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Defending Earth-Discovery Means Death

Page 28

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Rose looked at the planet and shook her head, “You say there are millions of Purple Ships around that planet?”

  Derek nodded, “We can’t see them but the roar coming from the loudspeaker is their communications.” Rose took a breath and Derek said, “Speedy has found a way to make their thoughts understandable.”

  Rose looked at him, “How did he do that?”

  “It appears their thoughts flow in a pattern perpendicular to our normal pattern. Speedy will turn their pattern so it is parallel with ours and rotate our pattern to match their thought orientation.”

  “Can they detect where our thoughts originate?”

  “They aren’t telepathic and telepathy isn’t an electronic wave. We determined a few weeks ago that they cannot determine where our thoughts originate.”

  Rose’s eyes narrowed, “You came back here?”

  Chase nodded, “We knew were going to have a very precious cargo on board and we had to make sure you would be safe.”

  Rose smiled and patted Chase on his shoulder, “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  Speedy said, “It’s also very true, High Leader.”

  Sam smiled at Chase and Derek and nodded to them. They knew how he felt. Rose stared at the display and said, “What do you think will happen when I start the conversation?”

  Chase shrugged, “I suspect every Purple Ship around the planet and several million more will start looking for us. I’ll keep the ship out of their way.”

  “And if they start firing their beams randomly?”

  Chase looked at Sam, “Then I’ll skip the ship out to fifty thousand miles and continue the conversation from there.”

  “Why don’t you go ahead and do it before we start the dialogue?”

  Chase stared at him and then looked at Rose, “If you manage to open a dialogue, I thought you might want to come out of the barrier and reveal your presence.”


  Rose put her hand on Sam’s arm, “This is why I was reluctant to allow you to be here. The Admiral is right. It may come to that.”

  Sam looked in her eyes and then closed his eyes, “I’ll go to my chair and keep my mouth shut.”

  Rose smiled, “That is a good suggestion, Sam.” Sam went to his chair and buckled in. Rose looked at Chase and Derek, “Are you ready?” Both of them shrugged and then Chase nodded. “Speedy, are you ready to send my thoughts?”

  “I am, High Leader.”

  Rose stared at the planet and thought…

  • • •

  Every Purple Ship in the planetary system heard at the same moment, “I have come to talk with the being who is the leader here. I come in peace and only wish to communicate.”

  The Commander of the huge Purple Fleets heard the thought and yelled, “WHERE DID THAT THOUGHT COME FROM!?”

  “Our tracking systems shows nothing.”


  Chase stared at his monitor and saw images Speedy was sending to it. Large blips appeared and he saw thousands of them moving out from the planet. They weren’t close yet. Rose sighed and thought, “I come here in peace. I will not attack your ships or your planet.” She paused and said, “Please, talk with me.”

  The number of blips grew at an incredible rate and Chase began moving the ship. He didn’t believe they could be rammed in the barrier but he wasn’t taking a chance. The force field around those ships was made of the same energy that destroyed Carmichael’s ship in the barrier. Rose focused on the planet and could hear the thoughts of thousands of beings in the main government building on the planet’s surface. Derek looked up from his monitor, “We have company.”

  Chase looked and saw a massive wave of blips moving toward the planet in the void. Rose thought for a moment and said, “We watched you destroy the beings that came here uninvited. I am not like them. They were also my enemy.”

  Speedy said, “Someone on the planet has just ordered all their ships to stop and hold their positions.”

  Rose focused on the planet and managed to find the being sending the orders. Chase kept his eyes on his display and said, “The ships are holding their positions.” He looked at Rose, “It’s all yours now.”

  They heard a voice come over the loud speaker, “If you come here in peace, why are you hiding?”

  “What would have happened if I didn’t?”

  The being actually chuckled, “My warriors are somewhat enthusiastic in performing their duties. However, they no longer represent a threat.”

  “Do I have your word that they will not open fire if I reveal my ship?”

  “All ships will not fire unless directly ordered to do so. Commander, confirm that order had been received by your fleets.”

  There was a pause and they heard, “Holiness, I ask that you not take this risk.”

  “Do you think you could have prevented an attack if this being had not communicated and allowed us to know of its presence.”

  “My ships had the planet surrounded.”


  There was a pause and they heard, “No, I could not have prevented it from firing once.”

  There was another pause and they heard, “Why are you here?”

  “To discuss our civilizations co-existing in peace.”

  “This is not a very good start.”

  “I agree. Revealing that we can remain invisible to your scanners has to make your warriors extremely nervous.”

  “Then remove their anxiety and reveal yourself.”

