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The Wraith and the Rose

Page 31

by C. J. Brightley

  Theo turned resolutely toward home, and tugged Lily, Oliver, and Cedar along behind him.

  “Cedar, do you know where we are? I believe my sense of direction has become rather muddled. The gold sparkles make it difficult to see. I do think you might have been a little overly generous with the magic. Do you see the golden sparkles or is that just me? I actually liked this jacket quite a lot; I should have worn an older one. I didn’t plan this as well as I’d thought. It’s lamentable to have destroyed such a coat when it was entirely predictable that it would be ruined.” He had begun to slur, though his cheer was undimmed.

  Oliver said quietly, “Theo, are you in pain?”

  “You could call it that, but I prefer to think of it as the price of triumph. I have resolved not to complain about it though; it’s bad form to malinger. Cedar, I am quite in awe of the strength of your magic. It’s most commendable. Ah, here we are at last.” He stopped and opened the door to the human world. The midmorning sun streamed through the opening into the veil, nearly blinding everyone. Theo stepped back to let the others out before he closed the door, though Lily clung to him.

  “Cedar, I am honored and delighted to offer you the hospitality of the Overton estate for as long as you would like to stay. Juniper is in the east wing. You may stay in the east wing near him and my parents, or in one of the guest suites in the west wing nearer Lily and me.” He swallowed and blinked, for the ground was wavering before him.

  “Would you like a little more magic?” Cedar asked quietly. He removed Theo’s glamour.

  “I don’t know.” Theo took a few deep breaths, swaying and blinking like an owl. “Is it actually daylight or is that the magic?”

  “You’re still bleeding. Here.” Cedar grabbed his shoulder and Theo gasped at the rush of magic.

  “I feel drunk with it already, Cedar,” he groaned. “I just want to sleep.”

  Cedar let him go, then nodded to Oliver. The two put Theo’s arms around their shoulders and began to pull him toward the house.

  “I’m fine!” Theo protested weakly, belying this with an agonized groan. By the time they reached the house, Anselm had seen them.

  Within half an hour, they had changed Theo out of his ruined clothes, sponged the blood away, examined and bandaged his wounds, and hauled him upstairs to his bed.

  “Thank you. I’m fine now. Just a little light-headed,” he said in the general direction of Anselm.

  “If you get out of bed, I’ll have your mother come explain to you why it’s a bad idea,” said Anselm in a shaking voice.

  Lily had felt rather pushed aside during this interlude, but she had very little idea of how to bandage a wound, and had not protested too much when Oliver assured her that they would take good care of her husband.

  She had followed them upstairs to Theo’s suite and was standing at the door, feeling unnecessary and dejected in the presence of so much bustling competence.

  Theo said in a startled voice, “Lily! Why are you weeping?”

  She stepped to the edge of the bed, where Anselm had propped Theo up against several pillows. “Because I was frightened for you, and because I couldn’t bear to think how badly I treated you. I’m so sorry, Theo.”

  Anselm shooed Oliver and Cedar out, though he shot a stern look toward Theo over his shoulder.

  Theo smiled radiantly at her, his hazel eyes glittering golden. “I forgave you long ago, my love. Please think no more of it. I am more grieved by your tears than anything else.” He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips, holding her gaze with his own.

  Lily couldn’t breathe for a moment, then gave a laughing sob. “I was so frightened for you. Was that really your plan?”

  Theo laughed and gasped and laughed again. “More or less. The land needed blood as proof of my love, and I wasn’t able to give it on my own. Not that much, anyway! The very idea was too terrible to contemplate! Yet I knew Willowvale and Silverthorn would oblige me, if I gave them opportunity. So I did!”

  He let his head fall back against the headboard. “I am glad that’s done,” he murmured, more to himself than to her. He focused on her again with no little effort. “Can you ever forgive me? I was abominable to you. I should have trusted you.”

  She wiped tears from her eyes. “There’s nothing to forgive, Theo. Can you forgive me? I should never have said….”

