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APOLLO 8 Modern doc

Page 23

by Acer

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We are now hearing that swimmers will be in the water in 4 to 5 minutes. One of the recovery helicopters is reporting that the capsule is rotating in the water at about one revolution per minute. That is a little unusual; I don’t know if we have ever seen that.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We have been advised that the first navy swimmer is now in the water. He is attaching a sea anchor and the helicopter is maneuvering to deploy his two swimming colleagues.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  When they have all reached the capsule, one of the swimmers will plug in a phone and have a quick conversation with the crew in the capsule.

  Dallas Townsend @DTCBSNews

  We believe that all the navy swimmers are now in the water, the life rafts have been dropped and the swimmers are attaching the floatation collar around the capsule.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  The three navy swimmers are now working to inflate the floatation collar which will give an added measure of floatation insurance around the blunt end of the spacecraft.

  Navy swimmers working on the inflated floatation collar

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  If anyone had any doubts about the condition of the crew, this little conversation which has just been relayed to us should clear up any of those doubts.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  The helicopter commander asked the Apollo 8 crew what the Moon was made out of. Whereupon Bill Anders responded, “I can tell you it’s not made out of green cheese at all. It’s made out of American cheese.”

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  The conversations that have come to us, apart from intermittently hearing from the Apollo 8 crew directly, have been relayed from the water to an aircraft at about 30,000 feet. It is then relayed to Honolulu and relayed again to us here in Houston.

  Dallas Townsend @DTCBSNews

  The USS Yorktown apparently asked the Apollo 8 crew for their breakfast order, to which they responded, “Steak and eggs - the same as we had before lift off.”

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We still have no word as to when the hatch of the capsule will be opened and the crew come out to taste their first breath of Earth air in over 6 days. When they do that, they will certainly notice the difference between the cabin air and the sea air.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We have just deciphered one relayed communication from Jim Lovell who says he can see the navy swimmers working around the spacecraft.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We are now advised that the navy swimmers are standing on the inflation collar awaiting the crew’s pleasure. Our guess is that they will come out any minute now.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  The swimmers are now going through some additional precautions to ensure that the inflation collar is very firmly attached to the spacecraft.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  Recovery helicopter 3 has now dropped another life raft and the floatation collar has been confirmed to be firmly attached.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  Our communication problems continue. The swimmers advise that they cannot talk to the crew via the inter-phone, which is a hard line telephone connection. However, they are able to communicate via the backup system of small hand-held radios.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  Still no word on when the hatch is going to open, but we are getting our first look at some of the scene in color television on the big screen here in Mission Control, Houston - the first time this has been achieved.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We have just been advised that the hatch is now open and the astronauts are beginning to exit the spacecraft and are climbing into one of the life rafts.

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  The order of leaving the spacecraft may be somewhat different to the navy tradition in which the captain is the last to leave the ship. Commander Borman is an Air Force man so he may not care about that.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  Now all three astronauts are out of the spacecraft and we seem to have succeeded in avoiding the predicted navy swimmers’ joke of, “Wait! There’s a fourth astronaut exiting the spacecraft!”

  Dallas Townsend @DTCBSNews

  The astronauts are now securely aboard the life raft. They are wearing modified respirators in case there are any noxious fuel fumes leaking from the capsule as has happened on previous flights.

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  It seems Jim Lovell was the first to leave the capsule. That makes good sense since Lovell occupied the center couch, so him leaving first would make it easier for the others to get out.

  A navy swimmer in the water took this photo of the Apollo 8 astronauts in their life raft

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We have had some enquiries about our splash point. We can confirm that it was remarkably close to the aiming point just 5,000 yards off the USS Yorktown at 165 degrees west and 8 degrees north.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We have learned in the last few minutes that the crew has transferred to a new life raft, for what reason we do not know. But we do know that they are in a second life raft now and the recovery helicopter is maneuvering to begin the pickup operation.

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  The official mission elapsed time of splashdown of Apollo 8 has now been confirmed to be 147 hours 0 minutes and 11 seconds. Almost precisely as planned all those many months ago.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  On our recovery board here at Mission Control, we are seeing a message from Admiral McMannes who is Commander of the Recovery Task Force in the Pacific.

  Admiral McMannes @MacRecoveryTaskForce

  As commander of the Recovery Task Force, I have sent the following message to Mission Control in Houston: “Please accept my congratulations on this magnificent achievement!”

  Admiral McMannes @MacRecoveryTaskForce

  “This reflected glory has permitted all of us to stand taller in today’s world. This mission, now concluding, has been epic, historic, amazing, unbelievable and heartwarming.”

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  I think the admiral summed up the feelings of so many of us there. Not just those of us in the United States but all around the world.

