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A Wishing Moon

Page 21

by Sable Hunter

  “That’s it, baby. Suck him. I love how your mouth feels on me.” She loved him with all she had, her hands moving up and down the hair roughened muscles of his thighs. His whole body stiffened and the next thing she knew she was flat on her back and her jeans and panties had been thrown to one side.

  “Now. I’ve got to have you now.” Always taking care of her, he applied the condom and took time to insure with his fingers that she was as wet as she would need to be to accommodate the raging bull her lips had created. Finding her soft and ready, he spread her legs wide and lowered himself between them. He was about to guide himself into her when she commandeered control from him, grasping his cock and lifting her hips to welcome him home. Sighs of contentment escaped from her lips as he sank deep within her. “You make me lose control, Bella. Making love to you is out of this world.” Raising himself up on his arms, he began driving into her with deep sensuous strokes. She elevated her hips so she had an unhampered view of his member pumping in and out of her vagina. The luscious friction of his pelvic bone against her clitoris caused Arabella to moan with rapture and she began to tremble with release.

  The sweet sounds escaping her lips triggered an explosive climax for Jade and he drove himself deep and then ground his member around in a sensuous motion that savored every last spasm of her vagina. “You are perfect. Absolutely, perfect.” Their lips met in a hot, sweet kiss, which celebrated the devotion each had for the other.

  * * * *

  Jade had the whole night planned out. Tonight was Friday, so he had arranged a romantic evening at home. As the night progressed, it became a celebration of love for Arabella and Jade. They had been through so much and now it seemed all of their problems were behind them and they could begin to just enjoy one another. After their loving, they cuddled on the couch and watched a family movie about a dog. Soon she was in tears and he had the best time comforting her, wiping her eyes and making her blow her nose.

  The food Jade had delivered was scrumptious. Austin was known for its barbeque and Jade loved to watch her lick sauce from the corners of her mouth only to find it spread all over her cheeks and nose and fingers. He enjoyed cleaning her up.

  Tomorrow would be a different story, however. He had tickets for a University of Texas college theater performance. Evangeline would be there and even though it wouldn’t be the most romantic of situations, Jade knew Arabella would love being with her cousin and seeing her enjoy the college she had always wanted to attend. Evangeline was especially eager for Arabella to meet one of the actors in the play; she swore he was a young, Elvis Presley look-a-like, with enough southern charm to melt honey on a winter’s day. He had been her Orientation Adviser when she had visited the campus a few weeks ago and they had instantly hit it off.

  After that, Jade planned to take Arabella out for a romantic dinner at Aquarelle Restaurant Francais, Austin’s premier gourmet French restaurant. There, he planned to ask her to marry him. He couldn’t wait to see her face when he gave her the ring. But that awaited them tomorrow—now, he intended to thoroughly enjoy the present.

  Never let it be said he disappointed her. She had asked for him to make love to her all over the house and he did his best to make it happen. He made love to her on the granite countertop in the kitchen, finding it was just the right height for him to enter her standing flat-footed on the marble floor, cradling her head on his shoulder with her legs wrapped around his waist. He made love to her in the wide Jacuzzi bathtub, utilizing the tantalizing water from the jets to drive her crazy. Then he made love to her in his bed, laying claim to the most precious possession he had ever found—the love of Arabella Landry.

  * * * *

  Saturday morning, Jade received a phone call he wasn’t expecting. He apologized profusely but there was a quick meeting he had to make time for. He told her to remain in the bed and he would be back before she realized he was gone.

  She tried to do as he said, but the big bed held no attraction for her once he’d left her all alone. Making herself at home, she showered and dressed. The doorbell startled her and she ran to the door, thinking maybe Jade waited on the other side intending to surprise her, returning far sooner than he had expected.

  She was a bit startled to find Reese Phillips standing there. “Hello Reese,” she greeted him cordially. “Jade isn’t here, but he will be back shortly if you would like to wait.”

  He stepped through the door a few feet, and then he let her have it. “I see it didn’t take you long to make yourself right at home.”

  Arabella didn’t understand his tone. “This is a very beautiful apartment.”

  Reese walked on into the living room expecting her to follow. “I don’t have a lot of time, Miss Landry, so let me come right to the point.”

  What was this about? Suddenly, she would have given anything for Jade to walk through the door. She didn’t think this man would try and hurt her, but she did dread hearing what he had to say.

  “I would appreciate it if you would.” Arabella gave him permission to speak.

  “Jade Landale has a bright future in Texas politics, maybe even on the national scene. I have worked tirelessly to ensure he meets all the right people and has every opportunity to go as far and rise as high as he wants to. He’s talented and has just the right charisma. Frankly, there is nothing standing between him and the governor’s mansion, but you.”

  Arabella didn’t say a word.

  “You are toxic to his chances to succeed. You will never fit in with the movers and the shakers in the party. He had the right woman, and I know the accident was partly responsible for their breakup, but he will never succeed with a new-age bimbo like you on his arm.”

  “I would never do anything to hold Jade back.”

