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Rogue Pirates Bride

Page 30

by Shana Galen

  told Raeven now. “No wife, no children, no family.”

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  She gripped his hand tighter. “You don’t know

  that. You were going to search for your brothers.”

  “It wasn’t meant to be.”

  She shook her head. “Will you really give up so

  easily? Will you really go so gently to your death?”

  He was facing death. Certain death. He’d persuaded

  Russell to take him prisoner instead of hanging him

  from the Regal’s yardarm. Russell was canny enough

  to realize the glory he’d receive when he brought the

  much-vaunted Captain Cutlass to London to face trial

  and punishment. It was a risk, though. Pirates were

  known for their tricks and deceptions. The admiral

  had made sure Bastien was locked up tightly and had

  no interaction with the crew—less chance he’d be able

  to sway any of Russell’s men or cause a mutiny. Less

  chance he’d be able to persuade one of them to help

  him escape once on land.

  But Bastien sure as hell would not go to his hanging

  without a fight, even if he had little hope he’d be able

  to escape. The British Navy didn’t make a habit of

  losing prisoners. “I have a few tricks yet.”

  “Perhaps I can help you. Perhaps—”

  “No.” He all but crushed her hand in his. “This

  is no game. If you’re implicated in aiding my escape,

  you’ll be imprisoned as well. I don’t want anything to

  happen to you.”

  “What a touching sentiment,” a voice said from

  behind her. “Coming from a rogue. I hope you don’t

  believe that drivel, Raeven.”

  Bastien met the admiral’s eyes, squeezed Raeven’s

  hand a last time, and released her. But she didn’t

  step away from his cell. Instead, she stood in front of

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  Bastien, as though she were shielding him. Bastien

  shook his head. He really should have married the girl

  while he had the chance.

  “Father, I demand an explanation. Why is Bastien

  imprisoned on the Regal? He’s done nothing wrong.”

  Her father’s brows shot up. “Nothing wrong? Is this

  the man you wanted to hunt down for the death of

  Captain Bowers? Is this the man you urged me to pursue

  because you were certain he carried arms for Spain? He’s

  a pirate and a rogue. He’s responsible for the death of

  Percy Williams. And now you dare defend him to me?”

  “I’m responsible for Percy’s death, not Bastien.

  Percy went aboard the Shadow with me only because

  I pushed and cajoled him.”

  “Be that as it may. If nothing else, the man has the

  crime of piracy on his shoulders. He’s attacked British

  ships, stolen British cargo, killed British sailors. And

  I’m not going to allow those misdeeds to go unpun-

  ished because you’re smitten with him. Now, go back

  to your cabin. If you’re found down here again, the

  prisoner will receive fifty lashes.”

  She balked. “Father!”

  But he’d turned his back and was headed for the

  ladderway. Raeven started to go after him then turned

  back to Bastien. “I’ll speak to him. I’ll try and help.”

  Bastien nodded, knowing she’d not budge the man

  an inch. “If I don’t see you again…” he began, uncer-

  tain how he would even finish the sentiment.

  “You will. I promise. I’ll find a way to help you.”

  He cocked a brow. “I could do without the fifty lashes.”

  She gave him a quick scowl. “Have some faith.”

  And then she was gone.

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  Bastien smiled. He had nothing but faith in her.

  Too bad in the British Navy she’d finally met a foe

  she couldn’t best.

  Raeven argued most of the way back to England for

  Bastien’s release, but her father would not listen. As

  soon as she broached the topic of Captain Cutlass, he

  cut her off and turned his back. On one of the last

  occasions she tried to reason with him, she caught him

  in his cabin. “Father.”

  “Do not start, Raeven,” he said, not even bothering

  to look up from the charts on his desk.

  She plopped in the chair across from him. “I have

  never seen you so unwilling to hear me out. What are

  you afraid of? That I might convince you Bastien is a

  good man?”

  He glanced up and back down. “I would like to be

  convinced he’s a good man, Raeven. Tell me. What

  is so good about him?”

  Raeven opened her mouth, but her father cut her off.

  “Is it all the times he’s attacked British ships or those

  under our protection?”

  “No, but—”

  “Was he good when he killed Captain Bowers?”

  “No, but that wasn’t his—”

  “Or did he become good when he sailed away

  with my daughter and returned her to me thoroughly

  debauched and now arguing for the bastard’s life?”

  The admiral stood, red-faced, and glared at her.

  Raeven was wise enough not to answer. She still

  worried for his health and did not want him too upset.

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  “If your mother could see you now…” He trailed off.

