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Head Down

Page 3

by Jan Stryvant

Dropping his pencil on the desk with a sigh, Sean slipped his hands inside her coveralls, enjoying the feeling of her bare flesh under his fingers.

  "What was that sigh for?" Daelyn asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "I don't think I've gotten the time to put ten minutes of work into that damn machine all week," Sean grumbled as he pulled her closer.

  "Oh, well I could come back!" Daelyn teased and pulled back a little.

  Sean slid his arms further around her and with a growl he pulled her back towards him, "A lion does not ignore his wives," he said and kissed her on the neck. He knew she really liked that, and she stopped trying to pull away immediately.

  "Lions, gotta love 'em," Daelyn sighed happily as one of Sean's hands slid down to cup her ass and give it a squeeze.

  Standing up, Sean picked her up and carried her over to the large bed against the wall. Laying her down on it as he peeled her out of the coverall, he simply started to trail his kisses down to her rather impressive bust. She might be shorter than Jolene, but her chest had to be at least as big as Jo's. For all of her muscles and strength, Daelyn was built. On the few occasions when they went out at night, Daelyn easily got as many looks as his other two wives.

  "Ooo! That feels good," Daelyn sighed as Sean teased a nipple with his teeth. "For someone complaining about having their work interrupted, you sure seem pretty interested in fooling around!"

  "I'm always interested in fooling around with you, Dae," Sean said and switching to the other nipple, he bit it lightly causing her to arch her back and sigh. "Now, let's get you out of the rest of this and see about getting down to business," Sean chuckled and started to kiss his way down towards her belly button as he pulled the coverall down along her body.

  She raised her butt off the bed as he pulled it down past her rump, then he just pushed it down past her knees with one hand as he kissed his way down to her sex.

  Daelyn's hands immediately went to Sean's head, holding him in place. She didn't know why he was so enamored with oral sex, all that she knew was that she wasn't ever going to complain, considering how good he was at it!

  Sean loved the way she smelled, the way she felt on his lips, his tongue, his fingers. The scent of her, the taste, everything that was her. Grabbing her ass with his hands he started off with little teasing kisses, taking his time, savoring the moment, letting her anticipate what was coming next. Then moving closer he started in with his tongue, to savor the deeper flavors, and to show her just how much he loved her, wanted her, by driving her to complete distraction.

  Taking his time, Sean drove Daelyn to two noisy and obviously enjoyable orgasms. As she started to wind down from the second one, and began to kiss his way back up her now sweaty and gasping body, pausing once again to pay homage to her heavily heaving chest. She let him do that for as long as she could stand then reaching down she grabbed that convenient handle that all men have and started to tug him towards her sex.

  "Somebody want something?" Sean laughed.

  "Somebody wants her man, and she wants him now!" Daelyn all but growled back at him.

  Smiling, Sean allowed her to guide him deep into her heat, giving a sigh of pleasure as he entered his wife's body once more, enjoying the way she moaned beneath him.

  "Life is good," Daelyn moaned, grabbing his ass and sinking her fingernails into it.

  "Sharing it with ones you love is even better," Sean whispered back, and putting her legs over his shoulders, one at a time, he began to work himself deep inside her, moving in time with her efforts as they both began their climb up that very long hill of ecstasy.

  "I love you Dae," he whispered in her ear, and was rewarded as she crossed her ankles behind his neck and pulled his lips to hers, as she tried even harder to pull him deeper.

  Sean lost all track of time as he worked his body against Daelyn's, reveling in the feelings of her being wrapped around him, as he moved in and out of her heat. Listening to her moan and whimper in pleasure beneath him, as he panted and groaned above. Driving harder and faster with each minute, pleasing her, loving her, until that moment when they were both there, shivering and crying out their pleasure and their joy as they held each other close.

  "Mmm, that was niiiice, my love," Daelyn sighed contentedly.

  "Does that mean you don't want round two?" Sean teased, still panting.

  "Silly lion," Daelyn giggled and lightly swatted him on the head, "I always want round two. And three, And four...."

