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Quick Be Jack: A Jack Nolan Novel (The Cap's Place Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Robert Tarrant

  PJ seemed momentarily lost in thought and then replied, "I honestly don't know. Tim has never mentioned getting money from her family, but that's not the type of thing he would talk about. I imagine it would be very difficult for him to take money from her family, but I get the sense from comments he makes about his wife that she is rather demanding when it comes to their standard of living."

  I set my empty Landshark on the desk and opened the next. I said, "It would explain their lifestyle if she was getting money from her family. On the other hand, her demands could be putting pressure on Tim that have caused him to do things he wouldn't otherwise do." After a pull on my fresh beer, "How does he get along with his wife? You know what I mean, is he one of those guys who'll do anything to please her?"

  PJ answered, "He doesn't talk much about her, so I don't get the impression that they are really that close, at least since I've known Tim. He does adore his two daughters though. Of that, I'm positive. He would do anything for those two girls." Her voice trailed off and it was obvious PJ didn't like what she was saying. She picked up the bottle from the desk and refilled her wine glass.

  I said, "His wife's family is a real wild card in this whole motive we're building. His wife may be demanding a lifestyle above Tim's means, but she may also be covering the gaps with her own family money. At this point, we have no way of knowing. This whole theory is a great deal of conjecture on our part. The only solid lead we have, if we exclude Spencer and his assistant, and I certainly think we can, is that it appears Tim was the only person with opportunity. So now we're looking for motive. There is a possibility, though we have no proof, that Tim was dirty at the time of the FBI investigation years ago, but he wasn't caught. So our theory is that he's still dirty and linked to organized crime. Dockery hires a hit man who somehow has ties to the organized crime people that Tim is tied to and Tim is asked to help them find Sissy. Though Sissy is your close friend, Tim gives up her location knowing it means her death. That's our theory?"

  PJ rubbed the back of her neck, took a long sip of her wine, shook her head and finally said, "Doesn't sound very strong when you put it that way Jack. I guess I'm just fixated on the fact that he does seem to be the only one with opportunity. I agree that it makes no sense that either Spencer, or his assistant, the only people at the Pinnacle who actually knew who Sissy was, would have given the information to anyone. Tim is the only other person with the knowledge of Sissy's identity and location." She paused and took another swallow of wine, "You're correct, I'm grasping to find motive because Tim had opportunity. Yet, you and I both know that financial pressures can cause people to do all kinds of things they would never otherwise do."

  I asked, "Is there any way you could ask around some and see if you can determine if Tim's wife could be a source of extra resources? You know, any close friends he has you could casually ask?"

  PJ scowled, but said, "I'll think about it. The only people I know who know Tim are in the department. It's real tricky asking questions to cops about another cop. Even casual questions may raise suspicions. After all of the probes in the department in the past there is a heightened paranoia in the ranks. Let me think about it." I detected the slightest slur creeping into her last remarks.

  "Look, we've probably beat this enough for today. How about we get something to eat? You up for bar food tonight?"

  PJ looked intently at me and asked, "What's my other option? You going to take me someplace fancy?"

  I stammered, "Ah, ah sure. We can go somewhere else. Someplace a little more upscale than Cap's Place? How about one of the restaurants at the Diplomat?"

  PJ grinned, "Just kidding you Jack. I'd love to eat here tonight. I might even have one of those burgers of Juan's that you're always raving about. Let's just have one more drink first." With that she emptied the wine bottle into her glass. Holy shit, she's drunk the entire bottle, on top of the first glass I got her. With nothing to eat and a weight of a whopping 110 pounds, it's no wonder she's starting to slur her words.

  Before I could reply, PJ leaned back into the couch, locked me in her green eyes, and in a soft breathless whisper said, "You need to know Jack Nolan I'm giving strong consideration to staying right here tonight. I don't think I'm up for driving home. Can you find a place for me to sleep around here tonight?"

