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Peter of the Wind (War of Contractia)

Page 15

by Dixon, TJ

  I look out the window and the stars are restless but I am so exhausted I fall right to sleep.

  Chapter 11 (Peter)

  The teacher seems more serious than normal and is even already in the room before we arrive. She starts the lesson by telling us, “I know you are all focused on improving your practical scores but don’t forget that you have a theory test next week. Success does not guarantee promotion and failure does not guarantee demotion, but it still contributes towards your overall year end scores. Fail it and promotion at next month’s year end practical is impossible.”

  “We have a test next week?” Yu Kii exclaims quietly and I shrug. “First I heard of it too.”

  The lesson is dimensional theory this morning. At lunch it seems neither Hermes nor Rin knew anything about the test either. Maybe the rest of the class was told before we joined but we have been caught off guard. We decide training will have to be swapped with studying for the test. We settle on using our rooms as a location, swapping each day, but starting with Rin’s. The afternoon is dimensional practical and is welcome relief but after the lesson we head to Rin’s room and begin a nightmare study session. With our focus on practical, and constantly swapping classes this year, our theory is well behind what it should be for 3D.

  Hermes looks really puzzled as she asks, “So what is a trans-elemental nucleus?”

  “No idea.” I say.

  “Don’t look at me. I only started studying here recently.” Yu Kii says shrugging.

  “Are you all idiots?” Rin asks and then explains in detail what it is. I am just grateful that Rin seems to know just about every magical theory there is. Having an alchemist’s daughter in the group is a life saver.

  Every day there is half theory and half practical, followed by our extra study. When the end of the week arrives Rin gives us good news, although I am a little disappointed. “We can study all day. Mother doesn’t need anything today. She’s still paying us though.” Taking our payment for a day off we decide to study in my room today. My head is ready to explode by midday and I am grateful for the short lived break that is lunch. By the end of the day I have to create a magical water mirror and check that my head is still there. Surprisingly it is. It didn’t actually explode but that is probably more due to luck than anything else.

  The next week is further study but finally the test arrives and there is no more time to study. In the room we are told that if we talk we will have our tongues removed, and if we cheat we will have our eyes removed. Exaggeration? I’m not sure.

  Surprisingly the test although not great isn’t as bad as I expected. I certainly didn’t ace it but I don’t think I failed it either. Yu Kii is worried about hers but Hermes seems more confident than me and I wouldn’t be surprised if Rin got top marks in the whole academy. We now have three weeks until the practical tests and we have been practising for that every week other than last week and this week. There are no more theory lessons for now either. Yes! So we return to our usual routine.

  The rest of the week flies by and already it’s our day off. Really and truly we want a day actually off but having not worked last week Rin’s mother is short of materials. There are four of us she is paying and we got paid for doing nothing, or at least nothing for her, just last week.

  Rin looks depressed when I port in with Hermes. Yu Kii isn’t there, which surprises me as she can’t port very well and so normally ports with Rin. Rin takes a deep breath and says, “We have three jobs. We need to complete all of them today. We’re going to need to split up or we’ll never get them all done. Yu Kii is already doing the first. The second I will show you to do. The third I will then do with Hermes. Once you complete the job port back here. The customer requires some tricky alchemy to be completed by midday tomorrow so the sooner you finish the better.”

  Rin grabs my hand and ports us. “I wish I could work with you today. Unfortunately there’s no way Hermes will be able to do the other job alone though. There’s a flock of golden coloured birds that you should be able to find easily. Killing them will be tricky though as they are real fast. It’ll probably take most of the day to get them all, but do your best. They can’t be fried so only use slicing attacks and not lightning. You may get bitten but I doubt they’ll be able to hurt you too badly. Take this healing potion just in case though. If it gets too bad then port back and talk to my mother. Where’s Lucy by the way?”

  “She had something to do. I don’t know what but there’s no need to involve her in this.”

  “Well good luck. See you later.”

  “Good luck too and see you.” I say and Rin ports away. It really doesn’t take more than a second in the air to find them. There must be a few hundred and I need to kill all of them. Better get started. The first air slice kills one but the rest scatter. I pick up the first and put it in a bucket I create using earth magic. I then port behind one and slice it. It dodges and I curse. I have to control my power level because I have so many of the creatures to kill. If I use too much I’ll never kill them all. My next attack hits.

  It is a very long day. As the sun sets I finally get the last bird. Putting it in the bucket I rest against the bucket a moment before porting back with my catch. Rin’s mother is working on a potion of some sort. “Put it over there. The others ported back to the academy a while back. Looks like you got a good catch though. Thank you for your hard work. The money’s on the table. I’m going to be working through the night so I don’t have time to chat.”

  I port back to my room and find Hermes is already in bed fast asleep. A minute later so am I.

  I wake Hermes and then port to class. Yu Kii and Rin are both there already and soon Hermes ports in too. We are all tired still so none of us talk but soon the teacher ports in and the class starts.

  “I will be handing out your test results.” She says and walks round the room handing out marked test papers. When she gets to me though she hands me two papers.

  “You gave me two.” I point out and look at whose they are.

