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A Cuppa Cruise Conundrum: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book 7)

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by Constance Barker

  “Invitation to dine at the Captain’s table is no small event,” he said.

  “I know! I’m so excited about this. And tonight, the first night of the cruise. I’ll have to buy something to wear.”

  I couldn’t wear the dress I planned on wearing for the party. And I couldn’t wear shorts or ratty old jeans. I needed something elegant but not too formal. Good thing the ship had two dress shops. Jules and I could check them out after relaxing at the pool for a bit.

  “Can’t wait to see what you buy.”

  He swayed slightly and I pulled away to look at his face. The slight greenish tinge to his complexion was still there.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m not used to the motion of the boat.”

  Since we were still in port there was the slight almost minuscule rise of the boat when a wave hit. The ocean was calm today so there weren’t a lot of waves crashing into the hull. I didn’t notice any movement of the boat up, down or side-to-side. If he was getting seasick before we even left it did not bode well for the rest of the trip. I didn’t want him feeling ill the whole time and miss out on a great experience.

  “I’ll go to the ship’s store and pick you up something to help with the seasickness.”

  He straightened. “I’m not seasick.”

  “Right. Okay. You’re not, but just in case I’ll pick up something for you.”

  Before I could look at a map of the ship to find out where the shops were a piercing noise filled the corridors. A few sharp blasts followed by a longer one. Then the sound stopped. We hurried to the door to peer out into the corridor. What the heck was that?

  People piled out of their rooms and into the corridor all of them carrying their life vests. When an announcement from the captain came over the loud speakers instructing everyone to grab their vests and report to their muster stations, Eli and I grabbed the life vests and followed the others who had obviously done this before.

  Jules, my aunts and Toe and Harvey followed us down the corridor to an area where the rest of the passengers from our deck were gathered. A crewman stood at the front of the group on an elevated platform so everyone could see him. On a table to his right there was an orange life vest. Hushed conversations filled the air as people shifted to make room for other guests spilling into the area.

  “Since we all got an invitation to the captain’s table tonight I’m assuming you and Eli did too,” Jules whispered.

  I nodded. “We need to go shopping after we relax at the pool.”

  “Love that idea. I could use something new too. I only brought the one almost formal dress for the party.”

  “What’s going on?” Essie asked. “A woman needs to settle into her cabin.”

  “Safety drill,” Toe said. “They do them every cruise before it leaves port.”

  Essie huffed, a scowl crossing her face but I suspected she would prefer this than be in the dark if something happened. I was just as antsy to get on with the relaxing but it was like having to listen to the airline safety presentation before a plane took off. I looked around to make sure all the Sweet Home people were there and I spotted them all.

  The captain’s voice came over the speakers and led us through the safety demonstration. The crewman at the front pointed out where we would need to go if an emergency occurred. The General Emergency Signal we heard earlier would sound if something happened and we were to follow instructions. The last part of the demonstration after telling us the location of the lifeboats was to put on our vests to make sure we knew how.

  The bulky safety vest felt awkward and I couldn’t wait for the emergency lesson to be over so we could begin our vacation. Finally the captain concluded the safety drill and we were all free to go back to our rooms.

  “Thankful that’s over,” Jules said. “Swing by my room in fifteen minutes?” she asked me.

  I hesitated, glancing at Eli.

  “I’m fine. Go have fun with Jules. I’ll take it easy and drink some ginger ale or something.”

  “What’s wrong?” Hildie asked.

  “Slight case of seasickness,” I said.

  “Not seasickness,” Eli countered. “Getting my sea legs that’s all. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll take care of him,” Harvey said.

  Eli bristled and his face turned a little red, washing away the tinge of green. “I don’t need to be looked after. I just need a little rest.”

  My poor guy. Being a police officer he was use to taking care of other people. It was hard for him to accept help from others. I hoped a nap and a little ginger ale would help so he’d enjoy this vacation.

  Chapter Three

  We walked back to our cabins and I helped him settle into the bed. The others had disappeared into their rooms to get ready for their first day aboard ship. My aunts were meeting me and Jules by the pool. I doubted they would go in the water but they would expertly lounge and comment on the passengers walking by. Probably critique the food especially any baked goods that were available.

  "I think I might have some anti nausea medication in my purse," I said.

  I'd packed anything and everything I could think of that I might need, into the small suitcase. But I also popped some medication into my purse just in case as well. Getting a headache on the cruise and being unable to enjoy the trip was not my idea of fun so I had acetaminophen, muscle relaxer, anti nausea medication. Anything I thought I might need. I even had cough drops on the off chance I caught a cold.

  I dashed through the adjoining door and rummaged in my purse for the drugs. I grabbed a ginger ale from the mini fridge and brought them both to him. He sat up and took the medication offering me a brave smile.

