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Peter of the Wind (War of Contractia)

Page 25

by Dixon, TJ

  “Did you have permission to port there?”

  “No…” I say guiltily.

  “I can understand why you did it but you shouldn’t do it again.”

  “Let’s port to my home. We should check whether Lucy woke up.” I say changing the subject quickly.

  “I can’t say I think it’s likely but I suppose it does make sense.” Yu Kii says. So we port to my home. Unfortunately Lucy is still asleep just like we expected. My mother on the other hand is awake already and working on a potion.

  “Is that for Lucy?” I ask.

  “No. This is for a customer.” My mother answers regretfully. “Without know more about what is causing Lucy to remain asleep I really can’t make anything to help. I could even kill her by mistake if I try to help her. For now we should just wait and hope she wakes. If you find any useful information then let me know right away.”

  We decide to head straight to the Drake. It is early but it is open almost all day and all night. We get a drink but just a normal one. At a busier time they might have complained about us taking up a table for so long with just one drink each, but other than the staff and an old couple at another table there is nobody else here.

  We talk quietly about everything that has been going on and about the contract. Mostly we are just waiting for Peter with nothing better to do and unable to go back to bed with everything on our minds. I actually kind of wish I could swap places with Hermes. Finally Peter and Hermes arrive but Peter is almost hiding behind Hermes.

  “Hello.” Peter says weakly and Hermes winces slightly.

  “Good morning Peter.” I say trying to ignore the way he is acting.

  “Good morning.” Yu Kii says with a worried smile.

  “Morning.” Hermes says.

  “I’m really sorry for all the trouble I caused!” Peter then blurts out and really does hide behind Hermes now.

  “Look Peter, there’s nothing to be worried about. It’s not like it’s your fault.” I say trying to bring him back to normal.

  “You see Peter, nobody blames you.” Hermes says smiling at him.

  “If I’d been stronger though…” He starts to say but I cut him off.

  “Most people don’t wake from the Death Bird’s shadow and those that do have always gone insane. That you are back to normal is a miracle.”

  “But everyone was hurt, and Lucy paid the price. I don’t think she’ll ever wake.”

  “About that... Claire paid us a visit and offered us a contract that may get Lucy back if we can complete it.” I say. He pokes his head around Hermes.

  “What do we need to do?” Peter asks.

  “Kill a man. Apparently he’s a wanted criminal. We need to check that out but if it is true then perhaps we could do it.” I tell Peter.

  “There’s no catch?” Peter asks a little more like himself. Then he looks a little scared all of a sudden.

  “Not that I could see but you read it too.” I say. He sits down and then Hermes does too. I show him the contract and he reads it. He reads it a few times and then passes it to Hermes. Once Hermes has read it twice I ask, “So what do you both think?”

  Peter looks thoughtful for a moment and then frowning says, “I want to know not only that he is a criminal but what his crime is. If he is someone who deserves death I have no issue with signing this contract but I don’t want to trade one innocent life for another.”

  “What if he is a criminal, but doesn’t deserve to die?” I ask.

  “Then we will go after Claire and force her to tell us.” Peter says looking both scared and a little scary.

  “It’s OK to be scared of her, she’s…” I start to say but Peter shakes his head grimly.

  “It’s not Claire that scares me. I am much more scared of myself.” He says and I am confused.

  “Why would you be scared of yourself?” I ask and he looks me in the eyes.

  “I don’t know what that thing that took me over was. It wasn’t the Death Bird. Is it truly dead? What if I lose control again?”

  “Then we’ll bring you back to yourself.” I say but he shakes his head.

  “Lucy was almost killed doing so. She may never wake up again. You don’t even know how, but if you did, you would end up like Lucy or dead. If I lose control again, please kill me.” Peter says. It takes a moment to understand what he just asked.

  “No way!” I exclaim. “You promised you wouldn’t die and now you’re ordering me to kill you!”