  His eyelids fluttered closed, and he murmured, “Please don’t even think of it.”

  “Is there anything I can do for you now?” She hoped desperately that there was.

  There was such a long silence that she thought he had fallen asleep, and then he slurred, “I think I should like it very much if you would keep holding my hand.”

  So she did.

  He dreamed of his wife’s smile, of dancing beneath cerulean trees and golden skies, of giving her a thousand roses of a thousand improbable shades just to see her laugh. While he dreamed, golden sparkles of magic ran through his veins, mending torn entrails and knitting muscle fibers back together.

  While he slept, Oliver, Cedar, and Anselm explained the story to Sir Theodore and Lady Overton, who listened with white, horrified faces.

  “Where is he now?”

  “In bed, dead drunk on magic,” said Cedar. “He’ll be fine. I poured enough magic in him to kill a griffin.” At Sir Theodore’s flinch, Cedar added, “He needed it. He’ll sleep it off and wake when he’s ready.”

  “Lily is with him,” added Oliver. “She’s… we’re all feeling rather shocked, I should think.”

  Sir Theodore regarded Oliver with sudden compassion, seeing that the young man was trembling head to toe. “Anselm, would you mind showing Lord Mosswing and Mr. Hathaway to the library and the garden and anywhere else they might wish to entertain themselves? I shall send a message to your parents, if you don’t mind, Oliver, that you are visiting, and you may go to them when you wish. Refresh yourselves, rest, and we shall take luncheon together on the patio.” He put a hand on Anselm’s shoulder and spoke in a low voice to him. “You’ve done well, Anselm. Don’t worry now.”

  The servant nodded jerkily.

  Sir Theodore knocked on the doorframe so that he didn’t startle Lily.

  “May we come in?”

  “Of course.” Lily looked up, then back down. They had been so kind to her, and she had underestimated both them and their son. What must they think of her now? She brushed tears from her eyes.

  Sir Theodore stepped to her side and looked down at Theo, who was sleeping peacefully. He was so pale that his freckles stood out with unusual clarity, and it made him look boyish and young, aside from the shadows under his eyes. The scratches on his face and hands were already healing.

  Lady Overton stood behind Lily and let out a soft, grieved sigh.

  Lily’s tears came in earnest then, but she said nothing, only looked down and let them fall. After a moment, Lady Overton put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry,” Lily whispered. Sorry for the distance that had so pained Theo, sorry for the way she had misjudged him, sorry for her own pain… there seemed no end to the regret that swelled within her.

  Theo mumbled something unintelligible and lapsed into silence.

  “Lord Mosswing told us what happened,” said Sir Theodore quietly.

  Lily trembled, and Lady Overton patted her gently.

  “How long have you known he was the Wraith?” Lily whispered.

  “Since nearly the beginning,” Sir Theodore said. “I asked him a hundred times what he meant to do with the binding magic, and he never would tell us. I should have known it would be something like this.” Unshed tears and pride thickened his voice, and he cleared his throat. “He would not want you to weep.”

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  After several hours, Lily accepted a tray of tea, pastries, and fruit from Anselm. She ate one-handed at Theo’s bedside.

  Later in the evening, Anselm asked if she would allow Lady Overton to enjoy dinner with her at Theo’s bedsi
de, and she agreed. He brought a little table from near the window for the two trays. Lily noted belatedly that everything had been carefully prepared so that she could eat it with one hand.

  “Thank you,” she said, and he ducked his head solemnly.

  The silence while they ate seemed at first painfully awkward, until Lady Overton said quietly, “I suppose we ought to have warned you that Theo loves with his whole heart. It is difficult to imagine what that means until you’ve seen it.” She looked up to meet Lily’s eyes with a soft, compassionate look. “Don’t worry. He looks better already.”

  Lily looked at him, and it was true. The scratches on his face had already disappeared.

  “Can you ever forgive me?” Lily whispered.

