by Nick Davies
Atkins, Graham
Attenborough, Richard: Gandhi
Australian rugby league
Avaaz (online campaigning organisation)
Baker, André
Baldwin, Tom
Balls, Ed
Barclays Bank
BBC; Crimewatch; Newsnight; Panorama; Today programme; see also Campbell, Glenn; Peston, Robert
BBC Trust
Beardall, Barry
Beatrice, Princess
Becker, Jo
Beckham, David
Beckham, Victoria
Begley, Charles
Bell, Sir David
Benedict, Pope
‘Benji the Binman’
Bertin, Gabby
‘bin spinning’
Bindmans (law firm)
Birt, John Birt, Baron
Black, Guy
‘Blackadder’, see Goodman, Clive
Blair, Cherie
Blair, Sir Ian
Blair, Tony: and Lakshmi Mittal; relationship with Rupert Murdoch; family targeted by Mulcaire; and Rebekah Brooks; and ‘curry-house plot’ (2006); becomes Mark Thomson’s client
Bloomberg Businessweek
‘Blue’ (tracer)
Blunkett, David
Boddy, Michael (‘Micky the Mouse’)
Bowe, Colette
Bowles, Sebastian
Boyall, John (‘Boyle’)
Bradby, Tom
Brandman, Henri
Briggs, DCS Gordon
British Satellite Broadcasting
British Telecom
Brokeback Mountain
Brooks, Charlie
Brooks, Rebekah (née Wade); as editor of NoW; recruits Coulson as deputy; commissions Whittamore; contacts Miskiw; and McMullan; campaigns for ‘Sarah’s Law’; ‘whitemails’ John Prescott; campaigns for prison ships; and Marunchak’s surveillance of DCS Cook; admits to paying police for information; phone tapped in Operation Glade; ‘monsters’ Chris Bryant; becomes editor of Sun; voicemails hacked by Mulcaire; dines with Sir John Stevens; affair with Coulson; enraged at NoW being given Blair/Brown interview; arrested for assaulting husband; threatens to smear Rusbridger; and Operation Caryatid; and Goodman/Mulcaire trial; offers Goodman job at Sun; pressures Ed Balls to sack Sharon Shoesmith; lobbies for Paul Stephenson to become Metropolitan Police Commissioner; her wedding; accuses Guardian of misleading the public; dines with Yates; protected by News International; acts as peacemaker between the Murdochs; targets Tom Watson in Sun; backs out of Guardian carbon-cutting campaign; and Sun’s change of political affiliation; at meeting with Sir John Scarlett; promoted to chief executive of News International; refuses to testify at media select committee; strikes deal with Clifford; smears author; clashes with Independent editor; denounced by Tom Watson; denounces Tessa Jowell; as Cameron’s guest at Chequers; and deletion of News International emails; and BSkyB bid; at Cameron’s birthday party; and Edmondson’s suspension; dines with James Murdoch and Cameron; builds mini-empire; relationship with Murdochs; heads News International internal inquiry into hacking; has office and home swept for bugs; may have shown Murdoch incriminating emails; and Operation Weeting; and Will Lewis’s investigation; and Coulson’s resignation as Cameron’s spokesman; resists James Murdoch closing of NoW; delays passing emails to police; at strategy meetings in Washington; agrees to show emails to Lord Macdonald; employs diversionary tactics; agrees Macdonald should pass emails to police; with Murdoch at News International’s summer party; at Elisabeth Murdoch’s party; and exposure of NoW hacking of Dowler phone; her resignation called for; and closing of NoW; advised by Blair; appointed by Rupert Murdoch to run MSC investigation; backed by James Murdoch; blamed by James Murdoch; resignation and severance deal; arrested; at preliminary hearing; trial; acquittal; relations with Blair, Brown and Cameron see Blair, Tony; Brown, Gordon and Cameron, David
Brown, Fraser