  “It’s not like I’m ordering you. It’s a request, and I hope that it never comes down to it.” Peter says looking down.

  “However you word it I am not killing you no matter what happens.” I say glaring at him.

  “But what…” He starts to say.

  “Stop being so negative! We will not let you lose control and if you do lose control we will definitely bring you back, without dying or such. Now let’s focus on bringing Lucy back. Hermes, get Jenny and Jimmy. I’ll get Emma. Yu Kii, stay here with Peter. Do not promise to kill him.”

  “Of course not.” Yu Kii says and I port away. I come back with Emma and find Jenny and Jimmy already round the table. Soon everyone has read the contract. Surprisingly it is Jimmy who speaks first.

  “This David Ishki is really bad news. He killed a few professional bounty hunters a while back. They were elite mages and hunting him for destroying some villages. I hear the corpses of the villagers were in so many pieces that they couldn’t be recognised. The bounty hunters though had body parts ported back to their family a piece at a time. The lead hunter, High Prince Goliath, was the best mage from another country, called New Persia, and heir to its throne. There are even rumours David tried to assassinate the queen, and lived to tell the tale. I don’t know about the queen but I assume she survived.”

  “Unless it was between last night and now the queen survived.” Peter says.

  “You saw the queen last night?” I ask surprised. I had wondered what Peter had been doing but I had assumed he was on his own.

  “Yes. I had to make sure the Death Bird was dealt with.”

  “You what?!” I ask furious that he was busy taking even more risks.

  “They couldn’t find it so I showed them the way.” Peter says shrugging.

  “Then you ported back to Hermes without getting involved in the fight?” I ask but I already know that this was as likely as a moth being drawn away from light by darkness. If I hadn’t already known this then his expression would be enough to tell me.

  “Perhaps not exactly. I just watched to make sure they did it OK, and helped a little.”

  “But the Death Bird is dead, right?” Yu Kii asks. I glare at her for changing the subject.

  “Yes.” Peter says welcoming her help. “Anyway, this man is clearly evil and there is no time limit, so how about we just accept the contract. Perhaps someone else will kill him for us, and if not, then we will deal with him when we are stronger.”

  “Fine Peter, but no more going off on your own to take risks.” I tell him.

  “I wasn’t alone. The queen and an army of mages were there.”

  “That’s not the point!” Do I have to spell it out to him that I don’t want to be left behind when he is doing something dangerous like this? He really doesn’t look like he gets it but before I can say anything else Hermes gasps.

  “Ishki!” Hermes exclaims. “I knew I had heard the name before! The History of Ishki!”

  “The book you were interested in.” Peter says and now I recall it.

  “Silmarion told me to read it. She wouldn’t tell me why, but I got the impression it was important.”

  “We should ask the queen for permission to read the book.” Peter says firmly.

  “Do you think she’ll help us?” I ask dubiously.

  “I think so.” Peter says.

  “Just because you showed her where the Death Bird was?” I ask.

  “And how to kill it.” Peter says.

  “I don’t know whether to praise you or h
it you…” I say. “Well, I suppose she probably will help us if you ask. The palace is a long way though, and there is no guarantee she will be there.”

  “She is at your home.” A voice behind me says and I turn, but there is nobody there.

  “Alumia.” Peter says. “Well, you all heard her. Yu Kii, could you do the porting?”

  “But I’m still not…” She starts to say but sounding more and more like himself Peter cuts her off with a smile.

  “You’ll never improve if you don’t practise. This is good practise.”

  “Very well.” Yu Kii says both looking and sounding unhappy. She does however port us back to my home.

  This is the second time meeting the queen at my home. Before meeting Peter, and getting involved in all sorts of stuff, I never imagined that I would ever talk to the queen. I certainly never imagined that I would do so at my own home. This short, red haired, blue eyed girl looks about as much like a queen as I do. Her dark blue robes however do give her a certain appearance of authority and I can only imagine her magical power.

