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Ember of a New World

Page 6

by Watson, Tom

  The Elders gathered in a circle around the fire and bade the hunting dancers come forward. Within moments, the Elders and the fire were encircled by dancers holding favored weapons dancing in time with a fierce beat. The weapons were carefully wielded to prevent accidents and some were not even true weapons, being ceremonial entirely. Given a correctly performed ritual, the coming cold season would be full of fresh game and warm hides. Ember truly didn't understand why the Gods required so much over some simple deer and game, but that was the way of things.

  The affair was not without humor. Some of the smallest children wore little rabbit or bird costumes as they ran around the outside of the fire area. The costumes were merely rabbit pelts or a reed construct of feathers with small and quickly constructed ears or beaks. The hunters had trouble dancing as they laughed at the little children bounding around in such funny costumes, making noises to-boot. Rituals were based on intent more than action. It was said by the Elders that the Gods knew your intent better than you did and that the actions you took were not as important as the will to make them. For this reason, the children playing and the little errs and accidents during the ritual were laughed off and not considered dangerous to the entire event, though rituals were taken extremely seriously in many ways.

  The most important parts of rituals were readings and signs. A pronounced sign or vivid reading could not be ignored, especially if the Gods were to look favorably on the tribe this cold season. The Gods had not called for anything to be given to them or any special tasks in a long time, but the tribe still offered the coming-of-age tasks, a task each newly created adult must perform, as a quasi-offering to the Gods. A poor harvest or harsh cold season could devastate the tribe and people could die, especially the old and the young. This was especially noticeable when the average life expectancy was less than thirty harvests.

  “I wonder what task they will give you?” Blossom commented.

  Kanter smiled and whispered loudly enough for both girls to hear. “I heard from a trader two harvests past, and he looked truthful too, I can tell... anyway, I heard him say that a tribe to the far south sacrificed a person each harvest for good crops! I heard they took the blood and...”

  “Be quiet Kanter. Ember doesn't need anything to worry about. Besides, we don't do such things,” said Blossom. After a short time, the hunters left the area and those with spiritual business came forward. There were couples seeking blessings for a child, a man seeking healing for an injury, and finally those to be joined. The Elders performed minor rituals for each of the people who came forward.

  For the couple seeking the blessings of a child, the woman to become pregnant was touched by each of the female Elders, as well as other women nearby. The stomach of the woman was painted with a deep ocher paint and seeds were placed into the thick ocher. For the injured man, Na Na came forward a chanted as she applied a coating of mud to his wound. It was known that fresh mud could cause death, but when boiled with magic ingredients, the mud actually aided in healing. Ember suspected that the magic ingredients were the real reason and that the boiling and the mud were just for show.

  The last to come forward was a young man who wished to take a mate. Everyone held their breaths as Vance stepped forward. Vance was a hunter from a close village to the east. He had short black hair and dark eyes. Vance wore a finely crafted leather vest and leather wrap around his waist, as did many of the men at the dance. His face was crossed by a single dark streak of paint from ear to ear, the custom of his people. This declaration from Vance had been anticipated for quite some time, and many waited eagerly to see what would happen. It was said that Ember's cousin Heather would be the woman Vance chose.

  “Great Elders, I have need of you this night,” He said.

  “Oh..., do you now, young hunter? Step forward and tell us about it,” Black Rock said.

  “I am Vance, son of the hunter Bael. I come from Dark Forest village, to the east. I have come to join with The Great River People as a hunter and to take a wife. What say you?” Behind Dark Rock, a young woman stood in the crowd with a look of worry. Behind her stood an older and eager woman who resembled the younger woman quite well. The older woman had an impatient look about her.

  Get too it... you take too long Dark Rock, that older woman thought. Dark Rock came upon Vance suddenly and with a fierce expression. Vance was visibly shaken, but he held his ground in the face of the mighty old hunter. Dark Rock's eyes belied a touch of respect for the young hunter.

