Gloria Rising: A Story of Hope and Survival In Dark Evil Places
Page 19
“She’s starting to find out she’s worth something. As depressed as she is feeling, she’s positive about others, herself.”
“When you grow to full potential, you can see every person, race as a person. You have enough compassion, enough grasp of good and bad; at the core you can reach the good in even the worst person—more you give to others, more you get, the Law of Nature.”
“Both Gloria and Gloria’s Helper are very miserable. Understand one thing: they’re feeling sorry for themselves, functioning together, agree the world is a miserable place.”
“Two lovable characters, can be too much. Don’t worry about them going crazy; worry they’ll drive you crazy.”
“Don’t take on her anxieties, protect yourself.”
“Excuse me, I have to interrupt here—these two are getting too discouraged for nothing. Everything happened the way Gloria’s Helper told you, except a couple of details. Gloria is going through a crisis but hasn’t given up hope. Get her not to yell or pay attention to the noise. She has been a fighter all her life so it’s natural for her. Not doing anything, to her, means she’s not surviving, that she will die.”
“We’re going to make sure the “Other” has a name. In other words, going to have an identity. Very important to have a name.”
“The woman with three eyes has keys to unlock doors other people can’t unlock. She came to help. I sent her.”
“When she remembers everything, then she will be able to reach her potential. They will come to a certain point and have to make up their mind, either experiences are going to be of help or hindrance.”
“I guess you realize by now her mind was raped. The work is tedious but the unconscious needs to remember details to cleanse the mind. It’s a wonder both the conscious and unconscious haven’t been in a state hospital.”
“Hypnosis’ is a means to reach the unconscious mind after a state of relaxation by self-induction, but with the help of the hypnotist. When used wisely, this can allow problems or blocks to be released—or clarified. But be sure you like each other’s vibrations, and a bond of trust must exist between the two involved. I am sure you know all this—just to remind you why you can make great progress with Gloria. Some day you will understand this a lot better. People are learning that fear and ignorance are but man-made limitations. It behooves all to improve psychic abilities.”
“Shun discouragement. In important work there are backwards steps as well as progress.”
“Gloria has attracted confused and weakened souls all her life, like bees to pollen; and these souls gathered strength and insight because of her understanding. I was one of those souls; all that I am, I owe to her.”
“… Remember, share the interests. You are providing the tools of growth that will mean the difference of a role of a normal person and that of a being who will be capable of soaring wondrous heights.”
“There will be knowledge made known that will be of interest to you and that will add to your love of life. The person you are helping will have important knowledge for you as well. I wish you an uplifted feeling to help you along today—to follow your talent. Do not get discouraged. Good contact is being made; so is increased awareness. Bear in mind, I pose no threat to you. I’m detached from rivalry or anything of that sort.”
“Mere consciousness is not awareness. Consciousness is of the physical brain while awareness is of the mind—this is part of the soul. Thinking and working out problems has to do with consciousness. Inner knowing—telling me that I am and I, too, exist—this awareness is the link to God, the Creator.”
“For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces; and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others—in this case, Gloria.”
“There is something I need to say. Any form of information can be of help if it is received at the right time. Gloria’s sore throat has to do with an identification imprint, and I would like to give you fragmentations of a suggestion—‘lilacs’; ‘summer day’; ‘scarecrows.’ Unless I tell you this, you may start chasing down blind alleys. Two or three imprints are blocking observation at this time. The fact that the unconscious, Gloria’s Helper, made a mistake in judgement should not be allowed to cause negative emotions. The unconscious has a child integrity. Good concentration (yours and Gloria’s) is a definite asset in this work.”
“A sign of her healing emotionally is when she can talk normally about things that used to terrify her.”
“You’ve built her up, or she would have gone crazy or died. You helped her get out a lot of violent feelings.”
“Healing Gloria takes time. It took years to build up all her emotional problems. Kept her past hidden, pushed away, a big secret. There’s a lot to be remembered, a lot to be gone over and reviewed, so Gloria’s Helper can change her mind and better influence Gloria.”
“Letters are good too, creating a lot of tension while at same time, bringing the whole thing to a head.”
“What you sense in your heart and feel in your conscience must be the greatest part of your training. You must have confidence of your experience. If people only were not so afraid, such abundant unconscious resources could be put to use for progress. People are still groping in the ‘Dark Ages’ where limited conscious beliefs trap them in a microscopic box of awareness—unaware of what lies beyond, what is possible.”
Gloria’s Helper, “… Early this morning I heard a voice, a huskier voice like a man’s voice, so much good in it. It seemed to come from something bigger than me. It said, ‘You were drifting off and thought you were dying. You’re really not. What’s happening is the old you is dying. You’re lucky to have a second chance; most people don’t have. Life will be filled with love.’ All of a sudden I realized I wanted to live.”
“Too many dysfunctions at this time. The ‘unconscious’ takes things literally, sees what it sees. Has gone off again feeling extreme guilt. Need to work with unconscious feeling guilty about many things. I know it is hard, confusing, like dealing with three stories going on at once. You’ve gotten fragments but it will make sense. Gloria’s Helper believes she killed the ‘Other.’ She needs to believe that for now. At least she’s beginning to accept a painful reality and not running away.”
