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by Brooklyn Jones


  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  Natasha is shipped off-world to the planet Raxom to make a fresh start.

  The only catch is she has to marry one of their males.

  Kray is the biggest alien she's ever seen. His debts force him into a marriage that his culture frowns upon. His family has turned their backs on him and Kray must make this all work somehow.

  Kray features a curvy female human and a very strong Raxom male. This is a standalone with a happily ever after!


  Chapter One


  The starship Corona soared through the darkness of space. I sat in my small cabin trying not to go crazy from boredom. I had been in this cramped space for six months now. We were almost at our destination.

  I stared out of the porthole at the bright star in the distance. What would life be like on my new home?

  Earth had become so overcrowded that the only affordable living was off-planet. But only a few alien worlds were willing to accept human immigrants.

  Raxom was one of those planets.

  A society dominated by males with not enough women to go around. Raxom only allowed human women and only on the condition that they be married to a male. The idea of it sickened me at first. How could I travel light years away and be married to an alien I'd never even met?

  I remembered taking a long time to decide whether I should leave Earth or not. Friends had begged me to stay but I couldn't imagine living in a small one bedroom apartment with eight people any longer. I needed room to stretch my legs.

  I wanted to walk outside and not have to choke on the dark smog that hung in the air. Raxom promised a new life for me.

  And I was going to make the most of it.

  Even if that mean becoming a bride.


  The starship landed on the lush green and purple world. There were trees for as far as the eye could see. They didn't believe in skyscrapers here. All of their buildings were one story. At least that's what I learned on the way here.

  In each cabin was a video monitor that taught you the language of Raxom and what to expect when you arrived there. Even though I had spent the last six months studying night and day, I wasn't sure I had a handle on the complex sentence structure and weird guttural sounds.

  I was told it would get easier once you were immersed in the culture.

  I sure hoped so. I wouldn't want to be stuck there for the rest of my life and not be able to communicate.

  I grabbed my suitcase and joined the line of women in the corridor, all waiting to exit the craft and start their new life. I'd gotten to know a few of them over the course of the trip. Nobody close enough to call a friend yet. We knew it would be useless when we didn't know where we would be living yet.

  Raxom was roughly twice the size of earth with about half the population. That meant there was a lot of open space. So much space that entire areas of the planet had never been explored.

  I walked down the ramp and got my first taste of the planet. A bright red sun setting over plains filled with purple grass. It was a sight that I would never forget.

  We were herded into a large one-story building that was kind of like a welcome center for new visitors. And that's when I saw one for the first time.

  A Raxom male.

  He stood guard with a long spear made of a shiny metal. Tall, strong, blue-skinned. A stoic presence. I had seen videos and pictures before but it was nothing like seeing one in person. Were they all as big as this one?

  I was brought to a counter with a Raxom female. She was a tiny little thing. About a foot smaller than me and so thin she could be blown away by the wind. Her long dark blue hair was put in a thick braid that reached her ass.

  “Your name?” she asked in perfect English.

  I was taken aback for a moment. I didn't expect any Raxom to be able to speak my language. I cleared my throat before starting, “Natasha Keller”.

  The Raxom pointed to a scanner in front of her that had the outline of a hand. I placed my hand and spread my fingers apart to fit. The scanner lit up and I saw my face show up in the monitor next to the Raxom.

  “Your mate is Kray. Proceed to cell thirty-four to find him there and then you will take part in the ceremony.”

  I nodded and walked into a long corridor of doors. I tried to imagine what Kray would look like. I could only think of the male Raxom I saw before. If Kray looked like him I might actually be happy.

  But what if he looked hideous?

  I wouldn't be able to get out of this. A Raxom marriage was for life. There was no divorce. No escape clause. Once the ceremony was over, you were bonded to him until death.

  I stood before the door marked: Thirty-Four. The next part of my life was behind it. Nothing would be the same. I took in a couple of deep breaths and opened the door.

  Kray stood even taller than the Raxom I saw earlier. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of brown pants. Typical Raxom attire. His jet black hair was cut short, his blue-skin almost shimmering in the light.

  He was absolutely gigantic. Muscles layered upon muscles. Raxom males were built a lot differently than the men back home.

