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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 39

by Lynnette Bernard

  He eyed the gun then looked at the two men who were watching him. He saw the hatred in their eyes. It didn’t bother him in the least. He was used to the hatred and jealousy of others. It just made him more determined to get what he wanted.

  Lunging for the gun, he grabbed it and tried to wrestle it from Maxwell’s grip. The shifter named Eli slammed at him from behind, sending them all sprawling to the ground. He tightened his grip on the gun, determined to be the winner in this fight.

  He felt the tightening of the shifter Maxwell’s hand covering his and knew that he was probably going to have broken bones. He howled in frustration, squeezing his fingers and firing the gun. The explosion of it sent them both slamming backward onto the ground. He got up. The other shifter did not.

  Making the only choice he could, Ethan shifted quickly and started to run from the area. He stumbled slightly as his clothes twisted around his wolf form. Growling in anger and frustration, he tore at the material with his claws and teeth until he was free from it and turned to race away. He was tackled from behind, sending him forward to skid across the dirt floor of the forest.

  Twisting his body, he found himself pinned by the large body of a white wolf. It stood over him with teeth bared and saliva dripping from its open mouth. He bared his belly instantly, submitting to the stronger wolf. When the wolf slowly backed off him, he rose to his feet and put his head on his paws to signify that he was no longer a threat. When the white wolf straightened, he saw his opportunity and grabbed for it, lunging at the wolf and clamping his jaws around the shifter’s neck. He bit down with all the strength he had. This wolf was going to die.

  Eli growled, his wolf furious at having been fooled. Never again. This piece of shit was going to pay for everything he had ever done in his life to hurt or cause pain to anyone. He thought of their beautiful woman, bruised and bloody, looking at him and Maxwell with such sorrow as she turned away from them and left their lives. He thought about Meeka and Eric being taken and terrorized by him. He thought about his triad partner Max injured and possibly dying because of this shifter’s cold cruelty. Enough. He had had enough.

  When Webber’s teeth broke through the fur and skin of his neck, Eli lost all control. His wolf took over. He became the killer that he had been trained to be. Twisting his body, he removed himself from Webber’s hold. In a practiced move, he reversed their positions. Gripping Webber’s neck with his open mouth, he exerted just enough pressure to let the wolf know he wasn’t going to survive this fight. He did it slowly, increasing the pressure and watching as the wolf below him realized his fate. When Webber sliced at his underbelly with his claws, he howled in pain as his stomach was opened wide.

  He did the only thing that he could do. He ripped out Webber’s throat and spit the offending fur and cartilage from his mouth. Looking down at the dead wolf, he felt no remorse. He only felt disgust with himself. He was nothing more than a killing machine.

  Jace and Jackson realized that things had drastically changed from the time they had left Eli and Maxwell guarding Ethan Webber the moment they entered the clearing in front of the cabin. Eli was sitting on the ground beside Maxwell as he lay still in his wolf form. Ethan was also in his wolf form lying in the center of the patch of dirt directly in front of the cabin. His throat had been ripped out.

  Not good, Jace, Jackson’s voice echoed in his head.

  No. Not good at all, Jace responded. We need to get the cub away from this.

  “That’s the bad wolf who took me and Mommy,” Eric said softly, tugging on Jace’s fur as he pressed himself tightly against Jace’s neck. He could scent the bad man in his wolf form. The man that his mother had called Ethan smelled like old fish. Eric didn’t like fish. He didn’t like old fish even more. And he didn’t like the man or the wolf named Ethan.

  Jace called upon his magic and shifted back to his human form, careful to pull Eric into his arms and hold him securely against his chest. He could feel the way the little boy’s heart was pounding within his chest and growled softly, rubbing his cheek over the top of Eric’s head to calm both the little boy and himself.

  Looking at Jackson, he saw his triad partner shift and go to retrieve their clothes that were neatly folded on the hood of the truck. He dressed quickly and brought Jace’s clothes back to him.