  Breathe Jack, breathe. This must be some kind of cruel joke of the universe. All of this time I would have given anything to hear those words from PJ and now, now of all times. The last couple of days, well really nights, with Elena had prompted me to question the course my life has been sailing. I hadn't had the time to even define the situation clearly in my mind yet. The Jack of a week ago would not have hesitated in the slightest. Now I'm actually considering how to gracefully decline PJ's offer. Somehow my world has tilted.

  Whatever direction my world was tilting became insignificant when it was violently rocked with a light rap on the door. Immediately following the rap, the door opened, and there stood Elena saying, "Surprise!"


  Elena was dressed in one of the short sundresses she seems to favor, when not going to work, and a pair of wedges. Her hair was gleaming and she wore a broad smile. She looked at PJ reclined in one corner of the couch with wine glass in hand, the empty wine bottle and two beer bottles on the desk, and me sitting behind the desk looking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The smile faded.

  This is one of those moments when a man knows his life is over, he just doesn't know how long and how painful the process of death will be. Considering who Elena's father is, I'm confident my death will be gruesome, to say the least. Replacing the shock on my face with what I hoped looked like a sincere smile I said, "Hi Elena. What a great surprise."

  Elena took a step back and said, "Oh sorry. I didn't know I was interrupting something. I asked out front and someone said you were back here. I didn't know you were busy."

  PJ's eyes darted from Elena to me and back to Elena. Her cop face seemed to materialize from nowhere. She said, "You're not interrupting anything. I'm Detective Johnson. Jack has been helping me with a case. We were just discussing it. I was just leaving." PJ set her wine glass on the desk and began to put her shoes on. Elena may not have detected the subtle slur in her voice, but she could certainly see that PJ was struggling to get the shoes on her feet. Her dexterity seemed to be significantly diminished.

  Elena gave me a quizzical look, but didn't speak. I jumped to my feet and stepped toward her with my arms outstretched and said, "You're never an interruption. PJ and I were just talking about grabbing dinner. You'll join us won't you?" I put my arms around her and whispered, "You look gorgeous. This is a wonderful surprise."

  She hugged me back and whispered, "Really? You look pretty busy with Detective PJ." There was a definite edge to her tone.

  By now PJ had gotten her shoes on, reclaimed her gun, and donned her jacket. She stepped toward us as our hug was breaking with her hand outstretched and said, "Hi, I'm Detective Johnson, but my friends call me PJ. Please call me PJ."

  Elena shook her hand and replied, "I'm Elena Wilson, nice to meet you PJ."

  PJ responded, "Likewise. Now I should really get going." Turning her attention to me she continued, "Thanks for your help Jack. I'll let you know what turns up. I always appreciate your perspective."

  Having drunk all of that wine I knew PJ needed to eat, so I asked, "Aren't we going to dinner?" Turning to Elena I said, "Elena will join us, won't you Sweetheart?" I had never called her Sweetheart before and it just seemed to pop out. I continued, "We were thinking of going to one of the restaurants at the Diplomat. How does that sound?"

  PJ spoke up, "No. No, you two go on ahead. I should get started home."

  Elena said, "Of course you'll join us. In fact, I'm the one joining you guys, but regardless, the three of us are going to have dinner. I don't suggest that we go to the Diplomat though. When I drove past there on my way here there was a line of limos waiting to get into the drive. The cops .
. . er police, are even directing traffic in front. Must be some large function going on there. The place is packed. Why don't we just eat here?" Looking up at me with a glint in her eyes she said, "I drove all the way down here just because I wanted to sample the fare at Cap's Place. Let's eat here."

  PJ said, "Sure, let's have a bite and then I'll get going. If you guys will get a table, I'm going to make a stop in the ladies room." She stepped around Elena and me and headed down the hallway to the bar. I noticed a little weave to her walk. I doubted that Elena had noticed it, she hasn't studied PJ's walk like I have.

  As soon as PJ disappeared into the bar Elena said, "You can't let her drive Jack. She's wasted."

  "I don't know that I can stop her. After all, she's the cop. Not me."

  Elena shook her head, "Of course you can. Tell her you'll never screw her again if she drives tonight." Then her eyes flashed, "By the way, you won't be screwing her again anyway." Poking her finger into my chest she continued, "Got it buster?"

