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Gods of War (Jethro goes to war Book 5)

Page 65

by Chris Hechtl

  Chapter 38

  Admiral Irons read the latest Marine report. Colonel Harley's Third Division was going to be busy for some time he noted. Destria was another agro world and had been invaded by a short division of Horathian troops several years prior. According to ONI's report, the surviving brigade had some of their best and brightest, which translated to their most sadistic and cunning. They'd had plenty of time to get a grip on the planet, and more worriedly, dig in. They also had a platoon of the feared Death's Head Brigade's power-armored troops with them. Not a pleasant thought for Harley's boys and girls to tangle with.

  But he was also aware that she had top-notch equipment this time and good people to back them up. She'd dig them out, eventually. He nodded and passed the report on to Monty and Yorgi, then over to OPS and General Forth before he passed it on to Liobat.

  "I want you to release this internally to the Navy and especially the Marines first. Give them a day to read it."

  "That will make it leak to the media, sir," Liobat warned.

  "So be it. That might actually be a good thing. We're still getting the download, including a casualty list. If it comes out to the media, I want a short statement. Keep the details limited."

  The Neocat nodded slowly. "Spoon-feed them to build interest? You know that can backfire if we get reports of mass casualties or war crimes? And the difference between letting the military and public know will become obvious soon enough," the press secretary warned.

  "I'm aware of that. I'm also aware that military personnel are trained to know when to keep their mouths shut. They'll be okay. We'll filter the reports and pass it on after ONI gets first crack at it."

  Slowly the Neocat nodded again. "I see," She drawled. "You want the delay to also give ONI time to process what they currently have," she said.

  "Exactly. And with what they've already got, what with the download still coming in from Protodon, they can't just jump into it whole heartedly you understand. There is also a question of what they can draw out of it."

  "I see."

  "No casualty lists. If and when there are any, standard protocol applies. We let the family know first," he warned. The Neocat flicked her ears in agreement. "Thank you."

  "No, thank you, sir," the Neocat replied. Irons nodded once and then cut the channel.

  "Now, what else can I get into?" he asked.

  "Well, if you really want to get into mischief," Protector drawled. Irons snorted.


  Jethro nodded as he surveyed the three corporals as they entered the room. “Gunny? I mean um …”

  “It's warrant one now,” Jethro said quietly to Corporal Phillips. He waved off the wide-eyed looks. “You didn't know. Pull up a seat,” he said as the last of the trio entered the room.

  “Given that you are here, I'm guessing this a RECON mission, sir?” Lance Corporal Uraj Majoric asked.

  “Why do you ask that?” Jethro asked cocking his head at the Neoblack bear.

  “Well, you are RECON, sir,” the bear said as he took a seat.

  “Corporal Larisa Tortaille,” the female said as she held out her hand to the Neocat. He took it and shook it once. “I see you met Dave and Uraj,” she said as she took her seat.

  “We've met,” Jethro said with an ear flick to the other two. The human female had to have some chimera blood in her; she had startlingly red eyes.

  “Okay, usually an officer would do this. When I was introduced, it was Admiral Irons himself,” Jethro said with a brief smile and ear flick. “Unfortunately, he's a tad busy with everything going on. And Major Lyon has a lot on his plate at the moment so the duty fell to me,” Jethro said by way of explanation. “Each of you were on Protodon doing a job I know. This conversation is considered classified, level Deep Blue. That means they will dig a hole and drop you in it if you breathe about it to anyone outside the team,” Jethro said.

  “That's not good,” the bear grunted.

  “Understatement of the century,” Dave sighed fatalistically. “What are we in for?”

  “I'm about to ask you three and others to join a unique fraternity,” Jethro said. “Uraj, I trained you and Dave in RECON.”

  “I took RECON because Raiders were full up. I was hoping I'd get that one too to flesh out my resume like yours,” Dave said.

  “Right,” Jethro drawled. “You are about to go one step beyond Raiders,” he said. “If you step up.”

