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Gods of War (Jethro goes to war Book 5)

Page 5

by Chris Hechtl

  “That we don't have to do,” the general stated with a shake of his head. “We're getting the specs now. I'll forward them to you. I want a general TOE from you by the end of the week, Colonel,” he stated.

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  “I want a need and want list. Don't be shy, but don't get carried away,” the general continued. Dana nodded. “This time you are going to get air support from the beginning,” he said grimly, “with naval support from the get-go.”

  She nodded again. “Good to know, sir.”

  “Which is why we're actually glad we've got a small window before the transports show up. It will give the current crop of students at MAWTS-1 time to get the rough edges off,” the general said eying Major White Wolf. She nodded.

  “I'm going over the syllabus with the staff now, sir. Lieutenant Rivers is the only other combat veteran instructor for the moment. He's good but even he has some rough edges,” she stated.

  “Work on them. You've got some time but not a lot, Major,” the general stated.

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  “Air cover, bombardment … am I going to get much INTEL? What about the INTEL from the ships the Navy captured, sir?” Dana asked as her fingers curled around the chip. Her hand jack accessed the chip and put the orders up on her HUD in a series of files. There was a lot of paperwork but not a lot of INTEL. She'd already known and practically memorized the Encyclopedia Galactica entry.

  “ONI is still processing it, but there is a backlog. Don't get your hopes up. I'm trying to get the raw take so we can process it ourselves if need be. So far, not much luck on that front, but I'll keep trying. You might have to pick up the data and any fast and dirty ONI conclusions in Pyrax,” the general stated as Dana scowled. He held up a restraining hand. “ONI is swamped, Colonel; it is what it is. Deal with it.”

  She grimaced and then nodded curtly. “Yes, sir.”

  “I'm still trying to get a spook or better yet, a team of spooks assigned to you. I think we might get something done there but no promises at this point,” the general stated. “ONI is one of the most overtaxed departments in the Navy it seems.”

  “Yes, sir. What about RECON and SPECOPS?”

  “Check your mission brief. If you have a specific request, let me know.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Fine then, moving on to new business …,” the general smiled maliciously as he turned to the Neowolf in their midst.

  Moira's ears went back warily as she returned his gaze. “Yes, sir?” she asked.

  “I just got confirmation from BuPers this morning. We'll hold a brief ceremony tomorrow, but I wanted to let you know your promotion has gone through.”

  “Sir?” Moira asked, blinking at him in confusion. “Oh, you mean to major?”

  “No, to lieutenant colonel,” the general replied. He caught a brief look of concern flash across Dana's face. He turned to her, but she instantly schooled her expression into a mask. “Do you wish to say something, Colonel?”

  “Congratulations, Colonel,” Dana said with a nod.

  “I don't know what to say,” Moira said with a shake of her head. “It's a bit soon, sir,” she said. “I'm still just a reservist,” she warned.

  “And a planetary head of state,” the general stated. “I know. Yes, politics are at play as well but not all of it. I read your report from Protodon, and I put in a good word with Admiral Irons. We need your grit to help us get our feet under us. I know we won't have you for much longer; the convoy to go to Kathy's World will be assembling in another two weeks or so. So, we'll make the most of it.”

  “And get whatever press we can out of my promotion,” Moira said with a bit of amusement in her voice as she got her mental feet back under her. She nodded once. “Yes, sir.”

  “You earned it on Protodon and Kathy's World. This isn't a publicity stunt,” the general said in a stern voice.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you for clarifying that,” she replied.

  “Good, now …”


  When Jethro got tired of listening to the talking heads taking apart the same news about the events in Epsilon Triangula, he pulled up a search bar and typed in a search for news from Protodon during his lunch break.

  Most of it was old—stuff about when he and Major White Wolf were on the planet. The latest material was limited to a couple feel-good paragraphs. It was nice to hear that things were returning to normal, but that wasn't the answer he wanted. He wanted to know if the planet was clear and if the population was safe.

  Something inside him doubted it.

