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Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story

Page 8

by Candace Werts

  “Yes, we are beautiful,” Cooper says as he kisses my forehead. “I wish I could thank you in a more intimate way, but it seems we have a party to get dressed for. I just hope I’m able to keep my hands to myself, and not try to take you in the men’s restroom downstairs.” He pinches my rear as he locates his vampire costume.

  It’s hard for me to control my animal instincts and not take this man as he did me earlier. However, I realize we only have an hour before we need to be downstairs. Focusing on the task at hand, I slide my red dress over my tights. The dress is form fitting at the top and a little cleavage is revealed. The bottom has ruffled layers of satin that rest on my upper thigh. My cape is black, with red designs on both sides of the front opening; they end in a white bow. A high red collar covers the back of my neck. The back of the cape is a fish tail design, which is longer than the front, so my ass is covered. I tie up my black boots, and slip my medallion on to complete the look.

  Cooper’s vampire costume consists of black pants with a black shirt, and a vest with a silver and black design. The middle of the vest reveals a white center, sealed with his medallion. The cape is black satin with a high collar providing extra coverage. When flapped open the inside is red. He has spiked his hair for the occasion, and put some fake blood around the corners of his mouth. He completes the look with white fangs.

  He asks, “May I suck your blood, pretty lady?” He looks handsome in his get up.

  I am proud to be his woman. “Yes, you may,” I reply as I look in the mirror making sure everything is intact.

  “You may need these,” he says handing me my fangs, “and will you please give me the honor of putting some make up around your mouth?”

  “Sure, birthday boy. You can do whatever you’d like.” I state.

  “That obviously is not true, not right now anyway. But please come into the bathroom so I can do you, I mean your makeup right.” I laugh as I follow him, allowing him to work his magic.

  “Well how do I look?” I say with my hands resting on my hip.

  “Fit to be eaten. I could take you right now and say screw the party.” He is so hard to resist, so I grab my bag and tell him we must exit.

  “Don’t worry; I fully intend to take care of my man once the party is over.”

  I kiss him one last time before we head to the elevator.

  Stepping out on the marble flooring in the lobby, we walk arm in arm towards the banquet room. It’s a little before 8 and I’m anxious to see who’s arrived already. I spot my parents as soon as we enter the doorway.

  “Don’t you guys look like the most adorable vampire couple? Happy Birthday, Cooper!”

  My mom greets us both with a big hug. She is dressed as cat woman. I’m sure my dad loves that tight leather fitting costume. She even has a whip attached to her hip. My dad is dressed as Morpheus, wearing a long black trench coat, with a gray shirt underneath, and matching gray tie. A purple vest is sewn to the shirt, and is finished off with purple pants. He has his shades on and stands tall. He kisses me on the cheek, careful not to mess up the fantastic job that Cooper’s just done with my makeup. He shakes Cooper’s hand and wishes him a happy birthday.

  “Thank you,” Cooper says, “You sure do know how to throw a party, Mrs. Williams.”

  My mom looks happy to have pleased the man I love.

  “Call me Candace.”

  I ask Cooper what I can get him to drink, and he declines making it clear he doesn’t want his lady fetching his drinks, not even on his birthday. My parents end up doing the honors, so we don’t have to leave each other’s side.

  I jump at the touch of someone pulling on my fish tail. It is Marcia. She is dressed as an angel and all of her cleavage shows. A very naughty angel. Her devilish ways are definitely bleeding through all that white. Some things you just can’t hide, I laugh to myself. Her white halo and wings are made with feathers, which sparkle with glitter. She has matched it with a white button down shirt and a rather short skirt paired with gold knee boots. Her philosophy has always been: if you have it, flaunt it.

  “I’m so glad you could make it.” I hug her tightly.

  “Me too,” she replies, “even though I think I would have looked more original in my birthday suit.” Cooper chokes on his drink because of her comment. “You’re lucky it’s your birthday, Cooper, so I’ll let that one slide. Happy Birthday to you!” she says and gives him a hug.

  “Where’s David?” I ask.

  “He went to go put our gifts on the table, then to the bar for some drinks.”

