by Nick Davies
House of Commons home affairs committees; Yates’s evidence; Peter Clarke’s evidence
House of Lords
Hughes, Simon
Huhne, Chris
Hunt, Jeremy: announces abolition of BBC Trust; agrees with Murdochs over Google advertising revenues; meetings with James Murdoch; lobbied by News Corp; gives ground over BBC spending cuts; handles BSkyB bid; and hacking revelations; and delay in decision on bid; and James Murdoch’s withdrawal of Newco plan
Hurst, Ian
Hyde, Marina
IBA see Independent Broadcasting Authority
ICO see Information Commissioner’s Office
Imbert, Peter Imbert, Baron
Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA)
Independent on Sunday
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
Independent Television Commission (ITC)
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
Inland Revenue
Insignia (company)
Interception of Communications Act (1985)
IPCC see Independent Police Complaints Commission
ITC see Independent Television Commission
ITN; News
ITV Digital
Ivens, Martin
Jacobs, Lawrence (‘Lon’)
Jagger, Mick
James, Alex
James, Kim
James, Simon
Janes, Mrs Jacqui
Janes, Jamie
Jay, Robert, QC
Jefferies, Christopher
‘Jenkins, John’ see Mulcaire, Glenn
Jenkins, Sir Paul
‘Jennings, Lee’
‘Jingle’ (source)
John, Elton
Johnson, Alan
Johnson, Boris
Johnson, Paul
Jones, Catherine Zeta
Jones, Gary
Jonsson, Ulrika
Jowell, Tessa
‘Karl’ (detective)
Katz, Ian
Kavanagh, Trevor
Keating, Paul
Keeler, Christine
Keller, Bill
Kelly, Dr David
Kelly, John
Kelner, Simon
Kemp, Ross
Kempster, Doug
Kensington Palace
Kensit, Patsy
Keswick, Archie
Khan, Jemima
Kidman, Nicole
Kiedis, Anthony
King, DC Martin
Kingston, DC Tom (‘Skinny’)
Kinnock, Neil
Klein, Joel
Kroll (security company)
Kuttner, Stuart; and Mulcaire; and Goodman; opposes author on Today programme; angers ‘Mr Apollo’; denies all knowledge of illegalities to select committee; and Milly Dowler case; accused of responsibility for hacking; trial; has Archbishop of Canterbury as character witness; acquitted
Labour Party; see also Blair, Tony; Blunkett, David; Brown, Gordon; Bryant, Chris; Farrelly, Paul; Jowell, Tessa; Miliband, Ed; Prescott, John; Watson, Tom
Lamb, Norman
Lambton, Lord
Langhoff, Andrew
Law, David
Law, Jude
Lawson, Glen
Lebedev, Evgeny
Leigh, David
Le Jeune, Martin
Leppard, David
Leslie, John
Letwin, Oliver
Leveson, Lord Justice/Leveson Report; on News International; on Operation Caryatid; on Hunt/James Murdoch ‘off the record’ contact; on relationship between Adam Smith and Michel; on the McCanns; on Rupert Murdoch; on NoW’s hacking of Milly Dowler’s phone; on Yates; on Phil Williams
Leveson Inquiry
witnesses: Abramson; Sir Ian Blair; Cable; Caryatid officers; Peter Clarke; CPS; Dacre; Daily Mail reporters; Edmondson; Fedorcio; Hayman; Hunt; Christopher Jefferies; Kavanagh; Will Lewis; Maberly; the McCanns; Kelvin MacKenzie; counsel for Metropolitan Police; Michel; Ed Miliband; Mohan; Piers Morgan; Rupert Murdoch; Myler; Operation Weeting officers; PCC; Peppiat; Perry; Adam Smith; Starmer; Surtees; Margaret Watson; Tom Watson; Yates
Levitt, Alison, QC
Levy, Norma
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Mark; represents Gordon Taylor against NoW; ‘maddening’; forces police and ICO to hand over evidence; and further cases against NoW; willing to work with author; partnership with Charlotte Harris; takes cases of Max Clifford, and Sky Andrew; accused by Lady Buscombe of misleading Parliament; misled by police; takes on Nicola Phillips, and George Galloway; under surveillance by NoW; meets Mark Thomson; his libel action against Lady Buscombe underwritten by Mosley; critical of police ruse; wins case against Lady Buscombe; sues on behalf of Kieren Fallon; and Weatherup; becomes Dowlers’ solicitor; puts the case against James Murdoch to the select committee
Lewis, Paul
Lewis, Will
Liberal Democrats; see also Clegg, Nick; Hughes, Simon
Liverpool football fans
Llewellyn, Ed
Lloyds Bank
Lodge, Guy see Seldon, Anthony
Loos, Rebecca
Love, Courtney
