Music, Ink, and Love

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Music, Ink, and Love Page 2

by Jude Ouvrard

  When I heard the first sob, it felt like a stab in my heart. I wanted us to be in our room already for God’s sake. Why was it taking fucking forever? Right, we had to stay at the 15th floor. As soon as the door opened, I lifted Nix into my arms and I rushed to our room, onto the couch.

  “Don’t leave me, Levi,” her voice full of anxiety.

  “Where would I go?” I kissed her tears. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  I held Nix against me and let my hands caress her curves. In a moment like this, when she was in distress and I was thinking about her naked curves, I wanted to kick myself. I had to think of something else. Something that would replace my dirty thoughts. I sucked at this.

  “Do you want to talk about it? What happened?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “When I woke up, I felt brave. I wanted to face him and ask him why. Why did he leave my mother? Why did he never try to find us? I had all those questions when I was walking back to the convention, but he caught me off guard. He was in the lobby and was waiting for me. We went outside on the Strip and we walked for some time. He enrolled in the army right after my mom told him about me. After his deployment, he went to my grandparents, but they had no idea where to find us. He did some research when I was approximately six years old. He found us and he saw my mom and Carlton drop me at school.” She paused and wiped the tears from her cheeks with the sleeve of her sweater. “Brian saw the picture perfect family. The image my mother wanted so badly to project so he backed away. He didn’t feel like he had a place in my life. Brian said he was ashamed of being the person he had been and thought I deserved more.” She looked at me, expecting me to see where she was going but I had no clue. “Life gave us a chance to meet. Life put you in my path. I fell in love with you like I never thought I would and you involuntary brought me to my father. All my life, my mom tried to keep me away from guys like you, to keep me away from him.”

  “Nix. I’m not sure I trust him. Yes, he was nice to us prior to the revelation, but there is something about him... I don’t want to influence your decision. I’ll stand by you no matter what you decide, but honestly, Star, how do you feel?”

  “I’m crying and I don’t even know why. I’m trying to feel something but I can’t. I’m numb. It’s not hate, anger, sadness or loss. I feel nothing at all and it freaks me out.”

  “It’s only been a few hours. Take the time you need. It’s not like you were expecting to find him here. It’s quite big news.”

  She turned around to look at me, our faces only an inch apart. “Thank you.” Her lips brushed against mine, awakening the hunger in me. I urged myself to keep control.

  “You don’t have to thank me. It’s my job to be the one you need.”

  “I thought I was okay with no knowing him, but now that I’ve met him, it has totally flabbergasted me.” She chuckled. “For years, I pretended he had died. I was making all these scenarios in my head but since I turned eighteen, I stopped thinking about him, stopped hoping that he would show up. I think I had put a definite cross over that dream.”

  “Do you want to see him again?”

  She sighed and thought for a long moment, her eyes staring at her fingers. “I have his phone number, he has mine. He invited me over to his place. I’ll have some thinking to do and I told him so.”

  “Good.” I feared that I would end up suffocating her. “If you go, could I go with you?” I asked, almost a murmur. “I don’t think I could let you go all by yourself.”

  “Of course, I don’t want to go there alone. You are my guardian angel. I need you.” Her words tickled my lips before I felt her soft lips on mine. “I don’t know what your plans are for the next hour, but I would really like if you could show me how much you love me.”

  Her words hit directly at the right spot. I looked up, Thank you, God. I lifted her off of me and laid her down on the couch. I took off my t-shirt, needing to feel her and I pulled hers off in a nanosecond. My lips kissed their way down to her breast and her belly. The taste of her skin had a powerful effect on me. We belonged together, we both knew it and it wasn’t going to change. Sooner rather than later, she would become my wife. My desire to officially make her mine was growing on me.

  “Stop thinking, Levi.”

  “Sorry, I was thinking about how much you affect me... how much you’ve always affected me.” Taking back the control, I undressed her. After a shitty day like today, this was all I needed. Her, and me. Nothing could stop me.

  “Why don’t you get rid of your jeans, Levi?” She growled against my chest.

