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His Lust (By His Command #6) (billionaire domination / erotic romance)

Page 4

by Ana W. Fawkes

  “I’m having you,” he growled at me. “And now I’m going to fill you...”

  I moved as fast as I could, the position almost uncomfortable. My hair clung to my face in my own orgasmic sweat as I waited for Jonathan’s climax.

  When he finally did, his grip on my shoulders increased so hard I cried out in pain. The pleasure mixed with the pain and I couldn’t focus on anything. Jonathan climaxed with a heavy thrust into me. He fucked me through his orgasm, pumping his warmth deeper into me, over and over.

  He slid out of my body and was gone, leaving me feeling warm but confused.

  I touched my shoulder where he had been holding me and I wanted to feel his fingers there but they were gone.

  “Put your panties back on,” Jonathan said.

  I reached down and found them. When I slid them on, I could feel the mess of our sex pouring from my body but I forced the cloth against my tender slit anyway. It was instant discomfort but it would be a nice reminder of what we had done... then again, I wasn’t sure what we had done.

  I never felt Jonathan like that before. Normally he was so commanding, dominant. He usually wanted to see me, have me see him. The only time he didn’t was when he blindfolded me, and that was to heighten my senses. This time, the sex was different. Amazing, but different.

  That’s when I realized that Jonathan wanted to act as though things were back to normal. But they weren’t. He knew it... and I had the proof of it.

  I stayed on my side, waiting for what would be hours, sometimes closing my eyes, sometimes slipping to sleep for a few minutes, but I kept waking up and thinking about everything. I finally dared myself to just roll over and look. I needed to see Jonathan, see him sleeping. As I shifted, I tried to remain as quiet as possible. When I was on my back, I turned my head and saw nothing. I squinted in the darkness and swore I saw nothing. No silhouette of Jonathan Black. I put my hand out and felt bed sheets.

  Jonathan wasn’t in the bed anymore.

  I sat up and caught my breath, resisting to think the worst thoughts.

  I climbed from the bed and walked to the doorway. I looked out to the hotel room. There glowed a soft light, a small lamp on a table. The light wasn’t much but enough to cast to the large window.

  That’s where Jonathan stood, his arms as his sides.

  He didn’t move and neither did I.

  Something ate at him.

  I wanted to know.

  Maybe it was his meeting in the morning.

  Maybe he already knew about ‘K’ sending me messages.

  Then I realized something... for the first time since I met Jonathan Black... was he afraid?


  The next morning moved in a blur.

  Jonathan was awake, showered, and dressed long before I managed to find something other than a dress to wear. He looked sexy, had a musky smell so intense that it made my body push itself towards climax. We barely spoke and when three men came to the room, business time had arrived.

  They stood in the kitchen, the three men on one side of the counter and Jonathan on the other. They spouted figures and ideas, concepts and answers, financial stuff that I didn’t care about and from the look in Jonathan’s eyes, he didn’t care either. He looked at them but he didn’t see them. His mind was lost somewhere else.

  It pained me to see him like that, more so because I had no idea why.

  I tried my best to stay away but my eyes kept lingering to see him.

  Jonathan finally put a hand to the counter and smiled.

  “Kellen wants me,” Jonathan said. “All this means nothing. He wants to see me, to try and break me.”

  “Sir, if I may...”

  “No, I’m tired of listening. When we get there, I’m going in alone. He’s expecting me to go into the office with a group. He’s expecting me to sell myself to him. I refuse to sell myself. I command the deals. I command the financing. I command...” Jonathan turned his head, catching me standing in the doorway to the bedroom. “... everything.”

  And that Jonathan did.

  A minute later he told the men to leave.

  He came to me and took me by the hand. He moved fast, taking me to the window.

  “Look,” he said. “Just really look.”

  “I am,” I said.

  The city was alive again. Another day in full swing.

  “Good. Don’t stop looking, even if you want to.” Jonathan then put his hand to my face and forced me to look at him. “You’re looking away...”