  “I am sorry to intrude but I have business that cannot be conducted in public.” The queen says and her voice sounds very much like a queen. She seems to be focused on Peter though and I am worried what her business is. “Last night the Death Bird was killed without any casualties. This was mostly due to Peter’s help. Both finding it and working out how to kill it. For this you have my thanks.” To my shock the queen bows to Peter. It is unheard of for a queen to bow to a mere boy.

  “Umm, no problem.” Peter says a little dazed. Then he recovers and makes a request. “If it is not too much to ask, I would like to access the Great Library with my friends.”

  “The Great Library?” The queen asks but Alumia whispers in her ear and she frowns. “Unfortunately that will not be possible. It is under Perry’s domain and she is already close to rebellion. If I order her to allow a boy, even you, to enter, she will certainly rebel. Is there something in particular you need from there?”

  “The History of Ishki.” Hermes says and Peter nods. Perry is close to rebellion though? Contractia is really in trouble if a city mayor is close to rebellion.

  “I will get this book for you. She cannot complain about my entering.”

  “You have my thanks.” Peter says naturally bowing to the queen.

  “It is not a problem. I came here to make a request as well as to express my thanks.” The queen says and my eyes narrow as I dread to think what it is she wants from Peter. “Naturally you may not speak of anything we say here to anyone. Alumia has a contract for each of you to sign. The consequence of breaking this contract is death.” Alumia gives us each a contract and we sign. I am so nervous I am shaking slightly as I do so. When we have all signed we look to the queen.

  “The war is going badly. We have lost most of the lands taken from the Fallen Angels. So far we have only fought against their slaves and the Death Bird. In the past wars between Contractia and the Fallen Angels, neither the queen nor the Fallen Angels have personally taken part in the war.

  “This is mostly due to a healthy dose of fear and respect for each other. Some also say the old queen just considered war to be a game that didn’t need to involve her personally. That queen is now dead and I have of course taken her place. When Gold died he said that my power, inherited from him would stop the Fallen Angels from personally invading Contractia. So far he has been right, but the enemy surely know how much trouble I had against the Death Bird. They may suspect a trap but their intervention is now much more likely.”

  “Excuse me your majesty.” I interrupt and pray that she really does excuse me. “What does this have to do with Peter?”

  “Do you know the Law of Capacity?” The queen asks me.

  “Of course. A mage can replenish their power by using another person’s energy among other sources. They can however only replenish and not expand beyond their natural capacity. Their natural capacity can be gradually increased by training but only up to their maximum natural capacity.”


  “But what does that have to do with Peter?” I ask confused.

  “In the Labyrinth of the Lost Lambs he borrowed my power. Either his natural capacity is as high as mine, Gold’s and the old queen’s, or he expanded his power beyond his natural capacity.” The queen says and my mouth goes wide.

  “Peter’s natural capacity is slightly less than mine. Certainly it isn’t as high as yours. But to expand beyond it is impossible.” I say.

  “Yet it happened.” The queen says looking me firmly in the eyes. Then she turns to Peter. “To win the war I need your help. Will you join the Royal Guard and lend me your aid?”

  “This is ridiculous!” I protest rising to my feet before really thinking about who I am talking to. The queen ignores me and is focused entirely on Peter. Alumia however stands and glares at me. I freeze up in fear. Peter looks up at Alumia and frowns.

  “Both of you sit down.” He says quietly and then looks to the queen. “An interesting suggestion but have you considered that the special one may be you and not me?”

  “Yes. I tried to share my power with Alumia and a couple of other mages that I trust. None were able to take my power.”

  “Perhaps it only works if the power is used straight away.” Peter suggests.

  “We tried that too.”

  “Without trying again we cannot be sure that it will work a second time even for me.” He says and the queen goes a little red but I am sure I am redder.

  “That is true.” She says getting up and walking around the table. I find myself barely able to stay quiet when she says, “Then try again now.” I watch as Peter, despite blushing, does so.

