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Page 37

by Brooklyn Jones

  “Please I don't know anything.” I shook my head, trying to keep from crying. I had to be tough. Tough for Ryker.

  Ian palmed my chin and squeezed my cheeks until my tongue rolled out. “This mouth looks good enough to fuck, doesn't it Russel?” He turned my face so Russel could get a good look.

  “Looks nice, but I think I'd rather fuck those big tits of hers.” Russel grabbed at my blouse and ripped it down until my breasts in a black bra were exposed. “God damn, those need to be sucked.”

  “Please don't,” I begged, trying to speak with Ian still squeezing my face. The tears came out and I cried at just the fact that I couldn't stop myself.

  Ian let go of me. “Just tell us where the dealer is and we won't touch you. Simple as that.”

  “I already told Ryker everything I know.”

  Russel glanced at Ian and then back at me. “We both know that Ryker has a soft spot for women. He wouldn't lay a finger on you. But don't think that we'll give you the same courtesy.”

  “I don't know where he is,” I blurted out.

  “Wrong answer.” Ian backhanded me, his gold rings catching my lips. I saw stars for a moment. Blood trickled from my mouth and dripped onto the floor. “Tell us where he is!”

  “I don't know!” I screamed out through my tears.

  Conner knocked Ian out of the way. “We could sit here all day and beat the living shit out of you. But that gets boring after awhile. We're going to take our turns having you over and over again. That's going to happen no matter what. But we can make it easier on you.” Russel produced a baggy from his pocket. The grayish powder was instantly familiar: heroin. “Tell us where the dealer is and we'll take all the pain away.”

  The veins in my arms craved it—pleaded with me to take it from them and inject it immediately. It had only been a couple days since being clean and it was the longest I'd been clean since I started. With a high I'd be able to deal with whatever they were going to do to me.

  But I couldn't go down that dark hole again. No matter what they did to me. I wasn't that junkie anymore. I was Ryker's girl now.

  “No thanks,” I replied, spitting in Russel's face.

  Russel wiped my saliva from his cheek. “I'm liking this chick more and more. You'll be moaning my name soon enough, bitch.”

  “Now we're trying to be nice here,” Ian said. “Tell us what you know about the dealer or we'll shove this junk down your throat.”

  Russel bent down and opened the baggy in front of my face. I couldn't let them do it. I needed to buy some time. “All right, all right. I'll tell you where he is.”

  “Good girl.” Ian smiled, waving Russel away. Russel closed the bag of heroin and walked away.

  “Jenkins is in California.”

  “California?” Ian asked. “What would he be doing in California?”

  “He told me once when we were high, that if he ever got a big score, that he'd retire in California.” It was all bullshit, every word. I never spoke much with Jenkins. Just let him do whatever he wanted to my mouth in exchange for a high.

  “California's a big state. Your information doesn't help us much.”

  Sweat was dripping down my temples. I knew Ian would want more info. I'd never been to California before and the only city I could think of was Hollywood.

  “He said he wanted to move to Hollywood where all the movie stars live. If you give me a map I can show you exactly where.”

  Ian slapped my cheek lightly. “Now see, that wasn't too hard.” He turned towards Russel. “Find me a map of Hollywood.” He glanced back at me and grabbed his balls. “Don't get too comfy now. The real fun is about to begin.”

  They both left the room and I finally let out all my breath. I needed to escape. I'd rather die than let them take my body. I struggled with the restraints some more but it was no use. They were tied to a pipe behind me. How was I going to get out of this?

  Ian returned and I knew it was all over. “I get you first,” he announced, the most devilish grin stretching across his face.

  “No...please don't. I did everything you asked.” I pulled on the restraints as hard as I could trying to break the pipe. “I told you where Jenkins is. Now let me go!”

  Where was Ryker when I needed him most?

  “There's no use struggling,” he said, walking slowly towards me. “This is going to happen whether you like it or not. And I know your going to like this.” Ian unzipped his pants and unveiled his hard boner. I shut my eyes and turned my head out of disgust. His cock was only inches away from my face. The thought of biting it off came to my mind. There was no way in hell I was going to let him near me with that thing.

  “Ryker will come for me,” I said defiantly.

  Ian cackled. “Oh I hope so. He needs to pay for his betrayal. I might tie him up and make him watch as we take our turns with you. Then I'll slit your throat right in front of him. I'll only end his life when he's endured enough suffering.”

  A crash behind us delayed the activities.

  “Oy Russel, what the fuck you doing back there?”

  Ryker came out of the room dragging Russel's body limp body behind him.

  My hero had come.

  Chapter Eight


  Tempest was gone and the O'Malleys had her. I was so stupid thinking she would be safe at my apartment. I ran all the way back to my Dodge Charger, not paying attention to my labored breathing or burning muscles. All that mattered was Tempest. I'd do whatever it took to get her back—even if it meant my life.