“As you started this journey what would it have profited had you worried about the closed door ahead? Power and your talent operate through human channels, as you have seen. So this is the continuing lesson: Just go step by step—as you continue in spite of every obstacle. You will never cease to be thankful for this time of learning.”
“Now, automatic writing—something I mentioned. Once a person is successfully able to ‘automate,’ the unconscious gives up material much more readily than it does otherwise; because automatic writing can draw from the full range of language and memory as it is known to the person. Clues for questioning taken from written material can result in great benefit to find those unconscious fixed ideas that need correction. It helps to come up with the right questions in ‘auto-questioning,’ generated from your unconscious, in conjunction with Gloria’s Helper. Use your own judgement and skill in this.”
“There will be times when you want to just walk away from it and forget the whole business. Don’t! Stick with it. When you look back on it, you will be amazed at the progress made. I will guide your efforts and Gloria’s efforts.”
“May I remind you again that you and Gloria are a rare combination of two intelligent human beings who have suffered a great deal, yet you have still retained the precious quality of being able to love and be of service to others? All that is happening is part of your training for the future. Experience—this is the best teacher.”
“I saw the goodness of a man who could well be a bitter person yet can hold a little girl and give her the love a child should have had. You held Gloria and gave a grownup woman her worth as a child taken to Disney World. Thank you for that.”
“Grief is never easy. If you short-circ
uit the healing process by refusing to acknowledge your suffering or use coping methods to hide your feelings and numb your pain, well you get stuck in destructive stress.
Grief goes through a process such as this:
Shock and denial
Emotions erupting
Depression and loneliness
Affirming reality
Re-entry into life
Healed New Strengths
I have underlined the stages Gloria has been experiencing since she called you Monday. I’m sure you feel as I do that it would do no good to leave Gloria in the panic that she’s in now.”
“– no matter how hard this work gets—no matter how Gloria’s Helper must dwell on horrors of the past—it has to be done that way. It is not idle, fruitless, rushing hither and thither. This is an unburdening of more than 50 years. Storms may rage and difficulties press hard, but you will know no harm. I will see you safe and protected, and I will guide you.”
“I try to set my pace to yours as a loving parent does to that of a child.”
“My role is to bring you knowledge so you have the assurance and confidence you need for the work ahead of you to help Gloria reach her full potential as a human being. My job is enjoyable, a work of love and pleasure. To see two human beings become as greatly as they can be is certainly not a duty. I stand for faith, hope, charity, and love—the good things in life. You could call me a good influence. I create love and blessings.”
“Gloria and Gloria’s Helper are to help themselves, first of all. If they did not want to help themselves, I couldn’t help at all. What they or you get confused about, or threatens you or them, then I am able to step in by feelings of love, nature and blessings to enable you back to an optimistic nature. Instead of your being pessimistic, I help you see the truth, the reality of things, not pessimism. I have to leave you in comfort and encouraged—couldn’t leave you depressed and discouraged, then I would fail. You see the whole thing has been an optimistic act. So what we have done is an act of procreation and love. We all stuck together so Gloria didn’t commit suicide. There was always someone to pick us up. That’s how we work together as ONE.”
“If Gloria had enough energy left in her body, I could transmit directly to her rather than going between you and Gloria’s Helper; but she’s not ready for that anyway. She would misunderstand and think she was hearing voices or think I was another personality. This morning I am able to take energy, but not full energy. I couldn’t do that. I am allowed just so much energy; I couldn’t take over her personality. This comes from her soul, like when you peel an onion and get different layers. The soul is the same way. You can get to different parts of the soul and this is where I come in. I couldn’t take over her personality; she was born free with free choices. This is where multiple personality goes wrong—tries to change person’s thoughts and personality. Hypnosis allows me to have access to the core of her ‘spirit.’ I mean that’s one part, might make it clearer. I get very excited when I can make someone open minded about things. Not in a glorified way. It’s my job; I took it on because I wanted to. I didn’t have to. I didn’t know if it would work, or not, but now I know it will and I am very excited about it. I hesitate to use the word ‘spirit’ because it’s part of herself. It’s not really a ‘spirit’ but herself as a whole, and it’s herself uniting herself with all the parts of the system. People would not understand the word ‘spirit’ where this is concerned. Be assured I won’t lead you wrong or astray; you will in time come to understand fully. It may be better for you not to get too curious about me for your own peace of mind. It may put doubts into your mind. Main ingredient of our work is faith. No doubts our work can progress. Every human being has guides and a guardian angel, but not like me. I am another part of Gloria who she opened her mind to. I took a lot of Gloria’s energy this morning—feel a little guilty about that. Guess she didn’t eat breakfast before she came down here.”
“If I were doing this to lead you astray, I wouldn’t! I would tell you things about her past that weren’t so, or things about the past to make you forget more important things. I let Gloria’s Helper tell you, since she’s in a better position to tell you about her past. I was here from the very beginning of her work with you. It had to be a certain time for me to let myself be known. It was a time when Gloria and you were discouraged—like when Gloria’s Helper gets discouraged, the Pyramid Lady appears. First of all, Gloria’s energy was too low because of her depression; and it blocked me from coming through.”
