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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 29

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Love you,” Wade whispered, kissing the top of her head and rubbing his face against the softness of her beautiful hair.

  “Love you,” Meeka whispered back. She turned to face Reece, concerned when she saw him getting out of bed. “Where are you going, Reece. Don’t leave.”

  Reece turned to face her, placing his hands on the mattress and leaning forward so that his face was directly in front of hers. “I’m not leaving you,” he told her gently. “I’m going to find something that will help us to mate with you together.”

  Meeka was confused by his words. She watched as he turned around and walked into the adjoining bathroom, appreciating the muscles of his body and the sexiness of his ass.

  “Glad you appreciate my sexy ass,” Reece called over his shoulder.

  “Hey! Stay out of my thoughts, nosey man!” Meeka told him, blushing at having been caught ogling her mate. She looked at Wade and saw the sexy smile he gave her and immediately thought about how much she loved seeing and touching his body as well.

  Wade hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby,” he told her. “It’s good that you’re attracted to your mates.” He pressed up inside of her, drawing a gasp of pleasure from her. “You’re just as sexy to us.”

  “I’m glad,” Meeka whispered, kissing Wade’s neck lightly. Hearing Reece returning to the bedroom, she turned to look at him and smiled as he climbed back up onto the bed and positioned himself behind her. “Did you find what you needed?” Her voice was light and teasing, her soft laughter turning to a low moan as Reece draped himself over her back and kissed her shoulder lightly.

  “I have,” he whispered against her temple. “The minute we found you again, I was a contented wolf.”

  Meeka smiled against Wade’s neck. She could feel the happiness and contentment that both men were sending to her through their bond, and she was sure to send back the way she felt about them.

  “I found baby oil in the medicine cabinet, thank the Fates,” Reece whispered, biting down on her shoulder lightly and smiling at the immediate groan that left her.

  Easing back, he flipped up the small, pink cap on the bottle of baby oil and poured a good amount of it onto his right palm. Pressing against Meeka’s body, he pushed the slick fluid inside of her, stretching her carefully with each insertion. Repeating the process several times, he was finally satisfied that Meeka’s body was ready to accept the both of them.

  “Ready, Mate?” he whispered against the back of her neck, kissing her lightly.

  “Yes,” Meeka answered, the breathy word ending on a low moan as Reece pressed inside of her, stretching her and filling her completely.

  When he was fully embedded within her, she panted quickly, closing her eyes and reveling in the feeling of finally being with both of her men once again. She must have been projecting her thoughts because both men hugged her tightly and sent their own happiness through to her.

  “Now, you’re where you both belong.”

  Her words were spoken barely above a whisper, but she knew that her men had heard her by the way they projected thoughts of belonging to her loud and clear in her mind. How had she ever thought she could live her life without them?

  “I’m ready for you to move,” she told them when she realized they were waiting for her to let them know she was okay.

  They took her at her word. Both men began moving in tandem, each one pushing deep before retreating. On each drag, they brushed against her pleasure spot, making her crazy with desire. She found herself moving her hips to accept them easily, loving that each of her movements made them growl against her shoulders. She knew it would only be a matter of moments before they claimed her again, and she wanted that moment with a desperation that astounded her.

  “Please,” she begged softly, grabbing for their hair and tugging them closer to her shoulders, screaming out her pleasure when they both bit into the sensitive flesh between her neck and shoulders.

  The pleasure that shot through the three of them at that moment was blinding. They remained still as ecstasy washed over them. Their seed shot deep inside of her in wave after wave of release, filling her with their warm essence. The pulsing of their cocks continued through three more bursts of cum, the white fluid leaking from her body even as they pressed tighter against her to hold everything inside of her. They sucked her blood into their mouths, drawing in her healing gift with each swallow. Their growls of possession filled the room as their seed filled her body. It was beautiful. It was right.