  Rose took a breath and looked at Sam who was biting his lip. She looked at Chase and nodded. Chase kept his finger on the white button. He pressed another button and the small warship entered normal space a thousand miles above the planet. Immediately, purple ships began moving between them and the planet’s surface. “I ORDERED YOUR SHIPS TO HOLD POSITION!”

  Rose thought, “Please don’t blame them. They’re moving to protect you and I really don’t blame them for the effort.”

  The Commander of the Purple Fleets was surprised by the comment. Who were these beings.

  “Even so, I expect my orders to be followed. However, you’re right. Commander, stay away from that ship!”

  “Yes, Holiness.”

  “You said the One Eyes are also your enemy. May I assume that you witnessed our attack on them?”

  “You may.”

  “How did you find this planet?”

  “We knew this planet’s location before they attacked it.”

  There was a very long moment of silence and then Rose heard, “You had ships here?”

  “I did.”


  “I had more than two hundred million warships scattered among the four galactic clusters that lie close to you. The Feeders came here searching for my civilization and I sent my ships here to reduce their numbers. We’ve been building for hundreds of years to be able to one day confront their numbers.”


  “Yes, Commander.”

  “We encountered destroyed One Eye ships scattered among the galaxies and were unable to determine who destroyed them.”

  “How many ships do you have here now?”

  “As soon as we saw one of your warships, I recalled all my forces from your domain.”

  “We frightened you that much?”

  “Your ships are impressive.”

  “I can sense in your thoughts that you aren’t afraid of them.”

  “I respect them.”

  “That’s not fear. That seems to indicate that you could be a real threat to us.”

  “That’s why I came back. It’s my hope to convince you that you have nothing to fear from us.”

  “And by extension, that you have nothing to fear from me.”

  “You are right.”

  “May I also assume that your civilization is quite distant from here?”

  “It is.”

  “Then why come her
e and allow us to learn of your existence. You could have just remained silent and work on technology to take my ships on in the distant future? I hope you understand that knowing of your existence concerns me.”

  “It’s my feeling that one day, our civilizations will bump into each other and it’s that event that brought me here. I want that day to be peaceful.”

  “Why would we encounter each other if you’re so far away?’

  “Holiness, your civilization has just been attacked by a species located more than two billion light years away from here. If could happen once, it could happen again. I suspect you aren’t going to wait to be surprised by an advanced, aggressive civilization.”

  The Commander shook his head. The Gathering had decided to send out ships a year ago. These beings were intelligent. That worried him.

  Rose paused and continued, “We are not going to wait to be attacked. I am sending my fleets out to scout for threats to my citizens. That raises the possibility of our running into each other. I came here to promise you that my civilization will never enter your domain again.”

  They heard a chuckle again, “Let’s for a moment say that you are an aggressive civilization, what would you be saying at this moment?”

  Rose shook her head and remembered saying the same thing to the Nudges. “I’d be promising the same thing.”

  “I’m impressed that you admit it. However, promises are meaningless between strangers.”

  Rose hesitated and said, “I will give you the location of my civilization.” Chase, Derek, and Sam looked at Rose like she had three heads.

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because we know where you are. You could never feel safe with that information in the hands of an unknown civilization. Things have to be balanced before we can come to an understanding.”

  “Commander, what do you think about that suggestion?”

  “I’d never, ever, do it Holiness.”

  “I wouldn’t either. How would we know the location is a real one?”

  “I’ll allow one of your ships to follow me back.”

  “You’re putting a lot of faith in a species you know nothing about.”

  “I learned that many of your planets are located close to other intelligent species and you co-exist in peace. I believe that you are not a conquering species and my faith is not blind.”

  “And you aren’t conquerors?”

  “We aren’t but may be forced into it in the future.”

  How would that happen?”

  “I’m serious when I say that we are going out to see if there are real threats to our continued existence. If we encounter a more advanced, aggressive species, we will hide and work to develop the technology to confront them.”

  “Like you did with the One Eyes?”

  “Exactly. However, if we encounter a less advanced species that goes out to conquer other civilizations, we are going to do everything we can to get them to change their behavior. Failing that, we will remove the means of being a conqueror.”

  “Will you take possession of their planets?’

  “No. But an aggressive species will ultimately develop advanced technology over time and those seeds will need to be nipped in the bud before they become really dangerous.”

  “Are you suggesting you won’t exterminate them?”

  “That is not our way, Holiness.”

  “You would not have exterminated the One Eyes?”

  “I know this sounds like I’m trying to have it both ways but they were one species that had to be removed.”


  “Because they fed on other intelligent beings and they couldn’t change their behavior. Their physiology forced them to attack other species. They truly were a cancer that had to be cut out to keep the body healthy.”

  “I happen to agree with your assessment.”

  “It’s obvious.”