Lowe, Gary (‘The Corporal’)
Lowther-Pinkerton, Jamie
Lyons, Sir Michael
Maberly, DS Mark
Mably, Louis
Macandrew, Alice
McCann, Gerry
McCann, Kate
McCann, Madeleine
McCartney, Paul
MccGwire, Scarlett
McClaren, Steve
McCutcheon, Martine
Macdonald, Ken (Lord)
McDonnell Douglas
McGregor, Ewan
McKay, Marica
MacKenzie, Kelvin
MacLennan, Murdoch
Macmillan, Hamilton
McMullan, Paul
Macpherson, Elle
Mahmood, Mazher
Mail on Sunday
Major, John
Management and Standards Committee (MSC)
Manchester United
Mandelson, Peter
‘Mango’ (whistle-blower)
Mann, Mr Justice
Manning, Bradley
Mansfield, Michael, QC
Mark, Robert
Marshall, Sharon
Marunchak, Alex
Maxwell, Robert
Media Matters (US)
media select committee see House of Commons culture, media and sport select committee
Melbourne Storm (rugby league team)
Menezes, Jean Charles de
Metropolitan Police see police, the
Metshield (investigation agency)
Meyer, Sir Christopher
Michael, George
Michel, Fred; rebuffed by Vince Cable; alarms Norman Lamb; lobbies MPs; backchannel relations with Adam Smith; and Salmond; negotiations with Hunt; and encouraging signals from prime minister’s office; reports Hunt’s meeting with Cameron to James Murdoch; and end of special relationship with MPs
Miliband, David
Miliband, Ed
Miller, Sienna
Milligan, Stephen
Mills, Heather
Mills, Tom
Milosevic, Slobodan
Minogue, Brendan
Minogue, Dannii
Minogue, Kylie
Minogue, Tim
Mirror Group, see also Daily Mirror
Mishcon de Reya (law firm)
Miskiw, Greg; and Marunchak; bribes mobile phone company workers and police; and Boyall; and Mulcaire; contract with Mulcaire; commissions Whittamore; and hacking of Sheridan’s phone; and Rebekah Brooks; leaves NoW; accused of involvement in hacking by Goodman; refuses to speak to author; and News International; a wanted man; jailed
Mitchell, Alex
Mittal, Lakshmi
mobile phone companiesr />
Mohan, Dominic
Monck, Adrian
Monopolies and Mergers Commission; see also Competition Commission
Montague, Brendan
Morgan, Daniel
Morgan, J. P. (bank)
Morgan, Piers
Morton, Andrew
Mosley, Max
Moss, Kate
MSC see Management and Standards Committee
Mulcaire, Glenn: early career as footballer; as blagger/phone hacker; commissioned by NoW news editors, see also Miskiw, Greg; his false names; and Coulson; paid by Coulson to hack Buckingham Palace phones; works with Goodman to hack royal family; taken on by Edmondson; sends Edmondson recording of phone messages see Thurlbeck, Neville:‘Transcript for Neville’; his tape-recording on the art of hacking; arrested and material seized by police (2006); his victims/targets; has financial worries; trial and sentencing; jailed (2007); and Goodman’s revelations; plans to write book; paid by NoW for his silence; Coulson denies all knowledge of; targets finally disclosed by police; tells author nothing; and Clifford case; and Miller case; targets discovered by author; scale of crime exposed; becomes Mosley’s security adviser; and Nicola Phillips case; and Andy Gray case; and Sky Andrew case; ordered to disclose more material; Miskiw and Edmondson named in his notes; and Operation Weeting; ordered to disclose those at NoW who had commissioned hacking; appeals paid for by News International; unredacted records handed over by police; miserable and ready to talk; further targets revealed; and 2014 trial; compensation paid to his victims
Muldoon, Robert
Mulroney, Brian
Murdoch, Anna
Murdoch, Elisabeth
Murdoch, Grace
Murdoch, James; dislikes BBC; and Tony Blair; and Ofcom; and Cameron; and Rebekah Brooks; approves Gordon Taylor settlement; and Gordon Brown; protected by News International; backs out of Guardian carbon emission project; continues grab for power; delivers MacTaggart lecture; threatens Independent editor; announces BSkyB bid, see BSkyB; private meeting with Pope Benedict; discusses deletion of News International emails with Brooks; keen to complete BSkyB deal; has ‘off the record’ contact with Hunt; threatens to pull BSkyB business out of UK; lobbies MPs; and Cable’s gaffe; disliked by News Corp executives in New York; talks with Hunt; and hacking scandal; suggests closing down NoW; and Jacobs’ call for full inquiry; hears about Harbottle & Lewis emails; at meeting to decide strategy; parties with senior politicians; confronts Lord Sugar at News International party; announces death of NoW; and Dowler hacking; and Elisabeth Murdoch; defends Brooks; and end of Murdoch influence in Westminster; wants to plough on with bid; appears before select committee; resigns from UK posts; bad relations with father and sister; criticised by Ofcom; his income from News Corp