  “You don’t have to do anything, the harm you’re causing is already beginning to show up. Your name has been linked with his several times over the last month. I’m already getting phone calls. You make people nervous. Witchcraft and family values don’t mix.”

  Arabella wanted to tell him her family had very good values, but she knew there would be no convincing him of that. “I won’t stand in his way, Mr. Phillips. I don’t force Jade to stay with me.”

  “What do you mean, lady – you bought and paid for him twice! I don’t know what role you played in his recovery, but he gives you and your family full credit. And then you go and take a bullet for him. My God, he will never leave you. But be aware; gratitude makes a rocky foundation for marriage. Has he proposed to you yet?”

  She shook her head no.

  “Well, doesn’t that tell you anything? He’s with you simply because he doesn’t know how to walk away from you. He owes you too much.”

  As Arabella’s heart broke into a million pieces, she had to confess to herself that Reese Phillips made perfect sense. She hung her head in defeat.

  “Look, I know you love Jade. I know you would do anything for him. God, you’ve certainly proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But if you really love him, the greatest gift you could ever give him is to just walk away. Give him his freedom and let him go back to the life he had before the accident, before he ever met you. Let Jade go back to where he belongs.”

  With those soul-crushing words, Reese Phillips left Arabella standing at the door.

  * * * *

  When Jade returned to the loft, he entered the door juggling a bouquet of beautiful white lilies and what he thought would be a romantic lunch—a loaf of artisan bread, a wedge of creamy Brie, a bunch of sweet red grapes and a pricey bottle of French wine. All he wanted to do was think of ways to spoil Arabella. While he’d been in the useless meeting, listening to a lobbyist drone on and on about the dangers of same-sex marriage Jade had been making a list of places he would like to take Arabella and things he wanted them to do together. He had thought of taking her swimming at the Austin landmark natural spring, ‘The Blue Hole’, when the weather got warmer, of course. Before that he thought how gorgeous she would be in a tight ski outfit, and ho
w much fun she would have romping through the snow. The list had gone on and on, but the last item he had written down was to take her to Paris on their honeymoon and walk with her under the stars next to the lazy Seine. He wanted to give her the world, and tonight, after she accepted his proposal, they would begin to make plans.

  “Arabella, I’m home.” He had gotten used to her unbridled joy every time she saw him, so when she didn’t answer him, he instantly knew something was wrong. Slinging the groceries and flowers on the dining table, he ran to the bathroom, thinking she might have fallen and hit her head in the shower.

  She wasn’t there.

  He searched every room in his loft and she was nowhere. He plowed his hand through his hair, trying to remember if she had said anything about going anywhere. He picked up the phone to call Evangeline to see if she had gone to her cousin’s dorm when he saw the note.

  It lay propped up on his pillow, on top of the neatly made bed. His hands trembled as he picked the small piece of paper up.

  Dearest Jade,

  I have been so selfish. You have to realize it wasn’t intentional. I would never do anything to hurt you, but sadly, it appears I have. Your assistant came to visit me this morning and he was kind enough to point out to me that I am not the woman you need. I’ve already hurt your career and I pray it’s not beyond salvaging. If I had known our paths would cross, I would have lived my life differently and molded myself into the type of person you could be proud of—a woman who would be an asset to you instead of a liability.

  Please forgive me for not seeing the truth for myself. I have so enjoyed loving you. I will never forget or regret even one second we spent together. Thank you for showing me what it meant to be loved by a kind and generous man.

  I know you’re grateful for the part I was permitted to play in your health and well-being. Mr. Phillips made it clear that gratitude is no reason to be tied to someone for life. He’s right. I know that, you’re too wonderful to ever willingly hurt me and I want to assure you I walk away with the best of memories.

  Thank you for letting me love you. Please succeed and be happy.


  Jade bellowed his fury and frustration. He was going to kill Reese with his bare hands! Abandoning his lunch offerings on the table, he grabbed the flowers and headed for his car. He had no idea how Arabella had left, she didn’t have a vehicle.

  First, he called Evangeline, but he could tell instantly she knew nothing. He was polite, but he didn’t take time to explain. Next, he called Elizabeth.

  “Hello, sweetie. You’ve got yourself into a pickle, haven’t you?”

  “Where is she, Elizabeth?” His voice sounded tight and desperate.

  “She’s on her way back home. I talked to her for just a second and she said she was taking a cab. I’ve never heard her sound so desolate.”

  “How did this happen, how could she believe that fool assistant of mine? Haven’t I shown her I love her with every breath in my body?”

  “You did nothing wrong, Jade. The doubts were already there, fostered from years of prejudice and self-righteous attitudes. Arabella has gone through things you had no way of knowing. She has borne the brunt of being brought up in a family who chose to walk a different path than everyone else.”

  “What do I do?”

  “Go to her. Do not let her push you away. She won’t be expecting you—in her mind, you are probably relieved that she finally woke up to the fact she wasn’t right for you. And slow down, it won’t do her or you any good if you find yourself wrapped around a telephone pole.”