  “What are we volunteering for?” Larisa asked warily.

  “Cadre,” Jethro said quietly. He watched each of them jump slightly in startled reply. He smiled. “That's right, the Cadre. Each of you has been chosen by the admiralty because they think you can hang with us,” he said with a nod to the monitor over his shoulder.

  Bast knew that was her signal so she triggered the LCD on and then played a series of clips of the Cadre during their latest training exercise.

  “This is something of an introduction and to see if you are willing to step up. You have a lot more steps along a winding road before you are Cadre. But if you are willing to put in the effort, we're willing to give you that chance. Any takers?” Jethro asked.

  Three hands rose explosively upwards. He snorted.

  “I thought so,” he said with a grin.


  “What do you think?” Jethro asked when the initial introduction concluded. He had passed the trio on to Tungulria to get them settled in so they could read up on what they were in for.

  “I think Larisa will fit the female suit with some minor tailoring,” Bast replied.

  Jethro snorted. “Not quite what I meant. And I know Dave isn't suited for the other shooter suit. Though he might take it anyway. I meant the group.”

  “Too early to tell,” Bast said.

  He grimaced. He knew better than to try to get more than a sentence or two out of her when he wasn't in the suit. “Okay,” he drawled.

  “Time will tell,” Bast added.

  “Sure,” Jethro said with a shake of his head. “Play it safe. Okay,” he said. “We need to work on the interviews individually. We've gone over their records and I've brushed up on Uraj's and Dave’s since I've last seen them. I wish we had the whole class here, but I guess we can start these three off and then hit the others in small lots as they trickle in. It might be easier in some ways I guess,” Jethro said with a shrug.

  “Possibly,” Bast said.

  “You are going to be temperamental until we get some more suit time, aren't you?” he asked rhetorically. She flicked her ears at him. He snorted.

  She cocked her head and then held up a finger. “Banzai reports there is news hitting the forums. Callisto, Zako, and Zenko have confirmed it. They are requesting input from you,” Bast stated.

  “About?” Jethro asked, raising an eyebrow in inquiry.

  “Unconfirmed reports that the invasion of Destria has begun and so far has gone well. I am inquiring with higher now. I have received confirmation from Lieutenant Fletcher,” Bast said.

  “Damn. Okay, get the details. It hasn't hit the news yet?”

  “No. Just the military news network.”

  “The scuttlebutt grapevine. It'll be classified as rumor until someone gets around to confirming it. I wonder how long it will take the media to pick up on it,” he drawled.

  “Not long. A few of the Marines have civilian media relatives. Plus, many have civilian dependents who will undoubtedly hear it when they get off duty,” Bast replied with a sniff.

  “Understood,” Jethro said. “Get that download so we have our facts straight when they come calling.”

  “Aye aye,” Bast replied. “It'd be easier …”

  “Don't say it,” he growled, cutting her off. She sniffed, tried a pitiful look, but then gave it up and went back to work.


  Banzai received confirmation from Bast and then passed it on to his host. Jasper grinned when he heard the news. “Yes!” he said, pumping a fist into the air. “Score another for the Marines!
” he said, deepening his voice in rich approval.

  “Bast confirmed it?” Nia asked looking up. Jasper grinned at her just as Takahai; her own A.I. put the news up on a header for her to read. “Ah, I see she did. We're all getting it now,” she said, glancing over to Cocoa and then to Tusinia.

  “Looks that way,” Cocoa said. “Callisto just put it up on my HUD anyways. Any bets on when it will be made official?”

  “No way. They'll feed the beast for a day or so before the powers that be make it official I bet,” Lobo said. “Though I'm willing to play bookie if anyone is interested … what do you mean that's not legal? Damn it, Coyote …,” his gaze turned inward.

  “Someone's having a marital spat. Again,” Cocoa said with a shake of her head. “Betting is normal; I didn't know they didn't like it.”

  “It's against regs. So they frown on such things,” Jasper replied. Banzai nodded curtly on his HUD. “So, we have to behave I guess,” he said with a sigh.