  “You need more than skill to join our people. You need a link which binds your loyalty!” Dark Rock said. Heather's impatient mother West, Ember's aunt, had told Dark Rock to keep it simple and quick. The decision to allow Vance to join the tribe had been made the previous day by the Elders, in secret, and the theatrics now occurring were causing Heather unneeded stress. Heather was a shy woman and was too nervous for anything too long. Dark Rock now addressed the mass of people with the scripted words of the ritual. Behind a group of people, Heather waited with her mother for the coming moment. The entire ritual was scripted, but the meanings were true. If she became scared and ran, it could prevent Vance from joining.

  “Is there a woman here who would be with this man as wife?” Dark Rock asked.

  “Have you a woman to call out, Vance of the Dark Forest village?”

  “I have!” Vance said. He turned and looked to where he knew Heather was.

  “Heather, daughter of the crop grower Dargen and West, will you be my mate? Will you stand beside me now?” he asked with as much gusto as he could create. For a moment, nothing happened as a bead of sweat rolled down Vance's face, and then Heather walked forward from the crowd. She wore a long leather wrap with black stripes and a leather shirt with the circle pattern of the tribe across the front. Heather had long brown hair let loose, as was the marital custom. Around her waist, a simple leather thong with attached river mussel shells was fastened. It was said only a virgin could wear the shells without them breaking or falling off.

  Ember didn't know were the saying came from or even what it meant. Ember had fashioned such a waistband a harvest before, and she and Blossom had both worn it without err. The custom had been adopted from other tribes and had become a fad of sorts. Ember saw Yellow Flowers watching and her mind could not keep silent.

  I bet she can't even lift a shell. They probably turn into powder in her hands. Perhaps they will paint them on her when the time comes; but would the paint run? Ember nearly laughed and caught herself. Such naughty thoughts.

  Heather stepped forward and came before Vance as she spoke, “I will stand with this man. He is a hunter and will bring us good luck. We can plant our crops and eat fresh meat,” she said. Morning Dew stepped forward and moved both Vance and Heather together to face her.

  “Vance, son of Bael, and Heather, daughter of Dargen and West, do each of you understand that you will now vow to live as one for the rest of your lives? Is this your choice?” Morning Dew asked.

  “Yes,” both said at the same time looking at each other as if only the three of them existed. Heather's mother West looked as though she might melt into the ground, her eyes welling with happy tears.

  “Then it is so. From this night forward, Vance is a hunter of our people and joined with Heather. May the Gods bless you,” Morning Drew proclaimed.

  Vance and Heather embraced passionately as the tribe cheered. Kanter was glad it was over. He turned to say something but found both Ember and Blossom staring with wide glistening eyes and longing expressions.

  Why... why is it always this way with girls. Well, if they just stand there I am going for some food. Half of the tribe is now stunned so they won't notice me. With that thought, Kanter snuck off to eat his fill of mussels, his favorite food.

  As the people cheered, Heather was lifted off of her feet by Vance and gently carried away to some secluded place where they would consummate their joining. This was the way of things, and with any luck, a child would come by early thawing season. As Heat
her, carried by Vance, passed Ember she gave her younger cousin a wink and a smile. Ember and Blossom continued their feminine antics while Kanter filled his face with food.

  After much dancing and talk of the new couple, the boys and girls who were to be declared Men and Women were called to the circle as the Elders returned. Sometimes, there would only be one boy or one girl, sometimes a few. This harvest's festival was overflowing with children coming of age. The unseasonably warm weather, coupled with the massive number of children and other “signs”, which the Elders had seen lately, suggested that this would be a special festival. Perhaps one of the boys would be sent on a journey, a far reaching goal, to another tribe or a distant place. This was not commonplace, and it was dangerous, but any boy who completed such a task would return a man, more of a man than many of the men already present. He might even return with a mate from another tribe. Many boys secretly hoped and feared such a task at the same time, though it was rare for such tasks to be far reaching.

  Luckily we girls get easier tasks. Who wants to go kill a deer or chew on a tree? Ember held back a laugh at her foolish thoughts. Ember's head was always filled with strange thoughts and observations. She had made a habit of observing her own people and could often be found watching people do their daily tasks. She had long ago learned that this was not the common way of thinking amongst most people.

