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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 33

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Okay, baby?” he whispered against her neck.

  “More than okay,” Meeka answered, reaching back to thread her fingers through his thick hair and tug him closer.

  Wade moved his hips, dragging his cock from her body then pressing back in and pushing deep. At Meeka’s encouraging moans, he pulled out and snapped his hips to bury himself deep once again.

  Meeka was amazed that something she had always thought of as forbidden was so exciting. It felt so good, and she knew that it was because Wade took her in that way with complete love. Pushing back against him, she gasped as he snapped his hips and buried his cock deep inside of her once again. She closed her eyes as pleasure raced through her with every movement that Wade executed.

  Wade slid his hands beneath Meeka’s body, holding her protectively against him so that her body didn’t slam against the counter with each of his thrusts. He thought of the gentleness of their woman and the beauty of her body and knew he could never cause her any pain because of his lovemaking. Holding her carefully, he surged into her over and over again, pushing them both toward their release. When he felt Meeka’s body tightening, he knew her orgasm was imminent. Pressing his face against Meeka’s shoulder, he kissed her neck lightly.

  “I’m going to claim you again, baby,” he whispered, licking at her shoulder and opening his mouth, his canines dropping at the temptation of her soft skin and her delicious scent.

  “Please,” Meeka begged, arching her back and pressing her shoulder firmly against Wade’s mouth. She needed him to claim her again. She wanted to be reminded that she belonged to him. She wanted to belong to him and Reece forever.

  Wade pressed deep inside of Meeka, drawing her body up to stand before him, biting down on her shoulder over his mating mark and holding her firmly while his canines pierced her skin. She moaned in pleasure as her entire body shook with her release. Wade drew in her blood, drinking greedily as his heart raced with pleasure and his seed shot from him. Meeka pulled his hair, holding him tight against her shoulder. Her entire body was shaking. He had to hold her firmly so that she wouldn’t fall. Resting his left hand on the counter, he pulled her back against him to hold her in place as his cock swelled and the mating knot took hold.

  Meeka groaned and pressed back against Wade, glad for his strength as her knees buckled beneath her. Wade growled against her shoulder, his claiming bite connecting them once again and strengthening their bond, sending a pure white light of connection through both of them. Closing his eyes, he allowed the feelings of love and contentment that rushed from Meeka to float into him through the beautiful white ribbons of their bond and surround his heart.

  He held her tenderly, slowly stroking her body as they both calmed. He could feel the chill that raced through her as her body cooled from their intense joining. Lifting her carefully, he walked them both into the shower and turned on the warm water. He began to wash her hair and her body, still intimately joined with her.

  He soaped his hands and ran them lightly over her breasts, squeezing just enough to pull a soft whimper from her. His tenderness undid her. She relaxed against him and accepted his loving touch, smiling as he spoiled her. She closed her eyes and gave herself the pleasure of doing absolutely nothing except enjoy his tenderness and his love.

  Wade’s touch was soothing and gentle. He held her carefully, making sure that she was steady and safe. The white tendrils of their bond were gentle as they held the two of them together. When she thought about the bond, she always felt both men surrounding her with their care, their concern, their happiness, and their love. Sighing deeply, she realized just how lucky she was. She shared her happiness with her mates, feeling their immediate joy through their bond.

  You make me happy, little one, Reece’s voice filled her mind.

  I think you need to get into this shower with us and show me, Reece, she told him, her voice teasing but edged with desire.

  Wade nuzzled against the side of her neck, kissing it lightly and growling. Her heart raced with excitement at the sexiness of him. When the shower door slid open to reveal Reece standing there completely naked and fully aroused, she did a little bit of her own growling.

  As her men surrounded her and kissed her neck, biting down on her shoulders lightly, she realized that her life was perfect because of these men, her son, and the family that they were creating.

  She could definitely get used to this.

