Book Read Free

Defending Earth-Discovery Means Death

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  “That’s why she sent the telepaths there?”

  “I’m sure it is, Eddy. They will hopefully hear the thoughts of a new species, sense the danger, and avoid making contact with it. That’s why all of our ships there are ordered to keep their stealth systems active and stay in the barrier. We’re hoping the Feeders aren’t so fortunate. We’ve learned the lesson that discovery by a more advanced aggressive civilization could mean death to our civilization. The Feeders haven’t learned that lesson and it could be their undoing.”

  Palel shook his head, “I find that thought quite unnerving.”

  “That’s why we’ve been given this mission. The Telepaths are better equipped to avoid detection. So let’s think about how we can do it.”

  Palel shook his head, “Well, it’s for dang sure we don’t have six billion warriors to do this.”

  “But we do have more than two million light ships.”

  “That aren’t all in service yet.”

  Matt looked at Silva, “No, they’re not yet. However, we do have more than a million in service and it will only take another eleven months to get another million added to our fleets.”

  “So we’re a year from having the tools to even start making this happen?”

  “Actually, about fourteen months to have all of the pilots trained.”

  “The High Leader won’t be happy about this delay.”

  “I think she’s counting on it taking at least that long.” The admirals were silent and Matt said, “The civilizations in the Alliance are not ready mentally to do this yet and the High Leader knows it. If we start this war taking back the galaxies from the Death Feeders now, their fear would overwhelm them. They have to see the forces we’re going to have to use against them and see what those forces can accomplish. An important part of this is showing them the skills of the warriors being brought into service and the numbers available for us to use.”

  “But six billion!”

  “Eddy, how many planets are in the Alliance’s four galaxies that can provide warriors?”

  Eddy lifted her tablet and punched in entries at a high speed. After a moment, she looked up, “More than six million.”

  Matt smiled, “Actually, there are five million in M-87 by itself.” Eddy’s eyes narrowed and she opened her mouth to speak but Matt interrupted her, “M-87 is the largest galaxy in this part of the universe. The numbers you used only listed the capital planets for M-87. There are too many to list. The actual number for all four galaxies is fifteen million. Which means, only four hundred warriors from each planet need to enlist to give us our six billion.”

  Ethan smiled, “I understand that thousands are joining on every planet.”

  Matt shrugged, “Fleet tells me that we’re signed up way over six billion recruits. The issue is manufacturing enough armor and transports to make them useful.”

  “Why aren’t these numbers in the system?”

  “They are Eddy. I’ll show you how to find them after this meeting.”

  “Who told you?”

  Matt shrugged, “I have a way of ferreting out data from remote locations. I think the High Leader knows about this as well but her attention is being directed towards getting the Alliance Civilizations building the hardware our warriors are going to need.” Matt paused and smiled, “I spoke with General Atkinson and he tells me that they are not just accepting anyone who enlists. They’re screening them carefully and the ones that make the cut are going to be really talented both mentally and physically at their chosen vocation. The civilizations that make up the Alliance were all a warrior culture in the past. Centuries of peace had atrophied their spirits but they’re relearning old habits and our ground forces will be ready when we need them.”

  Silva leaned back in his chair, “You know, when the High Leader chose you to lead us, I really wondered what she saw in you. Now, I see it. Whatever rock you were hiding under before this happened is now removed. I feel a lot safer now.”

  “Thank you, Silva. Now we have to discuss how to use our ships and warriors when the time comes to start our mission. Factor in having transports that can carry twenty thousand warriors.”

  Sam nodded, “All we need is about half a million to get the job done.”

  Matt smiled, “They’ll be ready in about a year.”

  Eddy shook her head, “It looks like everything will come together about a year from now.”

  “And that’s when we’ll start carrying out our orders.”

  • • •

  Chase moved through the barrier with his wing and looked for the Feeder Fleet reported by a stealth probe two days earlier. He was looking to find the transports used by that fleet and he moved carefully toward the last reported position. “Fan out from here and search for that Feeder Fleet. Report in if you find it. No one will move in on that fleet without direct orders from me.”

  Chase increased his acceleration and moved through four planetary systems and didn’t find the Feeders. He slowed and stopped outside of a large planetary system that was emitting a huge electronic signature from the fourth planet. “Speedy, what can you tell me about those electronic emissions?”

  “There are some I don’t recognize, Chase.”


  “They’re not in the normal electromagnetic band. There is no record of them in my data base. Do you want me to scan the planet?”

  “No, I’m moving away from this system and look elsewhere for the Feeder Fleet. Mark this planet’s location and send it to Commodore Jenson.”

  Chase didn’t like this. Those emissions were not something that had ever been detected before. He accelerated away and heard, “Captain, I’ve located the Feeder Fleet.”

  “Send me the coordinates. All ships prepare to move in on my command. Do not move in until I order it!!”

  “Sir, the Feeder Fleet has been decimated. There are thousands of their ships on fire and it appears all of them have been recently destroyed.”