  He frowned thoughtfully. When nothing more came up, he put a call in to the Marine communication's department. He navigated through a few layers before he got a person. An actual live talking person. A Neobear blinked at him. She was small, black with brown highlights, most likely a black bear. “Master Sergeant?” the PFC asked. “How can I help you?”

  “I'm trying to get some information about Protodon. I was there a few months ago, and I'd like to know if the job was finished. We were pulled out before we were sure,” he said.

  “I see. And you weren't briefed?”

  “I was in transit to Kathy's World and then here. Anything you know? The stuff they have in the media files is crap,” he said with a grimace.

  The PFC grunted. “We're still hunting for the Horathians. Scuttlebutt says we didn't get as much of the senior leadership as we had thought,” the PFC said. “I mean you did … um …”

  “Damn.” Jethro looked away.

  “Sorry, Sergeant,” the PFC said.

  “Yeah, me too,” Jethro said after a moment. “At least we know,” he said, looking up after a moment. “Hopefully, someone will run them down. I don't like the idea of the pirates running around there or anywhere.”

  “I don't think any marine likes it, sir. Colonel Pendeckle's troops are doing their best. He's been reinforced. They shipped in the rest of his brigade and then folded in troops from Antigua and the local militias to form his second brigade, so he's got a full division now. Second of Second is a bit green though, so word is they are keeping them back and letting First Brigade finish the job.”

  “Good to know. We took green troops in to stabilize the situation. Something like that should be in the hands of the professionals,” Jethro agreed.

  “I heard. You took recruits and militia in … and generally kicked ass when the platoon that went in before you got its ass chewed,” the PFC said. “I guess the brass thought it would be a cakewalk like Hidoshi's World. Boy, were they wrong,” she said with a shake of her head.

  “Pretty much. They went in almost completely blind and that bit them in the ass. We had the INTEL they had generated from that, plus the major is good. And even though the platoon got chewed up pretty badly, they still managed to land a beachhead,” Jethro said. “So expanding on that helped us a lot,” he said.

  “So I heard. I know a couple of the troops there. Thanks for pulling their bacon out of the fire, Sergeant. I owe you a beer.”

  “Naw, just doing what comes naturally,” Jethro said with an ear flick. “Can I send a request for information on some civilians? I had to leave a couple kittens behind. They were my eyes and ears on the street and helped us,” he added hastily. “I'd like to know if they were all right.”

  The PFC nodded slowly. “I can put the word out, sir. Can you give me their names?”

  “Lil Red and Lil White. They are, were, domestic Neocats. Females. They were in a bad place. I got them out and placed them with a female Neodog in the slums near the base.” He inhaled and then exhaled slowly as the Neobear took notes. “I'd like to know they are safe. And I'd like to offer them a ticket off the planet if I can. I left two behind when I went; I wanted to see if they used them or not.”

  “Will do, Sergeant. You said they helped you, and they are near the base so I can put in a good word.”

  “Can you pass on a message that I checked in on them and that the tickets are there for their use? Let
them know they can go to Kathy's World or Antigua or sign up with the military,” he said.

  “Will do, Sergeant,” the PFC said, jotting out a note.

  “Thank you …?”

  The bear looked up. “PFC Brie Waver, Sergeant.”

  “Thank you, Brie. I appreciate it.”

  “Well, you didn't want the beer so I suppose this settled that debt or will if I find anything,” the bear said with a shrug. “Call us even?”

  “I'm in your debt but … okay,” Jethro said with an ear flick. "Thanks.”

  “Have a good evening, Sergeant,” the PFC said as she cut the channel.

  Jethro sat there for a long moment and stared at the blank screen.

  Nothing about Lil Red and Lil White he thought as he sat back. That bothered him a bit. He knew the duo were survivors, but he would have liked to have known they were all right somewhere. Not knowing was torture in a way. He vowed to make certain he wrote to Shanti and the kittens regularly. Weekly at the least and hang the damn cost of the mail. He got a discount since he was military and his family was elsewhere; he might as well use it. But Lil Red and Lil White … they were going to haunt him; he knew it. He frowned, ears flat out as he tried to picture what the duo was up to.