Brown, Gordon: and the euro; targeted by Murdoch papers; as subject of private investigator; and ‘curry-house plot’ (2006); backed by Sun; and Cameron’s hiring of Coulson; relations with Rebekah Brooks; and Rupert Murdoch; and James Murdoch; abandoned by Murdochs; ‘monstered’ by Sun; and allegations of bullying; and hacking; and general election; furious at Guardian apology to Sunday Times; condemns News International; Murdoch papers apologise to
Brown, Jennifer Jane
Brown, John
Brown, Nick
Brown, Sarah
Bryant, Chris
BSkyB; and competition from BBC; and Ofcom; News Corp’s proposed takeover bid; and entertainment of MPs; and Vince Cable; bid opposed by media organisations; and Conservatives’ weakening of BBC and Ofcom; bid reviewed by Ofcom; bid handled by Hunt; and Rupert Murdoch; and creation of ‘Newco’; and hacking scandal; and closure of NoW; bid blocked by Parliament; shares fall; James Murdoch resigns as chairman; News Corp keeps stake in
Buckingham Palace, hacking of
Buckley, Nick
Bulger, James
Burton, Ian
Burton, Richard
Burton Copeland (law firm)
Buscombe, Lady
Bush, George W., President
Byers, Stephen
Cable, Vince: and BSkyB bid
Café Rouge, Wimbledon
Cambridge, Duchess of (Kate Middleton)
Cameron, Alexander
Cameron, David; relations with Rupert Murdoch, James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks; and Coulson; influenced by Murdochs regarding BBC and Ofcom; wins election; meets Rupert Murdoch in secret; entertains Brooks at Chequers; dines with Murdoch in New York; and BSkyB bid; and Coulson’s resignation; and phone hacking; and Brooks’s resignation; vilified by Sun; and Leveson Report
Cameron, Samantha
Campbell, Alastair
Campbell, Glenn
Campbell, Sol
Canal Plus
Caprice (model)
Carey, Chase
Carling, Will
Carlucci, Paul
Carroll, David, see Active Investigation Services
Carter, Cheryl
Carter Ruck (law firm)
Casburn, DCI April
Caseby, Richard
Catt, Phil see Winton, Phil
Centre for Policy Studies: report (2009)
Channel 4; Channel 4 News; Dispatches
Chapman, Jessica (Soham murders)
Chapman, Jon
Chapman, Lee
Charles, Prince
Charlie the Sniffer Dog
Cheesbrough, Paul
Chernin, Peter
Chimera (private investigation company)
Chippindale, Peter, and Horrie, Chris: Stick it Up Your Punter!
Chisholm, Sam
Church of England commissioners
City University, London
Clancy, David
Clarke, Charles
Clarke, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter
Clarke, Steve
Clarkson, Jeremy
Clegg, Nick
Clifford, Max: phone hacked by Mulcaire; on BBC Newsnight; sues NoW; his paperwork concealed by police; settles with News International; ‘has cup of tea’ with Edmondson; jailed
Clifford Chance (law firm)
Cloke, Daniel
‘club calls’
Coghlan, David
Competition Commission
Connelly, Peter (‘Baby P’)
Connett, David
Conservative Party; see also Cameron, David
Coogan, Steve
Cook, Beryl
Cook, DCS Dave
Cook, Robin
Cook, Thomas (travel agency)
Cornwall, Camilla, Duchess of (Camilla Parker Bowles)
Coronation Street
‘Corporal, The’ see Lowe, Gary
Coulson, Andy: early career; on Sun’s Bizarre column; angry with
Mohan; as associate editor with Rebekah Brooks; as deputy editor of NoW; deals with NA network; and Rees; as editor of NoW; and Miskiw; and Edmondson; and Wallis; and Mulcaire; tells select committee about police payments; ‘monsters’ Chris Bryant; affair with Rebekah Brooks; wins Newspaper of the Year Award; oversees project to interview Yorkshire Ripper; pays Goodman and Mulcaire to hack royal palaces; dines with Hayman and Fedorcio; in contact with Goodman after his arrest; promises to continue to employ him; Caryatid officers find no evidence