  A collection of four boys and two girls came forward to become adults. Each stood as tough and stern as they could, though fear and anticipation were easily seen in their eyes. The boys were the first to be seen.

  Best for last, Ember thought as she strode forward to join Yellow Flowers, the other girl who was to become a woman. Yellow Flowers gave Ember a jealous look as she eyed the beautiful green tunic which contrasted Ember's red hair so well. If lightning could burst from her eyes into Ember, it would have. Yellow Flowers wore a tunic of corded fiber, much like Ember, but of a more earthy color and without the beads or feathers. Yellow Flower's family could have obtained a greater dress, but probably felt it unneeded, given Yellow Flower's well known effects on any traveling men who came to the village. This realization seemed to matter little to Yellow Flowers.

  As the ritual continued, each of the boys was ceremonially brushed with a leafy branch by elder women to “remove” evil spirits from their bodies. The tribe’s markings, small circles, were applied to their faces, and a spear, or other such defensive weapon, was placed in their hand by elder men. Each boy’s name was announced out loud. Some had changed their names from childish to adult, though not all boys opted for this.

  “Where there was once a boy named Warm Sands, here now stands Strong Arm son of Flint Blade, defender and protector of the People,” Dark Rock announced.

  We are going to run out of new names eventually, Ember thought. There are only so many different things to use as a name! Flint, water, east, west, north, south... Perhaps we might all choose two, or even three names! No... Who could remember three names for each person? Perhaps a family name than a personal name, but maybe... Ember was always thinking and rarely about what she should. Her thoughts were interrupted by a flash of light in the sky. It was another streak of light, just as before. The streak was short and few seemed to notice. As she touched a pensive finger to her cheek, the ritual continued.

  The Eldest woman, Morning Dew, would come forward and touch the head and hands of each boy looking for signs or other supernatural indicators of special tasks which must be performed for the Gods. Generally, each new man or woman would be given a simple task to complete. Men often would be given the task of hunting once alone or crafting an item of some quality. Women would be given tasks of creating beautiful works of weaving or pottery. On rare occasions a man, or even more rarely a woman, would be sent off on a long journey to some Gods known place. Ember wasn't worried about a journey as it was uncommon for men and basically didn't happen to women. The last known time was a story told of a woman tens of generations before. It was a tragic story. Ember recalled a bear being involved. She would most likely end up making some pot or other such object.

  Ember waited with a nearly unhealthy anticipation to see if any of the boys would be sent on some silly and dangerous task. Each of the new men was given hunting tasks, except for Strong Arm. He was the most accomplished of the new men and had already hunted a deer by himself. Morning Dew found various undisclosed “signs” on him. They told her that Strong Arm needed to journey to the east, to a nearby tribe, the same tribe Vance came from, and seek a brown haired woman that would be his mate.

  As it just so happened, such a girl was part of a traveling group which had stopped by the tribe just this thawing season. This was the way Elders played their match making game. Ember had caught Warm Sand's eye and he, hers. As the newly created Strong Arm, he could join with her if Ember was both amenable and wasn't already taken.

  What ironic luck that there would be signs found by the match maker herself, old Dew, Ember thought ironically. Where were her friends to discuss this with? She looked back at Kanter, his mouth full of food, and Blossom, giving them an exaggerated wink. Ember wanted to gossip, but her turn was coming up and she wanted to be on time for at least this event.

  When the men were fully created new, they each hurried off to assert themselves as the new men they were by immediately claiming a woman they had eyed for a time, if she would have them, or by starting their tasks. After a few awkward interactions between the new men and several delighted, but embarrassed women, two of the men had proposed their feelings successfully. The delighted women had accepted, by their right, leaving the third man to find a mate in a nearby tribe sometime soon, and the fourth to do the same as part of his task.