  “What do you think of my mother’s creation?” I ask.

  “Carmen you already know your mom is phenomenal at planning events.”

  “Yeah I guess I do.” Cooper squeezes my hand and kisses the side of my head.

  David approaches in a werewolf costume. He reminds me of teen wolf. His mask is hideous and of course he has a red and brown plaid shirt and ripped jeans. “Great costume, David,” I say, smiling.

  “Carmen, it is good to see you.” He looks at Cooper. “And you my blood sucking vampire, happy birthday!”

  “Thanks, man, I appreciate you being here to celebrate with us.” They give each other a brotherly hug.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m just glad I didn’t have any unexpected business plans that required travel,” David says.

  “Me too,” Cooper says.

  Giselle walks in looking great in her skimpy, modern day Wonder Woman costume. The gold headband hides the feather bangs as her hair flows to the shoulders. Her natural shade is ashy brown; she has added blonde highlights which only enhance her cinnamon skin. The strapless shiny top is red with gold features that tie in the back and ends with a bow. Blue shorts with white stars fall right below her cheek. Her petite frame keeps them from seeming too revealing. And of course, Wonder Woman would not be complete without her knee high white boots.

  “So much for not wearing white after Labor Day,” I say, “I love your costume, very sexy.”

  After introducing Giselle to the guys, Marcia says, “Giselle I am so glad you didn’t come as an Oompa Lompa.” Giselle smiles at Marcia and gives her the finger.

  “Is anyone hungry?” I ask.

  The guys say they are not hungry, so that leaves me with one on one time with my besties. We check out what’s on the menu.

  Due to the lateness of the evening, my mom had decided to go with heavy hors d’oeuvres. There are platters of shrimp set between the metal pans, with cocktail sauce in the middle. Old wine bottles hold black and orange candlesticks. My mom has a trick of freezing the candles the night before, so there’s no mess of wax dripping while there lit. It works like a charm. I catch of glimpse of her out the corner of my eye. She is socializing with the crowd, my dad by her side. Everyone is complimenting her not only on her costume, but also for the work she has done in creating this event. I’m so proud of her.

  Marcia gets my attention away by admiring the prepared foods. “Carmen, did you see all of this?”

  Surveying the buffet table there are many items to choose from. One of the trays is full of meatballs that smell amazing. Further down are containers of pigs in a blanket, as well as boneless chicken wings. Multiple sauces are lined in front of them. Baskets of fresh white rolls are displayed around a platter with a variety of lunch meats and cheeses. Three little carved pumpkins are found at the end of the buffet table. The initials C.J. are in one pumpkin while the others hold the numbers 10 and 31. The three tier cake is on the other side of wet bar. The first layer has a pumpkin, the center tier has the number “33” and the lower layers are mainly royal blue, with black trees coming up one side and a full moon resting on the bottom layer. Happy Birthday Cooper is written in the middle of the last two tiers in silver. The DJ begins playing music and I can’t wait to dance with my man tonight.

  “What is that?” Marcia asks as she pulls up my sleeve to take a better look.

  “Cooper gave it to me today. Don’t you love it?” I reply proudly.

  “It’s absolutely beautiful,” says Giselle.

  Marcia smiles, “I’m so very happy for you.”

  As we head to the bar for another drink, Marcia runs into Francisco, literally.

  “I’m sorry, excuse me,” she says slightly embarrassed. When she looks up and notices it’s Francisco, he is dressed as a drag queen.

  Marcia says, “Hey Francisco, great choice of costume. I think you’re makeup looks better than mine,” We all laugh at the comment.

  His lips are painted a deep maroon color, and his eyeliner and mascara is impeccable. He could really pass for a woman with his slender figure and that black dress that is made for him.

  “Francisco, this is Giselle.” They say hello.

  “Carmen, you remember Francisco?” Marcia asks.

  “Yes, I do. I’m glad you could make it.”

  “No problem. I never miss an opportunity to dress up,” he says while waving at someone.

  As we head back toward the guys, I spot several people who were at the summer party a few months ago. The room is starting to fill up quite nicely. Everyone looks to be enjoying themselves, especially the birthday boy himself.