  My car raced through the streets, weaving in and out of traffic. There was only one place Tempest could be. The O'Malleys and I had a fallback plan in case the cops were ever on to us. We were to go to the log cabin on the edge of the lake. It was a remote area and far from civilization. I'd been there a couple times with them, securing the place and making sure we had everything we could possibly need in the event that we had to stay for a long period of time.

  I pulled off the freeway and navigated through the wooded area on a dirt path. My knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel too hard. I was going to kill the O'Malleys if they touched Tempest. Breaking their necks with only my bare hands would give me no satisfaction. These men were my brothers for so long. But they had crossed the line.

  When the log cabin came into view I parked to the side of the road. I needed to approach it on foot. I was most likely walking into a trap. I needed to be careful. I wasn't going to let my rage mess this up.

  I hid behind some dense bushes and watched the log cabin. I counted two of Murphy's henchmen, holding AK-47s. One guarded the front door while the other made the rounds around the cabin. Only two men? Surely the O'Malleys thought more of me than that. I'd have to take them out quietly. Couldn't afford raising the alarm.

  I sneaked around the back of the log cabin and waited in the shadows for the the one goon to come around. I'd only have one chance at this. If the man screamed, my surprise would be blown. I listened carefully and heard his footsteps coming closer. The sound of leaves breaking and twigs snapping increased. I pulled out my switchblade and popped it open.

  The man came around the corner and I sprung into action. My left hand covered his mouth while my knife slipped under his chin, slicing his throat open. The man squirmed in my grasp, blood spurting out of his neck. I slowly lowered him to the ground and he was dead. I picked up the AK and slung it over my shoulder, knowing that I wouldn't be able to use it.

  I rounded the cabin and peeked around the corner at the guard by the front door. He had no clue what was about to happen to him. I picked up a rock and threw it about fifty feet in front of the guard. It made a loud crack as it hit another rock. The guard became alert and drew his AK. I waited patiently as the guard tiptoed forward. I came up behind him and did the same to him as I did to his buddy. I dropped him to the ground and blood gurgled out of his mouth as he tried to speak to me.

  I looked through the window and spotted Ian and Russel talking alone. I
wouldn't be able to take them both at the same time. I needed to wait for them to separate. But where the fuck was Tempest? I didn't have much time before they realized their guards were all dead. I crawled on the ground and peered through the window that looked into the living room. There she was. Tempest was sitting against a wall with her head down. She was still alive.

  Ian came into the room and I ducked out of the way. I'd take out Russel first. I quietly opened the front door and turned to my immediate left to the bedroom. Russel had his back turned to me, looking at a map on a laptop. I had to kill him before he saw me. It wasn't the death he deserved but it was the only way.

  I popped up behind him and clenched his head with both hands. I twisted with all my might. Russel's head snapped around and made a pop. His body became lifeless instantly and dropped to the ground.

  “Sorry old friend,” I whispered to him. I dragged his heavy body out of the bedroom and heard Ian calling out.

  I came into the living room and dropped Russel to the ground. I drew my AK and pointed it right at Ian's chest. All I had to do was pull the trigger and this entire nightmare would be over.

  But Ian was pointing the end of his pistol right at Tempest's head.

  “Don't even think about it, Ryker. One move and I'll blow her brains out. Put your gun down.” Ian forced his pistol against Tempest's temple. I did my best to avoid any eye contact with Tempest. One look from her and I'd go weak in the knees. I needed my whole focus on the task at hand. Our lives depended on it.

  I placed my boot on Russel's dead neck and pressed down just a little. “Let Tempest go and I won't kill your brother.” Ian didn't need to know that his brother was already dead. He looked like he could be passed out. I didn't leave any visible marks on him.

  “Let's not get too hasty here, Ryker. How are we going to settle this?” Ian was beginning to sweat. He knew I was just crazy enough to kill Russel. And he was right because I already did it. But I also knew he was evil enough to kill Tempest and not feel a thing.

  “We settle this like we did back in school. No weapons. Just our fists,” I proposed.

  Ian grinned the same way he used to back in school when a fight would break out. He loved the sound of bones crunching and the feeling of beating a kid within an inch of his life. I know because he told me. Ian tossed his gun to the side and I could hear Tempest breathe a sigh of relief. I lifted my boot off of Russel and dropped my AK to the ground.

  Ian cracked his knuckles and raised his fists in a defensive stance. “Last time we got in a fight, I nearly killed you, Ryker. What makes you think this time will be any different?”

  I craned my neck to side until it cracked and jumped on my toes to loosen my body up. “Last time I let you win. Wouldn't be good to beat the boss now would it?”

  “Fucking liar,” Ian growled, charging at me and throwing the first punch. He was fast. But not fast enough. I ducked under and sent my fist flying into his stomach. Ian doubled over and bull rushed my legs. I lost my balance and fell over, crashing backwards onto the ground.