  “Because you’re making me,” I said.

  “Good girl.” Jonathan offered a flicker of a smile and then kissed me. His tongue was aggressive but I liked it. He took me to my toes and then broke the kiss. “Perfect. Stay here and don’t answer the door.”

  “Yes... Mr. Black...”

  With that, Jonathan left.

  The door barely clicked shut and I rushed to the bedroom. I found the cell phone in the bottom of the bag and pressed to light the screen up.

  A message waited.

  It was sent an hour ago.

  Perfect timing, wasn’t it?

  Good morning, Isabella Grace. I hope the night has treated you better than the morning will...

  I stiffened and grumbled to myself. Then I wrote back.

  What’s happening this morning?

  I’d play and see what came back at me.

  The phone felt like it took forever to go off. But it finally did.

  Jonathan Black has an important meeting. It’s going to go horribly wrong and you and him are going to suffer for it...

  I read the screen again and again.

  That made it almost clear to me. I felt like writing back, dropping the name Kellen in there and to see what would happen. But then I thought about Jonathan’s plan. To enter the meeting alone. This ‘K’ person had threatened both Jonathan and I. I couldn’t bear the thought of him leaving and never coming back. Not after what happened when he left me last time... back at his father’s cabin...

  I dropped the phone in the bag and left the closet and the bedroom. I went to the window and looked out to the city. Sure, it was big. So was the world. But I felt lonely. Cold and lonely.

  Jonathan didn’t give me a time frame for his meeting.

  Would it be an hour?

  Two hours?

  All day?

  I finally settled on a long hot shower. It would keep me occupied, it would keep me in one spot, and it would keep me warm. It would also keep me away from the cell phone, which it did, until I left the shower and had to check.

  Sure enough, no messages.

  Why was that?

  Because ‘K’ was Kellen and Kellen was in a meeting with Jonathan?

  When a message finally did come through, I cried out.

  He’s not happy. At all.

  My body shook with fear.

  What did that mean?

  He’s not happy?

  I broke Jonathan’s rule and opened the hotel room door. I stood there and looked up and down the empty hall. The silence felt eerie and I got the feeling that something terrible waiting in the wings.

  A few seconds later, I saw someone turn the corner of the hallway. From the tip of his pointy, slick, black shoes to his hair that was slicked back, my eyes were almost in shock. The man walking down the hall was tall, thin, and had the face of a carved statue. His eyes were the brightest blue color I’d ever seen, striking me from such a distance that I couldn’t move. I wanted to go back in the hotel room and wait for Jonathan, but I needed to watch this man walk by.

  My heart ached, knowing that I was doing so much wrong, but I couldn’t help it.

  The man touched the knot of his tie, making sure it was perfect and then ran his fingers along his jacket. He moved with an easy confidence, a man that made a decision and just went with whatever happened.

  He passed me, smiling, giving him a boyish look. He reminded me of some cocky college kid, thinking just because he knew he was sexy meant he could get any woman to
drop their panties. I hated guys like that but there I was, staring at one. I needed to stare, something inside me forced me to. I didn’t know why.

  When he disappeared after taking the corner, I realized I hadn’t exhaled my breath in a long time. I blinked frantically and then let out my breath, feeling confused. Feeling alone. Feeling wrong.

  Had I just honestly checked out another man?

  Had I allowed impure thoughts to enter my mind?

  I wanted to be mad at myself but then I thought about Jonathan and the way he touched me the night before. Refusing to let me look at him. And then standing at the window.

  Jonathan appeared in the hallway next and he walked with an anger in his eyes that had the potential to rock the foundation of the hotel. When his eyes met mine, his lip curled. I stepped back into the hotel room and waited for him.

  “What are you doing?” he bellowed at me.

  I noticed two men behind him, obviously lingering far enough away from striking range.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I heard someone...”

  “Who did you hear?”