  “It worked.” He says. “I don’t mind helping but I am not joining the Royal Guard. I plan to form my own company and I have much to learn still. To be perfectly honest that Death Bird was scary enough. To go up against the Fallen Angels is a truly scary thought.”

  “I could give you a company of the best mages of Contractia.”

  “I plan to form an even stronger one. Give me two more years and your approval.”

  “Even if I give you two more years the Fallen Angels will not. Contractia will fall and you will have nowhere to study or form your company.” The queen says and her words fill me with fear.

  “Like I said I don’t mind helping. If the Fallen Angels come I will help if you ask me to.”

  “What difference does it make if it is Peter or you, wielding your power?” I protest.

  “Sadly I lack the talent to make full use of my power.” Emily says looking down whilst Alumia glares at me.

  “But sending a little boy against the Fallen Angels is like sending sheep against wolves!” I protest.

  “You do not really believe that I am that weak do you?” Peter asks.

  “It’s not about being weak. That Death Bird almost killed you and now you plan to fight against an even stronger foe!”

  “I’d far rather the Fallen Angels don’t come. If they do though, everyone will be at risk. We will be no exceptions. If I have the power to stop them I will use it and if I do not then I will die a little earlier. I have another favour to ask though, your majesty. I would like Elucia returned to this house as a free person. Not as her mother’s property though. Not as a student either.” He remembered Elucia!

  “That can be arranged.” The queen says.

  “Your majesty!” Alumia protests. “If you are freeing her then she should be the property of her mother!”

  “Her mother is dead.” I say sadly. “She has no family.” Only my mother here knew this fact. I don’t say whose property she was. That is better left unsaid.

  “Oh…” Alumia says at a loss for words.

  “There will be proof of her freedom?” I ask.

  “Yes.” The queen says nodding.

  “I have another suggestion.” Peter says. We all look at him wondering what he will say next. I have no clue. “When we first met, Rin was a bit
useless at magic.”

  “That’s a bit much!” I protest. To put me down in front of the queen!

  “Hermes wasn’t much better.”

  “Hey!” I exclaim. “Do you plan on insulting all of us?!”

  “The point is that you have all improved a lot. I did too. Perhaps the queen could also improve her skills if we worked together.” Peter says and I didn’t see this coming. I don’t think anyone did. The queen shakes her head though.

  “Unfortunately business will not allow time for that. I had trouble making time for this and it is essential for the very survival of the Queendom of Contractia. Also if anyone found out we were studying together it would reveal my weakness and could cause a rebellion. Perry already suspects I am weak. Others most likely do too. The Royal Guard saw that I am weaker than I should be, but they have all signed contracts. Alumia, give Peter and his friends the stones.”

  We are each handed a small black stone. I look at it and sense magic but I have no idea what it does. My mother however smiles and says, “Mind stones. They allow the bearer of the master stone to speak to you at any time even from another dimension. Your father used to make these Rin.” I look at it and think of him. It makes me both proud and sad.

  “There are few who know how to make these. He must have been a great alchemist.” Alumia says.

  “He was the best in Contractia. Unfortunately being the best has a price, especially when you are a man.” My mother says sadly. I am lost in my memories when the queen speaks.

  “Keep these on you at all times and be sure they touch your skin, or they will not work. If I have need I will use it to call upon you.” The Queen says and hands out delicate golden chains that should fit around our necks. Peter’s is smaller and would fit around his wrist or ankle.

  “Why do we all have one, not just Peter?” Hermes asks.

  “If I cannot reach Peter I will contact the rest of you.” The queen explains. “Also there are two masters in this set. Peter can use his to contact any of you.”

  “Two masters should be impossible.” My mother says frowning.

  “I do not know how they work but Gold made them. He mostly did the impossible. Unfortunately that didn’t include surviving. I must leave now but if you need to contact me then Peter can do so. Do not use it unless it is important though. I am always very busy.”


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