  Raeven waited, but it appeared he would not speak

  again. “If she could see me now?” she prompted quietly.

  He shook his head, took his handkerchief, and

  coughed into it.

  “What would she say, Father? What would she

  do? Would she not be happy to see that I’m in love?

  Would she not want to save the man I care for?” She

  lifted a hand when her father would have spoken.

  “Very well. He’s not a good man. He’s a privateer,

  and he’s not what you wanted for me. But he doesn’t

  deserve to die. If you let him live—”

  “How?” The admiral placed his hands on his hips.

  “How can he live? He’s wanted by the Crown. When

  we dock, he’ll be sent to Newgate, tried, and hanged

  for his crimes. I can’t change that. I don’t want to

  change that.”

  “You could help him escape.”

  He glared at her. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t

  hear that traitorous statement.”


  “No. No more! Forget him, Raeven. You’ll find

  another man. I know you will. I have dreams for you

  too.” For the first time she saw a flicker of pain in his

  eyes. “When I retire, I want to take my grandsons

  fishing. I want to see you happily settled.”

  “As do I.”

  “And I do not want to hear another word about


  “Please, if you’d just listen to me.”

  “Not another word.” He coughed, waved a hand.

  “Get out! Go back to y
our cabin and leave me in peace.”

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  Hurt and dejected, Raeven obeyed.

  She was not allowed to return to the brig to visit

  Bastien, and for the remainder of the voyage, she had

  only one brief glimpse of him. She happened to be on

  deck at the same time he was brought up for air. She

  was quickly dragged back to her cabin, but not before

  she was able to see he was well and healthy. He looked

  paler than she remembered, but he was not suffering.

  At least she had that comfort.

  Because she was no longer trusted, she spent hours

  alone in her cabin. Day after day, she tried to think of

  ways to save Bastien, but she knew even if she could

  help him escape the ship, he’d not be a free man. He’d

  be a wanted man with a price on his head. It would

  be next to impossible for him to escape the country

  by ship, as every captain would be on the lookout for

  him. She had no money, and if Bastien had untold

  riches hidden somewhere, she did not think they

  would be accessible in London.

  And every one of her schemes would require

  funds. Who had funds? The aristocracy, of course.

  But she did not know any of the ton. She was a

  sailor’s daughter.

  Bastien’s family was of the aristocracy. Perhaps if

  she could travel to France and find them, they might

  give her money to help Bastien.

  A few days later, she spotted Mr. Wimberley on

  deck. Fitzwilliam Wimberley was fourteen and the third

  son of a marquess. He was the closest thing to the aris-

  tocracy she knew, and she stopped him as he passed her.

  “Yes, Miss Russell?” He had the clipped, formal

  accent of the aristocracy, and even at fourteen, looked

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  as though he’d be more at home in a musicale than

  inspecting the rigging on a mast.

  “Mr. Wimberley, I wondered if we might have a

  word in private?”

  His brows shot up in surprise. She couldn’t blame

  him. This was probably only the third time she’d ever

  spoken to him. “I think the wardroom is empty this

  time of day. Do you have a moment?”

  “Yes, Miss Russell.” He indicated she should lead

  the way, and she did so, her thoughts churning as

  she walked. When they’d settled in the wardroom,

  Raeven seated across from him, she said, “Your father

  is an aristocrat, correct?”

  Now his brows knotted together. “He’s the

  Marquess of Huntleigh,” he said slowly. “Is that what

  you wanted to speak about? My father?”

  “No. But I wondered if, because of your upbringing,

  you might be familiar with another aristocratic family.”

  He nodded. “I know my Debrett’s as well as

  anyone, I suppose.”

  “It’s a French family. The name is Harcourt, but

  the title is the duc of Valère.”

  “Duc de Valère. Yes, I know of the duc. He made

  an interesting marriage shortly before I signed on to

  the Regal. I remember my mother speaking of it.”

  Raeven stared at him in open-mouthed astonish-

  ment. “The duc is alive and in England? I was given

  to think he’d been guillotined.”

  “Oh, I beg your pardon, Miss Russell. The duc was

  guillotined. This is his oldest son. I believe his given

  name is Jacques or—”

  “Julien,” she offered slowly. Julien Harcourt, Bastien’s

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  oldest brother, was alive and well—and apparently

  married—in England. Her head was spinning.

  “Yes, that’s right. I didn’t pay much attention

  to the discussion. Marriages and engagements don’t

  interest me much, but the duc is quite wealthy and has

  investments in shipping, so when I heard his name, I

  listened briefly.”