  Meeka gasped as their cocks swelled and knotted, locking them securely within her. Her heart raced as her orgasm ebbed and her men held her gently between them. Both men lapped at her shoulders, sealing their bites and pressing soft kisses to her skin. She gave herself over to their care, her body completely pliant between them.

  “Nice,” she whispered.

  “Very nice,” Wade agreed, pressing his lips against her forehead and humming softly.

  “You’re ours, Mate,” Reece told her as he carefully brushed aside her long hair and kissed the back of her neck with utmost tenderness.

  Meeka could only smile. She rested against Wade and allowed the pleasure of finally being reunited with her mates to wash over her. She could feel how her anxieties were already eased. She didn’t feel shaky. She didn’t feel worried. She didn’t feel alone. What she felt was love.

  Chapter 31

  Meeka smiled at the young couple who sat in the booth before her. It was nearly ten o’clock at night. She knew that the cook was going to be shutting down the kitchen so that the restaurant could be closed by eleven. Saturdays were always late nights for her. She never really minded working late before, but now that she had Eric and was pregnant with her daughter she couldn’t help but feel a little resentful. She wanted to stay home and tuck her son into bed each night. She wanted to get enough sleep so that her daughter would be healthy. She wanted to be home with her mates and make a loving home with them.

  We want that, too, little one, Reece’s gentle thought caressed her mind.

  We’ll be home soon, Wade added, projecting a picture of them sitting in their living room, relaxing on their couch with Eric playing before them much like the vision they had shared once before.

  Meeka turned and looked over her shoulder, smiling at her two men as they sat in the far corner of the restaurant in a large circular booth that held not only themselves, but also Nathaniel and Brett, Ryker and Garrett, and Cammy and Eric. Eric was sound asleep against Reece’s chest, and Wade was leaning against him and rubbing his face across the top of Eric’s black curls. A surge of love rushed through her as she saw how her men always loved to cuddle with him.

  Turning back to her customers, she smiled as happiness spilled from her. “I’ll only be able to put in a food order for the next five minutes before they stop serving for the night,” she told them. “Do you know what you’d like?”

  “We would like to share an apple crisp dessert,” the young man said.

  “Would you be able to put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top?” the young woman asked, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness. “Maybe two scoops?”

  “Sure, no problem,” Meeka told them, loving the feeling of happiness that surrounded the young couple. “Would you like coffee or tea?”

  “No, thanks,” the young man said for them both. He reached out and took the woman’s hand in his. “No caffeine for you or the baby.”

  The woman beamed with happiness. “You don’t have to stop drinking coffee because of me, honey,” she said softly, squeezing his hand and smiling at his thoughtfulness.

  “Congratulations!” Meeka said happily. “I wish you the best.” She smiled and looked down at the young couple. “I’ll go and place your order.”

  Turning, she walked quickly to the kitchen and dropped off the young couple’s order. Thinking about the news that they had shared with her about the woman being pregnant, she smiled secretly as she covered her belly with her hand and th
ought about the daughter that Reece and Wade had created with her. She was looking forward to holding her baby, nursing her, and loving her. She knew Reece and Wade were going to be wonderful with their little girl just as they were with Eric.

  “Here you go, Meeka,” Jimmy told her as he handed her the plate with the apple crisp on it. It was piled high with an extra serving of the dessert and three scoops of ice cream. “I’m closing the kitchen now.”

  “Okay, Jimmy. Have a good night.”

  “You, too, Meeka,” Jimmy said, smiling widely. “It’s been nice working with you. Good luck in your new home.”

  “Thanks, Jimmy. I’ve enjoyed working with you, too.”

  Jimmy gave her a quick hug then turned to head back to his work station. He had a lot of work to do before he went home. Meeka always felt sorry that the man had to keep such late hours. She knew he was a married man who had three children. She thought about Reece and Wade and realized that she would not want them to be away from her every night in order to make a living. She realized how lucky she was that their future together would be different.