  “You son of a bitch! You betrayed me!” Ian climbed on top of me and battered my face with blows. Every hit brought me back to the schoolyard. Those bullies used me as a punching bag everyday. Ian saved me from them but I realized that all I did was trade one bully for another.

  Time to take back my life.

  I brought my knee up with all the force I could muster and knocked Ian off. My head felt dizzy and I had to use my knee to lift myself off the floor. Ian grinned as he stood up to meet me. He always loved a good fight.

  “This ends here, Ian. I won't be your bulldog any longer.”

  Ian laughed. “You think you've already won? I taught you everything you know, Ryker. And I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

  This time it was my turn to charge Ian. I gathered all the rage in my heart and channeled it into my fist. I swung hard and fast, aiming for Ian's head. His arm came up for a block and deflected my blow. Ian returned with an uppercut to my chin that sent my head rocking back. The dizziness became more apparent. I didn't know how many more blows I could take to the head.

  “See how pathetic you've become, Ryker. Fighting to the death all for some junkie whore.” Ian pointed right at Tempest. “She's done this to you. Can't you see? You've become soft.”

  I looked behind to see Tempest on the floor all tied up. She shook her head slowly, tears filling her eyes. Bad idea for Ian to mention Tempest. I didn't want to admit to myself that it was all for her.

  But it was.

  My love for Tempest rejuvenated me. My head became clear and my fists lighter. I faked with my right hand and surprised Ian with a left hook to the jaw. Bones cracked as Ian's head swiveled side to side. His blank stare gazed up at me as he fell to the ground.

  I didn't even wait for him to hit the floor before I went to Tempest. “Are you okay?” I asked, bending down and examining her bloody lip.

  Tempest nodded. “I'm all right. Just get me the hell out of here.”

  I went around Tempest to untie her but the ziptie was too strong. I needed my switchblade to cut it.

  As I got up, Tempest screamed, “Look out!”

  I turned around to Ian on the ground and in slow motion, watched as he pulled a small gun from his ankle holster. How could I have forgotten? He always kept a spare gun for situations like this. My blind love for Tempest had gotten me killed.

  “I told you I still had a few tricks up my sleeve,” Ian sneered.

  I closed my eyes and remembered my first time with Tempest—her soft naked flesh and my hard cock pounding in and out of her. At least I could die happy.



  The smoking pistol in my hand was warm to the touch. This time pulling the trigger worked. Ian lay dead on the floor with a hole in his head, blooding pooling around his body. Not bad for firing a gun for the first time in my life. I kept the gun pointed at him, my grip firm on the handle. I wouldn't let him hurt us ever again.

  Ryker opened his eyes and checked his body for bullet holes. He turned to me and realized what happened. He knelt down and pried the gun from my fingers. I wanted to shoot Ian a million more times. Make sure he'd never come back to life.

  “You saved my life,” he said, gazing into my eyes.

  “Only because the gun was loaded. You really need to keep that shotgun of yours loaded at all times. Could have saved us all a headache.”

  Ryker chuckled. “I'll take that into consideration.” He looked down at my wrists and saw that they were still bound together by the ziptie. “How the hell did you get your hands free.”

  I pointed to the broken pipe. “I was trying to break it the entire time you guys were fighting. I guess seeing you about to be shot gave me that extra ounce of power.”

  Ryker walked over by Russel and picked up his switchblade. He returned to me and sawed the zipties until my hands were free. My wrists were red and raw from all the struggling. Ryker held my wrists in his hands and looked over them. “I'm so sorry this happened. It was all my fault.”

  Ryker's head was down and tears rolled off his cheeks and fell into my hands. I raised his chin and looked into his eyes. “You saved my life, Ryker...twice. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead from an overdose in that godforsaken dungeon I called home. If it wasn't for you, Ian would have killed me.” I kissed Ryker softly on the lips even though mine hurt. “You're my hero.”

  Ryker wiped the tears from his eyes and helped me to my feet. I walked over to Ian and kicked him right in the chest. His lifeless body slumped over. “Fuck you.”

  But we still had one more thing to take care of. “What do we do about Russel?” I asked Ryker. “We can't let him live, right?”

  Ryker laughed and kicked Russel over the same way I did to Ian. His head twisted in a way that wasn't humanly possible. There was no life left in his limbs. Russel was dead. He'd been dead the entire time and Ryker fooled both Ian and me. “You killed him before you even entered the
room? But what if Ian noticed?”

  “It was a risk I had to take. I couldn't fight both of them at the same time. But if Ian knew Russel was dead, he'd most certainly kill you before I had a chance to do anything. My only option was to act like I held Russel's life in my hands. It was the only thing stopping Ian from killing you in front of me.”

  I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. It was the first time in hours that I actually breathed. “I'm just glad it's all over.”

  “Not quite yet, Tempest. We can't let people find out what happened here. That means we need to dispose of the bodies.” Ryker pointed at Ian and Russel. “There's also the guards outside that I had to take out.”


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