  Sweet Star. That totally turned me on. My little tiger was out and waiting and I didn’t like to make her wait any longer or she would use her claws. I never got rid of a pair of jeans that quickly and my boxers ended up flying across the room.

  “Take control, Angel. Make me forget my day.”

  She didn’t have to ask me twice before I drank her perfume and sank into her, pleasing her. My only desire was to get her mind focused on me, only me. I didn’t like to share. I wasn’t used to it. Chill the fuck out, Lev. It’s her fucking father. He won’t steal her from you. I repeated this mantra in my head until her first moan caught me off guard. I slowed down, it didn’t need to end fast, I craved slow. This moment haunted me all day and I had to enjoy every second of her. She held onto me, her hands gripping my hair until it hurt, but the ache felt so good. It aroused me... it meant I was pushing her limits, on her way to losing control.

  “I need you, Lev, so much.” She whimpered, barely audible.

  Words failed me, I was in the moment, building that tension. I was there for her body and soul. Showing her what I had failed to tell her. With my hand, I cupped her cheek and I looked at her, the lust in her eyes telling me I had her back, she had forgotten. I felt my body loosen up while my lips found hers. I kissed her like it would be the last. I had to get a grip, control my thoughts, my fear. She was here with me, wasn’t she?

  I loved her.

  I tried to push away my confusion and growing anxiety. She didn’t need to deal with my shit. Her needs were what I had to focus on.

  “Rock Star... Jesus.” I groaned, feeling all the elixir coming. Her curves in my hand, her skin rubbing on mine, and the warmth of our love was on the verge of making me the fucking happiest man in Vegas.

  “I waited for you to say it, talk to me about it but I know you, babe.” She said in a sporadic way, meeting me at each thrust. “I’m yours, I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  I could have cried right at that moment but that would’ve ruined the moment and it couldn’t be ruined. We both needed the release because fuck, today had been crazy enough already.

  Her legs were trembling under mine and her moan begged me to keep going. I pushed into her, once and twice before we came undone. My body relaxed against her. Both of us silent and out of breath, I rolled on my side and looked at her, her cheeks flushed and her hair in total disarray. She was beautiful in a way that totally hypnotized me.

  My eyes became tired and I believed she had fallen asleep. Her breathing was smooth and her body cuddled against mine. I kissed her naked shoulder before letting the exhaustion catch up with me.

  My lips were captured in a warm and soft sensation. Startled, I opened my eyes and found Nix straddling me, watching me with a beautiful grin gracing her face. “Wake up, sleepyhead.” Her giggles resonated in our room as I tickled her hips. “It’s getting late and it’s Saturday night. We should go out.”

  “You want to do it on the balcony?” I asked her, dumbfounded.

  She burst in laughter. “No, baby. No sex. We’re in Vegas. Come on, get dressed. There is so much to see.” She kept her bottom lip between her teeth. She didn’t even realize how freaking hot she looked.

  “Okay, get off me before I change my mind.” I had to stay clear of her until I had at least my boxers and jeans on. Of course, it took over fifteen minutes to find my boxers. This could have ended badly, but I kept my brain at the right place and go
t dressed.

  “Will you hold my hand, Rock Star?” Even though we had just spent hours naked and cuddling, I still needed to touch her, claim her.

  She answered me with a beautiful smile and slid her fingers into mine. Together, we walked out of the room with no mention of her father. I still had question, but I knew that she would talk to me about it when she was ready.

  The lights were blinding, the Strip alive at sunset. It wasn’t the first time that I had been here, but it still impressed me. I felt alive with all the people walking down the street, the city noise and the colorful lights on the different hotels. This place brought all the craziness of life; parties, shows, weddings.

  “You do realize that you have that huge smirk on your face, right?” Nix laughed at my side.

  I chuckled, I actually had no clue. My mind had cleared out all the anxiety I had toward her father, I was just living the moment. “I do? Now that explains the cramps in my cheeks.” She elbowed me in the ribs and I yelped loudly.

