouble you so graciously invited, my lady,” he says, giving my ass a firm squeeze.

  “What can I say, I aim to please.”

  Our mouths are completely in sync and our tongues lavishly locked with one another. Just then the elevator “dings” and we are seconds away from my door.

  It’s dimly lit in my living quarters, I reach back for Cooper’s hand to lead the way, but there is only air. In an instant I’m lifted off my feet and find myself in Cooper’s arms. He demands that I tell him the way. Reaching my room, he gently places me on the bed, while he proceeds to take his shoes off. My hands touch the buttons on his shirt when he playfully pushes me back down where my head meets the pillow.

  He says, “I’ll be in charge of all tonight.”

  He undoes my shorts and slides them completely off, my black lace panties are revealed, and my choice seems to please him. He puts me in a seated position and unties my halter top, lifts my arms then forcefully yanks it off to find my matching strapless bra. Thinking he wants to remove my shoes, I raise my foot.

  “No,” he sternly replies, those will stay on. “There is nothing sexier than you in red heels receiving all the pleasure I will fill you with tonight.”

  I shiver from hearing promises of fulfillment. His mouth is on mine like never before, our tongues in overdrive and he ends the kiss with the sucking of my bottom lip. His lips make their way down my neck, tracing circles on my special spot, and then finds his way to my earlobe were he licks the very tip, stroking it back and forth. The climax forming inside of me will make the Earth move. My body is responsive. I grip his hair as we fall onto the bed. He’s admiring my breasts in awe, and then with expertise movement of his left hand, he frees them. His mouth immediately goes to the right one, sucking my nipple until I think I may combust, and then puts all his focus on the left side. All I can do at this moment is lie there in anticipation of what’s to come. Just when I think he couldn’t blow my mind anymore, he has made his way to my stomach where he plants soft kisses, until reaching the tip of my panties. He’s so close; I can feel his breath through the lace.

  Using his teeth, Cooper starts pulling them down, while his hands massage my legs. My heart shaped Brazilian seems to have intrigued him. He kisses down the landing strip till he reaches the heart and traces it with his moist tongue. My hands are clenching my comforter as he goes down further to find my clit which he licks softly at first. I begin shaking. His finger enters my slickness, my eyes have begun to go in the back of my head, I feel an explosion is only seconds away, then he adds another finger, moving them at a fast pace back and forth inside me I can feel my juices exiting. I want to see his cock; I need to have it in me before I explode.

  “Coo-per please, I want to feel you inside me, please.”

  He glares up at me, with heat in his eyes. He removes his fingers and comes back up to meet me with a hungry kiss; I know he wants to be inside me just as much. I can feel his hardness more than ever, pressed against my naked vagina. He gets up to remove his pants, but not before retrieving the gold foiled wrapper first. When his pants fall, out comes this thick, long penis. The crown is perfect in shape and size, I lick my lips. He rips the wrapper and forces the condom around his healthy girth. I watch in amazement.

  The display of his hard penis has my mouth watering. I want to get on my knees and devour it. He’s immediately on top of me, his cock lies directly in between my spread lips. My throbbing vagina is screaming for him to come inside. Forcefully, he turns me over on my stomach, and using his strength pulls me into a position leaving me on all fours.

  I feel so vulnerable right now, “Take me,” I beg.

  I can feel the pulse of his crown as it sits where my wetness begins. My juices flowing like that of a waterfall.

  “Carmen, baby you’re so tight, I can’t wait to be inside of you.”

  “Oh Cooper; give it to me, please! I want to feel your entire cock in me.”

  “Ask and you shall receive,” he wickedly says.

  I let out a small whimper as the head enters my once neglected vagina. “I’ll go easy on you this time. I am going to fill you slowly so you can feel every inch of me as I travel deeper and deeper, making you climax to the highest point.”

  “Oh, I’m so ready. Please. I can’t wait much longer.” I’m breathless at this point.

