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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 16

by Lynnette Bernard

  “I hope not, too,” Reece said softly. “We need to take care when we make love to Meeka. We can’t risk her getting pregnant. It’s not something that would be good for any of us.”

  “We shouldn’t have mated with her, Reece,” Wade said finally.

  “You’re right. We shouldn’t have, but there’s nothing we can do about it now, right Drew?” Reece looked at Drew in question. “Is there anything we can do? Can we somehow break the bond?”

  Drew shook his head and crossed his arms across his broad chest. He had to count to three to control his temper.

  “To deny a mate is unthinkable,” Drew told them, anger making his voice rise with the emotions he was trying to keep under control. “To try to destroy an already mated triad is beyond cruel. How could you even contemplate doing that to Meeka?”

  “It needs to be done,” Reece insisted.

  “Reece, you’re out of your mind. No, it doesn’t need to be done!” Drew yelled at him. “Our alpha will have something to say about this. You will cause injury to yourselves and your mate. You cannot do this.”

  “Yes, Drew,” Wade spoke up, his voice firm. “It doesn’t matter what Jace says to us. We have to break our triad bond.”

  Meeka remained quiet as she stood in front of the closed door to Drew’s office. She nearly doubled over in pain as devastation filled her. She thought about the beautiful night she had spent with Reece and Wade. She thought about the way they had loved her, taken care of her, and whispered words of commitment to her. She remember bits and pieces of a dream where she saw the wonderful family life she would experience with the men.

  She had been thrilled to see how loving Reece and Wade were with Eric in both her dream as well as during her time at the ranch. She thought they were going to be a happy family, but the reality of what she had just heard her men discussing made her realize that they didn’t want that possible future to come true for them.

  Her heart broke at the thought of giving her heart and her body to the men she thought loved her and wanted the same things from life that she did. But she had been wrong.

  She wasn’t going to stick around and be hurt once again. She couldn’t take a chance that they would deny her and the baby she might already be carrying. She would not allow anyone to dictate her future. She would not allow anyone to hurt Eric or the baby she truly hoped was already growing inside of her. She would not be tossed into the trash pile. Not again.

  Placing a protective, mental shield around herself, she took three steps backward then turned and walked back through Suzie’s kitchen and left her best friend’s cozy home. She concentrated on the shield that would keep her thoughts and plans private. She couldn’t take a chance that either Reece or Wade would feel her devastation. She couldn’t take a chance that they would know where she was or what she was thinking or doing.

  She took a calming breath and walked toward the family lodge. She knew she had a small window of time to do what she had to do. Keeping the shield in place, she pictured it like a blanket wrapping around her entire body.

  She had to stay strong. She had to do what she had to do to protect herself, her son, and her baby if there was one. Doing her damnedest to control her emotions, she refused to allow any tears to fall. It didn’t matter that her heart was breaking. It didn’t matter that she would be alone once again to raise her children. All that mattered was that she was going to be a good mom who would love the baby that she truly hoped that Reece and Wade had already made with her.

  She entered the family lodge and walked to the room that had been given to her. Looking around the comfortable bedroom, she smiled sadly as she walked over to the tall bureau beside the bed and methodically took out her meager supply of clothes and carefully placed them onto the bed. Going into the adjoining room, she gathered Eric’s clothes and the few toys that he had been given since they had arrived at the Circle Three Ranch. Bringing everything back to the bedroom that had been assigned to her, she reached into the closet for the small duffle bag that Suzie had given her to pack her things in when they had planned their escape from Alpha Randall.

  As she packed her things into the duffle, she realized sadly that she was escaping once again. She was leaving a place where she had finally felt safe. She was leaving two men that she deeply loved.

  Her heart was good and truly broken.

  Chapter 15

  Meeka held Eric’s hand firmly as they walked the long driveway from the family lodge to the main road. Once again, her son had accepted her words without question. How many times had her little boy had to hide or keep silent when Alpha Randall or one of his men had come to Suzie’s cabin? She had lost count. Each time, Eric had cuddled against her and had waited patiently until Suzie or her mother had told them that they were safe and could come out of hiding from their spot in the root cellar surrounded by herbs and spices to mask their scents.

  It was the same today. When she had told her son that they needed to leave without saying good-bye to anyone or let anyone know that they were going, he had simply nodded, reached out to hold her hand, and followed her silently.

  It was only when they were in the back seat of the taxi that she had called to meet them at the entrance to the Circle Three Ranch that her son turned to her with question in his eyes. She reached up and touched his cheek gently, doing her best to remain calm.

  “We’re going to Aunt Kaley’s home,” she said softly.

  Eric nodded.

  “We have to go there in order to be safe,” she explained gently.

  Eric nodded once again.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” she whispered, reaching out and hugging him against her side.

  “It’s okay, Mommy,” he said, smiling up at her.

  Meeka nodded and leaned down to kiss her son’s forehead. “Everything is going to be fine, Eric,” she said softly. “We’re going to be very happy living with Aunt Kaley. She’s going to be thrilled to see us.”

