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Gods of War (Jethro goes to war Book 5)

Page 111

by Chris Hechtl


  Ensign Waterlily: Elf ONI officer. Recent graduate of the ONI college classes. Had been working as an analyst.

  Bob Sho: Assassin assigned to tail Jethro.

  Larry Nitz: Assassin partner of Bob

  Ensign Asclerius: Medical A.I. Smart A.I. Greek god of medicine.

  Hathor: Jethro's feline bloodline A.I. matrix.

  Corporal Chi: Black Neopug recruiter on Antigua Prime. Met Lil Red.

  Ox: Gunnery Sergeant -Tauren Antigua, Armorer.

  First Sergeant Bill Riley: human male armorer. Friend of Schultz, Jethro and others. Taught Ox armor tech.

  Sergeant Rezlo: DI Antigua Marine boot camp.

  Recruit Chaple: Neomutt with a bug in his ear.


  Cheetahra: Female Neocat Cheetah. Traveled to Agnosta on Destiny. Paramedic, bush medic. Runs a motel.

  Amure: (means 1 who builds) Male Neocat Cheetah, 3rd cousin to Cheetahra. Mate of Cheetahra.

  Kathy's World:

  Lieutenant Colonel and planetary President Moira White Wolf: promoted from Captain SG during book and events in BL. Marine from the past. Promoted to LT Colonel after events on Protodon and visit to MAWTS facility on Agnosta.

  Jethro's family on Kathy's World:

  Shanti: female snow leopard Trooper, Ranger reservist.

  4 kittens. 2 snow leopard 1m 1f, 2 black panthers, 1m, 1f 1 leopard male named Sabu 1 panther male Hrriss 1 panther female Suqi 1 Neo leopard female Zuhura (after matriarch)

  Sabu: brother to Shanti. elder by 2 years. Trooper, Ranger officer reservist. -KIA on Protodon

  Rah: younger sister. 2 years younger than Shanti. Becomes a deputy trooper.

  Lisami: Sabu's estranged mate. Female Neocat. Lynx/ african leapard mix. She lives in Carlson with their 2 kits. Teacher/librarian.

  Lil White: went to Kathy's World. Found by Rah.

  Ellen: Neo College nanny.


  Lil Red family:

  Mugsy: cream colored domestic tom. Native. Battered. Perpetual squint. Near sighted, day blind.

  Lil Red; sickly red taby, daughter of Mugsy. Sibling to Lil white. Healed by Jethro. Runt of the litter. Travels to Antigua and is adopted by Jethro. Dropped off on Kathy's World.

  Lil White: Sister to Lil Red. "Ninja Kitty". Leader of their duo. Pick pocket and thief. Blue eyes like her mother. -went to Kathy's World, lives with Shanti and family.

  Mamacita: Mother to Red and White. Pregnant. Female long furred gray cat. Has blue eyes. MIA with White's kittens.

  Ghost: youngest sister of Lil White and Lil Red. Injured in attack on Protodon.

  Gran Gran: Mother to Mamacita, gray long haired Persian like her daughter. Has blue eyes.

  Zelma: Female mutt. Small, bit of Pug and other breeds in her. Creche leader in the slum, also teacher and day care. Takes the kits in. MIA with Mamacita.

  Recon team:

  Sergeant Chege Sekibu: Neochimp male recon team leader.

  Destria natives: -200 million people. Capital city, some other cities, towns and villages. Towns and villages near water or coast.

  Wade Oberon: Chimera. Resistance leader. Former Mayor and former Sheriff of Bixby. Brother was an actor friend of Vanessa Smith. Friend of Vanessa. Silver skin, gold eyes. KIA

  Kadir Oberon: actor, leader of troop of players. Goes town to town doing acting. Brother to Wade, friend of Vanessa. KIA

  Jean Claude Debois: Leader of the resistance. Voice of the resistence. Human. Wife and 4 small children. Becomes acting planetary governor.

  Ned Debois: Cousin to Jean Claude. Resistance fighter. -KIA

  Al: -Al's corner market. Human. Father of Boyd, Fred, George, and Taylor. Serena is his wife. KIA.