  “Mr. Wimberley, do you think when we arrive in

  London you might be able to take me to the duc de

  Valère? Introduce me?” She noted she was clenching

  her hands together, and gently eased her fingers flat

  on the table.

  “I don’t see how that’s possible, Miss Russell. I

  don’t know the duc, and my own family will be

  expecting me. They promised to send a coach to drive

  me to my father’s country estate. My sister and my

  older brothers will be there to welcome me.”

  Raeven’s hopes plummeted, but she kept a brave

  face. “Of course, you should spend time with your

  family. But perhaps you could tell me how to discover

  where the duc lives.”

  “I expect with the blunt he possesses, he resides in

  either Grosvernor or Berkeley Square. But that’s easy

  enough to ascertain. I might ask our coachman before

  I depart for the country.”

  She reached across the table and grasped his hand. “Oh,

  would you, Mr. Wimberley? I’d be so appreciative.”

  His face colored, and she realized he probably

  wasn’t used to women holding his hand. She hadn’t

  meant to fluster him, and she released his hand.

  “Miss Russell, do you mind if I ask why you want

  to meet the duc de Valère?”

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  “I don’t mind if you ask,” she said, rising, “if

  you don’t mind my not answering.” She winked at

  him and watched him blush again. “Good day, Mr.

  Wimberley. I’ll find you when we dock.”

  Raeven went straight to the bow and stared at the

  vast blue ocean before her. The wind was strong today,

  the clouds in the cerulean sky billowy white, and the

  ship moved through the water at a fast clip. Raeven’s

  heart pounded, and she grasped the oak railing to calm

  herself. Oh how she wanted to rush down to the brig

  and give Bastien the good news. His brother was alive!

  More of his family might be alive! All this time they had

  been living in England. Perhaps they had been searching

  for him. When she imagined Bastien’s happiness at this

  news, it took all of her willpower to stay on deck.

  It would hardly be good news if the reward for

  hearing it was fifty lashes.

  If the weather held, she knew they would reach

  England in less than a week. They would sail up the

  Thames into London, and Bastien would immediately

  be taken from the docks to Newgate. He’d be tried at

  the Old Bailey and hung at Tyburn.

  Unless she saved him. Unless she found the man

  who could save him, the duc de Valère.

  It was next to impossible for Bastien to escape from

  the brig, and even if he did, there was nowhere to hide

  on the ship. But once they reached the shore, escape

  was another matter entirely. And he might not even

  have to hide long if she could qui
ckly find the duc, his

  brother. A powerful man like the duc could surely find

  ways and means to, if not exonerate Bastien, see him

  safely out of the country.

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  And when Bastien left the country, she would go

  with him. Unless… unless he stayed. What would she

  do then? She was no aristocrat. She would never be

  accepted by the ton.

  She shook her head, unwilling to think of that

  possibility now. Right now she had to save Bastien.

  That was all that mattered.

  Raeven stared at the open sea and formulated a plan.

  Bastien knew when they’d reached the Thames

  because he could smell it. Even in the dank, musty

  brig at the bottom of the Regal, the stench of the

  Thames permeated. He’d never been in London,

  never sailed up the Thames. He would have liked to

  see it, but he supposed there were many things he’d

  like to have seen before he had his neck stretched at

  the end of an English rope.

  Not that he’d given up. He had nothing but time

  to formulate an escape plan. He would implement

  it when they docked, but as he didn’t know the

  ship and didn’t know the city, he had little hope

  he’d be successful.

  But his main worry was for Raeven. If he knew his

  cabin girl, she wouldn’t be content to allow him to

  handle things on his own. She’d want to meddle, to

  save him, and that would only ensure her own death.

  Aiding and abetting a criminal were serious charges.

  And that was why when, on the night he felt

  the Regal dock, he was not surprised when Rummy

  handed him a note.

  Bastien took it with a sigh.

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  “I think we both know who that’s from,” Rummy

  said, eyeing the note as though it were a snake. “If

  you’re caught with it, I didn’t give it to you.”

  “I found it in my coat,” Bastien said, rubbing the

  parchment between two fingers. Rummy and he had

  struck up a sort of friendship, as prisoner and jailor

  often do. Bastien liked the man, but he was not sorry

  to leave the brig and Rummy behind, even if it meant

  the prospect of another jail.

  “Are you going to read it?” Rummy asked. “She

  went to some trouble to get it to me. Threatened me,

  too. She’s a wild one.”

  “That she is,” Bastien agreed. He looked at the note


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