Murdoch, Kathryn
Murdoch, Sir Keith
Murdoch, Lachlan
Murdoch, Rupert; character and personality; arrival in UK; buys newspapers; and News Corp; supports plot to oust Whitlam; and Kelvin MacKenzie; destroys print unions; and Mrs Thatcher; creates BSkyB; publishes extracts from Prince Charles/Camilla Parker Bowles telephone conversation; and Tony Blair; and Rebekah Brooks; and Gordon Brown; and Cameron; relations with James Murdoch; and BBC; not happy with Wolff’s biography; at Brooks’s wedding; loses interest in UK; and Bono; urges Coulson to step down as Cameron’s adviser; pressurises Sienna Miller ‘to be sensible’; and BSkyB bid; at war with James Murdoch; and hacking scandal; and Brooks; announces death of NoW; sets up Management and Standards Committee; clashes with his children; PR gaffe; apologises to Dowlers; appears before select committee; meeting with his children; political influence revives; as witness in Leveson Inquiry; and secret salary top-ups to his rugby team; damned in Leveson Report and by select committee; on bribery of police; and trial (2014)
Murdoch, Wendi (née Deng)
Myler, Colin
NA see Narcotics Anonymous
Napoleon Bonaparte
Narcotics Anonymous/NA network
Nascimento, Mr (cleaner)
National Enquirer magazine
National Health Service (NHS)
National Union of Journalists
National Westminster Bank
Nationwide (private investigation company)
NDS (News Corp subsidiary)
Neil, Andrew
New Idea (magazine)
New Statesman
New York Daily News
New York Post
New York Times
‘Newco’ (James Murdoch’s proposed company)
News America
News Corporation; ethos; and Rupert Murdoch; and James Murdoch; lobbying power; and hacking scandal; and Rebekah Brooks’s departure; FBI inquiry into; accusations and allegations against; shares sold by Church of England; forced to accept more independent directors; and Elisabeth Murdoch; and Murdoch’s Management and Standards Committee; revives; see also BSkyB
News International (see also News of the World; Sun; Sunday Times; Times, The); and Operation Caryatid; employs Harbottle & Lewis to investigate hacking allegations; pays off litigants; and author’s Guardian article on gagging of phone-hacking victims (July 2009); relationship with police; and PCC; and select-committee hearing; and Mark Lewis; and Rees; hostile towards BBC; criticised in media select committee report (2010); ordered to hand over copies of NoW’s contract with Mulcaire; Max Clifford does deal with; suspends Dan Evans, and Raoul Simons; ordered to disclose more material; deletion of emails; cancels Enders’ contract; and Edmondson; and Operation Weeting; and Mr Justice Vos; continues to suppress truth; suspected of spying on Guardian; suspected of destroying evidence; issues ‘mea culpa’ statement; ordered to search all email records; employs strategy of admitting liability to stop court cases; and Operation Elveden; and exposure of email deletion policy; and News Corp executives; holds summer party; condemned on all sides; and Operation Blackhawk; and the Murdochs’ evidence to select committee (2011); and Leveson Inquiry;