  “Yes, yours and your slave’s. You should work harder though. It’s not good when a slave outperforms her master.” The teacher says and most of the class bursts into laughter. I go a little red and so does Hermes.

  “Hermes may be my slave but she is also my comrade. We each have our strengths. In future please give Hermes her own results.” I say annoyed and port the paper to Hermes.

  “You don’t seem to understand what it means to own a slave.” The teacher says annoyed at me. “I suppose I shouldn’t have expected any better from a boy, whether it is this or your theory results. Swap seats with Rin. A master and slave should sit together, not just sleep together.”

  The laughter at this is rather unpleasant. I glare at the teacher before getting up and swapping with Rin, who is gripping her hands into fists as she walks. I pray she isn’t stupid enough to actually hit the teacher, although I can certainly understand the temptation. Hermes is literally scarlet, which shows up really clearly on her pale skin.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I whisper but it might be more reassuring if I wasn’t also red with embarrassment. I look at my own test results and silently curse. I did much worse than expected. It’s still a pass but I am literally on the pass mark. Fifty out of one hundred. “What did you get?”

  “I got eighty nine.” Hermes says apologetically.

  “That’s great! You shouldn’t feel sorry for doing well. I just need to do better, and don’t you dare do less than your best next time either. If you beat me then you do.” Then I look up and the teacher is back at the front.

  “Peter and Peter’s slave, remain behind after lesson. Now we will start with advanced fire control practise.” The lesson itself is fine but I can’t really focus and neither can Hermes. Finally it is over and everyone else leaves for lunch. Rin and Yu Kii exchange glances with us but there is nothing they can do. When the room is empty the teacher approaches us.

  “It seems nobody has instructed you on what a slave is.” She sta
rts but I interrupt angrily.

  “I was a slave myself so I don’t need you to tell me what a slave is.”

  “That may be the problem. As a slave you probably thought, ‘how unfair it is’. There is nothing unfair about slavery though.”

  “That’s a lie.” I tell her defiantly.

  “Listen to me boy. Do you have the right to live from the moment you are conceived, or born, or become able to talk, or become an adult?”

  “From the moment I was first alive.” I answer.


  “What do you mean why?”

  “You kill monsters when you go hunting. You eat meat of animals killed so that you can eat them. Why do you have more of a right to live than they do?”

  “Because I’m a person.” I say feeling slightly less on the moral high ground but sure that she’s just trying to find some vague justification for the unjustifiable.

  “What about a goblin. They’re people too.”

  “I’ve never killed a goblin before.”

  “So if you meet a goblin will you let it kill you?”


  “What gives you more of a right to live than it does?”

  “I don’t know, but that’s just words! Even if I don’t have a right to live, what of it?”

  “If you don’t have a right to live, why would you have a right to live freely?”

  “Why would you have a right to stop me?”

  “Why would you have a right to kill the goblin?”

  “I think we may just have to agree to disagree.” I say with an angry glare.

  “Only the strong have rights. The right of the strong to decide for the weak. You may think it unfair but the weak rely on the strong. This slave relied on you to save her from her mother. She relied on her mother to feed her and even before that to bring her into this world.”

  I am literally clenching my fists at this stage but somehow I stop myself from hitting her. “Just because you bring someone into the world shouldn’t mean that you can do whatever you like to them.”

  “Why not?”

  “It just shouldn’t!”

  “A typical answer from a typical boy. No wonder your score was so low.”

  “Don’t…” Hermes starts

  “Don’t talk to me slave!” The teacher screams at her furiously and Hermes moves her head back in shock. Until today I had always thought this teacher was nice and friendly. From her actions today that was clearly just a facade.

  “Don’t talk to Hermes like that.” I say firmly but suppressing my anger as best I can.

  “I will only talk to the master not the slave. It is clear that you have no intention of treating your slave like what it is.”

  “I will treat Hermes like the person she is.”

  “You were right about one thing. We will have to agree to disagree. Be sure however that any questions your slave has are directed through you. Furthermore, in case you were unaware, your slave is no longer considered a student of the academy. She is allowed to remain here purely as your slave because you are a student. She will be in the same class as you. Do not waste my time by submitting any further theory work from her. Do not expect her to take part in the practical tests next month either. One last thing. If she is tempting you with that pathetic little body of hers, then remember it is yours to do what you want with. She has no right to say no to anything. There is no need to be seduced.”

  “Be grateful they changed the rules about challenges.” I say rising in anger. “I may not exactly get everything you just said, but it is clear that you were insulting Hermes. I will not make you talk to Hermes, but do not expect me to forgive or forget what you say about her. You have until I graduate to prepare for our duel.”

  “How pathetic.” She says with a laugh and then shouts. “GET OUT!” Blue flames enshroud her and lightning crackles from her fingertips. This is going to be one scary duel when I graduate but I will be ready.

  I grab Hermes’ hand and port us outside the lunchroom. It is packed inside and the queue is massive. We normally come straight here to avoid the queue but today it is going to take forever to get our food.

  “Over here!” Rin calls and to my delight I see she and Yu Kii grabbed us our usual meals.