  “Hey you,” he says as I get closer.

  He steals a small kiss from me. He keeps me wet even with the smallest gestures. I remember I never put my panties on. The song Disturbia by Rihanna blares through the speakers. Giselle, Marcia and David go show everyone their moves as Cooper and I watch.

  Cooper takes my hand, and asks, “Shall we go put them all to shame?”

  Anxiously I nod my head, as he leads the way. Our bodies naturally flow together. His cape hides my body from the spectators. His hand is behind my fish tail cape and grazes my leg as he reaches for my hip, when he suddenly stops.

  He whispers in my ear, “No panties huh?” His warm breath smelling of scotch is so pleasing to my ear, my moistness begins again. “It seems you’re looking for trouble, Miss Williams.” His nose nuzzles up the side of my hair as we continue to move.

  The evening is going perfectly until Cooper looks up and sees his parents. He stops dancing and I ask him what is wrong. Then I notice two people dressed as doctor and nurse walking in our direction. Mr. Jackson’s facial features resemble Cooper’s, but his hair color is salt and pepper. His mother is a very attractive woman. She has goddess like features. Her complexion makes her look twenty years younger. She has a petite frame like my mother, only a little shorter in height. Her hair is golden blonde, poking out of her nurse’s cap. She keeps it in a medium bob cut which brings out the shape of her angular face. I force myself to smile at the women who caused Cooper so much pain.

  Mr. Jackson greets Cooper with a warm hug and wishes him a Happy Birthday.

  “This is my Carmen, Dad.” He introduces me with much delight.

  “It is finally nice to meet you, Miss Carmen. I’ve heard so much about you. Your mother also did a fabulous job with the party. I can’t wait to meet her as well.”

  “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you as well, Mr. Jackson,” I eagerly say.

  “Please call me Timothy. And this Carmen is my”

  Cooper interrupts and says, “This Carmen, is Beverly.”

  “I want to thank you for allowing me to be here on your special day,” Beverly sincerely says.

  “My special day? Really?” Cooper laughs sarcastically. “You are only here because of Carmen. Thank her.”

  As soon as Cooper finishes his sentence, my parents miraculously appear. “You must be Cooper’s parents,” My mom says politely and extends her hand to them both. “I am Candace, Carmen’s mom. And this is her father, Christopher Williams.” My dad follows my mom in extending his hand out as well.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both; I’ve heard a lot of great things about your daughter. And this is my wife, Beverly, Cooper’s mother.”

  Cooper walks away and heads to the bar for another scotch. I rush to catch him.

  “I’m sorry; I realize this must be hard for you” I say.

  “Don’t you apologize, I’m fine. It’s just something I have to come to terms with. Right now all I want to do is celebrate my birthday with you, my beautiful vampire.”

  Thriller begins to play and Cooper takes me by the hand. We’re off to meet the others already on the dance floor. The floor is packed as everyone tries to dance the way they did in the video. I end up laughing at Marcia trying to keep up. She messes up my flow when she bumps me as she exits the dance floor.

  Beverly taps Cooper on the shoulder and asks if they can talk. Cooper’s face hardens and he expresses that he has no desire in speaking with her.

  “Please Cooper”, Beverly begs.

  I squeeze his hand and when Beverly’s eyes begin to water, he reluctantly agrees. Before he walks away I tell him to give her a chance and that it might not be bad having her in his life. Cooper looks doubtful.

  The DJ announces that it’s time to cut the cake. We all gather around and proceed to sing happy birthday. Cooper kisses me in mid verse, and whispers he loves me in my ear. After blowing out the candles the cake is served. Cooper thanks everyone for attending. He looks at Beverly and smiles. Then he acknowledges the work of my mother. She graciously accepts his accolade and my dad is smiles as he strokes her ass. I hope I can have that type of love.

  “David and I are going to load the gifts in his car. He and Marcia are going to drop them off at the house”, Cooper states.

  Cooper bends to kiss me on top of my head, I watch as they push the gifts out on the luggage cart. Giselle informs that she has to leave because Chad is waiting for her.