  Jade obeyed his future mother-in-law and let up on the gas. “How do I start? What do I say? How do I convince her she is the only thing in the world that matters to me?”

  “I can’t tell you what to say. The words must be yours. She has to know you won’t feel cheated even if you have to give up politics—because face it, in that respect your assistant is right on the money. Loving Arabella will cost you the governor’s mansion.”

  “Screw the Governor and his mansion.”

  “That’s my boy! Oh, and listen, let me be the first to congratulate you. Arabella doesn’t know it yet, but the two of you are going to make me a very young grandmother.” With that earth-shattering revelation, Elizabeth hung up the phone.

  Jade didn’t breathe for five miles. Arabella was pregnant with his child? Then, he remembered the times they had made love before he thought about protecting her. He was overjoyed, but he had no idea how she would feel about carrying his baby. The Aston Martin ate up the miles, but soon he was on the road that led home—not Wildflower Way, necessarily—Arabella was home to him. He met a yellow cab going back the way he had come, so he knew she was there. He could just imagine how she must be feeling. Never in his life had he felt so helpless, and so hopelessly afraid he would not find the right words to say.

  He walked up the steps, still carrying the huge bouquet of lilies. He didn’t bother to knock. He opened the door and walked in, knowing exactly where to find her. He quietly opened the door to their room and stepped through into the room where they had made sweet love. No lights were on and the curtains were pulled. She was curled up into a tight knot clutching his pillow in desperation. She had not heard him come in and the last thing he wanted to do was frighten her, he dropped to his knees at the side of the bed and whispered, “Bella.”

  He saw her whole body jerk, but she didn’t turn to him automatically as she had always done before.

  “Bella, please come to me.”

  She still didn’t move, but her small voice broke his heart. “Oh, Jade please...please don’t make this any harder than it already is. You have to go.”

  He crawled into bed with her, molding himself around her as if to shield her from any more pain. She stiffened at first, but then he felt her take a deep breath and relax her body back into his embrace. Her body knew what her mind could not accept.

  “Where do you want me to go, Bella?” he asked her gently, his breath deliberately caressing her soft shell ear.

  “I want you to go back to Austin and…be happy,” she whispered brokenly.

  “I can’t be happy away from you.”

  “I’m ruining your chances to be governor, please, please just go. I can’t stand to be the cause of you not having what you deserve.” Jade began to work the pillow from her grasp. He kissed her on her neck and on the side of her face and told her in no uncertain terms the same thing he had told her mother.

  “Screw being governor. What I want is you. I have another job just waiting when this term is over. And if I never worked again, I have enough money to last us through five life times—as long as the price of oil stays high. And if I didn’t have one red cent, I would think I was the richest man in the world if I just had you.” She let go of the pillow and turned in his arms until she was face to face with him. She showered his face with kisses, then buried her head in his neck and clung to him for dear life.

  “How could you believe that idiot Phillips?” he asked her gently. “Haven’t I shown you how much I love you over and over again? Haven’t I worshiped you with my body? Don’t you feel loved, Arabella?”

  “Yes, but I was afraid you loved me out of gratitude, I never want you to feel trapped. I want you to stay as long as you want to—not because you feel tied to me.”

  “I’m grateful to God for you, Arabella, but I love you—not out of gratitude but out of trust, and out of joy, and out of pure unadulterated lust. But mostly, I love you out of the depths of my heart. You came to me out of a dream and it’s a dream I never want to wake up from.”

  Jade kissed her mouth reverently, and then both eyelids, then he kissed the damp tears from both cheeks. “I have a question to ask you.” He sat up on the bed and he gathered her into his arms. She felt as cuddly and warm as a kitten in his arms, yet he knew she possessed powers he would never understand. He did understand one power she had—she held his heart in the palm of her very small hand.

  Her head lay
on his shoulder and he maneuvered her around until he could reach the ring box in his pocket. When she saw the box, her breath caught in her throat. “I had this with me up on E-Rock. Proposing to you was why we went on the picnic, but things didn’t work out quite like I planned.” He kissed her once hard, then sat her on the bed and knelt in front of her.

  Taking her hand in his, he looked her directly in the eye. “Arabella Landry, witch of my dreams, will you marry me?” He pushed the gold ring on her finger and she looked at the beautiful symbol of his love, then at him. He didn’t even have to guess—she made it more than obvious, no matter how beautiful the ring—or how much she loved it, what she really valued was him.

  Not content to be on the bed without him, she joined him on the floor, kneeling in front of him. “You do me the greatest honor, Jade Landale. Yes, I will marry you and I promise to care for you, love you and cherish you every day of my life.”

  “I’m counting on it, love.”

  His closeness affected her just as it always had and just as it always would. “I never thought I would be in your arms again.” She began unbuttoning his shirt, kissing every inch of flesh she exposed. “I didn’t know how I was going to survive without you.” She pushed the garment to one side and delicately licked his nipple. “Will you make love to me now, please?”


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