  “Come here, Eric,” Jackson said softly, reaching out and smiling as Eric went to him without hesitation.

  “Jackson, did the bad wolf hurt Mommy?” Eric asked quietly.

  Both Jace and Jackson could smell the fear in the cub and knew a moment of anger so intense that they had to focus on releasing it so they wouldn’t frighten the boy any further. Jackson reached up and gently caressed the little boy’s black hair and hugged him tightly.

  “No, your mommy, your daddy, and your poppa are in the truck,” he told him calmly. “I think they’re pretty anxious to see you, cub.”

  Eric lifted his head and looked at the truck. A bright smile covered his face when he saw his parents sitting in the back seat of Jace’s truck.

  “Mommy!” he called out, waving when she looked at him and waved. “Look, Jackson. Mommy is okay.”

  “She sure is, cub,” Jackson said, chuckling softly. He was amazed by the resiliency of this little boy. “Let’s go and say hi. I bet your mom and your fathers want to hold you right now.”

  Eric patted Jackson’s chest happily. “Yes. I want to hug them.”

  Walking over to the truck, Jackson said a silent prayer of thanks to the Fates. They were all safe. He wasn’t so sure about Simon, Warren, Eli, or Maxwell, but he hoped that they would be okay.

  Jace walked toward Eli as he cradled Maxwell’s head in his lap. He began to dress as he took in the situation before him. He could see that Maxwell had been shot and knew that the gunshot that they had heard must have been the cause of the injury that his newest enforcer had received.

  “What happened, Eli?” he asked calmly.

  “Webber grabbed for the gun,” Eli answered, his voice angry. “He and Max struggled and the gun went off.” He looked down at his triad partner and saw that his side was still bleeding profusely despite the fact that he had been able to shift and initiate the healing process. “I took the bullet out with my claw. I hope I got it out in time.”

  “There’s a good possibility that you did,” Jace offered. “We need to get him back to pack land so Drew can take care of him.”

  Eli nodded. He looked up at Jace and couldn’t help but show him the depth of his worry and anguish. “Webber shifted and tried to get away when I grabbed for Max. I couldn’t let him get away, Alpha.”

  Jace nodded, stepping forward and touching the back of Eli’s neck in reassurance. “You did what you had to do, Eli,” he said quietly. “There was no dishonor in your actions.”

  Eli nodded and looked back down at Max. “He can’t die, Jace,” he whispered.

  “He won’t,” Jace said firmly, his deep voice resonating through Eli as he sent the power of his magic through him. “We need to get him into the bed of the truck. We need to get him home.”

  Eli nodded and stood carefully. He leaned down to pick up his unconscious partner, but Jace pushed him aside gently and reached down to gather Maxwell’s massive black wolf, lift him into his arms, and carry him carefully to the bed of his truck.

  Eli reached out and opened the tailgate, stepping up into the bed and helping Jace place Max within it as comfortably as he could. Eli sat beside his triad partner and waited while Jace secured the tailgate.

  “Thank you, Alpha,” he said firmly.

  Jace only nodded and walked around to the driver’s side door. He needed to get them all home. Looking at the body of Ethan Webber, he shook his head as anger laced through him. He was not about to waste any time taking care of the dead shifter. He had pack family to get home. They needed medical attention.

  Growling softly, he opened the truck door and climbed inside. Once his people were taken care of and he was assured that all of them were well,
he would send Alexander and Butler to clean up this mess. For now, nothing and no one was more important than getting home.

  Jackson watched in silence as Jace dealt with Eli and Maxwell. He could feel the anger and the worry in his triad partner. He knew Jace would assure Eli that he had done the right thing. It was the only thing he could do in order to ensure that Webber didn’t get away and commit unspeakable acts of horror to anyone else. It would take all of them time to heal from this experience, but Jackson was certain that being back with the rest of their pack would be the key in helping them to remember the goodness in their lives.