  He releases my hair from the ponytail, and pushes his penis inside more. I gasp, damn he feels incredible, and my insides are yearning for more. As he pulls my hair back towards him, I arch up to meet his body, our bodies’ rock together briefly as he allows me to adjust to his massive size. It’s building more and more, just when I’m about to give in to the climax; he pushes me back to my knees giving me all of him. He pulls out slowly, then back in, but further this time, he continues to do this until he’s swimming deep in my ocean. I follow his motions and meet him all the way, my vagina hungrily gripping his penis and making him moan louder and louder. At a faster pace now, he thrusts in and out, filling me and finding my exact pleasure point. Kissing me he pulls me back. Our explosion is going to happen at any moment.

  I scream, “COO---PERRRRRR!”

  My legs shaking, he starts pounding faster and fiercely, triggering his own climax. He’s so deep, I feel his balls slapping against my ass.

  “Fuck Carmen! You’re so wet for me.”

  He then slams in me with one fierce movement and throws his head back as he releases. After discarding the condom, we lay there in silence. My head is on Cooper’s chiseled chest and he strokes my hair.

  “Sweet dreams, my Carmen.”

  Yes I am his.

  Chapter Eight

  Last night was incredible. Cooper has unleashed a wild side in me. There is no going back. Smiling to myself I open my eyes to see a pair looking back at me.

  "Shit," I scream and jump out of the bed and run to my bathroom. I look in the mirror and to my horror, my hair is everywhere and I need to brush my teeth.

  Cooper knocks on the door saying, "Open up, beautiful."

  There is nothing beautiful about the way I look. "Just a minute," I say.

  "Carmen, I have been watching you sleep for fifteen minutes, stop hiding from me,” He says.

  Fuck, I knew I should have set my alarm. I reluctantly open the door and there stands the man who has brought me unmeasurable pleasure. Damn, he is so fine. I grab my toothbrush and paste as Cooper and I notice a note in Marcia's handwriting.

  Morning honey, I hope you and Cooper fucked last night because you really need to be fucked. (I try to move the note, but Cooper snatches it) Since you probably were not prepared for a night in the sheets, I have placed an extra toothbrush in your drawer...he doesn't need to know about your crazy’s to morning sex. Love Ya.

  I am utterly embarrassed. Couldn't she have sent this in a text?

  We do not speak of Marcia’s note, but Cooper has a ridiculous smile on his face. Putting away our toothbrushes, I push Cooper inside the shower stall and motion for him to sit on the bench. I lather a wash cloth and make my way all over his body, then settle on his cock that becomes erect with just the simplest stroke. I rub the wash cloth up and down it making sure it is cleansed completely of last night; I reach down and do the same with his balls. His head is leaned up against the wall as he takes it all in. Without allowing him time t
o look up, I drop to my knees. His penis is beautiful, flawless and perfect in length and width. The size can come off as intimidating at first glance.

  But last night proved Cooper knows how to use his magical and fulfilling penis. The crown rests on my lips and before Cooper can realize what’s about to take place, my mouth is all over it. Slow at first, I take it inch by inch, until I’m filled. My throat wants to reflex but I won’t allow it, not after all the pleasure he gave me. Sliding my mouth down further my tongue licks the few pulsing veins present and I increase my pace. He looks down at me, and satisfaction is written all over his face. His pleasure makes me concentrate harder, and deep throating once again, he pulls my hair. He begins to slowly fuck my mouth, in and out, faster and faster.

  “Damn baby that feels amazing, don’t stop, please,” he says.

  As he pushes harder, and thrust deeper into my throat, I reach down and take his balls in my hand, gently caressing them, one by one. In a matter of seconds I can feel the warm spurt hit the very back of my throat, his legs are twitching, as he spills all he has in me. Looking up at his striking face our eyes meet. He pulls me up on top of his lap and kisses me until I feel like I’m going to faint in his arms.

  “That was perfectly done Carmen. Please tell me why a woman like you is single?”

  “You want to talk about that now? I was thinking we could put my shower to good use.”


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