“No! No! As a matter of fact I am pushing for reality. Remember when Gloria’s Helper needed to think that Gloria had killed the “Other,” who she thought hung himself; and he left a note blaming her. I helped her discover the truth. When she had made a mistake in judgement finding Gloria guilty, that wasn’t a defense; it was the truth, a perception fact that Gloria’s Helper needed time to accept. She had made a mistake. I have energy but must borrow some of Gloria’s to communicate. So it’s an energy drain on her body; and sometimes when it drops, I get cut off. I stand for love. Let’s put it this way. If Gloria could have two guardian angels, I would be one; only I would have started later than her guardian angel. I am like a foreigner coming from a different land and nobody understands my language. I recognize it’s difficult sometimes to understand me. I am also trying to speak your language, but I won’t lead you astray. I won’t try to protect Gloria from reality. This whole thing is made not to protect Gloria. I try to guide, not to defend. We’d get no place quick then. If I see you headed for a bad mistake with Gloria’s Helper, I could put in a word or two; otherwise, you can go at your own speed based on what you think. You can only go by what you’re trained for and what is in your heart. I kind of overstepped my bounds there where you could take it other ways. Any relationship has to be based on mutual trust. Glad you brought up your concerns and brought them into the open, so we could discuss them and clear the air. Being open and honest with each other is essential to build trust. It ensures success.”
“It’s important you understand unconscious ‘identification imprints,’ because they can create obstacles and trouble for your work. Remember the unconscious has a child’s integrity and takes things literally. Normally, this is of no consequence; but in traumatic events, as in the case of Gloria, the unconscious can make mistakes in judgement. Those mistakes lead to incorrect fixed ideas and negative emotions that block true observation and progress. For example, in one of your hypnotic sessions Gloria’s Helper said, ‘I’m the part of Gloria that is always the observer, and no matter what, I observe. I watch and I care whether she is happy or unhappy, if she is sick or well, if she wants to live or die. That’s part of my job. The other part is to sit there on her shoulder and pass judgement on whether she is a worthwhile human being. I don’t usually think logically and have made mistakes. That’s why I must see the pictures clearly so I know the facts; otherwise, more mistakes will be made. I don’t change my mind easily and can influence Gloria for better or worse.’ Here Gloria’s Helper remembered how she put the wrong ideas into Gloria’s head, making her feel guilty and cowardly, when actually Gloria had the courage to take her abuse for so long—rather than fighting and being killed. Gloria’s Helper realized she had judged Gloria’s efforts to survive as a child based on adult standards leaving her with a lifelong guilt for the acts of others. This awareness caused Gloria’s Helper to feel despair and guilt, which fortunately you helped her to correct. This was an identification imprint.”
“Gloria came in one day and announced that she had the weirdest experience the night before. She described the sound of a cymbal clashing in her head, then the reassuring voice of a man saying, ‘you will become a Shaman; ask Adam to teach you how.’ Later I asked the Guardian about Gloria’s experience. The Guardian responded, ‘I didn’t tell her that.’ Do you suppose there are an 8th, 7th, and 6th personality? It wa
sn’t Gloria’s Helper, wasn’t me, or the Pyramid Lady; but it was a man’s voice. I was puzzled myself. It was a voice filled with assurance. You must be a shaman and don’t know it. Don’t know whether you’re coming or going—getting messages from all directions. Maybe want to keep busy so you’ll stay out of trouble. You don’t suppose she’s losing her marbles. No, I would know that, or maybe Adam’s got a card missing in his deck, and it’s the shaman card. It wasn’t bad when you were hearing voices, my voice; but now Gloria’s started, and it wasn’t my voice. That’s what’s confusing me. It’s like getting your answers from angels above. The ‘How’ seemed important. I think it said, ‘Gloria tell Adam to show you how to become a Shaman. I thought if you were going to get more work done than you were already doing, it was A’OK, until now. Just teasing! What are you going to do—start getting messages all over the place? It was like it was my Guardian Angel that was speaking. I have one too. Gloria wasn’t hearing the voices I heard. I, too, may be hearing voices. No I am beyond that. I mean, that wouldn’t affect me. I am beyond going crazy or anything like that. Oh, I hope we don’t hear it again. It’s scary, out of the deep nowhere, hearing a voice. I think what scared us the most was the splicing of the brain. It made a definite noise. Are you discouraged by it? No? I wouldn’t be either. I didn’t joke with you in the beginning. I didn’t know how you would accept me. Now I know you accept me for who I am, so I can jest with you. Even about your uneasiness about multiple personalities.”
“Understand the difference between an entity and myself. An entity makes trouble for a person it enters. It does not work for the person’s good, or yours. An entity may pretend to be friendly and will promise you all kinds of things; but is very treacherous. It’s very jealous of people, and would be jealous of your work, resent it, and turn against you. It might put all kinds of obstacles in your way you wouldn’t have otherwise. An entity doesn’t belong in the personality. It can split the personality, or sometimes comes before or after the personality splits. An entity can make a person act destructively. Jim Jones was a split personality with an entity.”