  Looking at Eli and Max as they sat in the bed of the truck, Jackson realized that both men had been hurting for a long time. He suspected it was because of a lost mate, but he wasn’t certain. It was something he was going to find out about once Max was completely healed. He knew Jace was concerned about all the new enforcers from Randall’s old pack. Not because he didn’t trust them. They both could feel the honor and goodness in each of the men. What concerned them was the intense sorrow and feelings of isolation that was deep within each of them.

  Turning, he walked to the back door of the truck and opened it wide, smiling when he saw the newest family member that was waiting to meet them. Meeka looked tired but happy. Reece and Wade looked the happiest he had ever seen them.

  “Mommy, you have Maizy with you!” Eric said happily as Jackson lifted him into the back of the truck to settle him within Wade’s arms.

  Wade shifted their daughter in his arms so that he could cuddle Eric against him as well. He looked down at the two cubs and knew perfection. He gazed at Meeka as she rested within Reece’s arms as he cradled her in his lap and realized that they were truly a family.

  Eric leaned forward and held Maizy’s hand carefully. “She’s pretty,” he said quietly.

  “She sure is,” Wade agreed. “Mommy did a good job, didn’t she, Eric?”

  Eric nodded and smiled at his sister. “Wow, Mommy. You did a very good job. I have a really great little sister.”

  “Thank you, baby,” Meeka whispered, smiling tiredly. “You know what, honey? Your sister has a really great big brother.”


  Meeka snuggled between her men and sighed. They held her gently between them, leaning against the side of her head, breathing in her scent and purring softly. It was the cutest damn thing. She loved catching them so content and innocent. They adamantly refused to believe how they purred in their sleep, and she allowed them to have their fantasy. She knew better. She had two contented kitty cats.

  “Wolves, baby,” Wade corrected her, whispering against her ear.

  Meeka laughed and turned to hug him. “I’m very aware that you’re wolf, Wade,” she told him gently. “You’re my wolf.”

  “I am,” he agreed, smiling. He never opened his eyes as he pulled her closer and kissed her lips lightly.

  Reece pressed against her back and kissed her neck lightly. “Meeka,” he whispered as he licked at his mating mark.


  “Want to love you.”

  Turning, she pulled her nursing nightgown over her head so she could feel his naked chest against hers then wrapped her arms around him. She kissed his lips tenderly before nibbling her way down his chin and biting the column of his throat with the exact amount of pressure that always made him crazy.

  His instant growl made her smile. She wanted to hear more sounds of pleasure from him. Kissing her way down his body, she licked at his nipples and played with them with the flat of her tongue before sucking them into her mouth and drawing them into hard peaks. She bit down on one lightly, drawing another growl from him.

  Continuing down his body, she traced the muscles of his stomach with her index finger as she kissed each framed area of strength. When she reached his waist, she pulled at his pajama pants and hummed with happiness as his shaft bounced free. She gripped it quickly and lapped up the bead of pre-cum that was already pooled at the broad head.

  “Little one,” he moaned. “Don’t, honey. I want to lose my seed inside of you.”

  “Next time,” she told him firmly, easing away from his cock only briefly before returning to her prize.

  Reaching out, she searched for Wade and found him, smiling as he entwined his fingers with hers. That was nice but not what she wanted at the moment. Pulling her hand free, she grabbed for the waistband of his pajamas and tugged at it, successfully dragging them down to his thighs and freeing his hard shaft. Before he could move away, she gripped him in a tight hold and began to pump his shaft.

  She was determined to make both of her men frantic with desire. They had done that to her just the night before. They wouldn’t let her touch them as they continually brought her to orgasm until she begged for them to fill her, which they finally did to her great satisfaction.

  I want you both to relax and let me love you, she whispered in their minds.

  “Whatever you want, baby,” Wade answered on a groan as she pumped his shaft slowly.

  Meeka pressed down, taking as much of Reece’s hard cock as she could. When the thickness of him hit the back of her throat, she took a breath and pressed harder, swallowing as he filled her throat.

  “Meeka!” he shouted, unable to control himself any longer.