  “Set the example? Since when has that ever been our objective?” Nia asked with a toothy grin.

  Jasper snorted, then chuckled as he shook his head at her.


  Jethro arrived at home and entered the house to hear the news was already on. Lil Red was curled up on the couch listening to the news of the invasion of Destria on the evening news. “You eat yet?” he asked.

  She silently indicated the tray next to her. He looked at it, shook his head and then policed her trash for her as he went to the kitchen. He rinsed the plastic off and then stuck it in the recycle bin, then dropped the fork into the dirty dishes bin in the sink. The paper napkin went into the trash.

  He pulled out his own meal and stuck it in the microwave as he popped himself a drink. He took a couple sips as he relaxed and watched the meal spin in the microwave.

  When it was finished, he carefully took the plastic cover off, let the steam vent, then stuck it on a plastic tray and took it out to the living room. He sat and started to eat, but Red came over and picked at his meal. “Hey! Get your own!” he said, when she backed off and sniffed. “What's wrong?” he asked.

  “I'm just a little more hungry than usual,” she said quietly. She laid on the couch beside him, then moved over to use his hip as a pillow. He was amused to see her doze off like that. He shook his head and turned back to the news.

  The talking heads kept saying the reports were alleged … right up until the Press Secretary Liobat called a conference and confirmed it.

  “Take that you bastard pirates,” Jethro murmured softly.


  Admiral Irons considered where to use the Cadre first. Now that he had them, he had the urge to put them to use. It was like an itch he couldn't scratch. He should keep them to training, but he knew they needed the field experience.

  He was unsure if he wanted to get their toes wet or build up forces to a true company level before deploying them. They were his reserve; his fire brigade in case something on the ground went wrong.

  He was depressingly certain that would happen. When and where were the big questions. He'd spent a lot of energy on building up the Navy. After all, if you didn't control the orbitals, landing on a planet was a moot point.

  “You've got that look in your eye, sir,” Protector said warily.

  The admiral snorted. “You know me well,” he said with a shake of his head. He scrolled through the latest report.

  “I'm guessing this has to do with the Cadre since you are reading about it. You are considering giving in and deploying them before they get up to company level,” Protector mused. That made the admiral pause what he had been reading to sit back and raise an eyebrow at the A.I. Protector's avatar on his desk just shrugged. “It was easy enough to deduce; once you have a tool, you want to put it to use. Military strategy would say to ramp up production and then use them to break stalemates and ram through their advantage right to Horath. But that isn't what you are thinking here.”

  “No, no it isn't.”

  “May I ask your reasoning? It isn't proper to deploy them just yet, sir,” Protector stated.

  “It's … I want them blooded. I want them to get the experience now rather than later. To train the next class as well, but to be able to improve on their training. To get them the real confidence in themselves and their hardware. To allow them to learn their real faults.”

  “For you to learn them too presumably. We tend to build up our heroes … or at least you organics do in your minds. You wish to expose them in a controlled environment for the publicity as well?” Protector asked.

  “No. Eventually, yes, I know they will make a statement when the public finds out about them. Finding out that they've been in use for a while will play in their thinking too.”

  “They as in the public. But also the enemy who will learn to fear them I presume.”

  “You presume correctly.”

  “Well, Protodon is therefore out,” Protector stated. A list of three star systems came up. Protodon was at the top with a line through it. Hidoshi's World was under it but in yellow.

  “Why out?”

  “Protodon is closest and is therefore one of the best places to get their toes wet. However, it has a large media presence. They wouldn't miss the Cadre's arrival or their deployment. The news would hit the ansible network eventually. If we tried to censor it, we would get flack for it.”

  “Okay,” the admiral said with a nod.

  “Besides, with two Divisions on the planet and an Army platoon on the way, they aren't needed. It is also a war zone on the frontline. We don't want them exposed to potential orbital strikes. That would be considered a bad return on investment.”