  “I still won’t accept your promise to never return here.” Rose closed her eyes and shook her head. “It’s not knowing each other that will cause problems between us. I recommend that you find a planet in your civilization that my species can colonize and we will find one here that you can colonize. I suggest we visit each other frequently and one day, that distrust will disappear.”

  Rose smiled and looked at Sam, “Would it be possible that you could send an Ambassador that would attend the meetings of our Leaders and report back to your civilization on what we’re doing.”

  “That is an excellent suggestion. We will also allow one of your representatives to attend our gatherings where our major decisions are made.”

  “Thank you for your wisdom, Holiness. I think that one day we will be sharing our technology and come to each other’s defense.”

  “We can agree to do that now.”


  “I can agree to come and defend you against attacks from aggressive civilizations now.”

  “I also have the authority to make the same agreement.”

  “Are you the Supreme Leader of your civilization?”

  “I am.”

  “That proves more than anything you’ve said that you’re being honest. Your civilization would not have allowed you to come here and place yourself in danger unless they are serious about what you’ve said.”

  Thank you, Holiness. I will start the search for a planet in my galaxy. Are there any special requirements you need?”

  “I will send one of my vessels back with you and it will assist you in finding one.”

  Rose smiled, “I will send this ship back to work with you to find one suitable for my species as well.”

  “Commander, what do you think about these agreements?”

  “If it meets with your pleasure, Holiness. I would like to go with them.”

  “That is a great suggestion. By the way, how long will it take you to arrive at your civilization?”

  “We can be there in two seconds but we will travel at your ship’s best speed.”

  “What did you just say?”

  “We have the means of traveling instantly to any place in the universe. If you don’t mind, may I have my ship take me back to prepare for your ship’s arrival? I’ll send my ship back after I disembark.”

  The Commander shook his head, “How far away is your civilization?”

  “About three billion light years.”

  “Holiness, I think we have a lot to learn from this species.”

  “Indeed we do.” There was a pause and Rose heard, “Perhaps today will be one that both of our species will recognize as memorable.”

  “That is my fervent prayer, Holiness. My ship will be back momentarily.” The Purple ships scattered around the planet saw the small ship disappear and a few minutes later reappear. Chase thought, “Are you ready to leave?”

  The Commander smiled, “I need a few hours to provision my ship.”

  “Take your time. I asked one of my scientists about extending my field to cover your ship. I’ll attach a cable to your ship and we should be able to make the trip together.”

  The being on the planet looked around the room and saw the other leaders staring at him. He shook his head and smiled, “Do you agree with this?”

  They all nodded and one said, “This species is young. They are vibrant and we may find our spirits rejuvenated from being around them.”

  The being nodded and stared at the small ship on his monitor. He had little doubt that finding colonists was going to be very easy.


  The two planets were found and within two years, trade between the two civilizations accelerated to an unprecedented level. The planet colonized in the Purple’s galaxy had many species from the Alliance settle there. During that time, the Alliance Fleets went out and freed the conquered galaxies. After the last Death Feeder died, The Alliance sent the Peacekeepers out into Laniakea to search for danger.

  Once the two ambassadors were chosen, Rose resigned as High Leader and married Sam. Their youngest daughter became High L
eader when she was twenty five years old and history recorded that the Alliance’s Golden Age started under her leadership.

  However, centuries later, historians revised it back to when an alien fled to Earth to escape death. That was when it actually began. From that event, everything else followed. Lukas Axel became recognized as the father of the Alliance and was responsible for the peace that it enforced for thousands of years. His statue in front of the giant government center had a Light Ship just behind him with the name Willow on its bow.

  Books by Saxon Andrew

  The Annihilation Series:

  Love Conquers All

  The Power of a Queen

  A Rose Grows in Weeds

  Tommy’s Tale


  Demon’s Sacrifice

  Finding Keepers

  Prequel-Psychic Beginnings

  Searching for a Hero

  Dahlia’s Deception

  Ashes of the Realm:

  Juliette’s Dream

  Greyson’s Revenge

  Death of an Empire

  The Return of the Realm

  Lens of Time:

  The Pyramid Builders

  Planet Predators

  Pray for the Prey

  The End of Time

  Star Rover-The Worst of Time

  Star Rover-Running Out of Time

  Lens of Time-Chosen To Die

  The Fight for Creation

  Life Warrior

  Scout Warrior

  Ultimate Warrior

  Star Chase

  The Lost Prince

  Nowhere to Run

  Nowhere to Hide

  Probe Predators

  Jesse’s Starship

  Mike’s War—

  Joshua’s Walls


  Revenge is Best Served Hot

  The Search for Orion

  Trapped in Time

  The Time Takers

  Taming A Planet


  Escape to Earth

  Running From Fate


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