  Pete: Neochimp. Killed by Horathian androids.

  Flo: wife of Pete. Has 2 young sons. 1 is a baby. Ichiro and Taavi.

  Rudy: older woman, neighbor of Pete and others. -KIA.

  Isabel Sawyer: Human woman, tailor, neighbor of Pete and Rudy.

  Claire: Human female.

  Judith: Human female, sister to Claire.

  Tessa: Chimera female. Has feline ears on top of her head, a pronounced muzzle and split upper lip. Cat eyes. Sharp canines, clawed fingertips. -mother, father, and 4 siblings rounded up and executed. Got out of town.

  Freya and Chuck: Neo gorilla couple who ran the town blacksmith. Fled with their family group to the mountains. Chuck KIA.

  Old Buck: Jurist. Retired Judge and lawyer. KIA.

  Mort: Mortician. Ghoulish character. Gangly tall, long limbs, long face. Whitish blue skin, pale eyes, white stringy hair. Wore a black top hat and coat tail jacket. Family came from low G planet. Nice guy but quiet.

  Paterson: Elderly male. Widower, wife moved south. Sold farm to Smith family and moved south to be with his family. He had a maple still and moonshine still on his farm.

  Beth Anne Desmond: Neighbor of the Smith family. Husband disappeared by the invaders. Mother of 4 kids, eldest 10. Sold her farm to the Smiths.

  Jon Smith: human farmer near Al's market. Part of the resistance and underground railroad. KIA

  Vanessa Smith: Jon's plump wife. KIA

  Kevin Smith: eldest son of Jon and Vanessa. 16. Enthralled by the pirates until his sister is raped. KIA

  Gretchen Smith: eldest daughter of Jon and Vanessa. 14. Beautiful. Enthralled by the pirates until she was raped. Joined the Marines.

  Clarice Smith: 9 year old daughter of Jon and Vanessa. KIA

  Alvin Smith: 9 year old son of Jon and Vanessa. Twin of Clarice. KIA

  Ronald Smith: 7 year old son of Jon and Vanessa. KIA

  Shino Bolin: Neighboring farm. Had a barn raising prior spring where Pete and the smith's attended.

  Anne Bolin: Wife of Shino.

  Ludoycha Lud Kasmille:

  Qin Essen: Inn keeper/tavern.

  Zane Broushard: Pharmacist.

  Latisha Broushard: wife of the pharmacist.

  Anna Broushard: Sister of Latisha school Marm.

  Bordrou: Neodog border collie. Black and white, high energy. Electronics tech, radioman. KIA.

  Kiki: Black Domestic Neocat smuggler and go between for Harambe's group. Can cloak. Cadre descendant. Shot in the back in Smith farm massacre. Paralyzed briefly. Recovered by Corporal Red Claw.

  Harambe: Neogorilla silverback in the mountains. Resistance leader. Former sheriff. Patriarch of a family group. Knows Debois.

  Velma: Neochimp. KIA.

  Milo: Neopug. Harambe's rangers.

  Horathians on Destria:

  20,000 troops in division 19. 2 brigades. 10,000 robots of various makes and models.

  General Ruffus Drier: commander of the expedition. Call sign Charlie Alpha

  Colonel Leslie Hill: 1st brigade commander -KIA bombardment.

  lt Colonel Braxton Montreau: 2nd brigade commander MIA

  Major Rafe Lockhart: Intelligence officer KIA bombardment.

  Lieutenant Wong Fisher: acting intelligence officer.

  Captain Pablo Eronez: Liaison from the natives. Representative of the 5th column seeded on the planet decades prior. 120 centimeters tall. Spanish temper but crafty. Carries a jeweled dagger.

  Patrick and Fernando Scalari: Brother insurrectionists. Natives to Destria. Supporters of Pablo. KIA, hung.

  Major Adrian Scherer: Mental hygiene rep from the Empire. Commissioner there to oversee cleansing and subjugation of population. KIA mob.

  Major Tyler Noveletto: chief engineer, head of engineering platoon on the planet.