  Sean nibbled on her ear lobe, and snickered as she squirmed under him.

  "Round two it is!" he whispered and letting her legs off of his shoulders he rolled on to his side, pulling her with him, as he started to let his hands roam her body once more.

  "Lazy lion," Roxy said coming into the room, "don't you ever get out of bed?"

  "Oh, he's been anything but lazy," Daelyn laughed as Sean blew Roxy a raspberry from the bed where he was catching his breath.

  "Sawyer wants more necklaces," Jolene said coming in and sitting down in one of the chairs, smiling at Sean.

  "I'm not getting any work done today, am I?" Sean sighed.

  "Oh, I wouldn't say that!" Roxy laughed.

  "Actually," Jolene continued, "he wants you to start delivering them in bulk, like a hundred a week, instead of the dozen or so he's been getting. He said the price has bottomed out now at eight grand, so we might as well start flooding the market with them."

  "So, as much as we want to play," Roxy laughed and grabbing Sean's arm started to drag him off the bed, "You need to work."

  "But take a shower first," Jolene grinned getting a whiff of him.

  "Yeah, definitely a shower," Roxy said while laughing.

  "Shower," Sean agreed rolling to his feet and stretching.

  "You can wait," Roxy said, stopping Daelyn.

  "Why?" Daelyn asked giving Roxy a look.

  "Because we all know how much our lion likes getting wet and slippery. You go in there with him, and it'll be at least another hour."

  "Aww," Sean said and then snickered as Jolene smacked him on the butt.

  "Go wash!" Jolene told him, pointing off towards the bathroom.

  "I guess you do have a point," Daelyn sighed and sitting back down on the bed, she wrapped the blanket around her, "Just don't take too long!" she called after Sean's departing back.

  Six hours later, Sean set down his pencil and looked at what he'd done. He had a basic outline of the spell's flows, what should pass from each one to the next, and which spells he would need. He'd spent enough time over the last two weeks reviewing his father's notes, as well as the spell books he had on enchanting in his 'classroom' and making this thing was not going to be easy.

  He'd need about a hundred magical batteries, to act as a buffer for the energies that would be involved. He'd need a device to drop the item being enchanted onto the 'machine' then a second one to remove it. Those devices would eventually be mechanical and he hoped fairly simple; he'd talk that over with Daelyn and let her or one of her friends build them.

  The hard part was going to be the silver; they'd have to introduce it at a fixed rate. He'd talked to Daelyn about that already and she'd come up with this rather ingenious idea of using silver wire being fed from a spool. Then they could speed it up or slow it down as required. Sean liked that idea.

  But the hardest part of all of this would be the spell that untarred his tarball into the item being enchanted. Putting that spell into an item, along with all of the other required spells to make this work would take months, six months. Or five months, two weeks, three days, six hours, if his math was correct.

  Sean didn't really have that kind of time. So he'd come up with a different plan, and that was the one now in front of him.

  It would be made from a simple gold plate. The item to be enchanted would be attached to a wooden pole that someone would set on the plate. When he signaled it was done, they'd pull it off and replace it immediately with another one. That would take a team of people working with the ite
ms of course, but that was something that could be done tomorrow, where a machine to load and remove items could take weeks to design and make.

  The plate would be linked to a set of magical batteries by the simple expedient design of being set on top a carefully placed pyramidal stack of them.

  And Sean would operate the hand crank on the spool of silver wire and monitor everything by keeping his hand on the plate. When the batteries were half-full, he'd use the power in them to unpack the tarball, and channel the returned energy right back into the batteries. The tag with the silver spell would be attached to the plate, rather than him, so the energy would channel through it instead of him.

  "I don't like it," Roxy said when he explained the design to everyone.

  "I'm not a big fan of it either," Sean sighed, looking around the table at everyone else. "But I can make that plate in a couple weeks. It's just a power management program really."

  "What about the batteries?" Jolene asked.

  "I make the first one myself," Sean said. "Then I use the machine to make the rest."

  "Isn't that dangerous?" Daelyn asked.