  Chapter 34

  Eric’s laughter echoed across the playground as he ran and jumped into a large snow bank. Meeka laughed softly as she watched Reece and Wade bound toward their son in their wolf forms. The way they circled Eric and pushed at him with their snouts was absolutely adorable. Each time Eric threw snow at them and tried to grab for their tails or their heads, her mates jumped away then barked and raced away from their little boy only to run back toward him and push him into the snow or kick snow up at him.

  “Daddy! Poppa! I’m going to get you!” Eric called to them as he chased them both, picking up a sloppy handful of snow and doing his best to form a snowball and throw it at them.

  There was a flurry of movement as more wolves joined the snow fight and bounded across the playground to tease and chase all the children of the pack family who laughed and screeched with delight. Meeka covered her mouth to stifle her laugh as she watched Eric reach out and grab for Tammy’s hand to pull her under the jungle gym. Laughter escaped him as Tammy’s future triad mates Seth and Ben joined them to help them form a supply of snowballs to throw at the men of the pack. All of the children were completely comfortable with and unafraid of the powerful wolves.

  Only Simon Morrow, Warren Conway, Eli Granger, and Maxwell Oliver didn’t join in on the fun. The four men who had been enforcers for Alpha Randall’s pack remained in their human forms and took protective stances around the perimeter of the playground. Meeka felt sorry for the men. They were good men, but they often kept to themselves. All of them were harboring some level of guilt for having been enforcers for Randall for so long. They felt deep guilt that they had been a part of his cold and abusive reign of power as he had ruled over the members of his pack. Even meeting Abbey’s friends Synthia and Shelly hadn’t eased their guilt. They were all meant to be together and form triads. Both Synthia and Shelly wouldn’t acknowledge the growing bond. Meeka didn’t really understand why either woman would ignore their chance for happiness. It seemed that the men were doing the same. It was disheartening to see the way they all kept themselves apart from each other.

  Meeka snuck a peek at Synthia and Shelly as they looked out at the children and saw that the women were silently watching the men who were destined to be theirs. Seeing the sadness in both women, Meeka wondered if the Fates were ever going to step in and help them with their destined mates.

  Mother Fate, can you maybe help Synthia and Shelly? They need someone to nudge them along, Meeka whispered the thought to the kind woman.

  Give them time, my child, Mother Fate’s voice whispered in her mind. They will find their way to each other.

  I’m glad, Meeka said with relief. They’re all so nice. But they’re all so sad.

  I know, Meeka. But all will turn out for the best. They will help each other heal.

  A soft caress touched Meeka’s cheek before the warmth of the kind woman faded away. She smiled as she realized that Mother Fate was still very much a part of this pack and the people within it. Turning to look at the women, she realized that she felt such love for all of them. Life had been hard for her, but she had been blessed with a wonderful group of people to call her family and two loving men to share her future with.

  Kaley snorted and burst out laughing when Ben threw a snowball and it hit Nathaniel square in the snout. “Good for you, Ben!” she shouted through the closed glass of the sliding door of the family lodge. “Throw one at Brett!”

  Meeka couldn’t help but enjoy the impromptu snow fight. She turned to look at her sister and saw how much fun Kaley was having watching the kids play
with the wolves. Even Cammy was enjoying herself. It was good that Cammy had finally been a little more accepting of the wolf shifter community. The poor woman had certainly had a jolt to her life. To be taken away from her home and her abusive father had been a good thing. To find that Garrett and Ryker were her destined mates was something that she was still struggling with. Actually, so was Kaley.

  Her sister was fighting the mate pull with Nathaniel and Brett with everything in her. Meeka knew that to fight a destined love was a foolish thing. You couldn’t deny what was meant to be. But Kaley would have to learn that lesson on her own. Meeka was sure that Nathaniel and Brett were determined to help her learn that she was mean to be theirs.