  My head was spinning. First, I find myself resisting PJ's obvious flirtation after months of fantasizing about just that. Second, I find myself calling Elena "Sweetheart" in front of PJ. Third, Elena seems to be telling me my roaming days are over. Don't people talk about those kinds of things before pronouncements are made? Besides, I haven't slept with PJ. Deciding I should defend myself I said, "Just for the record, I've never been to bed with PJ."

  Turning to walk toward the bar, Elena said over her shoulder, "Well, if that's the case, just know you never will."

  It was still busy in the bar, but a booth had just opened up so Elena and I grabbed it. We had just gotten settled when Renee came over and said, "I see you found him, Elena." Now I was really confused. To my knowledge, Elena had never been inside Cap's before. The only time she and I came here was when we were abducted in the parking lot. How does Renee know her?

  Elena replied, "I did. He was in the office, just like you thought."

  Renee asked, "Can I get you something to drink? Menus?"

  I answered, "Yes on both counts." Turning to Elena I asked, "What would you like to drink?"

  She paused and then said, "I'd like a margarita please, on the rocks, no salt."

  Renee nodded and said to me, "Landshark, Jack?"

  I nodded my head in the affirmative, but was too distracted watching PJ weaving towards us across the floor. She looked like a ten year old walking in her mother's high heeled shoes, only she was wearing her usual flats. Finally, she reached us and slid into the booth across from Elena and me.

  Renee said, "I didn't see you come in PJ, can I get you a drink?"

  "Ah . . . sure. I'll have a glass of Chardonnay please, oh, and a glass of water."

  Elena and I glanced at each other, but neither of us said anything.

  After Renee had gone to get our drinks, PJ said, "I feel like I'm in the way. I didn't know you two had plans or I wouldn't have kept you, Jack." She was now speaking as if she had a small wad of cotton in her mouth. Not a good sign.

  Before I could say anything, Elena said, "Not a problem PJ. We didn't really have plans tonight. On a whim I decided I'd drive down here and surprise Jack. I've been wanting to experience Cap's Place for some time." She paused and a dark shadow crossed her face before she continued, "It just hasn't worked out before." She turned toward me and then back toward PJ, "It's great you and Jack talk about cases. He won't admit it, but I think he misses his days as a prosecutor."

  Where did that come from? I've told Elena about being a prosecutor in the past but, for obvious reasons, I've never expounded on that part of my legal career. Where did she get the idea I miss those days? Even if it may have some truth in it.

  Renee arrived with our drinks and menus. I was relieved to see PJ take a long drink of her ice water before even touching her wine. Renee said she'd stop by in a few minutes to take our dinner orders. Elena took a sip of her margarita and smiled, "Good drink."

  I looked toward the bar and said, "Dana's behind the bar. She's our best, by far."

  Elena looked to the bar, "The dark haired woman? She's pretty." She followed her comment with a stare into my eyes as if she was trying to read my mind. I just shook my head and mouthed the word, no. Elena took another sip of her drink and muttered something I didn't quite hear, but didn't pursue.

  We all fell quiet as we perused the menu. I don't know why I was even looking, I know the damn thing by heart. I guess it just seemed like the least dangerous thing for me to be doing at the moment. Renee returned and we ordered. Two entree salads and one cheeseburger platter. I could have predicted the salads. The increasing size of our produce order is testament to the fact that more women are frequenting Cap's Place these days. Women dining in public is the number one threat to the beef industry in this country.

  Just as Renee was leaving with our orders, Moe came ambling up to our booth and said, "Sorry to bother you Boss, but we have an issue in the kitchen that needs your attention." Turning to PJ he said, "Hi Detective. Nice to see you." Looking at Elena the corners of his mouth turned up in the slightest smile and he simply said, "Hello Ms. Wilson. I'll bring him right back, I promise." With that, he turned and headed toward the kitchen.

  I said, "Sorry. I'll be right back," and followed Moe.

  Moe walked right through the kitchen and out the door into the parking lot. I followed and as he turned around to face me I asked, "What is it Moe? I thought it was something in the kitchen?"