  One of the women, a young woman named Butterfly, agreed for an immediate joining, while the other woman, Cold Stream, opted for the next full moon. The second joining followed a similar theatrical ceremony as the first. Afterward, everyone returned to the festivities as a young hunter carried his new bride off, presumably to the river bank for joining bliss.

  After a short recess, Dark Rock came forward and waved the two girls, Ember and Yellow Flowers, forward. As the two girls came forward, Yellow Flowers stood ahead of Ember nearly pushing her aside. Dark Rock placed a hand upon her head as he spoke.

  “Yellow Flowers, daughter of Dancing Herd and Evening Flowers, you have been known to me for a long time as but a child. You have played and laughed at my feet, and yet I no longer look down to see you. Could you have become a woman while I grew old?”

  Dark Rock paused, thinking he caught sight of something moving in the sky, but took little note of it. Returning his attention to the events at hand, he looked Yellow Flowers up and down with exaggerated movements meant to be seen clearly by the tribe. He “noticed” her wide hips and budding female features with a grunt here and a nod there. With a shrug he looked back at Morning Dew.

  “I have looked more closely, and young Yellow Flowers has bloomed into a woman. Come see for yourself, Dew, and read her signs that we may pronounce her a woman.”

  With that ritual proclamation, Morning Dew strode forward and touched Yellow Flowers' head as she babbled in some unknown language, looking intently at things only she could see. Within moments she looked at Yellow Flowers and began her pronouncements.

  “Before me stands no girl! This is Yellow Flowers, a woman of the people. By the next Lunar Festival, you should come wearing a fully beaded gown of your own design. Now go forth!” Yellow Flowers hugged Morning Dew and strode off with her new task in mind. Ember considered the impressive task Yellow Flowers had been given. The task of creating a single bead took the better part of a day of grinding shells or tiny stones with sharp stone tools and sand granules. Before the stones could even have their holes ground, they had to be smoothed with oil, leather, and sand. The thought of so many beads made Ember's hands reflexively clench.

  My outfit will still look better, she thought. Ember's mind was taken back to current events as she heard her name spo
ken in full by Dark Rock.

  “Ember, daughter of East and the warrior Winterborn, fallen in battle ten seasons past; I have watched you dance and sing at ritual. You have brought me more flint and strange stones than any other girl, or boy for that matter. What brings you to the circle this night?” With the theatrics only an elder would use, Dark Rock moved forward and examined Ember as he had Yellow Flowers. He poked her shoulder and made a few odd noises.

  “Hmm, I see...” he said, before standing back and giving Morning Dew a level gaze.

  “Dew, please come and see if my eyes are working this night for I thought I saw the girl Ember, but this is surely a woman standing before me.”

  Dew moved forward and placed her hands upon Ember's head to start her typical act when a bright light caught everyone's attention. The dark of the night was shattered by the sudden appearance of a strange a wondrous object. In the sky above, a bright light appeared with a sudden radiance and a glowing tail behind it as it soared across the dark sky. The light was bright white in the center with green and red pieces coming off as it flew across the sky. Everyone had seen a star fall, though no one knew why they did. This was more like a burning arrowhead streaking across the sky, and faster than anyone thought possible!

  As the red and green falling star blazed along the sky, it suddenly became significantly brighter. The light became more orange-red and nearly blinding. So much brighter, larger, and close was this falling star than normal! The sight was breathtaking and frightening to many. Some of the people dropped to their knees, genuflecting in awe while others prayed and chanted to the Gods for mercy. Most screamed while Morning Dew merely stared at the sight. Ember watched the bright streak fly over her with a sense of foreboding.

  Well, that is just great... It had to be now, and the colors had to be red and green. Great... I'll get stuck making the largest bead ever or killing a wolf with only my hands or something for this..., Ember thought sarcastically as she let go a great sigh. As the tribe stared, the light flew across the sky from one end to the other heading in a westerly by north westerly direction in line with the Great River. The light promptly broke into many tiny pieces which disappeared over the horizon. The entire tribe stood in silence and started at the cloud trail which seemed to follow the path of the lights. For what seemed like a long moment no one said anything.


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