  Lady Overton sighed. “It is difficult to see a beloved child suffer in body and soul. But it would be foolish indeed for me to hold anything against you when Theo would want unity; my own grievance would cause more grief to my son than what is already passed.” She reached forward to put her hand on Lily’s with motherly affection. “I have forgiven you, and my husband has as well. Do not fear any coldness from us. You are our daughter, you know, by marriage if not blood, and an injudicious misjudgment is not enough to break that bond.”

  Lily found the courage to meet Lady Overton’s gaze. She found only warmth and sincerity in those kind hazel eyes, and she whispered, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, my dear.” Lady Overton squeezed her hand, then rose. “I think Theo would be pleased if you slept here tonight. I do hope you will.”

  Lily’s cheeks heated, and her mother-in-law smiled and swept out, saying, “I’ll send Anselm in for the trays, and then we’ll leave you alone. If you need anything, just ring the bell.”

  Several minutes later the servant came for the trays and bowed himself out.

  Lily sat by Theo’s bedside for another hour, listening to the night birds begin their songs. At last she gently extricated her hand from Theo’s and began to rise.

  He sucked in a long breath and his eyelids fluttered.

  She bent toward him. “I’ll be back in a moment,” she murmured.

  He turned his head and sighed.

  In her suite, she changed into her nightgown, washed her face and hands, and brushed her hair. She slipped her dressing gown over her nightgown and walked back through to his suite.

  Theo had not moved.

  She slipped carefully beneath the covers and curled up beside him, moving slowly so as not to jostle or bump him. She took his hand between hers and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 41

  Beginning Again

  Lily had not expected to sleep, although weariness tugged at every fiber of her being. So she was surprised to wake with the early light to the feel of being watched.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” said Theo softly. He was smiling at her, his hazel eyes flecked with gold.

  “You’re still drunk,” Lily said blearily. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be awake yet.”

  “You’re still beautiful,” he said. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” His eyes fluttered closed again. “I think Lord Mosswing is displeased with me. I should apologize. Is your brother upset? Anselm was. I think I shall spend the next week apologizing.” He shifted and hissed in pain. “How is Juniper?”


  “I love you,” he mumbled. Lily blinked the sleep from her eyes just in time to see him sigh as he fell asleep again.

  She woke again in the late morning when he shifted. He sat up with a stifled groan and wrapped one arm across his stomach, then staggered to his feet.

  “What are you doing?” she said.

  He straightened and wobbled, then steadied himself with one hand on the back of a chair. “You can keep sleeping,” he said. His eyes gleamed gold.

  Lily slipped out of the bed and stepped closer to him, feeling strangely cautious. He sounded sober and unwontedly serious.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked softly.

  He gave a wan smile. “Like the Fair king ran me through with a sword only yesterday.” He swallowed. “Alive, and glad of it. I owe about twelve people apologies. I also need to thank Lord Mosswing; he trusted me beyond what I had any right to expect.”

  “Why don’t you sit down? I’ll have them come to you,” Lily said.

  “I’m all right.” He leaned against the wall, already more pale than before. “Although I think I will ask Anselm to help me dress.”

  Lily pulled the chain for the bell, but said, “I’d be glad to help you.”

  He smiled again, warm and almost shy, and said, “That is a kind offer, my love, but I fear I might make some ungentlemanly sounds of complaint, and I would rather have you think me unflinchingly brave.”

  At this moment Anselm opened the door.

  “Theo, please sit down immediately,” he said firmly.

  “Good morning to you too, Anselm,” said Theo. “Would you help me dress, please?”

  Anselm shot a glance at Lily. “Tomorrow, perhaps. Lord Mosswing informed me you were to sleep all day.”

  “Lord Mosswing does not yet understand the depths of my hardheadedness. Pray do not fall into the same mistake,” Theo said.

  “Theo, please,” Anselm said as he stepped forward to take Theo’s arm. “Humor me just this once.”

  “I will take a nap later. I promise.”

  Anselm sighed.

  “When I’m presentable,” Theo continued, catching Lily’s eye over Anselm’s shoulder, “I would be honored to take lunch with you outside, my love.” He flashed a sparkling smile at her, and his eyes lingered as she stepped out.