  Dallas Townsend @DTCBSNews

  The astronauts are now being winched up into one of the recovery helicopters, shortly to begin a final short trip to the safety and relatively firm ground here where I am standing on the USS Yorktown.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We are advised that the first astronaut is now in the recovery helicopter and the line is now going down for the second man. We don’t know yet which of the three astronauts was the first aboard.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  The second astronaut is now in the sling and on his way home.

  Second astronaut going up into the recovery helicopter

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  The pilot of recovery helicopter 66 has now confirmed that the helicopter door has been secured and all three men are safely aboard as the chopper now prepares for its short flight to the USS Yorktown.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  As we can see on our television pictures, the recovery helicopter is now proceeding toward the Yorktown.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  We’ve had it confirmed through Recovery that, apparently at the request of Commander Borman, an electric razor was placed aboard the recovery helicopter and that Borman has been using it aboard the chopper on the short flight in to the USS Yorktown.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  Touchdown of recovery helicopter 66 on the deck of the USS Yorktown ca
rrying our three Apollo 8 astronauts has now been confirmed at 20 minutes past the hour at 11:20 CST.

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  And now we watch as these three brave astronauts step out onto the deck of the USS Yorktown.

  The Apollo 8 astronauts arrive on the deck of the USS Yorktown

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  There is now rapturous applause and cheering here in the jammed Control Room at Mission Control such as we have never seen before as the entire room stands to applaud the successful return of the crew of Apollo 8.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  All three flight directors and their teams as well as, of course, Director Thomas Paine are here in the Control Room lighting up large cigars. I think we may have set the American Cancer Society campaign back several light years.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  I don’t know how the room can hold any more people but they keep coming in. Someone has just leapt onto the console next to mine. It’s a photographer.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  I can’t even make out who is standing in front of the Flight Director’s console, but he’s produced box after box of large cigars. Al Shepherd just threw one back here and it ricocheted off the wall. It is sheer pandemonium here in Mission Control!

  Dr. Thomas Paine (center) and other NASA managers applaud the safe return of the Apollo 8 astronauts.

  Paul Haney @PHPublicAffaisNASA

  I have never seen this degree of emotional outpouring in any previous mission. I’ve seen rallies in locker rooms after championship games, happy politicians after elections, but none of those do justice to the rapturous spirit resonating through Mission Control right now.

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  These men have been to the Moon and back! Absolutely incredible!

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  We think the crew may give the crew of the Yorktown a few words before heading off for showers, an intensive medical examination and a welcome hearty breakfast of steak and eggs.

  A clean-shaven Frank Borman, alongside Bill Anders and Jim Lovell, addressing the crew aboard the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  And so the astronauts of Apollo 8 are back from the Moon! What a remarkable journey and what a remarkable conclusion to it out there in the Pacific!

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  What an incredible journey! What an incredible adventure! And what an incredible, heartwarming end to it there on board the deck of the USS Yorktown.

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  And now we look forward to the next amazing Apollo mission, the next step towards President Kennedy’s astonishingly ambitious goal of landing a man on the Moon before the end of this decade.

  Walter Cronkite @WCCBSNews

  That next mission will be the flight of Apollo 9 in late February/early March. And I, for one, can’t wait!


  Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this book, you will certainly also enjoy the next books in the series.


  If you were not fortunate enough to be able to witness the entire historic mission of Apollo 11 as it unfolded (or even if you were), the next book on the Apollo 11 Moon landing and exploration will put you believably back inside those eight incredibly tense and dramatic days.

  To see details of the book describing the dramatic moment by moment unfolding of the historic Apollo 11 mission to land a man on the Moon in the words of the major participants and observers, simply click the link below, or post the link into your browser:

  Apollo 11 – When Men Walked on the Moon

  Apollo 11: When Men Walked on the Moon is available at all Amazon stores, including the U.S. Amazon store at:

  and the U.K. store at:


  Detailed accounts of all the missions leading up to and including the first Moon landing are now available in a boxed set: The APOLLO Collection, Vol. 1

  The APOLLO Collection, Vol.1

  The APOLLO Collection, Vol. 1 is available at all Amazon stores, including the U.S. Amazon store here:

  and the U.K. Amazon store here:


  Apollo 13 – The Miracle Journey

  This is the story of the incredible Apollo 13 mission in 1970 told as if in real time in the form of imaginary social media posts written by the main participants and observers. The narrative is based on astronaut accounts, NASA transcripts of the astronauts’ conversations with Mission Control and live broadcasts of the major U.S. TV networks covering the unfolding drama hour by hour.

  Apollo 13 – The Miracle Journey is available at all Amazon stores, including the U.S. store at:

  and the U.K. store at:


  Major Sources for Apollo 8

  NASA transcripts of the Apollo 8 Mission

  Onboard Voice Transcription

  PAO Mission Commentary

  Ground to Air Voice Transcription

  Honeysuckle Station account of the Apollo 8 mission.

  Apollo 8 Go for TLI

  Live Broadcasts of the Major U.S. TV News Networks


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