  “So would the loss of everyone else on the planet,” the admiral growled. “But I concede your point.”

  “Thank you, sir,” the A.I. said with a nod. “That leaves Hidoshi's World and Destria. Hidoshi's World is off the beaten track but has a large media presence on planet. It doesn't have media ties to the ansible network and interstellar news as deeply as Protodon has. Yet,” the A.I. said. “However, the combat there is unsuited for the Cadre. They are a shock and awe unit, not a police or anti-terror unit.”

  “Agreed,” the admiral murmured.

  “That leaves Destria on the docket. We don't know enough yet to go there. They have little media and virtually no ansible ties to the interstellar media at the moment. It is the most active military theater at the moment.”


  “It also has a platoon of the Death's Head Brigade there. They might be tough, if they are even still active.”

  “I don't remember them …”

  Protector brought up the entry. “ONI confirmed their presence there after the capture of the two transports that carried them and the Nineteenth Division there. But there has been no confirmation of their destruction after Wanda Lu's division bombed their central base.”

  “An absence of a tombstone doesn't mean they aren't dead,” the admiral said.

  “Nor does it confirm they are, sir,” Protector retorted. “This is a case of glass half empty or full. I, like others, prefer to err on the side of caution until it is confirmed. We'd rather plan for them than get surprised.”

  “Agreed,” the admiral said with a nod of approval.

  “There are two other factors to their deployment. They have limited numbers but lack field leadership. Obviously with his position, Major Lyon can't deploy with the unit,” Protector stated after a moment.

  The admiral grunted. He spread the fingers of his left hand and then drummed them once. Finally, he nodded. “That means Jethro will have to quarterback,” he said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Next problem?” the admiral asked.

  “The special transport. They need a special transport to get them to a hot zone fast. Fortunately, you've taken steps there. The special Dora class transport you had the Pyrax yard build for them arrived in the last convoy and has been refitted to your and Commander Yao's specs. Wit
h the ship completed, she has a crew and has entered her builder's trials.”

  The admiral nodded as Protector put up the latest stats on the ship. The ship currently had an alpha numeric for a name. She had been refitted to hit the mid Delta bands in hyperspace with a good crew. Unfortunately, the helm personnel available were not up to skips, so they'd lose time crossing each star system. He wished they could go faster, but they would need a complete rebuilt hull and antimatter to accomplish that.

  He checked the timeline and then grunted. The crew had reported a series of teething issues and were due back into yard hands to fix them. That meant they had at least a month before the ship would be ready. “Okay,” he sighed. “I'll drop it for the moment, but we need to keep their deployment in mind for the future.”

  “Yes, sir,” Protector stated. “That will give them time to get the next class up to speed and more progress made on their formal base,” the A.I. said.

  “Don't rub it in,” the admiral growled. “Next problem,” he said gruffly.


  Jethro grimaced as the newest line of training SIMS came up. Tungulria was also not amused, nor was Letanga. In fact, all of the former F Platoon graduates were leery about it.

  But they had to bite the bullet they knew. “I know we're handling this with SIMS … are we going to need counseling? I went through enough before,” Letanga said with a shake of his head.

  “I know,” Tungulria said with his own grimace and shake of his head. “But we've got to face it eventually. We've managed to avoid it up until now because we didn't have the pods.”

  “Which we still don't,” Letanga said doggedly.

  “No, no we don't. But we need to train for their eventual introduction to our inventory. That way we're prepared,” Jethro said. “And we need to face our fears,” he said.

  “If you say so,” Letanga said dubiously.

  Jethro grimaced but then nodded curtly. So far everything in the drop scenarios had been simulated. He was a bit worried given how his first SIM had gone but had gotten over it with repeated practice. Bast being along for the ride had helped.

  He'd had to face the fear once before when his suit's rocket pack had malfunctioned in Agnosta space. It hadn't been a pleasant experience. But his attack during the graduation exercise had wakened the brass and especially the major to the threat of having all of one's eggs in one basket. One fragile shuttle in other words.


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