  Each night after work for the past two weeks, she had returned home to her sister’s apartment. Wade and Reece had spent every night with her, waiting in the restaurant for her to finish her shift. Nathaniel and Brett had been constant companions to them as they watched over Kaley. Meeka smiled as she thought about the way her sister fussed over the lack of independence, but Meeka knew that her sister actually enjoyed having the men look out for her. No one had ever cared about them the way the men from Beckett’s wolf pack cared about them. Even Cammy was becoming more relaxed around Garrett and Ryker. They spent every day with her as she watched over Eric. They colored in Eric’s coloring books with him, read him stories, created with his small plastic blocks, and even went outside and played with him in the snow. Meeka could tell that the two quiet men were really caring and protective of all of them—especially Cammy and Eric. She could also tell that Cammy recognized that as well. Meeka saw Cammy looking at the two men with obvious interest when she thought the men weren’t watching her.

  Walking back out into the dining area, she brought the apple crisp to the couple in the booth that sat in front of the large windows in the front of the restaurant. Placing the platter between them, she handed them two spoons and smiled.

  “Enjoy,” she told them.

  “We will,” the young man said, taking a good helping of the ice cream and apple crisp and holding it out to his wife. “Here, honey. You first.”

  Meeka smiled and turned away, walking back to the greeting station where her sister stood. Kaley was tallying sales receipts. She was smiling as she looked down at the numbers before her.

  “Caught ya!” Meeka teased her.

  Kaley startled and looked up at her sister, unable to keep the blush from her face. “Caught me doing what?” she snapped, unable to make her voice very serious.

  “Thinking about your mates,” Meeka said gently. “It’s okay, Kales. I get the same goofy expression on my face when I think about my men.”

  “They’re not my men or my mates,” Kaley denied.

  “Okay, honey. Whatever you say,” Meeka said softly. “You’re going to need some time to adjust. Just don’t hurt them by pushing them away. They really do care about you already. I know it seems fast, but that’s just the way it happens when you find your mates.” She reached out and touched her sister’s hand lightly. “Don’t be afraid to love them. They’re really good guys, Kales.”

  Kaley pulled her hand away and gathered up the receipts. “Yeah, well, that remains to be seen, Meeks.” She closed the register drawer and locked it. “For now, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt because they’ve been pretty protective of all of us. But I’m not believing all of this mate crap.”

  “Do they smell good to you?” Meeka asked, stopping her from continuing with her denial.

  Kaley looked at her and hesitated. “They smell okay,” she admitted.

  “Just okay?” Meeka asked, her voice skeptical.

  “Well,” Kaley hedged.

  “Kales, do they or do they not smell so good you want to follow them all over town and lick every inch of their bodies?”

  Kaley looked at her sister in complete shock. “Meeka!” she was finally able to sputter out. “You’re as bad as they are!”

  Meeka couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, Kaley. You have no idea how much fun it is to watch you get flustered,” she said quietly. “You’ve finally found your matches in those men.”

  “Wolves,” Kaley corrected her.

  “Yes. Wolves,” Meeka admitted. “Are you okay with that, honey?”

  Kaley shrugged in indifference. “I don’t really know,” she admitted. “You seem to be okay with it.”

  “I am,” Meeka said honestly, her voice soft as she looked over at the circular booth in the corner that housed her men and her son. “How can I help but love that magical side of them? They’re wonderful men. They love me and Eric and want a future with us. They love the baby I’m carrying. Their wolves are a part of them just as the color of their eyes and the color of their hair are.” She turned back to face her sister, her eyes sparkling with emotions as she looked at her. “Wait until you see how all the members of the pack family treat each other, Kales. They really care about each other. It doesn’t matter that they’re not related by blood. They’re family.”

  “That’s nice,” Kaley whispered.

  “Yeah. It really is. And they’ll accept you and Cammy with open arms,” Meeka told her with conviction. “Their alpha is Jace Beckett, and their beta is Jackson Scott. They’re mated to Laurie Young. You’re going to like all of them. They’re honest, protective people. But you know what’s more important than that?”