  Vincent Lishman: Corporal, patrol leader in town. College drop out. Had gone to college to bootstrap into officer corps but failed. Radio call sign Romeo 1. -battlefield promoted to lieutenant after farm siege. KIA Smith farm.

  Private Adkins: -Horathian under Lishman. -Promoted to Sergeant KIA farm.

  Private Lexington: Horathian under Lishman. KIA Killed in ambush.

  Mike Fornell: Native militia. Private under Lishman.-Promoted to Corporal. KIA farm.

  Lois: female native militia private under Fornell. KIA

  Roy Salvador: Native militia private under Lishman. KIA at the farm.

  Carl: Native militia private under Lishman. KIA at the farm.

  Captain Angela Goddard: 2nd brigade 1st battalion commander. In charge of Lishman's team. POW Fallbrook.

  Lieutenant Guy Kinoshita: Engineer, architect. -alive with death's head.

  Kokyo Xu: Female Sergeant from Konohagakure. Ninja warrior. Body guard to General Drier.

  Private Danvers: Driver and radio operator for the General. -promoted to corporal.

  Private Cho: Private assigned to the General as a radio operator. KIA at General's house.

  Shen Lajoy: 20 year old tax collector. Sees Gretchen. KIA.

  Captain Dimitri Zuhkov: Deaths head brigade, Charlie battalion, Charlie company, beta platoon. platoon leader. Cold, ruthless, very smart. Not sadistic, very efficient. Very good at strategy and tactics. Flat black armor with gold lower skull and flat black helmet on top. Call sign Delta Baker 1.

  Lieutenant Zevaya: female officer. Long ears, long platinum hair. Hourglass figure, nice butt, likes leather. Sadistic. Does not like anyone who draws attention to her chimera appearance. 2nd in command of the Platoon.

  Lieutenant Rick Sng: Deaths head brigade 3rd in command. He has a black knight armor with crest. Thin V shaped visor. Skulls adorn his chest. He has shrunken head trophies hanging from his belt. Wounded by grav mine ch 62. KIA in retreat outside ch 63

  Lieutenant Mabel Robinson : Shuttle pilot of the Deaths head platoon. Has a crew of 4. Female, Meia clone. Friends with lieutenant Zevaya.

  Cho Kinoshita Lieutenant: copilot to Lieutenant Robinson. KIA in bombardment. Brother to Guy.

  Gunny Hioshi Brillo: Death's head brigade. Senior noncom. Black armor. He has a holographic image of a skeleton that can be projected on it in blue light. KIA missile strike, ch 61 end

  Sergeant James Scornlan: -Celtic burr. Male, Short beard. Mix of Celt and viking in tattoos and clothes. Chief armorer and engineer of the platoon. Miracle worker reputation. Born on a ship in Sigma sector. Mother raped father. Grew up raiding and doing engineering. Skull earring.

  Corporal Conchita Mendes: Female Spanish temper. -KIA KEW

  Corporal Jing Xu Ni: Male. Has samurai inspired armor. V on helmet, black armor, samurai style armor pauldrons and on legs. Split toed boots. Bottom half of the helmet is a skull. Carries 2 swords. KIA Lobo chapter 61

  Maureen Ung: former blue eyed female sergeant (now corporal). Sergeant Jensen and his cousin arranged her to be demoted. Transferred to a different squad. Chrome skull face mask. -call sign D79

  Simon Jensen: newly minted Staff sergeant. Bigot. Vicious. Got on the bad side of Lieutenant Zevaya and learned the error of his mouth. Leader Echo squad. -KIA KEW Strike

  Don Jensen: Staff sergeant and cousin to Sergeant Jensen. Leader Bravo squad. Call sign Bravo 1. -heavy gun jasper ch 63

  Corporal Nakuso Edinger: Shooter, fire team leader Death's head Platoon. Custom armor, chrome skull head, white cloak, wings, gold halo. Carries a katanna.

  Corporal Victor Isurita: Nickname Ghost - Has white and black cut down armor, black skull face helmet. -with Don Jensen ch 62

  Lieutenant Singh: Doctor assigned to the Death's head platoon.

  Private Billy Askdall: New to the Platoon. Radio tech.

  Mackie Cardones: PFC Death's head brigade. -electronics.