  His big green eyes looked me up and down as he smirked. My cheeks flushed and I didn't know what to say. Do I try to speak in his language?

  “Ruag' Nap Ta,” I said, hoping it was the correct way to say hello in Raxom.

  Chapter Two


  This human female entered the room and stole my breath. She was not like the others I'd seen from Earth. She wore a blue and white jumpsuit that was typically worn by Earth women when they first arrived.

  Her golden hair was cut short around her shoulders. Her body was not as thin as Raxom females which pleased me immensely. Our females couldn't handle the mating rituals without breaking.

  This woman looked strong.

  Then she opened her mouth and out came a bumble of words that were so offensive that I had the right to kill her there on the spot.

  But that could be forgiven for a first-time speaker. “I think you meant to say Ruan' Gap Ta. Apparently you haven't studied as much as I have,” I said in her own tongue.

  She looked shocked that I could speak her language so perfectly. “I'm sorry. What did I say to you?”

  “You told me that you will eat my mother for breakfast.”

  She gasped and put her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I practiced so much on the way here. But it all got mixed up in my head.”

  I slammed my fist into my chest. “My name is Kray. You must be my new mate.”

  “I'm Natasha,” she replied, batting her eyelashes. She could barely make eye contact with me as she looked around the tiny room. “What do we do now?”

  This woman was begging to be taken. My balls burned hot for her. Natasha would be mine for life very soon.

  “We go to the ceremony hall where we'll be married.”

  “I didn't think things were going to be moving so quickly.”

  She looked very nervous. And I felt the same way too. Taking a human as a my mate was very controversial in my culture. My friends and family would turn their backs on me. But the money I received from the government was enough for me to pay off my debts.

  “We are very efficient here on Raxom.”

  I led Natasha down the corridor and joined the rest of the couples in a giant hall. The tall ceiling was curved and large windows that looked out at a rushing waterfall.

  “Is there anything I shou
ld know before this starts? Like what does the ceremony entail?” Natasha asked.

  “The head priest will come out and give us his blessing from Raxo.”


  “You really don't know much about our culture.”

  She turned a shade of red. “Is Raxo your god?”

  “Raxo is the creator of all things. He's what makes the planet turn and the water flow. Without him, the world would fall into chaos.”

  “He sounds very powerful.”

  I caught a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I would make her pay for that later. “After the head priest, we will profess our love to each other before the eyes of Raxo. Then we drink his blood and the marriage is complete.”

  “Excuse me? Blood?”

  “The blood is not really the blood of Raxo but is symbolic of taking him into our bodies,” I replied.

  “Thank god.”

  “It's actually the blood of a Junni. It's kind of like a cow on your planet. Except with a lot more legs.”

  “And you expect me to drink that?”

  “It's the only way to finish the ritual. If you don't drink it, we will not be married.”

  The head priest arrived and all the couples in the hall turned to the stage. He wore long flowing white robes and with a symbol of a bright sun. It was meant to represent the life that Raxo had given all of us.

  He began the ceremony in an ancient language that most Raxoms wouldn't be able to understand.

  “What is he saying?” Natasha whispered to me.

  “Be quiet, human.”

  Natasha was a little shocked at how short I was with her. She had a lot to learn before she became a true mate to a Raxom male.

  The head priest transitioned into English. “We are gathered here to today under the watch of Raxo. You all are about to embark on a new journey of discovery. For the rest of your lives you will be together. Through the good times and the difficult times.”

  The head priest opened his arms wide. “Now please declare yourselves to Raxo.”

  I raised my arms in the air and Natasha followed my movements. “We stand before you and submit our souls,” everyone in the room said aloud.

  Natasha was the only one that didn't know the words beforehand and had to fake it.

  She was racking up quite the list of transgressions.

  Chapter Three


  I couldn't believe he told me to be quiet. I was just curious as to what the head priest was saying. Kray was acting like I was his servant or something.

  He was going to find out really quickly that I wasn't like Raxom females.

  The wedding ceremony was pretty straightforward. We just had to listen to the head priest drone on and on and then recite some words.

  But then the chalices of blood were brought in.

  I was dreading that part.