  “Lieutenant, move your ship away from that fleet and stay in the barrier. Do not scan that fleet!”

  “Yes Sir, moving out.”

  “Speedy, are any of our forces in this sector?”

  “None are assigned to this sector.”

  “Launch a stealth probe, have it take up station fifty miles from the coordinates of that fleet, and send the feed to my visor. Do not have it initiate an active scan, only passive readings.” Chase felt a slight vibration as the small probe left its launch tube. A moment later, he saw the massive destruction of the Feeder Fleet. There were more than a hundred thousand Feeder Warships in that fleet and the extent of the wreckage looked like all of them had been killed. He wondered if any managed to escape.


  “Yes, Speedy.”

  “I’m receiving data from the probe that the same unidentifiable emissions I detected at that planet are emanating from the destroyed warships.” Chase shook his head slightly and suddenly saw a giant purple colored warship materialize a hundred yards in front of the probe. It blocked out the view of everything the probe was seeing and an instant later, a brilliant purple beam disintegrated the probe and ended its transmissions.

  “Chase, Lt. Carmichael’s ship has sent out a destruct signal. Something has destroyed his ship.”

  Chase immediately hit his light drive and yelled into his communicator, “ALL SHIPS SKIP OUT ON LIGHT DRIVES! SKIP NOW!” Chase’s ship disappeared an instant after a giant purple ship appeared less than a mile off his port side and fired at his former location. “ALL SHIPS REPORT!” He stared at his panel and saw everyone reported in but Carmichael. He waited at the coordinates he had skipped to and kept his hand on the light drive. After thirty minutes he skipped away and recalled all his ships. He hit his communicator and saw Commodore Jenson appear, “Sir, I’ve encountered a Black Civilization. A stealth probe was destroyed and one of my ships that was in the barrier.”

  Jenson’s face showed his shock and he said, “Send me what you have.” He disappe
ared from Chase’s display for a moment before he reappeared and said, “Attention all Alliance Forces in the four clusters. The following galaxy and an area ten thousand light years around it will be quarantined to all Ships. I repeat, you will not go within ten thousand light years of the coordinates I’m sending you.”

  Chase ordered his wing out of the galaxy where the attack had taken place and saw his display illuminate; he saw Admiral Ambrose, “Captain Race. Turn your wing over to your second-in-command and report to Fleet Intelligence immediately!”

  “Clay, you have the wing. Keep them away from this galaxy.”

  “Yes Sir. I’m moving the wing to the first galaxy we scouted.”

  “That would be good. Keep them safe, Clay.”

  “Yes Sir. Hurry back.”

  Chase hit his light drive and was so thankful he had not sent his wing in to investigate the destruction of the Feeder Fleet. All of them could have been killed. He looked up and said, “Where was Carmichael when his ship was destroyed?”

  “More than a hundred light years away from the Feeder Fleet.”

  “He was followed by one of those purple ships.”

  “Evidently, they know about the barrier.” Chase shook his head and landed his ship on the tarmac outside Fleet Headquarters.

  “Speedy, download everything to my wrist unit.”

  “Done.” Chase exited his ship and ran toward the front entrance. A Commodore was waiting for him and ran with him into the building.

  • • •

  The next three days were a whirlwind and Chase asked repeatedly to be allowed to join his wing. He was refused each time and he finally resolved himself to answer the same questions over and over in a series of meetings. He was sitting in the cafeteria eating breakfast before he was ordered to another a meeting. The commodore that met him at the entrance came over and put his tray down. Chase started to come to attention and the commodore quickly said, “As you were, relax.” Chase went back into his chair and nodded. “I know you’ve been questioned extensively by just about everyone, but do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “When that purple ship appeared just before you skipped out, did you hear any thoughts of the beings on that ship?”

  Chase’s eyes narrowed and he thought for a moment before saying, “There was something…”


  “I can’t describe it exactly but I got the feeling that there was a kind of anticipation of killing me. Something seemed to really want to do it.”

  “You believe this ship could see you in the barrier?”

  “How else could it have found me and my Lieutenant?”

  “I’m of the opinion that it didn’t actually see you but had the location of where you were receiving the probe’s transmissions. It simply fired at that location.”

  “It killed my Lieutenant a hundred light years away. It had to see his ship to follow him there.”

  “Carmichael was communicating with another pilot as he skipped away.”


  “We checked the communication logs of all your pilots and he was communicating with Lt. Shelly when his ship was hit by whatever beam that ship uses. Shelly avoided destruction by using her light drive to skip away before that ship could track Carmichael’s communications back to her.”

  “Why do you think they don’t know about the barrier?”

  “The ship that appeared in front of the probe did not come out of the barrier. It had a field around it that prevented it from being seen. Emergence from the barrier gives off a specific reading and that ship didn’t have that reading.”

  “So, you think if we had not communicated or received the probe’s data, we would not have been seen.”

  “If they know about the barrier, they would use it. That ship didn’t.”

  “Then how did they destroy his ship in the barrier?”