  They were cats he thought; cats landed on their feet. Most of the time, he reminded himself as a corporal came in with a stack of chips. He almost groaned, but he didn't want to give the little bastard the satisfaction of getting to him.

  Chapter 3

  Bast noted Moira White Wolf's promotion on the officer's schedule as Jethro checked in with PFC Waver. She had finally gained access to some of the base's network in order to apply her Xeno virus security files to the system.

  She took advantage of the access to check on the schedule of the officers, the goings-on in the chain of command, and what might be in the pipeline for her host. Which was why she got the confirmation of the Neowolf's promotion but the sergeant hadn't. He wasn't dialed into the scuttlebutt on the base as well as he'd liked she knew. He had been out of the loop too long; too many of his former contacts had been promoted and transferred.

  By the time he managed to make those contacts, like with the PFC for instance, he'd be on his way to Antigua, she judged.

  She weighed the idea of telling him before she decided to leave the matter alone. Technically, she should tell him; it was a part of her job to bring matters to his attention that he overlooked or turned a blind eye to while doing other tasks. His showing up at the ceremony might be nice, and it would be random enough to avoid problems with his security, but questions would be raised as to how he had found out.

  Besides, the formal ceremony was arranged to be brief. The current military administration was not into long drawn-out ceremonies. From the schedules she had accessed, the Neowolf would be promoted and then the general and Colonel Harley intended to take her out to lunch afterward. Most likely to pick her brain about combat air OPS and logistics she judged.

  If that was so, it would be very wise. Not enough to familiarize the duo with the ins and outs of running an air wing or having it in support, but it was a start she thought. They would need that knowledge for future theaters she knew.

  She noted the forums where scuttlebutt about the promotion was already making the rounds. She reconsidered telling the master sergeant, but she eventually decided it would be a nice surprise to him if he ran into the colonel again … which he most certainly would.


  Near 4:00 p.m. and with no end of the paperwork nightmare in sight, Jethro realized others were directing their work to him and then kicking back. He didn't like that, nor did he like the eyestrain or headache from processing so much information so he decided to take a break. After all, he was supposed to be playing consultant and checking in on how the SPECOPS community was being run.

  Consequently, the following morning he decided to start by hitting the ranges. It would allow him to get some shooting in and check in with the staff there while also eyeballing the facilities. He might also get some practice in, he mused.

  The soft crack of suppressed weapons fire was music to his ears he thought as he walked through the facility and out onto the range. He placed ear plugs into his ears, not that he needed them. His implants could dampen the sound of weapons fire, but the extra insurance was fine with him. Besides, using the ear plugs meant Bast didn't have to dedicate some processors to protect and filter his hearing.

  He nodded to a couple of soldiers going over a rifle and working on tuning it. He was tempted to lend his own expertise, but then spotted a familiar tail flirting out of a booth.

  Purely by chance he ran into Letanga and a pair of familiar wolf snipers out on the range. “Letanga?” he said as he came up behind the leopard and felt the other cat's tail hit him in the ankle. The tail went up and then stopped.

  “Be with you in a moment,” the cat growled as he focused on the rifle. He inhaled, then exhaled, then took his shot.

  “Damn,” the black wolf who had been acting as the leopard's spotter said, eyes zoomed in to the target. “You hit the damn fly on it too!”

  “Luck,” the gray wolf said from the other side of Tungulria. He glanced at Jethro, flicked his ears, and then crossed his arms.

  “Luck had nothing to do with it. Skill pure and simple, Tikaani,” Letanga said mockingly as he flicked the safety on his rifle and turned to the cat behind him. “What can I do …?” His eyes widened comically at Jethro. Jethro's ears flicked, and he smiled in good humor. “Jethro?!?” Letanga said turning over and then rising to his feet in his haste to see his cousin.

  “The one and only,” Jethro said as the wolves turned to him. “Hey, Tikaani, Tungulria, long time no see,” he said, nodding his chin to them and flashing another tight-lipped welcoming smile and ear flick.