  To see Kaley so happy that the kids were pelting her future mates with snow made Meeka know that Kaley may be full of bluster and bravado about not wanting Nathaniel and Brett, but Meeka could see how much Kaley enjoyed their teasing and the way they brought fun into the lives of the many members of the pack family. Meeka knew that Kaley was also deeply affected by the gentleness and the kindness of Nathaniel and Brett. Their personalities were perfect matches for hers. It would only be a matter of time before she allowed them to claim her. Well, Meeka hoped that was the case. She wanted her sister to be as happy as she was.

  “Throw another one, Ben!” Kaley shouted, laughing as Ben did just that and nailed Brett with one throw to his head.

  “Kaley, you’re bloodthirsty!” Meeka teased her sister.

  “Oh, shush!” Kaley said, snorting with laughter as Brett received a snowball to the butt. “Get him again, Ben!” When Brett swiped at his face with his paw to try to remove the snow from his forehead, Kaley had to sit down at the kitchen table because she was laughing so hard.

  Kaley watched with excitement, unable to keep the amazement she was feeling contained as she was witnessing the miracle before her. The wolves out there were huge. They were powerful. They were beautiful. And they were men! How was it possible that such a magical world existed?

  The women all laughed at Kaley’s encouragement. The fun was infectious. Not only were the women having fun watching their men play with the children of the pack, but each of the men was showing what wonderful fathers they were or could be. Not only were they fun, they were considerate and caring of every cub out there. They nudged them toward the playground, making sure that they all kept together. They huddled the children between them to keep them warm, and they showed compassion and caring if the little ones fell down or couldn’t roll and throw a snowball like the older cubs.

  Cammy edged closer to the glass and gasped when she saw Garrett’s white wolf stumble and slam against one of the wooden legs of the jungle gym. Ryker’s black wolf was by his side within a heartbeat, nuzzling against Garrett’s side as he waited for his triad partner to stand. Jace’s huge black wolf and Jackson’s equally huge brown wolf padded over to the two newest members of their pack and waited to ensure that Garrett wasn’t injured. Laurie noticed that Drew’s, Carter’s, and Mitchell’s wolves stood beside the downed wolf and waited patiently for him to indicate if he needed any help or medical attention. She was proud of her son’s triad partner. He was a kind and caring man. Once Garrett stood and chuffed at the wolves who surrounded him, they returned their attention to the cubs of the pack.

  “Do you think he’s okay?” Cammy whispered, her hands fisted against the cold glass as she watched the powerful white wolf limp away from the playground for just a moment before he turned and ran toward the children to play with them once again.

  “Ryker made sure he was fine,” Meeka said gently. “So did Jace and Jackson.”

  “Drew, Carter, and Mitchell made sure that Garrett didn’t need medical attention,” Laurie spoke up, pointing to her son Dean’s triad partner who was also Suzie’s brother. “He’s such a good kid. I’m going to miss him when he leaves next week to go to college, but I’ll be glad that he’ll be with Dean and Mia. I know they miss him.”

  “You miss all of the kids, Mommy Laurie,” Suzie said gently, knowing how much Laurie missed her son and daughter.

  “Yeah, I do,” Laurie admitted. “But they’re going for their dreams, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” She looked at all of the women and saw the sad smiles that looked back at her. “Don’t be like that. The most important things I taught both of my children is to be independent and go for what you want in life. I’m living my dream right now. I’m very happy.”

  “We all are,” Abbey said softly.

  It was quiet for a moment as the women viewed the men of the pack, each one thankful for the love and happiness that they had found with them. Not one of them would change how their life had turned out. Each one of them may not have expected to find such a loving triad bond, but they were thankful for it and held onto it tightly.

  “I’m worried,” Cammy said softly, looking out at the two men she was drawn to with such a fierce calling. She saw how Garrett was limping slightly as he ran to chase Eric and Tammy.

  “Garrett is a strong man, Cammy,” Laurie told her gently. “Don’t ever doubt him. His leg doesn’t define him.”

  Cammy nodded and did her best to keep her emotions under control. Her worry for the two men who had shown her nothing but kindness and tenderness since she had met them was something she was determined to keep to herself. She was careful to keep her face turned away from the rest of the women. She was too confused about what she was feeling as it was. She didn’t want to discuss anything with anyone just yet.