  Eric smiled as he looked up at her. Meeka’s heart melted at the trust and love her little boy had for her. She had a flash of a little girl with Reece’s beautiful blue eyes and Wade’s light brown hair sitting on her lap and looking up at her with the same expression of trust and love on her sweet face. Her heart ached at the picture. She wanted that little girl so much. She wanted Reece and Wade. She wanted all of them to be a family. But it didn’t matter what she wanted.

  Looking out the side window of the taxi, she remained silent for the rest of their trip to the mall where she had worked at the tiny boutique. The taxi driver pulled up in front of the main entrance to the mall and parked the cab, accepting the money Meeka handed him without a word.

  When they were heading into the mall, Eric’s hand securely tucked within hers and the small duffle bag slung across her back, Meeka was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. It only took a few minutes to obtain her last check from her employer and cash it at the small bank in the middle of the mall.

  She carefully tucked away the money into her jeans pocket. She had nearly five hundred dollars saved. It would be enough to get them both train tickets to Connecticut where Kaley now worked as a manager for a local restaurant. She couldn’t wait to get there, be with her sister, and disappear. No one knew where Kaley had relocated after Boyd and Ethan had made their murderous attempt. She was glad that she had kept that information to herself. No one would be able to find her.

  She called for another cab to pick them up from the mall and bring them to the train station. It was only a matter of one hour before she and Eric were safely on board the train that would take them away from the world that they had shared with the shifter community for such a brief time and would no longer be a part of.

  Pushing aside any thoughts about the men who had hurt her far beyond the beating she had received by Boyd at Ethan’s demand. Wrapping the blanket of protection tighter around her and her son, she took a moment to text her sister.

  Am on my way to you. Will arrive at New Haven train station on Wedn
esday at noon. No one can know. Am destroying my phone once I send this text. Sorry for being cryptic. Will tell you everything when Eric and I arrive. Love you. Meeks.

  Before Meeka could shut off her phone, it vibrated with the receipt of a text. She opened the message and smiled. Her sister was so awesome.

  Meeks. Will meet you at the train station on Wednesday. So glad you’re finally coming home. Do I have to kick someone’s ass? I will enjoy doing so. My lips are sealed. Can’t wait to hug you and my nephew. Love you, too. Kales.

  Meeka smiled as the warmth of her sister’s love filled her. She really missed her. It was going to be good to be with her again.

  She texted back a smiley face then shut off the phone. As Eric slept peacefully beside her, she methodically deleted all the information on the temporary phone that Suzie had given her. She was glad now that it was one of those phones that you just threw away when the minutes were exhausted. Opening up the back of it, she removed the battery and turned the gaping phone over. Placing it on the empty seat beside her, she picked up the little metal truck Eric loved to play with and brought it down on the faceplate of the phone. It smashed completely.

  Ignoring the looks of the passengers around her, she picked up the pieces of the broken phone and placed them in the plastic bag that had held their dinner. She would throw it away when they had to change trains.

  Closing her eyes, she did her best to relax. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep much on the trip. She had to remain vigilant to protect herself and her son. She trusted no one. She had learned that lesson well.

  She made her plans, doing her best to think things through without emotion. She had to find a job. She had no doubt that Kaley would be happy to provide for her and Eric as long as they needed her to. But she was determined to begin her future depending on herself and being able to provide financial support for them.

  She rested finally, satisfied that no one would be able to find her. Not that anyone would even bother to look for her.

  Chapter 16

  Reece stopped suddenly, turning to face Wade as they walked back to their shop. Wade looked at him in confusion.

  “I can’t feel her,” Reece said softly. “Can you?”

  Wade closed his eyes and concentrated. Meeka had only been a presence in his mind through their mating link for a short time, but it had filled him with warmth and caring. Since they had formed their triad, the feelings he experienced because of the bond had made him feel complete and had given him a sense of rightness. He had also found that the peace and love that Meeka afforded him every moment since their mating filled him with joy and hope. As he reached out to search their link for Meeka’s love and caring, he felt only emptiness. He realized in horror that her presence was not in his heart or in his mind.

  “I don’t,” he said finally.

  Both men took off toward the daycare building at a dead run. When they neared the building, they slowed so they wouldn’t scare the cubs inside. Reece opened the door and searched the room. His heart pounded against his chest as he saw the room filled with women and children. But their woman and their child were not there.

  “Hi, Reece,” Laurie called to him.

  “Hello, Laurie,” he responded quickly. “Do you know where Meeka and Eric are?”

  “No,” Laurie said, concern filling her when she felt the rolling of emotions that were churning through him and Wade.

  As mate to Jace and Jackson, Laurie had a bond with every pack member that was almost miraculous. Jace said it was because she was now the mother of the entire pack. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that reference, but it was basically true. Seeing Reece and Wade in obvious distress and sensing their emotions, she knew that there was something very wrong.

  “Suzie? Have you seen Meeka?” Wade asked her, knowing Meeka would never keep Suzie out of her plans.