  “Damn!” the wolves sat up and then stood. Unexpectedly Jethro was wrapped in first a forearm embrace and then a hug from his cousin and his old friends. He felt his back being pummeled as they laughed. “Damn good to see you,” Tikaani said.

  “Easy, easy,” Jethro said with a laugh as he tried to fend them off. Finally, they chuckled and eased up. “Geesh, getting more of a beating from you three than the pirates,” he said with a mocking shake of his head.

  “Good,” Tungulria said gruffly as Jethro picked up his cover and dusted it off before he put it back on his head. “How the hell have you been? We heard about what happened on Anvil and the stuff on that pirate ship in Kathy's World—that and Protodon. They really pin the medal on you?” he demanded.

  “Like I had a choice? I didn't even know it was happening until they marched me up and stuck it on me,” Jethro said dryly.

  “Yeah, practically at gunpoint,” Tikaani said as others around them turned to see what the altercation was about.

  “Something like that,” Jethro said sheepishly as the others looked at him and chuffed in laughter. “Good to see all of you. Glad you are keeping up and in touch,” he said, nodding to the range. “And in practice I see.”

  “Yeah, it's about all the practice we've been getting lately,” Tikaani said, indicating the range. “I've been running classes, and it's getting tiring. Fortunately, I'm almost done. I'll be between classes for a week … but scuttlebutt said I'm being transferred.”

  “All three of us are. Something about Antigua?” Letanga said.

  Jethro blinked and then silently pursed his lips. Letanga caught his body language. His eyes slitted and narrowed. “Yeah, you too?”

  “Something like that. But my involvement is classified,” Jethro said in a lowered voice. The trio looked at him and then slowly nodded.

  “We should catch up. Have some beers or something,” Tungulria said.

  “I'd like that. I'm trying to arrange a barbeque so we can roast the fatted calf and swap war stories, but getting everyone together is rough,” Jethro admitted with a shake of his head.

  “Yeah, I know,” Tungulria said. “It's all we can do to get a few of us to
gether like this,” he said indicating the trio. “Just to settle some old scores,” he said.

  “So I saw,” Jethro said with a grin and ear flick. “Keeping up the family rep, cousin?” he asked, eying Letanga.

  “You know it,” Letanga said.

  “Well, you can help teach your new cousins when they get of age I suppose,” Jethro said with a slightly broader grin. Letanga blinked at him and then his ears went flat out.

  “Um …?”

  “Yeah, I settled down. It was unexpected and well …,” Jethro rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as his tail danced.

  “Shotgun wedding?” Tikaani asked eying him as he crossed his arms.

  “Something like that,” Jethro said weakly.

  “Okay, I'll forgive you for not inviting me then,” Letanga said. “Mom on the other hand …,” he shook his head. His tail flicked then pointed straight at Jethro. “You are so dead when she gets wind of this.”

  Jethro heaved a sigh as the wolves chuffed. “Yeah, I know,” he said with a mock sigh. “At least I've got pictures of her and the kittens,” he said.

  “Kittens? Did you say kittens?” Letanga said, ears erect eyes wide.

  “And if you bribe him with beer, you'll get to see them or no, bribe him to stop showing them to you,” Tungulria said with a laugh.

  “Something like that,” Jethro said as the group laughed.


  Bast noted Jethro's vital signs. He seemed to be relaxed, alert, but more in tune with himself and at ease. Perhaps it was okay for him to have talks with his friends. As long as he didn't get carried away with it and risk not only his life but also their own, they might be okay.

  If she could keep the meetings more or less random and brief, things should be okay, she judged. That way a trap couldn't be laid nor an easy ambush.

  She did note the statement from the Neowolf sergeant that he would be going to Antigua. She didn't have access to the wolf's orders, but that was an intriguing datum. The question was, why? From the follow-up statement, all three of the Neos were going. Having a group of RECON snipers together meant they were due for some sort of mission. She was intrigued to know where and why. The only known theater was Protodon, though with their RECON experience they could be sent behind enemy lines to scout other future theaters.


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