  Large golden goblets were passed out to each person. I held mine with both hands and was surprised to see that the blood was green instead of red. My stomach overturned and I thought I was going to throw up all over Kray.

  I could just imagine his stone face breaking into disgust as my vomit hit him.

  “I don't know if I can do this,” I said, quietly.

  “You must,” Kray simply said. “The ceremony won't be complete until you drink every last drop of the blood.”

  The head priest raised his hands above the air. “Let us drink the blood of Raxo and bring him into our hearts!”

  The entire room of couples began to drink the blood. I looked down at the thick green liquid and had to look away. It looked so disgusting. But I had to do it.

  “Here it goes,” I said, closing my eyes and tipping the goblet into my mouth.

  The blood tasted like a creamy soup of salsa, cottage cheese, and alcohol. My gag reflex kicked in immediately and I had to will my body to keep it all down. I continued to drink, trying to imagine it was something else.

  It was no use. I coughed and tried drinking again. The blood was the worst thing I had ever tasted.

  But I was able to get it all down until the goblet was empty.

  I was the last one to finish but that didn't matter. I got through it.

  The head priest smiled. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss now.”

  My heartbeat spiked. I wasn't expecting to kiss Kray so soon. I thought we would have more time to get to know each other first.

  Kray slipped his big hands around my back and pulled me close. I didn't even have a moment to prepare myself before his lips were on mine. I didn't kiss him back at first and kept my lips firm. The taste of the green blood was still on my tongue.

  He wasn't going to let me get away with that. His tongue forced its way into my mouth, spreading my lips open. I finally surrendered and kissed him back.

  I was surprised by the sudden wave of pleasure. Either Kray was really good at kissing or maybe there was a real connection between us?

  Kray broke away before I could really find out for sure. He caught my face wanting more and I smiled back at him. We turned and face the head priest again.

  “Now go on and celebrate under the eye of Raxo.”

  Some women cheered. Most were quiet like me.

  I had always dreamed of the perfect wedding and this wasn't exactly it. There were no white dress and family and friends there to support you.

  But I knew this going in. I made this decision a long time ago and I had to live with it. I was going to make it work between Kray and I.

  No matter what.

  “Shall we go back to my place?” he asked, taking my hand in his.

  I marveled at how small my hand was in his. Four of my hands could fit in his. Then I realized what was coming next.

  It was the one thing that I remembered from the video lessons back on the starship.

  Consummating the marriage.

  Kray was taking me to his home so he could fuck me. Claim his prize. It was the last step of this entire process.

  It was my last chance to back out.

  I could run away and the marriage wouldn't be legal. But I had come to this planet for a new start. A new life.

  And that new life was with Kray.

  I had gone so far and I only had a little further to go.

  Besides, that kiss with Kray was kind of good. The video lessons had explained that Raxom males had the same equipment as the men back on Earth. Sex would work the same way.

  The Raxom males were so big though. His hands could crush me. If they were that huge then that meant...

  I might be in big trouble.

  Chapter Four


  We took the hover train to the outskirts of town and to my home and farm. It was in a secluded area with nobody around for miles.

  “I don't think I've ever seen so many trees before,” Natasha said.

  “This is your home now,” I told her, squeezing her hand.

  Natasha smiled at me as we walked up the dirt pathway to the one-story cottage made of metal. It wasn't the biggest house in the area but it would be plenty of room for two people. I could always build it bigger if I needed to.

  I pressed my fingertip on the door and it scanned my print. The door unlocked and opened automatically.

  “Wow,” Natasha exclaimed. “I didn't think your place would look so modern. So much like Earth back home.”

  “This was all done in preparation of your arrival. I had the dirt floors covered with wood. The couch and chairs were built using specifications from earth.”

  Natasha walked around the house, admiring all the objects that reminded her of her home. “You did this all for me?”

  “Moving to Raxom is very challenging for human females. The government recommends that we do everything we can to make sure the transition is a success.”

  Natasha went through the living room and to back wall that was all glass and looked out at the farm. “Is all this land yours?”

  I joined her at the window. “All of this is yours too. As
far as the eye can see. Most Raxom males are given this land when they become adults. What they do with it is up to them.”


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