  “I haven’t,” Suzie said, pulling herself up to her feet and walking over to her best friend’s mates. “She came to get Eric almost forty-five minutes ago. What’s wrong?”

  “We can’t sense her,” Reece told her. He raised his hand and rubbed at his chest. He felt as if he had a gaping hole in it.

  “What about you, Wade?” Suzie asked him.

  Wade shook his head. “No. I can’t sense her.”

  “Did you try talking to her through your link?” Abbey suggested as she stood and walked across the room to stand beside Suzie.

  Reece closed his eyes and concentrated on their woman. Meeka. Where are you, little one?

  Baby, please tell us where you are, Wade added. We need to make sure you and Eric are safe.


  “She’s not answering,” Reece said worriedly. “What does that mean?” He looked at all the mated women for guidance. “Do you sometimes not hear from your mates?”

  “Sometimes,” Nikki answered for them all. “But I can always sense their well-being.” She looked at Laurie for guidance. She didn’t know how much she should tell Reece and Wade.

  “What aren’t you telling us, Nikki?” Wade asked when he saw her looking at Laurie.

  Nikki shrugged and looked a little uncomfortable. “When I was unconscious, Alex and Butler couldn’t contact me.”

  “Unconscious? Wade!” Reece nearly shouted as panic filled him.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Laurie said gently as she tried to soothe them. “Suzie, try to call Meeka.”

  Suzie nodded and pulled her cell phone from her purse, quickly touching the face of it to dial her friend’s number and connect to Meeka’s phone. She raised the phone to her ear and waited nervously while the call went through. When it went to voice mail, she looked at Reece and Wade and shook her head.

  “It’s going directly to voice mail,” she said softly.

  “Okay, that doesn’t mean anything is wrong,” Laurie said quietly. “Did you check her room? She might have gone there. When she came to get Eric she looked a little tired.”

  “She looked tired?” Wade asked, concern filling him. He looked to his triad partner and tried to quell his panic.

  Reece, do you think that she’s already feeling sick because of the silver in our DNA?

  Drew said that wouldn’t happen, Reece insisted.

  Then why is our woman tired?

  “Did she say she was feeling sick, Laurie?” Reece asked their queen.

  “No, she didn’t. She just looked tired,” Laurie told them.

  “Actually, she looked sad,” Abbey offered. “Did something happen?”

  Reece looked at Wade and saw the guilt on his face that had to be mirrored on his own face. Meeka couldn’t have known what they had discussed with Drew.

  Do you think she knew what we talked to Drew about? Wade’s voice was clear in his head.

  I was careful to shield her, Reece said firmly.

  I was, too.

  Then what the hell happened? Where is our mate?

  “I think we should go to the family lodge and see if Meeka is there,” Suzie suggested.

  Reece nodded curtly. Turning, he left the daycare building with Wade right behind him. They knew that the women followed them and would have normally slowed their pace so that the women could keep up with them, but they weren’t going to take the chance that they would take one minute longer to get to Meeka.

  “Do you think she’s at the family lodge, Reece?” Wade asked as they made their way toward the large building that housed so many of the family members of the pack.

  “No. I don’t,” Reece answered, his voice clipped and hard.

  Wade nodded, unable to respond. He had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. Not being able to feel Meeka within his mind was something he couldn’t fathom. His chest ached with the emptiness. Just knowing that this would be how he would feel for the rest of his life without their woman was worse than death.

  Entering through the sliding glass doors at the back of the house, both men raced through the kitchen and up the wide staircase to the second floor. The ro
om given to Meeka was at the end of the long hallway. Walking the short distance, they stood before the door, unsure.

  “I don’t sense her,” Reece said quietly.

  “Neither do I,” Wade agreed.

  Raising his right hand, he fisted it and knocked on the door with three quick hits. Both men waited anxiously, hoping that the door would open and their beautiful mate would be standing there with a smile on her face and a happy sparkle in her gentle brown eyes.


  Wade knocked again, this time louder.

  Still nothing.

  “Shit,” Reece muttered, reaching out and grabbing for the doorknob and twisting it.

  He was relieved when he found that it wasn’t locked. Pushing open the door, he stalked inside. Wade was right behind him. They paused just inside the door, both men breathing in the scent of their mate and growling softly when they realized that it was only a lingering scent of their woman. Meeka wasn’t there. Neither was Eric.

  Walking over to the door that joined Meeka’s bedroom to Eric’s, they pushed open that door to find that Eric’s room was also empty. The scent of their cub was also faint, making them realize that it had been some time since Eric had been in his room.

  Returning to Meeka’s room Wade walked over to the bureau and reached out to open the top drawer. He hesitated and looked at Reece sadly, knowing what he was going to find when he pulled open the drawer. Seeing the expression of resignation on Reece’s face, he knew that his triad partner had the same sick feeling that he did.

  Pulling open the drawer, he growled when he saw that it was empty. Turning to face Reece, he saw the look of devastation that filled him before anger took hold.


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