  Gripping the sides of her head, he pumped into her mouth over and over again, unable to stop. He felt her encouragement and her excitement and knew that she didn’t want him to stop.

  “I’m going to come,” he told her, growling as his body tensed and his balls drew up tightly against his body.

  Her only answer was to press him deeper as she caressed his sac. That was all it took. He shouted as he came, his seed exploding from him as his cock throbbed with each release. She quickly swallowed each and every drop. When he had no more seed to give, she pulled off his shaft and kissed the head lightly before looking up at him and smiling.

  “Good job,” she teased him, laughing softly when his deep laughter filled their bedroom.

  Turning to Wade, her stomach clenched and her channel dripped with fluids as she saw the golden glow of his eyes and the need she saw within them. Without hesitation, she eased her body over his, settling between his legs and sucking his sac into her mouth to roll the delicate contents with utmost care.

  His moan of approval made her smile. When she pulled away and saw the way the heavy sac fell to rest between his legs, she hummed with appreciation. Rubbing her cheek across his sac, she breathed in his scent, nuzzling her nose into the curls that surrounded his cock. She loved the scent of him. She loved the scent of both of her mates. It made her feel safe. It also made her horny.

  She looked up and saw him smiling down at her. “You heard me just think that, didn’t you?” she asked him, not at all embarrassed that he heard how much he made her want him.

  “Every word,” he said, reaching down and touching her cheek lightly.

  Before he could say another word, she reached up to hold his shaft and tip it toward her mouth. She licked at the slit to gather his taste and hummed in appreciation. Opening her mouth, she took him inside and licked at the underside of his shaft as she took him over and over again. She didn’t take her time. She didn’t love him slowly. She felt his need to have her love him hard and fast, and she was determined to give him exactly what he needed.

  She squeaked in surprise as she felt her hips being grabbed and she was pulled to her knees so that her head was in Wade’s groin and her ass was in the air. Before she could ask Reece what he was going to do, she felt the swipe of his warm tongue along her pussy, pressing deep inside of her and making her shudder.

  She’s soaked, Wade, Reece’s satisfied voice filled their minds.

  Wade could only groan as Meeka took him to the back of her throat and swallowed. He could see the picture of her spread lips that Reece sent him and growled. It was the sexiest damned thing he had ever seen.

  Reece rose up onto his knees and took hold of his hard shaft and impaled h
imself deeply within their woman. The feel of his triad partner’s joy filled Wade. The feel of Meeka’s pleasure as it spiked through her was enough to send him over the edge into orgasmic bliss. He held Meeka’s head still as he emptied into her mouth, panting quickly as his body released his seed.

  Reece pulled Meeka up so that she leaned back against his chest, holding her in place with his forearm beneath her breasts. Before his shaft could soften, Wade took hold of it and pressed deep into their woman’s body, growling softly as they shared her.

  Claim me! Meeka shouted, gasping with pleasure as both men immediately struck, sending all three of them into a blinding, shared orgasm.

  As they sucked in her blood and whispered words of love in her mind, she lost control, bucking uncontrollably between them as her orgasm rolled through her. She felt their mating knots tighten, locking them in place and embedding their cocks deeply within her as they filled her with their seed. She felt their pleasure. She felt their possessive feelings for her. She felt their love.

  She would have said something to tell them how much she adored them but she couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence. Instead, she gave in to the bliss that washed over her. She closed her eyes and faded away, knowing that her men would take care of her.

  “She’s beautiful,” Reece whispered as they held their mate between them.

  “She’s ours,” Wade responded, smiling at his primitive tendencies.

  “I’m glad she didn’t give up on us,” Reece said quietly. “I know it was mostly my fault for being reluctant to claim her as our mate.”

  “I had the same reluctance, Reece. We were both right. We didn’t want to hurt her.”

  “I think we hurt her far worse by denying her.”

  Wade was quiet as he thought about the truth of his triad partner’s words.

  “Stop,” Meeka whispered, squeezing their forearms as they rested against her stomach.


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