  “Are you hungry, smartass?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t feel like sitting for an hour. Do hamburgers and French fries sound good to you?” My fast-food addiction had to stop, but not in Vegas, come on. I wanted to show her around and not waste a freaking hour in a restaurant.

  “A cheeseburger will seal the deal.” She kissed my cheek.

  How did I get so lucky? A girl who’s not afraid to eat and doesn’t mind doing things simply. “You’re the best, baby. Come on, I know where to go.”

  There was one place where Kyle and I would stop by every time we came here and I had to share that place with her. She shared a lot of her life with me. Her apartment, her friends, her family history, the club... I wanted to show her my spot. Nothing major, just an old fast food restaurant with a great variety of burgers.

  I hadn’t talked to Kyle since leaving the convention. “Do you mind if I give Kyle a call? I have no idea where he’s at.”

  “No, not at all. Why don’t you ask him to join us for dinner?” She suggested and she was right.

  Leaving him alone in Vegas sucked. We came here for work but Kyle was like a brother to me and I had ditched him enough already.

  “Hey, man, where are you?”

  “I’m on my way to the hotel, why?” He sounded tired, maybe bored. I felt bad.

  “Do you want to grab something to eat with us?” The tone of my voice was hopeful, I wanted him to join us. We always had fun together.

  “The burger place?” I couldn’t see him but I knew he was smiling now. It was our ‘thing’ here in Vegas.

  “You got that right.”

  “I’ll meet you there, Romeo.”

  “Shut up.” I would never see the end of Kyle’s teasing. Getting married had never been in the cards for me. The idea started to make sense when I met Nix and my whole fucking world changed. Not that I used to be a player but I never had issues with dating. I knew I had charm and I had no problem using it to get what I wanted. I even did it to Nix and it worked, although it took more time before she finally gave in. Thanks to Bekka for letting me move in or I think I would still be running after her. Nix knew she liked me, but she had that mentally imprinted in her. I squeezed her hand and pulled her into my arms before entering the restaurant. We kissed, holding each other, and it felt great, at peace.

  “Okay, kiddos, I’m here now. Stop with the kissing and shit. I’m not watching porn again tonight.” Kyles joked as he walked up on us.

  We all laughed and Nix flushed a bright cherry red.

  Chapter THREE

  Sunday was uneventful compared to Saturday. All three of us had an early breakfast down at the hotel's restaurant, and then we went back to the convention for the last day.

  Nix didn't say it, but I could sense how nervous she was. Brian was going to be there and, as she had told me in the shower this morning, she didn't know how to approach him. She wasn’t excited to see him again, just curious. I had to give her that, if the situation was reversed, I would have wanted to know more. No matter what her decision would be, my place was right next to hers.

  “Morning, guys. Morning, Phoenix.” Brian greeted us as we arrived. I squeezed Nix’s hand to let her know I was in this with her.

  “Good morning, Brian.” Her voice sounded anxious, not entirely certain how to handle this.

  We got to our kiosk and the first visitors started to walk by. The coffee finally kicked in half an hour later. I had to get my head together. We all stayed up way too late last night, after Nix dragged us to the Tao night club and forced us to dance. At first, I wished we had stayed in our hotel room, but then, after a few shots, I started having fun and Kyle too. He met a girl and he seemed to really get along with her, if you know what I mean. For us, Nix and I, we dirty danced under the red chandelier and it felt good to have a good time with her. She smiled, she laughed, we kissed... everything I needed. The DJ’s music resonated through my whole body. His beats and combinations of songs topped all the DJs I had even seen live.

  The sun peeked through the horizon when we finally reached the hotel. Our clothes were drenched in sweat. Kyle and I went our separate ways while he said goodbye to the girl, or maybe he invited her back to his room. Though, I didn’t really want to know. We showered quickly and passed out within two minutes of cuddling. We got a few hours of sleep but nothing near what we needed.

  I rubbed my eyes, forcing them to wake up and stay open. Nix gave me my schedule and it turned out, I had another free hour before my next appointment. I contemplated going back to bed for the hour, but that would piss Kyle off and I really had no need to deal with an angry Kyle. I stayed sitting at my station with Nix by my side.