  Sean shook his head, "I'm keeping the batteries small enough that the first one will be able to handle the energy return for making the next one. That's why I need a hundred of them."

  "I still don't like it," Roxy grumbled, "if anything goes wrong, you could be fried again!"

  "We don't have time for anything else," Sean told her. "This is about as simple and as safe as I can make it. Yes, I'd rather build the more involved machine, because then I don't have to be there to operate it. Once we've made enough tags to keep the heat off here, I'll start on that one.

  "But right now, we're living on borrowed time. Sooner or later we'll be facing the big boys, and if we aren't ready to cut their lycan armies out from under them, we're in serious trouble," Sean said with a slight growl.

  "How long will it take you to make a battery?" Daelyn asked, cutting off any further argument from Roxy.

  "Another couple of weeks," Sean grumbled. "Batteries are easy to make, however it takes time to make them properly. Plus I'm making a pretty large one. I could do everything with only thirty batteries, but I want a larger safety margin than that. Especially as we're going to be production lining this stuff. Once we have it down, I want to make several tags at a time."

  "Will that be safe?" Daelyn asked as Roxy just growled again.

  "I won't know for sure until we've made a bunch of single items first," Sean said looking over at Roxy. "I'm not going to try multiples until I'm comfortable with making just one at a time."

  Roxy stopped growling, but she still didn't look all that happy.

  "When are you going to start making this device?" Jolene asked.

  "As soon as I have a gold plate."

  "How big does it need to be?" Daelyn asked.

  "Ten inches in diameter, big enough to hold a collar, and it needs to be thick enough to not fall apart from being used."

  "How pure does it need to be?"

  "Eighteen karat should be enough."

  "So eight ounces worth of pure gold," Daelyn did some quick mental math, "I'll need about eleven grand. I can have it for you tomorrow night. Sooner if someone already has one I can just buy off of them."

  "That's good," Sean nodded. "So when's dinner?"

  "You ate it an hour ago," Jolene said.

  Sean blinked, "I did?"

  "Where do you think that plate on your desk came from?"

  Sean looked over at where he'd been sitting. Sure enough, there was a plate there with a fork and a knife.

  "Wow, I really wasn't paying attention," he chuckled shaking his head. "So, when do we have a snack?"

  "Careful you don't get fat!"

  "Oh, I don't think any of you will ever let me get fat!" Sean grinned.

  Just then Oak knocked on the doorframe and stuck his head in, "Sean?"

  "Now what?" Sean sighed.

  "Your friend Chad is here, and wants to talk to you."

  Sean blinked, "Chad's here? Yeah, send him in!"

  Sean stood up as Chad came into the room, limping slightly; Sean remembered that spring was always a bit rough on his knee.

  "Chad, what's up? Nothing's wrong I hope?"

  Chad smiled and took the seat Sean waved him to.

  "I tried to call, but your phone wasn't answering."

  Sean blushed, "Oh, yeah, I just found out the other day that there's enough silver in it, that when the silver shield goes off, it gets fried. I still haven't replaced it."

  Chad nodded, "I can see where that might be a problem. Anyway, the reason I'm here, is well," Chad looked a little embarrassed. "I wanted to ask a favor."

  Sean sat down, "Sure, anything. What do you need?"

  "Well," Chad sighed, "it's about my knee. I talked to that healer you sent over and they said that because it's been healed this way for several years, there is really nothing that they can do."

  Sean sighed and shook his head, "Sorry, I didn't know about that."

  "Yes, well. I did some talking to some of your employees however, and I learned that there is actually another way."

  "Oh?" Sean looked up surprised, "What?"

  "Bite me," Chad told him.

  "Bite you?"

  Chad nodded, "If the knee is removed, after I become a shapeshifter, it will regenerate."

  Sean looked at Roxy, who shrugged and then at Oak, who was still standing in the doorway.

  "Oak?" he asked.

  "It would have to be done just before he was bit," Oak said, looking a little uncomfortable. "The removing of the knee that is. The first generation of your body after being bit sets your overall body image. Anything that's missing, well as I understand it, it relies on your DNA more than what was originally there."