  "Thanks. I should be better in no time. I'll be able to join you at the pool soon."

  I kissed him lightly on the lips. About to return to my room I stopped when a loud knock sounded on his door. I walked over to answer it, smiling at Harvey standing in the doorway.

  "How's he doing?"

  "He'll be okay. I gave him some anti nausea medication."

  "I'm right here!" Eli said.

  Ignoring his son, Harvey said, "I'll watch him for you."

  "I don't need to be watched," Eli said. "You'd think I caught the plague or something. It's just a little seasickness."

  "So it is seasickness," I said teasingly.

  "Maybe. A little. But it will pass."

  "I could keep you company while Lily hangs out at the pool," Harvey said.

  "Dad, go have fun. I’ll be down there in no time." When it looked like Harvey was going to protest Eli sat up straighter on the bed, a muscle in his jaw twitched and his expression hardened. "Have fun. I'll be there in a little while."

  Harvey shrugged then nodded. "Suit yourself. Cooped up here all alone while the rest of us enjoy the sun."

  "There will be plenty of sun left when I get there," Eli said.

  I kissed Eli and then pulled Harvey through the adjoining door into my room. I closed the connecting door to stop any temptation for Harvey to go back to Eli’s room then dashed into the bathroom to put on my bathing suit. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Emerging from the bathroom I grabbed my purse and made sure I had my sunglasses and sunscreen then we left in search of the pool with me feeling only a little guilty about leaving my fiancé alone in his room.

  Jules was already waiting at the end of the corridor apparently too eager to leave to wait for me in her stateroom. She stood with Essie, Hildie and Toe. We took the elevator to the pool deck.

  When the doors opened I got a whiff of chlorine and salt water. Not the overpowering scent of chlorine you'd get at a hotel pool but a light hint of the scent that led me to believe my eyes would not turn red and sting if I opened my eyes under water.

  We found a table with some lounge chairs by the pool in a perfect location to see most of the deck including the bar area. Since we'd just started to set sail it wasn't that crowded yet but I suspected it would fill in quickly once everyone got

  Jules found towels in a station against the far wall, grabbing one for each of us even though I didn't think the older couples would be venturing into the water.

  Essie and Hildie sat at the table and I plunked down my purse, sunscreen and stateroom keycard then covered them with a towel.

  "You two going into the water?" I asked.

  "Don't be ridiculous," Essie said. "How can we people watch if we're frolicking in the water?"

  "Would you two ladies like something to drink?" Toe asked.

  "How about one of those strawberry daiquiris?" Hildie asked.

  Essie wrinkled her nose but nodded. "Extra rum for mine."

  Toe and Harvey shuffled off to the bar to get the drinks. I grinned at my aunts. It still surprised me that they liked to take a nip of alcohol here and there. They rarely mentioned it but when they did they talked about hard liquor. I couldn't imagine Essie sipping a delicate cocktail that sported a paper mini umbrella.

  Jules jumped into the deep end of the pool while I made my way gingerly down the steps of the shallow end letting the water lap around my body for a few minutes before venturing further. Even with heated water I took my time getting into a pool so I could become accustomed to whatever the temperature was. If I got in too fast I couldn't stay warm and ended up getting out after a few minutes.

  Jules sputtered up through the surface of the water and wiped her face. She swam over to the edge of the pool near the shallow end her gaze focused on the bar.

  "Uh oh," she said.


  I followed her gaze and had the same feeling as those uttered words. Standing at the bar Toe and Harvey were talking to a woman who looked to be a few years younger than Toe. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a loose bun with wispy tendrils of hair framing her face. She smiled at the two men then leaned in and brushed the air above Toe's cheek with a kiss.

  Karen and Albert Baumgardner, our friends who owned the rental store across the street from the Cabana, also stood at the bar waiting to be served. Albert watched the woman appreciatively and Karen rolled her eyes and shook her head. Albert shrugged. They both went back to flagging down one of the two bartenders behind the counter. She was an attractive woman and her smile drew you in but I had to believe Albert’s interest hadn’t been serious especially since he watched the older woman right in front of his wife.

  I looked over at the table to see Essie's scowl. She watched the bar for a few moments then shrugged and looked away, the scowl still covering her face.

  "I wish I knew what they were saying," I said.

  "Who? Toe and the woman or your aunts?"

  Hildie was saying something to Essie who was shaking her head. "Both."

  Essie would never admit to the crush she had on Toe or the jealousy she sometimes felt when the bachelor talked with other women. It was kind of an unwritten rule though that he only had eyes for Essie. Nothing had ever formally been decided about the two dating other people. Not that I would call what they were doing dating, and Essie would deny it too, but there was something there.