  “We don’t have a handle on the technology they use to make that beam but it appears to destroy anything in its path, even inside the barrier.”

  “That’s a wild leap, isn’t it?”

  “Would that ship fit inside the barrier?” Chase stared at the commodore and after a moment, shook his head. “That’s the first clue they don’t use it. However, their weapon’s technology is ahead of us.” The commodore took a bite of eggs and said, “Their ships are also not purple.”


  “The field that surrounds it is purple. We’re actually not sure what color the ship is.”

  “How about invisible?”

  “The field is what makes it invisible. However, it appears they have to reduce the power of the field to fire their weapons. They’re not invincible, just different.”

  “Tell that to the Feeder Fleet they killed.”

  “We could have done the same thing. However, they do represent a danger and we need to really take a good look at them and see what we’re up against.”

  “Do I hear you not saying something?”

  “We think you should go back and do some scouting.”

  Chase stared at the commodore and chuckled, “You can’t be serious? Did you take a good look at the size of that purple monster?”

  “Who is better qualified to go, Captain?” Chase looked up and rolled his eyes. “Come on, you know you like excitement.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’re safe behind a desk here on Earth.”

  “No, I’ll be going with you.”

  “Oh my aching ass.”

  The commodore laughed, “I’m Derek Desoto.” He lifted his glass of milk and said, “Here’s to living life dangerously.” Derek took a drink of milk and Chase wished he had a bottle of whiskey. This was not shaping up to be at all what he expected. Derek smiled and said, “If there’s anyone you need to say goodbye to, now would be a good time to do it.”


  “We’re leaving tomorrow. You’ve been given liberty for the rest of the day. Enjoy it and I’ll meet you at your ship around this time in the morning.” The commodore stood up and carried his tray away. Chase sat and no longer had an appetite. That purple ship rivaled the former Legend Battleships in size. He had a very bad feeling about this.

  He lifted his wrist unit, “Jackie, take the rest of the day off.”


  “I have the day off and I need to be with you.”

  “What’s going on, Chase. I don’t like the tone of your voice.”

  “I’ll tell you when I see you. I’ll meet you on the beach.” Chase ended the call and tried to stand up but his legs wouldn’t cooperate. He tried again and managed to stagger out of the building. Those beings had to know about the barrier. This was a suicide mission and he had no choice but to go. He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Oh well, what are you gonna do but get in line and take what you’re given. He called in a shuttle and left for the beach.

  Chapter Twenty

  Chase sat on his ship and activated all the myriad systems that made it one of the most powerful warships in creation. “Speedy, put the image of that purple ship on the monitor.” He had arrived early because sleep eluded him the night before. He blew out a breath and forced himself to look at the wall monitor. Speedy managed to get a quick photo of the beast an instant before he skipped out. “Can you back it out?” The ship shrunk in size and he looked closely at its hull. “Those long rods must be the beam generators.”

  “That would be my guess as well.”

  “How many do you see on this image?”

  “About a hundred. There’s probably the same number on the side of the ship we don’t see.”

  Chase stared at the huge warship and shook his head, “Speedy, I’m not so sure those are beam generators.”

  “Then what are they?”

  “That ship followed our electronic emissions precisely. They must have detected the probe’s data feed and could see where it was being sent. They also saw Carmichael’s communications even as he flew away in the barrier. Th
e only possible way they could have done that is to have a system that can triangulate where the emissions were being generated and received. Those rods may be a kind of antenna they use to do that.”

  “Give me a moment.”

  Chase waited and after three minutes he leaned back in his command chair, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m searching that ship’s hull for anything that could be a blaster portal. Ummm, what is that?”

  “What is what?”

  An image grew on the screen and Chase saw a huge section of the ship that was slightly depressed. It was circular in shape and the purple field above it was darker than the rest of the hull. “This must be where that beam is fired.”

  “How large is that section of the hull?”

  “It’s about two hundred yards in diameter.”

  Chase started shaking his head, “I can understand now why the ship has to reveal itself to fire. The power needed to generate that large of a beam must be incredible.”

  “It also explains how this ship could destroy huge numbers of ships with one beam. That beam must expand as it moves out from the ship.”

  “Lock in the surface features of that hull section and see if there are any more depressions on this side of the vessel.”

  “I’m running an analysis now. I’ve found three others on this side of the ship. They all appear to be equally spaced around the center of the vessel.”

  “That means it must have six aligned on the equator.”

  “Actually, there’s room for seven and I think I see the edge of one disappearing on the side of the ship we can’t see.”

  Chase nodded and stared at the ship, “Check out the top and bottom and tell me what you see.”

  “You’re right. There’s one located at those points as well. How did you come up with that?”

  “I was wondering how that ship could be attacked and if all the beams are on the center line that would leave the top and bottom open to attack. It appears this species have the bases covered on defending their warships.”

  “I don’t see any missile ports.”


  “There doesn’t appear to be room on the hull for missile tubes. At least there isn’t anything that looks like a missile launcher.”


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