  "You sure about that?" Sean asked.

  Oak nodded, "Fairly sure. I called up Claudia and she had me talk to some of the wise men and women of her packs."

  Sean turned to Chad, "And are you sure about this? This isn't something you can undo, Chad. Once this is done, it's permanent."

  Chad gave an embarrassed shrug and a slight smile, "Yeah, well, I've noticed that you've done okay with it. It really didn't change you all that much, honestly."

  Sean stared at him.

  "I have three wives now, plus I'm running a revolution, and you say it 'hasn't changed me'?"

  Chad gave a small nod, "Not really, no. Oh, you're more self confident now, a bit more aggressive about getting what you want. But you're really not acting all that different, you're just acting on the things you want to do, like you do during game night."

  "Is your knee that bad?" Roxy asked.

  Chad nodded, "Yeah, it is. And it's getting worse. My doctor wants me to go for more surgery."


  "Yeah, oh," Chad nodded, "So, how about it, Sean?"

  'You can't bite him,' Sean's lion told him.

  'Why not?'

  'He'll die. He's not meant to be a lion.'

  "I can't bite you," Sean sighed.

  "What? Why not?" Chad said, looking a little angry.

  "Because lion's don't go around biting people," Sean told him.

  "You were bit!"

  "I was already dying, so was Sampson," Sean shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I just can't do it."

  'Tell Oak to bite him.'


  'Have Oak bite him, I think he'd make a good wolf.'

  "It's not like I'm asking for a lot here, Sean!"

  "Actually," Sean sighed, "you're asking for more than you realize. However," Sean looked over at Oak, "how do you feel about becoming a wolf?"

  "What?" Chad said looking a little shocked.

  "I'd be honored to bite him," Oak said with a smile. "His plans for dealing with Gradatim were good ones. He'd make a good wolf."

  Chad looked at Oak, and then looked back at Sean.

  "Well, um," Chad looked a little embarrassed then, "that was actually my first choice. But they s
aid they wouldn't do it without their alpha telling them to."

  Sean nodded and stood up, "Well, let's go find a place to do this."

  "What's wrong with here?"

  "Your knee, remember?"


  "I don't want blood all over the room."

  Chad paled a little but sighed, "I forgot about that. This is going to hurt, isn't it?"

  Oak nodded, "The knee? Yeah. The bite? Not so much."

  "Well, let's go down into that big shower room on the first floor," Roxy said getting up as well.

  "I think I'll stay here," Jolene said.

  "I think I will too," Daelyn agreed.

  "What?" Roxy said looking at Daelyn, "I know you're not bothered by the sight of blood!"

  "Only when it's coming out of my enemies," Daelyn grinned.

  Chuckling, Sean led them all down to the first floor; there was a rather large shower room down there, two actually. Oak went off and came back with both Hunter and his mate Silver.

  "This is going to be a little messy," Oak told Sean, "It's best if we're all in our hybrid forms, preferably naked. I asked the others to help out, because Chad is going to have to be held really still."

  "How are you going to do this?" Chad asked, looking a little nervous.

  "It's better that you don't know," Oak told him.

  Chad just nodded and everyone got ready.

  They ended up with Chad lying on the floor, on his side, his bad leg bent, and tied, to a board. Sean was lying across him, pinning him to the floor and blocking his view. Which was probably for the best, because once they had everything ready, Hunter pulled out a large axe, and with no warning at all, he chopped off Chad's knee, causing him to gasp loudly in sudden shock and pain.

  Oak bit him almost immediately after that, and Chad passed out.

  "Damn," Roxy said looking around as she slapped a large towel over Chad's leg. "That was a lot messier than I thought it would be."

  "Humans bleed more than we do," Silver said.

  "He didn't scream," Hunter noted, going over to one of the showerheads, and turning it on started to wash off the axe, as well as himself.

  "Yeah," Silver agreed, "and he knew it was coming, too."

  "Well, let's clean him up and bring him upstairs," Oak said. "We can start teaching him in the morning."


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