  Lily went across the hall to her own suite and dressed herself, though it would have been entirely proper to call for a maidservant to help her. It still seemed a little frivolous to her to ask someone to help her do what she had always done herself.

  When she finished and stepped back into the corridor, Theo’s door was closed. A low murmur of voices told her that he was still within, so she wandered out to the little patio.

  A short time later, Theo joined her. One arm was slung around Anselm’s shoulders as if in easy friendship, but she didn’t miss how frighteningly pale he was.

  “Don’t get up, please,” Anselm said under his breath as he helped Theo sit carefully in the chair nearest Lily.

  Theo beamed up at him. “Thank you, Anselm.” Then he turned the full force of his hazel eyes upon Lily, and she couldn’t help smiling.

  Anselm bowed and left them alone.

  “How do you feel?” Lily asked quietly.

  Theo’s smile wavered for a moment, then returned. “Let’s not talk about that,” he said quietly. “I’d rather tell you how grateful I am, Lily.”

  “For what?” She looked at him, bemused and slightly appalled.

  He took her hand in his and looked down at it as he gently rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. He kissed her hand, then straightened with a wince. “For staying with me last night,” he said at last. “I didn’t deserve that, I think.”

  “Theo,” she whispered. “You apologized already, and I have a thousand more reasons to apologize than you do. Please don’t.”

  He met her gaze, hazel eyes warm and kind. “Did I apologize yet for being rather callous to you when we returned through the veil? I didn’t properly think how terrifying it must have been for you. How brave you were for coming for me!”

  “Now you’re just being silly,” she said softly. “You had good reason to be a little distracted, I think. But I will allow that I was terrified on your behalf.” Her throat closed on a sob, and she pressed her hands to her face. “I don’t want to lose you, Theo.”

  Then he was kneeling before her, looking up at her with his dear, sweet eyes as he caught her hands and kissed them. He murmured between kisses, “I’m far too stubborn to die from one little poke of a fairy sword, my love.”

  Her next half-sob turned into a laugh, and she looked at him with tears in her
eyes. “Even now you joke about it! How can you, when I know you’re in pain?”

  His answering smile was as bright and warm as the sunlight on their shoulders. “Am I? I had forgotten in the delight of seeing you smile again.” He sat back on his heels with a stifled groan, then chuckled at himself. “I’m too happy to mind any lingering discomforts. I have saved the Fair Lands for several of my dear friends, stopped the subjugation of children by the Fair throne, and more or less taken it for myself as collateral for the Fair king’s cooperation. What’s more, I,” he said proudly, “am married to the kindest, bravest, most radiantly lovely woman in all of Valestria.” He held her gaze. “And I have reason to believe she loves me back. Nothing can diminish my joy now.”

  When Anselm returned with lunch, Theo was sprawled bonelessly in the chair with his eyes closed, his long legs stretched out, and his left hand in Lily’s right.

  The servant quietly placed the trays upon the table and murmured to Lily, “I took Lady Araminta home this morning. Sir Theodore and Lady Overton asked if you wanted to dine privately, or if they might join you out here. Your brother and Lord Mosswing are here as well. But if he is asleep, I will let them know.”

  “I’m na’sleep,” Theo mumbled.

  “Yes, you are,” said Anselm. “I can tell by the way your eyes are closed. Juniper asked about you, and I told him you would be happy to see him after you took a nap like you promised.”

  Theo slitted his eyes and looked up at him for a moment. “Tell him he’s a hero.” He took a deep breath and blinked, as if debating whether to sit up straighter, then sighed and slouched more deeply into the chair. “He saved the Fair Lands, you know.” He smiled faintly.

  Anselm blinked at him. “I think that was you, sir.”

  Theo’s smile widened sleepily. “We did it together.” He sighed. “Blast, I can’t think straight. Did you say Juniper is well?”

  “He’s fine. I’ll ask Lord Mosswing to come give you a little more magic, sir.”


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