  “Thank you!” I say before sitting.

  “No problem.” Rin answers. “So how did it go?”

  “When I graduate I have a duel to fight.” I say fiercely and then take a spoonful of broth.

  “You’re joking right?”

  “No he’s not.” Hermes says looking down. “That teacher said some awful things and then Peter more or less challenged her. Of course they can’t fight yet.”

  “I know she doesn’t look it but she’s pretty powerful.” Rin starts.

  “No. She looks damn scary but I can’t forgive either her stupid attitude or what she said about Hermes.”

  “So you plan to kill her?” Rin asks seriously.

  “No. I’ll just beat her to a pulp and get her to apologise and admit she’s wrong.”

  “You really think that’s going to be easy?” Rin asks with a frown.

  “Easy… no. But I have to do it or I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “Don’t forget your promise to me.”

  “What is it?” Yu Kii asks. “Is it a wedding promise?”

  “No, of course it’s not!” Rin says.

  “But I thought you were…” Yu Kii starts but is quickly interrupted.

  “Shut up! It’s a promise that he won’t get himself killed.”

  “Oh. That’s all.”

  “Don’t act like it’s not important. This fool will try his damned best to get himself killed if you don’t stop him. Also Peter, consider what will happen to Hermes if you die.”

  “A master has the right to decide what will happen to his slave when he dies. I already applied to the guild to ensure Hermes would be inherited by someone who would not abuse her.”

  “Really!? Who?” Hermes exclaims.

  “Rin if she is alive. Otherwise there are others, but do not worry as I have no intention of either me or Rin dying.”

  “I would inherit Hermes?” Rin says in shock.

  “Yes. I trust you.” I tell Rin.

  “Thanks. Shouldn’t you have spoken to Hermes first though?” Rin asks accusingly.

  “Sorry Hermes, but this is one decision I wanted to make for you.” I say and looking at Hermes I am relieved she is not angry.

  “You have the right to make any decision for me. I appreciate your thinking about this though. I agree that Rin is a good choice.” Hermes says with a smile. “Don’t die though.”

  “I won’t. I promise.” I say and then dig into my food as I am starving. Well it feels like it now that I am used to eating at least once a day. Starving was my life as a slave though and I shouldn’t forget that.

  I arrive nervously for the afternoon lesson but the teacher acts like nothing happened. We learn some water magic techniques that I would normally find fascinating, but right now I just can’t focus. We train for a while after lessons but it is clear my mind isn’t on the matter at hand and Hermes is equally distracted, so we leave Rin and Yu Kii to continue without us. Lucy who was reading in our room realises something is wrong when we come back early and from our faces she guesses it is serious.

  “So what happened?” She asks looking me in the eye so intensely it feels like she can see my soul.

  “The teacher’s an idiot.”

  “She made a mistake in lesson?” Lucy asks but from the way she says it she knows that isn’t the case.

  “She made a big deal out of Hermes being my slave.”

  “It is a big deal. What did she say though?”

  “She just kept on insulting Hermes, and saying about how she isn’t a student anymore, and how I should treat her badly.”

  “She isn’t. Also you could and she would have no right to complain.”

  “Hey, now you’re…”

  “Listen to me. A master
can treat his slave however he wants. Nobody else has a right to complain.”


  “I said nobody. That includes your teacher.”


  “If she continues to make a fuss you should talk to Silmarion about it. The law protects the rights of the master both from the wishes of the slave and from the wishes of any unrelated party.”

  “Silmarion isn’t a magistrate anymore.”

  “No, but she knows the law better than you know your right hand.”

  “Oh… Thanks Lucy.”

  “If you ever feel like abusing Hermes though I know ways you would never dream of. Hermes might even like them.” Lucy says and blows a kiss at Hermes who turns bright red.

  “No thanks.” I say hastily. “I’m going to bed.”

  “Isn’t it a bit early?” Hermes asks pointing outside at the sky through the window. It is still fairly light although not bright.

  “I guess. Feel like flying?”

  “I’m not great at flight magic.”

  “I’ll use the magic, so you can just keep me company.”

  “Umm, sure.” Hermes says but she sounds unsure.

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want.” I say.

  “No, it sounds fun.” Hermes says with a smile.

  “I’ll leave you young lovers to it.” Lucy says with a huge grin on her tiny face.

  “We’re not lovers! Whatever a lover is…” I protest.

  “So how do you know you’re not?” Lucy asks.

  “We’re just not. Thanks though.” I say. Then I port us into the sky. We fall a little before I start the flight magic. Then we fly round the academy before I follow a small stream.

  “This feels great! I wish I could fly like this.” Hermes says.

  “I find it relieves stress. Not quite as well as punching out a certain teacher but it doesn’t get me expelled.”

  “What’s that ahead?” Hermes says and I fly lower to take a closer look.

  “Looks like a group of travelling merchants. Those wagons must be for their goods.” I say hovering above them lower but not too low.

  “You don’t often get merchants on this road. They mostly use the road to the north or the south of the town.” Hermes says thoughtfully.


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