  “Thanks for coming Giselle.” We hug goodbye.

  I take the last bite of cake and close my eyes to savor the flavor, only to be interrupted by Beverly.

  “Carmen.” I open my eyes and grin.

  “Hi Beverly, did you enjoy the party?”

  “It was cute.” I frown as she sits beside me. “You are not at all what I expected Cooper to settle for.”

  Trying not to become irritated and keep my facial expressions in check, I say, “Excuse me?”

  Beverly leans forward “My son should be with someone like Marcia, now she is the type of woman he can be proud to have on his arm.”

  In complete shock, I lash out, “Now you want to play mommy. You have a lot of nerve to try to insult me, when I am the only reason you are here. You should be on your knees thanking me.”

  She laughs, “Thanking you? Cooper is acting like a child. He is almost finished pouting and then he will forgive me. Once that happens, sweetie, I will find him a proper woman. So enjoy the ride while you can.”

  I want to slap her, but I refrain. Beverly stands up and joins Timothy. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t see Cooper return.

  “What were you and Beverly talking about?”

  Tonight Cooper has been happy and I will not let her ruin his day again.

  “Nothing, we were getting to know each other. Let’s get out of here.”

  My parents stay to make sure the party operations are shut down properly. All my focus is on Cooper, he’s one astonishing vampire. David and Marcia say their goodbyes and we thank them again for coming and the nice gesture of taking the gifts back to Cooper’s place. I hug Marcia, and wish her a great evening.

  As they depart, Cooper asks, “Are you ready for an after party for two? I’ve been waiting all night,” he says while wrapping his arms around me.

  “Well I better not to keep the birthday boy waiting.” We stroll to the elevator with intentions of a great ending to a perfect day. I can’t stop grinning, and neither can he.

  “After you, Miss Jackson,” he says when the door opens.

  I enter with enticing movement; I look back at his facial expression of lust. He moves quick and as the door closes, my fish tail is up and he is caressing my naked parts. He finds his ways through the holes of the fish nets. He begins at my landing strip, till he finds my slickest part. His fingers are twisting through the hol
es in desperate attempts of entering me. With deep yearning, Cooper rips my hose off and they land on top of my laced up boots. I feel so exposed; the elevator has just reached the sixth floor. He has me so aroused with the need of him being inside me. He guides my head back and kisses me, open mouth, gently sucking my tongue. I feel an eruption near.

  I hear the opening of his zipper, next his crown is throbbing with urgency against my opening. He slides in, all the way in. The elevator just hit the eleventh floor, only two more so he better make this quick. He plunges his solid length deeply in my wet pussy two good times, and then pulls out.

  “The best is yet to cum, My Carmen.”

  He tucks his member back inside and slides his cape over me to cover the ripped stockings hanging a little past my knees. Ding, thirteenth floor. He escorts me to the room as my legs feel nonexistent right now from the action that just occurred. His promises of the best coming, has my insides begging for more. He carries me in the door. He throws me down on the bed and strips me of my costume, even the boots. My body is ready for taking as he begins to shed his costume too. I can see his bulge; it’s calling my mouth to it, as it did earlier this morning. Once he’s standing bare in front of me, I pounce. I’m on the edge of the bed; his perfect penis is aligned perfectly with my red lips. I take him all; he grabs my hair letting me know not to stop. After thirty-three long strokes, I make me way to his balls and take them thirty-three times as well, sometimes with both in my mouth at the same time.

  “Fuck, Carmen,” he calls. I love hearing him say my name.

  I lift my head up, and he reaches to meet my lips. He releases my hair letting me know it’s his turn. I lay back and he is on my pussy within seconds, sucking and licking bringing me to my breaking point. He inserts two fingers, pulls out, and then inserts again. He repeats this numerous times. I feel tortured and just want to be filled. I refuse to climax without him inside me.

  “Please, Cooper, give me what I need. My pussy wants to feel you now.”

  My wish is his command as he rolls me over on my knees. He takes my arms behind my back and twirls them while as he pushes me down further onto the bed. I begin to grind my ass around his private area which earns me a little swat.


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