  "I'm sure she's just a friend. Maybe the friend who helped him arrange this," I said.

  "Maybe. Why wouldn't he tell us that though?"

  "You know Toe. He doesn't think of those things. He had no idea Mildred and Gladys both liked him until Mildred ended up in the hospital."

  "That’s true," Jules agreed.

  Jules clung to the edge of the pool waiting for me to finish getting into the water. She kept her focus split between watching me ease onto another step and watching the guys at the bar.

  After a few minutes, drinks appeared on the bar. Harvey picked up two of them. The woman air kissed Toe again and hurried off. He grabbed the other two drinks and the two men walked back to the table where my aunts were pretending not to notice what had been going on.

  The guys might be fooled but I knew better. Essie would make snide comments for the rest of the afternoon about the woman that would probably go over Toe's head. I would miss most of that exchange if I stayed in the water then went shopping. I was totally okay with that. I could only tease Essie so much about her feelings for Toe before she turned loco on me.

  Poor guy. He didn't know what he was in for with Essie. I think this vacation was some sort of extended date to Essie even though they were just going as "friends" and guests of the party.

  After ten minutes I finally made it in past my waist. The warmish water soothed away more tensions and I walked in farther until I was up to my shoulders. With a final plunge I dunked myself and came up wiping the water away from my eyes.

  Laps were too rigorous and too much like actual exercise so I stretched out to float on my back kicking occasionally when I came too close to a wall.

  The pool area was filling up quickly and I spotted most of the Sweet Home guests grabbing tables and drinks. Mr. Jenkins must have gone to the casino as he'd said because his wife was there alone.

  "How long did you want to stay here?" I asked Jules.

  "Anxious to go shopping?"

  "That but I want to check in on Eli first. The seasickness wasn't doing him any favors when I left."

  "A few more laps and then we'll leave," she said.

  I nodded and floated to the deep end. Bobbing water blocked my ears making everything around me sound weird and distorted. When I spoke it sounded louder than I intended. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this relaxed or the last time I didn't have anything to worry about except buying a dress.

  A momentary panic hit me when I thought about Mildred and the coffee shop but I was sure she could handle it. She'd handled other shops before and Trevor would help her. I vowed to put all thoughts of the Coffee Cabana out of my mind until we returned to port.

  Right now I would concentrate on my fiancé and our first party as an engaged couple.


  Hours later we waited at the entrance of the ship's main restaurant waiting for the maitre'd to seat us. He beamed when we arrived presenting our personal invitations to the Captain's table.

  He was an older gentleman with kind eyes and laugh lines around his lips. His face was tanned a golden brown consistent with someone who was outside a lot.

  "This way," he said.

  We followed him as he weaved through tables. The dining room was spacious with low lighting lending a romantic air. He stopped at a long table with twelve place settings. He held out a chair for me beside the head of the table and directed Eli to sit across from me. He pulled out chairs for the other women as well. The men sat where there was space.

  "The captain and the chef will join you shortly," he said.

  We sat and I took a moment to check out the rest of the guests. Most were Sweet Home people at this sitting. I guess Toe had worked that out too. I had to admit they seemed to have thought of everything but the proof would be the party tomorrow.

  A server came by to fill our water glasses and put bread on the table.

  Once everyone was seated the lights came up a bit. I glanced over to the entrance and spotted a dashing gentleman wearing a captain's uniform. A dimple in his cheek appeared when he smiled at one of the guests at a table. She giggled and turned away.

  The woman beside him was the same woman from the bar earlier. She had changed clothes and was now wearing a simple black dress. Her hair was down, brushing her shoulders in a cascading wave of blonde tresses.

  Self-consciously I touched my spackled hair. Jules had tamed it into a flattering style with a little body but it had taken almost a full can of hairspray. It was a good thing there was a shop on board. I would need another can for my hair tomorrow.

  Another man, the guy from that morning when we were checking in, sidled up behind the captain and the woman. I hoped that meant he would be sitting at our table as well. Jules could use some eye candy for the evening.

  The trio walked through the dining room with an air of authority following them. Murmured conversations followed them. Every once in a while the
y stopped to greet someone. In a lot of those cases it appeared the group knew the guests already. Was that just good hospitality or had most of Sweet Home been on a cruise before on this ship?

  They finally reached the table. The captain held out the woman's chair at the far end of the table. The red headed guy took his seat at the end of the table and the captain sat at the head.

  "Welcome to the Bright Wind. I'm Captain Nate Fredericks and I'd like to introduce you to our amazing chef Margery Johanssen and our first mate Patrick Tomatoupolis."

  They waved and nodded when the captain said their names. Jules leaned on her hand and focused on Patrick while the captain talked. It was cute. A shipboard romance might be just the thing she needed right now.


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