  “How was your meeting?” I asked, trying to divert the attention from the other man I had seen.

  Jonathan wasn’t buying it.

  “Tell me who you saw? Did someone knock on the door?”

  “No, I just heard something, or I thought I did. I opened the door and I saw...”

  Jonathan stepped towards me. I stepped back and we were both inside the hotel room.

  “Uh, sir...”

  Jonathan looked over his shoulders at the two men. He made a sound that sounded like an annoyed growl and then slammed the hotel door. His attention was back to me and nothing else in the room mattered but the two of us.

  He took a deep breath and touched my face. I hated to imagine Jonathan Black being vulnerable so I convinced myself that it was just him being tired and caring for me.

  “I need to know,” he said. “I can’t have anything happen to you... ever again.”

  “It’s okay,” I whispered. “A man walked by the room. That’s all it was.”

  “One man?”

  I nodded.

  “What did he look like?”

  I mentally panicked. I could spout off all the major and minor details of what I saw but I felt like I was being lured into a trap. If I answered Jonathan what would he think then? I was meant to see other men and that’s it. See them. My mind’s ability to acknowledge their presence and nothing more. I recalled all the features...

  “Isabella Grace,” Jonathan said. “Your eyes are confused. Why?”

  I swallowed. “Because the man seemed out of place.”


  “He was dressed too nice. His hair and shoes matching. His tie... he...”

  “Kellen,” Jonathan said. “That was Kellen.”



  That man was Kellen. He looked younger than Jonathan. He looked like he belonged in a college classroom or flirting with women at a bar looking for a hookup. He certainly didn’t belong at a bank, not making the decisions he had the power to make.

  “And Kellen decided to pull all the financing from me,” Jonathan said through gritted teeth. “But that’s okay. It’s personal with he and I.”

  “Do you need the financing?” I asked.

  “What defines a need, Isabella Grace? Is it the passion in our hearts? Or the churning in our guts? Something triggers it... and some people can control it and some can’t.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. I thought about the text messages. Was this the right time to tell Jonathan everything? To just tell how it all started back in the car when he fell asleep?

  “There’s no sorry,” Jonathan said. “Remember, I always get what I want. No matter what it takes...”

  My mind flashed the word murder and I shivered.

  Jonathan then put both hands to my face and took a deep breath.

  “What happened between you and him?” I asked.

  “Old demons that should have been buried,” Jonathan said.

  His thumbs moved gently along my cheeks. My entire body started to pulse. I wanted Jonathan to keep touching me, to keep having me. I wanted him to take away the images of Kellen in the hallway.

  “See, Kellen wasn’t much of a man, then or now. His father had everything and gave it to him. Including a beautiful woman. A woman who possessed half the beauty and perfection that you have, Isabella Grace. But it was a woman who had sad eyes and a heavy heart. A woman forced to be with Kellen. A woman who sought me to free her. So I did.”

  I swallowed and looked down. I didn’t want to think about Jonathan Black with other women. It was insane to think Jonathan’s amazing touch had only been experienced by myself, but that didn’t mean I had to face it.

  “Now he believes he has power over me,” Jonathan said.

  “Why did he take the financing away?” I asked.

  “He’s been waiting for a long time... and now... he’s questioning an old partnership of mine and some money involved in it.”

  Jonathan half smiled and I wasn’t sure what the smile meant. It left me uneasy.

  “He wants three billion dollars to be accounted for,” Jonathan said. “And I can’t. At the moment.”

  “The paper,” I said, almost jumping.

  Jonathan shook his head. “I think that’s enough talk right now. I’m not going to waste a perfectly normal day and a beautiful woman staring at me over a jealous, petty man. Isn’t that right?”

  I nodded. Because I had to. Because Jonathan wanted me to. His eyes were locked to mine and as he came forward, ready to kiss me, I couldn’t tell what his eyes were thinking. Telling him about the cell phone couldn’t have made anything better. The second his lips touched mine, everything started to fade away again. His hands, still touching my face, started to hold me tighter. His tongue slithered into my mouth and I moaned. My body moved towards Jonathan, desperate to feel him. When I did, my knees bent, my body’s way of begging him to take me.