against; and Goodman/Mulcaire trial; considers making public apology to victims; and DPP; resigns as editor of NoW; and PCC investigation; implicated by Goodman in hacking of royal household; alleged to have received large pay-off from News International; hired by Cameron as media adviser; and author’s Guardian article; blamed by News International; and author’s evidence to select committee; and Yates; author researches; gives evidence to media select committee; and Driscoll’s employment tribunal award; at Clarkson’s New Year’s Eve party; select committee finds no evidence against; revealed by Guardian to have rehired Rees; and Max Clifford; criticised by Oborne; attacked by Mandelson; greets Murdoch at No. 10; named in New York Times article; accused by McMullan; and Channel 4 Dispatches programme; urged to step down by Murdoch and Brooks; questioned by police; as witness in Sheridan case; calls author a traitor; evidence builds against; resigns as Cameron’s spokesman; and Panorama’s revelations; and Operation Weeting; investigated by Strathclyde police for perjury; a scapegoat; arrested; preliminary hearings; trial; jail sentence
Courtney, Dave
Cowley, Ken
CPS see Crown Prosecution Service
Creasey, Steven (‘Sid’)
Crone, Tom; reports on Goodman and Mulcaire to Coulson; involved in negotiations with Goodman; contact with Coulson; and Taylor’s claim for damages; finalises deal with Clifford; gives evidence to select committee (2009); meeting with Lewis and Burton; states that James Murdoch was mistaken regarding Taylor settlement; admits to having seen information re Lewis and Harris; loses job; found to have given select committee misleading evidence; and prosecution
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
Cruise, Tom
‘curry-house plot’ (2006)
customs officers
Dacre, Paul
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Star
Daily Telegraph
Dando, Jill
Data Protection Act (1984)
Davies, Caroline
Davies, David
Davies, George (law firm)
Davies, Philip
DAX see Digital Analogue Crossover
Day, Chelsy
Daylesford Organic Foods
Dearlove, Sir Richard
Debevoise & Plimpton (law firm)
Deng, Wendi see Murdoch, Wendi
Department of Social Services
Deutsche Bank
Dewse, Chris
‘Diamond’ (reporter)
Diana, Princess
Digital Analogue Crossover (DAX) (bug)
Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) see Macdonald, Ken; Starmer, Keir
Directorate of Professional Standards (Scotland Yard; DPS)
Doherty, Bernard
Doherty, Pete
‘double whacking’
Dowler, Bob
Dowler, Milly
Dowler, Sally
Dowling, Jodie
Dowling, Stuart
DPP see Director of Public Prosecutions
DPS see Directorate of Professional Standards
Driscoll, Matt
Dunn, Tom Newton
Dunne, Colin
Eaton Hall, Cheshire
Edelman (PR firm)
Edis, Andrew, QC
Edmondson, Ian; and Weatherup; and Stenson; impatient for Gordon Taylor story; brings in Thurlbeck; in sole control of news desk; and Mulcaire; sends spyware to targets; emails reviewed by Harbottle & Lewis; hacks Coulson’s voicemail; pressures Nicola Phillips to drop her case; his computer destroyed; suspended by News International; and Coulson; and Will Lewis’s investigation; his emails passed to police; sacked; arrested; and Rebekah Brooks; and the McCanns; illness
Edward, Prince
Edwards, David
Elizabeth II, Queen
Ellison, Sarah
email hacking
‘Emissary, the’
Enders, Claire/Enders Analysis
Eriksson, Sven-Göran
Esler, Gavin
Eugenie, Princess
euro, the
European Union: and Britain
Evans, Dan
Evans, Sir Harry; Good Times, Bad Times
Evans, Jenny
Evening Standard
Fallon, Kieren
Farrelly, Paul
Farrer & Co.