News of the World; history of hacking; and the Bully Quotient; sources; and sex and hypocrisy; deals cut with targets; and use of Whittamore’s network; and NA network; and Southern Investigations; editors, see also Brooks, Rebekah, Coulson, Andy and Myler, Colin; news editors, see also Edmondson, Ian, Miskiw, Greg, Thurlbeck, Neville, and Weatherup, Jimmy; targets DCS Cook; ‘monsters’ Clare Short; police fail to interview journalists; and Rees; wins Newspaper of the Year; hires Sir John Stevens as columnist; and email hacking; and phone hacking see Evans, Dan, Goodman, Clive and Mulcaire, Glenn; and the police investigation see Operation Caryatid; and PCC; steals stories from other papers; denies Guardian accusations of hacking; court cases against see Andrew, Sky; Clifford, Max; Taylor, Gordon; Mosley, Max; Phillips, Nicola; Sheridan, Tommy; and Driscoll’s award for damages; criticised in select committee report (2010); relationship with police; former journalists talk ‘on the record’; Panorama’s evidence against; and Operation Weeting; wins ‘Scoop of the Year’; and News International’s ‘mea culpa’ statement; and Soham murders; bribery of police investigated; and Milly Dowler phone hacking (2002); hacking of bereaved families (2005) discovered; closure of; bribery of royal protection officer revealed; publication of Kate McCann’s diary (2007) investigated by Leveson; and James Murdoch; targeting of Tom Watson (2009) revealed; surveillance operations on victims’ solicitors (2010) disclosed; see also Kuttner, Stuart; Marunchak, Alex; Wallis, Neil; and Appendix, pp.
News Outdoor (Murdoch subsidiary)
News UK
NHS see National Health Service
No Hiding Place (investigation agency)
North, Colonel Oliver
Oakeshott, Lord
Oaten, Mark
Obama, Barack
Oborne, Peter
O’Donnell, Gus
Office of F
air Trading
offshore tax havens
Oliver, Craig
‘Operation Caryatid’ (2006)
‘Operation Elveden’
‘Operation Glade’
‘Operation Motorman’
‘Operation Overt’
‘Operation Reproof’
‘Operation Tuleta’
‘Operation Weeting’ officers: gain access to News International offices; contact all hacking victims; and arrest of Edmondson and Thurlbeck, and Weatherup; investigation of police; and Rees; and Harbottle & Lewis emails; investigation of hacking (Milly Dowler) (parents of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells) (families bereaved by terrorist bombings); and arrest of Neil Wallis; and arrest of Rebekah Brooks; detective arrested by Scotland Yard
Osborne, George
O’Sullivan, Father Benjamin
Owen, Alec
Owen, Sid
Paddick, Brian
Palker, Jeff
Paltrow, Gwyneth
Panorama see BBC
Panton, Lucy
Parkes, Ciara
Parladorio, Eddie
Pascoe-Watson, George
Passport Office
Paterson, Banjo: ‘Riders in the Stand’
Payne, Sarah
PCC see Press Complaints Commission
Penrose, Barrie
Peppiat, Rich
Perry, David, QC
Peston, Robert
Phillips, Gill
Phillips, Nicola
Pike, Julian
Pinochet, Augusto
PIs see private investigators
police, the (Metropolitan Police; Scotland Yard): bribery of; failure to investigate phone tapping; and Daniel Morgan’s murder; and Rees; and Marunchak; and data leaked to PIs; and Milly Dowler voicemail hacking (2002); and Operation Glade (2003); closeness to press; and failures of 2006 inquiry into hacking see Operation Caryatid; allegation of corruption; and RIPA; continued failure to disclose evidence; and PCC; and author’s investigations and subsequent Guardian story; and Sienna Miller case; criticised by select committee (2010); and redaction of Mulcaire’s notes on Clifford; and author’s identification of victims; finally answer author’s questions; and New York Times article; investigation reopened by Yates; continue to obstruct; and Sky Andrew case; setting up of new inquiry, see Operation Weeting; ordered to hand over Mulcaire’s unredacted records; forced to admit ‘some operational shortcomings’; admissions re 2006 inquiry; setting up of Operation Elveden to investigate alleged bribery; and hacking of Dowlers’ and police phones; and arrest of Rebekah Brooks; investigation of News International; and Murdoch’s Management and Standards Committee (2011); and Leveson’s findings (2011); and arrest of Weeting detective; lobbying for crackdown on whistle-blowing; see also Blair, Sir Ian; Cook, Dave; Fedorcio, Dick; Hayman, Andy; Paddick, Brian; Stephenson, Sir Paul; Stevens, Sir John; Surtees, Keith; Yates, John