  “When you see them together, you’ll see how much they love each other,” Meeka said softly. “All of the triad mates are the same way. You’ll see how wonderful it is to be a part of a triad mating, and you’ll want that for yourself.”

  Kaley didn’t answer. She didn’t know what to say. Her sister had never given her any reason to doubt her word or her opinion, but Kaley was still wary. She didn’t know if she could allow her protective shields to lower. The only reason she had survived over the years was because of those shields.

  “Don’t worry so much, honey,” Meeka said, interrupting her sister’s heavy thinking. “Just let it happen.”

  “I don’t know if I can, Meeka.”

  “You don’t have to decide anything right this very minute,” Meeka promised her. “Just enjoy being with Nathaniel and Brett. We have a long trip ahead of us. Give it some time. Get settled at the ranch and make friends there. You’ll see that there’s not a dishonest bone in any of them. They’re genuine people, and they’ll all be there to help and support you.”

  Kaley nodded and pushed at her sister’s shoulder when she saw that the last remaining couple in the restaurant was trying to gain Meeka’s attention. “Go on and give them their check,” she told her. “Once they’re gone, we can finish up here and go home.”

  Meeka smiled and walked toward the young couple, knowing her sister had just shut down their conversation. That was okay. She wouldn’t push her. Kaley would see for herself once they were on their way to the Circle Three Ranch. When they finally arrived home, Kaley would meet the pack family and know that they were supportive and kind.

  The trip out there would serve to give her more time to get to know Nathaniel and Brett. It would take the better part of a week to make the long drive. Kaley should have a pretty good idea of the type of men and wolves Nathaniel and Brett were by the time they reached the ranch, and Meeka was certain that her sister was going to be very pleased with the honest and decent men that they were. She was looking forward to the time when her sister finally met Nathaniel’s and Brett’s wolves.

  She walked over to the young couple and smiled down at them. “Your bill is on me,” she said quietly. “Good luck with your

  Before the couple could protest, Meeka made her way over to the far booth. She leaned against the side of it and smiled as Reece immediately leaned into her and kissed her belly. Wade reached for her hand and kissed her inner wrist before biting down on it gently. Meeka couldn’t help but blush at their display of love but none of the men in the booth found anything unusual in her mates’ behavior.

  “Just give us a few minutes, and Kaley and I will be ready to leave,” she said softly, seeing how Eric was sound asleep on Reece’s shoulder and Cammy was dozing between Ryker and Garrett. To see Cammy so comfortable with the men made Meeka hopeful that everything would work out with her and the two men who had their own issues of abuse they’ve had to deal with. It seemed as if Alpha Randall’s cruelty had been inflicted upon so many. It was absolutely horrible that one sadistic man had affected so many lives.

  “Why do you smell like another man?” Reece interrupted her thoughts.

  “I do?”

  The growls of disapproval that came from her men made her take a step back in surprise. When both men slid out of the booth to stand before her, she couldn’t help but get a little angry. They must be smelling Jimmy on her. She had just given him a quick hug. How could his scent be on her and be so noticeable?

  “I hugged our cook Jimmy to say good-bye,” Meeka told them, crossing her arms across her chest and staring at them with her right eyebrow cocked as if daring them to say something to her about it.

  “No man hugs you but us,” Wade said, his deep voice low as he stepped toward her.

  “Listen, buster,” Meeka said, poking Wade’s chest with her index finger. “I hugged Jimmy. Get over it. There was nothing romantic about it. I was just saying good-bye to a friend.” She reached up and grabbed Wade’s hair and tugged on it. She looked up at him, her eyes flashing with anger and frustration. “You need to trust me. I would never look at any other men or want any other men. Don’t you know that?” She looked at Reece and saw the relief that was evident on his handsome face. “Do you really have that little faith in me?”


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