  Jonathan lifted me and carried me to the bed. When he put me down, I was on my back and I bent my left leg. I tried to look sexy and innocent, to be every desire that Jonathan needed. He touched the bottom of my shirt and slid it up, to the bottom of my bra. The tips of his fingers fluttered against my bare skin. I put my hands above my head, trying to find something to grab onto. I had the soft cloth of the pillows, which did nothing for me.

  With his eyes on mine, Jonathan worked flawlessly in silence. His fingers twisted and opened the button on my pants. Using just one finger, he moved into my panties and followed the line of my panties hip to hip. The chills and surges of heat were intense and I tried my best to remain quiet. Something about the sexual silence made everything feel hotter.

  Then the palm of his hand came into my panties, resting against my mound. His middle finger rubbed at my folds, and he smiled, satisfied feeling my wetness. With his other hand, Jonathan pulled at his tie, taking it off. He dangled it over my stomach and lowered it slowly, letting the silk cloth coil like a snake.

  He pulled up with his middle finger, touching my clit hard enough that I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. Then he moved out of my pants.

  “Take them off,” he said.

  I moved fast, forcing my pants and panties down to my ankles. I kicked them off and closed my legs tight, leaving the fold of my sex to Jonathan’s burning desire. He touched me for a second and then made a straight line up until he found his tie.

  “Turn to your side,” he said. “Face the edge of the bed.”

  I listened and thought about the night before. How I wasn’t allowed to look...

  “Arms up,” he commanded.

  I put my arms over my head and he started to work. I looked up and watched as he fed the tie through the headboard of the large bed. My mouth fell open in a hopeless attempt to wonder if I wanted this or not... being tied up by Jonathan Black. My body battling itsel
f, wondering what to do. Then I remembered I had no choice.

  I was under the command of Jonathan Black.

  And he was going to show me that with a gentle reminder.

  He tied the tie around my wrists. When he moved away, I pulled with my wrists, proving to Jonathan that his tying skills were still perfect. He then moved away from the bed. I wanted to follow him but I knew better. This was how Jonathan wanted to love my body right now. I wasn’t allowed to look. I was just allowed to feel. To experience. To enjoy. And to accept.

  I could hear the soft sounds of Jonathan undressing himself, the sound torture to my eyes and my sex. The wait allowed me to think. Whether Jonathan meant it or not, the thinking was the worst part of it all. The lower half of my body was naked, meant for Jonathan’s taking, but my mind thought about Kellen. He didn’t seem to be the type to murder someone, as he had been threatened in the text messages. But what did I know? He was cocky enough to walk by the hotel room, knowing I was in the room. And there I had been, standing there to see him. To see his striking features. To feel his aura as he walked by. That aura of power and control... the only other time I ever sensed that was near Jonathan Black.

  Jonathan’s hand touched my shoulder and he moved my hair out of the way, exposing my neck. I let out a breath, trying to bring myself back to Jonathan’s world. Back to Jonathan’s touch. Back to his sexual needs.

  His lips touched my neck, gently, surprising me. His left hand touched my wrists, squeezing over the tie and pulling, reminding me who I was to him.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  His tongue tasted my neck and he shifted, allowing his lower half to touch me. I felt the defined tip of his thickness press against my backside. I groaned and opened my legs, ready for him. Jonathan slid his cock between my legs, letting himself rest against my sex. He then moved with slow thrusts, rubbing me, my wetness clinging to his hardness.

  The move teased me and worked me into a pumping frenzy. I realized then why he had tied my hands. I pulled at the tie, wanting to reach down to force him into me. I wanted to feel him enter me and pleasure me. But I couldn’t. Jonathan had done it again. He took my erotic needs and controlled them, leaving me hopeless and desperate.


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