  Corporal Dale Stirling: Fire team leader, history nut. Comes up with Stirling Raid. KIA during raid.

  PFC Tray Fastback: Death's head brigade shooter. Don Jensen's Bravo squad. WIA missile attack ch 61. KIA ch 62.

  PFC Marco 'mad dog' Mafiss: Death's head brigade heavy weapons. KIA hall break out ch 61

  PFC Simbaka Pooley: Has a bone skull face mask and top hat. Voodoo. KIA Lance ch 61

  Corporal 'Tex' Winters: Has a bone skull face mask with gold teeth glowing eyes and cowboy hat with bandanna around his neck and six shooter. -with Sergeant Jensen ch 62

  PFC Trig Ball: Bear skull face mask with silver teeth and black bandana pirate style on top. Bravo squad. KIA Nia missile strike with gunny and 1 other, Ch 61 end

  PFC Sam Mougley: Bravo Squad KIA

  PFC Finch: Bravo squad KIA by neobear civilian.

  PFC Dan Swanson: Bavo Squad KIA

  PFC Kermit Patton: thinks he's officer material after hearing about Patton from WW2. KIA Roarack ch 63

  PFC Neco Daughtry: -Echo squad driver.-wounded by Omri. Head wound.

  Private Edinger: -Bravo troop injured in timber town by reaper drone. KIA Lobo ch 61

  PFC Rico Francis: KIA Lobo ch 61.

  Private Ramses: hit 3 times by Omri Ch62. wounded.

  PFC Harry Chow: WIA Shiku.

  PFC Wacovia: Heavy weapons. With Ung.

  Private Hachita: WIA with Sng.


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  Inspiring art:

  Death's Head inspiring art:




  Timeline of the Engineer Universe:

  Chronological reading order

  Founding Series:

  *First Steps

  Stepping Stones Founding Stories 1

  To Touch the Stars

  The Island of Moreau -Short Story Multiverse 2

  Bumper and Boomer -Short Story Multiverse 2

  The First AI War

  Founding Stories 2 (working title, forthcoming)

  The First Terran Interstellar War (forthcoming)

  The Good Ship UFSP Lollipop-Short Story Multiverse 2

  Higher for Higher -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Siren Call -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Ragnarok series:

  Wandering Engineer:

  *New Dawn

  Fools Gold

  Jethro Goes to War

  Destiny's Choice

  Ghost Station

  Jethro First to Fight

  Plague Planet

  13 Degrees of Separation

  Pirates Bane

  Lewis and Clarke -Short Story Multiverse 2

  Jethro No Place like Home

  Ghosts From the Past

  ---Federation Reborn----

  Bringer of Fire and Light -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Battle Lines

  Jethro Recruiting Drive

  Pirate Rage

  Tales of the Federation Reborn 1


  Horatio Logan Chronicles 1 Enemy of my Enemy

  Jethro 5 Ares God of War

  Shelby Logan Chronicles 1 (Title to be determined, forthcoming)

  Sneak Peek:

  The following is a raw excerpt from Convoy, book 1 of the Shelby Logan Chronicles.

  Oz studied his opponent with intense ferocity that belied his normal placid appearance. It was no wonder, he didn't mind tangling with most of the ship's crew on the mat but Lieutenant Z'k'th'ss'th tended to get a bit carried away. The Naga tactical officer tended to bite and claw in the combat exchanges... which was why most people wouldn't spar with him. Even Oz had been leery, and he'd insisted they both wear gloves and mouth protectors. He still knew Doctor Taylor a bit more than he would have liked, but he was one of the few people on the ship would could hold his own against the Naga.

  "Ready?" the Naga demanded.

  "Ready," the Neogorilla replied. He bowed slightly but kept his eyes elevated and locked onto his opponent. As he took his horse stance his peripheral vision caught the sight of the Naga's tail whipping in. He had known it was coming, he'd seen how the Naga had shifted his weight forward, but it's blinding speed could still catch the unwary off guard.

  Not this time, he thought as he leapt over the tail then threw himself into a roll directly at his opponent as the Naga tried to curl the tail with him.


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