  He waved his hand in the air, "Shit Boss, that was just a ruse to get you out here to talk. What's going on in there? You got a death wish or something?"

  "What the hell are you talking about Moe?"

  A deep frown engulfed Moe's huge black face and his voice rose several octaves, "Boss, you're in there with a woman you've been lusting after for months now and the woman who is your latest main squeeze. Don't you see that's a recipe for disaster?"

  Now my voice rose, not in octaves but in volume, "You called me out hear to council me on my social life?"

  Moe held up his hands in surrender, "I didn't want to Boss, but Dana and Renee told me it was my duty." Sure didn't take the big guy long to throw them under the bus.

  "What . . . Dana and Renee . . . what . . . doesn't anyone around here have anything better to do than monitor my personal life?"

  Moe nodded, "Oh, we've got plenty to do Boss, it's just that taking care of you is part of what we do around here."

  I was too mad to speak. We just stood there staring at each other. Finally, I said, "You can tell Dana and Renee that you did your duty, Moe. Your concern, everyone's concern, has been duly noted." With that I turned to retrace my steps back through the kitchen.

  Over my shoulder I heard Moe say, "When this whole thing blows up, don't say I didn't warn you."

  When I got back to our booth, Elena and PJ were engaged in a lively conversation about the relative merits of the several shopping malls in the immediate area. The universal common language of all women, shopping. Men have sports and women have shopping. I slid back into my seat and took a long pull on my Landshark. Neither of them acknowledged my return as they were laughing and talking. I don't know what Moe's talking about, this is a walk in the park.

  Our dinner arrived, as did a second round of drinks that Elena had ordered during my absence. It looked to me as if PJ was again drinking wine at the same pace she was in the office. If her diction and the volume of her voice was any indication, her sobriety was not improving.

  I was occasionally included in the conversation as we ate, but it was mostly the two women talking. They moved from shopping, to fashion, to the upcoming concerts in the area. As we were finishing, Elena asked PJ what it was like to be a woman in the male dominated world of law enforcement. PJ surprised me with her response. She said that men didn't know it yet, but they were losing control of that world also. Then she began citing all of the women who were police chiefs, directors of state police agencies, and high ranking federal enforcement officials. Elena asked a co
uple more questions and PJ started telling her stories about her first years on the job. I excused myself to go to the restroom. Elena looked at me, smiled and nodded, and continued talking with PJ.

  It was when I returned to the table that the conversation addressed me. I should have stayed away longer. As I sat down Elena said, "PJ and I've been talking and we've agreed that she really shouldn't be driving tonight. I suggested that she stay with us tonight upstairs. You know, in your guest room."

  It's not that often that I find myself totally speechless, but this was one of those occasions. They were both gazing intently at me as if they had just announced that they had jointly found the cure to cancer. Then it hit me. They're just jerking my chain. PJ shouldn't be driving, but they aren't seriously suggesting that she stay in my apartment with Elena and me there. Actually, I didn't even know that Elena was staying. Not that I would resist that notion in the slightest. Okay, I'll play along and see how far they'll take it. I said, "Sounds like a great idea. I really don't think you should drive PJ and there's plenty of room."

  Elena exclaimed, "There, that's settled. Now we can have another drink. I want to hear all about your daughter PJ."

  PJ said, "I'll gladly tell you all about Angela, but no more drinks for me. Even though I don't have to drive, I still need to be able to walk upstairs."

  I said, "I'll get us a couple of drinks Elena. I'll be right back." I needed a little space to try to figure out what the hell was going on. A short couple of hours ago I didn't even suggest that PJ and I meet upstairs because I knew she'd summarily reject the idea. Now she's going to spend the night in the guest room while Elena and I are in my room? Reality had somehow gotten skewed. I headed for the bar.

  I walked up to the servers' position at the bar. Dana came over and with a smirk asked, "How's everything going Jack?"

  "Everything's just great . . . just great. A margarita and a Landshark please. Oh, and a large glass of water."

  Dana chuckled, shook her head, and turned to fill my order.


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