Fedorcio, Dick
Fellowes, Robert Fellowes, Baron
Ferguson, Alex
Ferguson, Sarah
Fillery, Sid
Financial Times
Firth, Bob and Sue
Flat Earth News (Davies)
Fletcher, James
Ford, John
Foster, Peter
Foulkes, David
Foulkes, Graham
Fox News
Fox TV
Freedom of Information Act
Freud, Matthew
Frost, Sadie
Fry, Stephen
Gadd, Andy
Gallagher, Liam
Gallagher, Ray
Galloway, George
Gandhi, Mohandas (‘Mahatma’)
Gascoigne, Paul
Gatton, Adrian
Gelsthorpe, Scott, see Active Investigation Services
George club, Mayfair
Gilbey, James
Gilchrist, Andy
Gillard, Julia
Gingrich, Newt
Ginsberg, Gary
Glasgow Herald
Glitter, Gary
Glover, Stephen
Godwin, deputy commissioner Tim
Goldsmith, Peter Goldsmith, Baron
Goodman, Clive: dislike of mobile phones; as royal editor; requests cash for ‘police sources’; relations with Stenson; hacks royal phones with Mulcaire; and Operation Caryatid; arrested; desk searched; visited by Kuttner; pressured by News International to take the blame for all hacking; and Crone; records conversations with Coulson; promised job by Coulson; trial; Coulson denies all knowledge of; NoW’s claims regarding; jailed; sacked by NoW; alleges he had acted with ‘the full knowledge and approval’ of senior executives; and News International inquiry; declines Rebekah Brooks’s offer of job; offered generous deal by News International; refuses to speak to author; and select committee report (2010); and Coulson; records of his allegations finally passed to police; arrested; on trial
Goody, Jade
Gove, Michael
Grabiner, Lord
Grant, Hugh
Gray, Andy
‘Green, Al’ (tracer)
Greenberg, Simon
Greenslade, Roy
Guardian; journalists; memo (1971) describing private investigator’s work; interview with James Murdoch (2000) regarding BBC licence fee; author’s phone-hacking stories posted on website (July 2009); and the police response; and News International; and House of Commons select committee; makes Freedom of Information application; carbon emissions project; and the PCC; reports on tribunal award to NoW reporter; publishes further revelations about phone-hacking victims; runs story on Rees; front-page story about Coulson; allows Yates to reply; Bradley Manning/Wikileaks story; backed by New York Times; follows up with barrage of stories; Mark Lewis’s comments on police; author reports on Nicola Phillips; joins alliance opposing BSkyB bid; Sienna Miller story; and Edmondson; and Yates; at annual press awards din
ner; the author’s report on High Court hearing on police corruption; journalist (Amelia Hill) reports on Operation Weeting; collaborates with Independent; posts Milly Dowler story on website; and Boris Johnson; attacked by Murdoch press; posts account of targeting of Brown; reveals corruption of Wall Street Journal; police hit back at; and Conservatives’ argument for independent press regulation; see also Rusbridger, Alan
Guppy, Darius
hacking phones/mobile phones; see also mobile phone companies
Hague, William
Hain, Peter
Hall, Jerry
Hall, Mickey
Hall, Phil
Hames, DS Jacqui
Hammell, Joan
Hanna, Mark
Hanrahan, Duncan (‘Drunken’)
Hanson, David
Harbottle & Lewis (law firm)
Harding, James
Harris, Charlotte; partnership with Mark Lewis; and Max Clifford case; and Sky Andrew case; on PCC report; introduced to Mark Thomson by author; acts for hacking victims; procures information from NoW executives; under surveillance by NoW
Harry, Prince
Haslam, Derek
Hawke, Bob
Haydon, Detective Superintendent Dean
Hayman, Andy; supervises Operation Caryatid; relations with NoW journalists; forced to resign from police force; his affairs; becomes Times columnist; contradicts author’s claims in article; accuses John Prescott of ‘ranting’; and Coulson; and Operation Weeting; appears before select committee; conduct investigated by Metropolitan Police Authority; and Myler
Hencke, David
Herald Sun (Australia)
Hewison, John
Heywood, Sir Jeremy
Hickman, Martin
Hill, Amelia
Hillsborough stadium disaster (1989)
Hilton, Steve
Hindley, Ross
Hinton, Les; sacks Goodman; appears before select committee; and PCC ethics committee inquiry; collects Goodman’s emails; moves to Dow Jones and Wall Street Journal; resignation; accused of misleading select committee;
Hipwell, James
Hoare, Sean
Hoggart, Simon
Holland, Laura
Hoppen, Kelly
Horrie, Chris see Chippindale, Peter
Hoskins, Carine Patry
House of Commons; BSkyB bid blocked
House of Commons culture, media and sport select committee; Brooks and Coulson admit to paying police for information (2003); former BSkyB executives as specialist advisers (2005, 2008); examines Goodman/Mulcaire case (2007); recalls Murdoch witnesses (2009); calls author and Rusbridger to account for Guardian story (2009); and Brooks’s letter to chairman; and PCC director; Coulson and NoW executives give evidence; and police evidence; and letter from Harbottle & Lewis; Brooks refuses to testify; Mark Lewis accused of misleading; produces very critical report (2010); report attacked by Murdoch press; takes more evidence; posts Harbottle & Lewis’s letter on website; misled by Hinton; Rupert and James Murdoch give evidence to; and Crone; see also Farrelly, Paul; Watson, Tom