  “Do you have enough time for an impromptu tattoo?” She asked, shy and her eyes looking at me in a languorous way.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Levi.” My name sounded erotic coming out of her mouth.

  “Yeah, baby, what do you want?”

  She repeated. “Levi.” Her finger rubbed on the inside of her wrist.

  At that moment, I finally got what she wanted. She was asking me to tattoo my name on the inside of her wrist. Really? God damn it. My one and only rule. Was I about to break it?

  “I... I... don’t tattoo boyfriend or girlfriend names, Nix. I’ve declined so many clients before.”

  “Are you really declining me?” Her eyebrow crooked. “Do you fear I’ll regret it? Are we together or not?”

  Fuck, I needed a time out. My brain was way too mushy to think it through. My fiancée, the woman I asked to marry me, wanted me to ink her permanently with my name. Fuck! What was I supposed to say?

  “Okay.” What? Did that come out of my mouth? I was having a moment, battling against my head and heart. The fact that she asked me to mark her with my name totally turned me on and proved to me her love, but it went against my one and only rule.

  “Good, because I would have asked Kyle to do it.”

  I laughed out loud. “He wouldn’t have done it, trust me.”

  She pouted, upset. Damn, was she cute?

  “Are you sure about this? You already have Angel on your bicep, it’s enough.” I paused and looked at her, but her eyes stared at me, ordering me to change my mind. It was a lost cause. “How big do you want it? What kind of font are you thinking about?”

  “Big enough, right here.” She pointed her wrist. “And I want an old school font.”

  I sighed. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” I got my machine out of my case. “Can you get the equipment ready while I sketch something quickly?”

  “Lev, don’t be like that. We’re forever, you and me.” Her lips touched my temple. “And besides, you should be happy.”

  “Why?” Why would I be happy?

  “Because I’m sure as hell no guy will ever try to flirt with me with your name inked on my skin.”

  “I’m starting to like the idea now.” I smirked.

  This moment had to be painful for Nix. Her face voided all
her emotions, but I knew her better than that. Her last moment with Brian had sent her mind into turmoil, I didn’t want to think about the aftermath. Her heart and soul broke right before my eyes. Her fingers kept playing with her ring, my ring. As much as she wished she could, she couldn’t hide how nervous she felt.

  “You have my number, call me to let me know when you want to visit and I’ll take care of everything.”

  “I will.” She responded. “Thank you, for the invite.”

  “Sure, I spent most of my life wondering and questioning myself about you. I want to get to know you. It may not feel like it now, but we’re family.”

  “I know. It’s a lot to take in. I’m... I don’t know what to think, but I’ll make sure to call you in the next couple of days.” A hint of a smile appeared on her face and that said a lot. She released my hand to shake his. He took her in a quick embrace, startling her.

  “Thank you, Levi, for taking care of my girl. I hope you’ll join her in San Francisco.”

  “I’ll be there.” We shook hands and it went well. My brain finally understood that Nix was mine and that he was just her father. Obviously, she didn’t intend to leave me. Fuck, Levi, you are such a pussy cat.

  Our equipment packed and our luggage ready to go, the time had come to say goodbye. We had a plane to catch in the next hour. I didn't want to rush Phoenix, but scheduling another flight would be a pain in the ass.

  Kyle left us three alone, waiting by the exit door. His iPhone seemed to entertain him just enough, probably trying to reach the next level of Candy Crush. One thing I couldn't understand about the guy, he had an addiction for meaningless games.

  “Okay, babe, we can go now.” She startled me while I was concentrating on Kyle.

  “Are you ready?” She nodded.

  Brian and his guys took their bags and left while Nix just stared at him leaving. King B had changed over the weekend. His distress over finding Nix had been obvious. The poor man needed to get his shit together. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes, so many things must be going on in his mind. One thing was certain, history wouldn't repeat itself. If Nix was to announce she was pregnant, I would never leave her alone. Being a father had to be one of the greatest joys in life. His life must have been filled with pain and regret.


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