  She didn’t know if she would ever reach a level of comfort where she would ever be able to talk about it. All she could think about was how nice Ryker and Garrett were, how gentle and protective they were, and the sweet way they melted whenever she stole a quick kiss from them. She really didn’t know how she could be so bold. It was shocking to her that she even wanted to be close to them, let alone kiss them. But she did.

  Cammy blinked in shock as she saw Ryker nip at Garrett’s twisted leg and leap away as Garrett turned and snapped at him. Ryker growled at Garrett and butted him with his nose, turning and running as Garrett chased him. When Garrett leaped high and came down on top of Ryker’s back, Cammy let out a squeak of protest, ready to call Ryker to task for his poor treatment of his triad partner. She was about to open the door to storm out onto the back deck when she saw Garrett pin Ryker to the snow, covering his torso with his thick body and opening his mouth to clamp down on Ryker’s throat.

  Ryker’s wolf went still and waited while Garrett exerted his dominance. After a moment, he released his hold and stepped back. Ryker stood slowly, waiting for Garrett to turn away before pouncing on him and wrestling him to the ground, quickly clamping his teeth around Garrett’s neck and holding him in place. Garrett’s paws came up and pressed at Ryker’s snout almost as if he was pushing him away in a non-threatening way.

  To Cammy’s utter amazement, Ryker released his hold on Garrett and stood back, waiting for Garret to stand and start walking back toward the playground. Both wolves picked up their pace, jogging slowly back to the children. When she saw the way the two of them bumped each other and pressed into the other’s shoulders, she realized that this was the exchange of power that truly defined their partnership. Both men were dominant. Both men were equals. There was no disability that separated the two. They were strong wolves and men, and Cammy was so proud of both of them.

  “I think the men are ready to come inside,” Nikki spoke up, seeing the way the wolves were herding the children toward the back deck.

  “I think they’ll be craving something warm when they come in,” Martha said as she walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a gallon of milk. “I think the cubs would love some hot chocolate.”

  “So will the men,” Laurie added, smiling as she walked toward the cabinet and opened it to reach for the giant container of hot chocolate mix. “Martha, do we have any marshmallows? Jace and Jackson love them.”

  Meeka laughed softly as she helped the women set out mugs and dishes
. “Eric loves the mini marshmallows,” she said quietly. “So do Reece and Wade.”

  “Hunter and Clay do, too,” Abbey added.

  “Adrian and Colin will fight them for their share,” Julia said, laughing softly as she patted her baby son’s back as he rested against her chest.

  “Oh, come on. Everyone loves them,” Nikki told them as she walked over to the cabinet and pulled out the two packages of mini deliciousness.

  Before any of the women could comment, the sliding glass door to the deck was opened and the children that had been playing outside rushed inside. The wolves behind them nudged them inside despite their protests and giggles. Gathering the kids together, there was a flurry of the removal of coats and boots and hats and gloves, until every child was brought into the kitchen and seated at the table. Their little faces were smiling and displayed rosy cheeks.

  “Did you have fun?” Laurie asked them as she placed two giant platters that were piled high with freshly backed oatmeal cookies onto the table.

  “We need to have another contest,” Seth spoke up as he reached forward and snagged three cookies. He handed one to Tammy, one to Ben, and kept the last one for himself. “I think Jace and Jackson cheated.”

  The growls of the wolves as they entered the kitchen made all of them smile. Jace’s huge black wolf walked over to Seth and nipped at his shoulder, making Seth jump.

  “You know you cheated, Jace,” Seth told him quickly, offering him a cookie to appease him. “You and Jackson smashed our pile of snowballs. You can’t say that’s not cheating. How were we supposed to defend ourselves if you destroyed our ammunition?”

  “You can discuss that after all of you have gone into the laundry room and shift,” Martha told them firmly. “You’re tracking snow and mud all over my kitchen.”


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