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Shameful Reckonings

Page 9

by S. J. Lewis

  The big man just laughed. His hands gripped her head so she couldn’t pull away, but he didn’t try to force her to go any faster or take him in any deeper. She felt the bodyguard’s hand move down between her legs and complained again. This time he laughed. What he started to do to her then was not pleasant. There was more pinching and pulling, and his other hand kept roaming from one sore nipple to the other. Gia began to suck frantically and noisily. She wanted it to be over.

  When the big man came, his grip on her head tightened until Gia felt like he was going to pop her skull like a grape. He groaned loudly, sounding like a rutting bull as he just kept gushing and gushing into Gia’s mouth. Gia coughed and choked and squealed and squirmed in his grip until he was finished. When he finally pulled his cock out of her mouth Gia sagged forward, coughing and gasping as she dribbled onto the round mat. She heard the three men talking to each other. She didn’t know what they were saying, and she didn’t care. She was lightheaded enough to feel weak and nauseous for a while. At least the bodyguard had stopped torturing her… for now, at least.

  Her trainer let her catch her breath, and then gave her the order to kneel upright. Gia managed to obey. Still a little dizzy, she looked up at the big man and offered, in English, to clean off his cock. Her trainer translated, and the big man grinned and moved closer so that Gia could lick every inch of his member clean. Gia hated this part especially, but she knew better than to balk. She kept at her work while all three men chuckled and made comments that she was sure referred to her. At least it would all be over soon, and she’d be allowed to shower and then go back to sleep.

  She finished licking and settled back on her haunches to wait. Just the big man and her trainer were talking now, and the more they talked the more animated they got. She had no idea what was going on, so she just bowed her head and resigned herself to a longer wait than usual.

  The first indication she had that things were not going to be usual was when her trainer left the room. She remained kneeling on the mat – she hadn’t been told to do anything else – and watched surreptitiously as the big man and his bodyguard circled around her, no doubt inspecting her yet again. On occasion they exchanged comments. Once the big man nudged her roughly with his foot. Gia stayed where she was, but now her heart was pounding. What was going on?

  After what seemed to be an age, her trainer returned. Two skinny little brown men accompanied him. They were carrying something heavy between them, but she couldn’t quite see what it was.

  “Up, Gia,” her trainer tapped her on her shoulder. “Go stand in the corner, facing the wall.”

  Gia obeyed. Her heart was still pounding. If anything, it was pounding faster than it had been. She didn’t dare risk trying to see what heavy thing had been brought into the room. She really didn’t want to know what it was, but she was sure that she was going to find out anyway. She heard grunts of effort, and then a loud thump.

  “Good girl,” her trainer said. “Come here now, Gia.”

  She turned, dreading whatever would follow. There in the middle of the round mat sat a curious machine. The base of it looked like nothing more than a heavy wooden box a little over a foot and a half wide and maybe four feet long. A saddle was mounted on something on top of the box, and in the middle of the saddle a dildo thrust itself upwards. It looked as if it had already been coated with some kind of lubricant that glistened in the light. There was a small hole in the saddle just behind the dildo.

  “Get on,” Gia’s trainer ordered her.

  She closed her eyes and allowed herself one small moan of despair. She came over and straddled the device and then began cautiously lowering herself onto it. She wished she could use her hands to guide the dildo into her, but they were still bound tightly behind her and she didn’t dare ask to be freed, even for the short amount of time she would need. The men just watched as she tried and failed a couple of times before managing to impale herself on the thing. She settled down onto the saddle gingerly, feeling the cool plastic of the dildo sliding up into her.

  “Good girl,” her trainer said. He ruffled her hair. “Now, just keep still.” He took her ankle and brought her leg back. He wrapped more rope around her ankle and then pulled her foot up off of the floor. She felt him tying the end of the rope off onto something. Then he repeated the procedure with her other leg. Now both of her feet were bound up off of the floor and all of her weight was bearing down on the saddle.

  Then there was the click of a switch, and the infernal machine came to life with a noisy, humming buzz. The saddle began to move slowly back and forth with a rolling motion, as if Gia was astride a horse. She struggled to keep her balance. At the same time, the dildo began vibrating maddeningly, and on each backwards pitch something came up out of the hole and thrust itself up into her anus. Gia squealed the first time that happened. After that, she was too busy trying not to get bucked off. She couldn’t use her hands. All she could do was clamp her thighs around the saddle and try to stay on. She was painfully aware of how the constant motion made her breasts jiggle. The men seemed to find the whole spectacle fascinating.

  She endured the terrible ride in silence for as long as she could, but eventually the vibrator began sending waves of sensation through her pussy and she began moaning. She heard another metallic click and the saddle began moving faster and jerkier. Gia’s thigh muscles tensed as she tried to stay on. Now whatever was invading her anus was plunging in deeper.

  Then the big man stepped in front of her. He brandished what looked like a small cat-o’-nine-tails in his hand. Gia shrieked as he flicked the thing across her breasts. It stung terribly.

  It just went on and on. The big man whipped her breasts, her belly, her thighs, her back, and her ass. Her leg muscles started quivering from the strain and Gia’s mind melted away in a welter of sensations: Pain, pleasure, more pain, and soon her own growing physical exhaustion. She threw her head back and screamed at the top of her lungs… and kept on screaming.

  Chapter Ten

  “Oh, shit! Goddamittohellshit!” Gia opened one eye to see what Kara sounded so upset about. One eye was about all she could manage to move just then. She was stiff and sore all over and any kind of movement seemed to bring fresh twinges and aches. Kara was kneeling next to her, looking at a point somewhere below her chin. The tall blonde woman looked furious.

  “Goddammotherfuckingsonsabitches!” Kara exploded. “Dammit, dammit, dammit!”

  At first Gia thought that Kara was infuriated because of the battered condition the men had left her in. She knew that she had welts and bruises all over her body, but then she realized that Kara was still staring at that one spot.

  “What?” she croaked weakly. “What is it?” Had some additional atrocity been worked on her body after she’d passed out for the final time?

  “This!” Kara reached down and picked something up off of Gia’s chest. She held it up for Gia to see. Gia frowned and squinted at it. It seemed to be nothing more than a shiny metal disc on a light chain. It had the number ‘334’ stamped on it. How could such a simple thing make Kara so upset? Gia closed her eyes and moaned in pain. When she opened them again she could at least see a little better. She worked up a little saliva and swallowed it.

  “What is it?” she asked again. Her voice was only a bit clearer.

  “It’s this thing!” Kara snarled furiously. “You see it? You see it? It means that you’ve been sold already!”

  “What?” Gia tried to sit up. Her abused body wouldn’t cooperate. “Sold? What?”

  “SOLD!” Kara roared in a voice loud enough to make most of the other inmates of the seraglio jump. “It means that somebody already bought you, you silly bitch!”

  Gia saw two guards rapidly approaching. They looked grim. Naked and half-naked women scurried out of their way. At first she thought that they were coming for her, but instead they grabbed Kara. Already furious, Kara immediately turned on them, raking at them with her nails and kicking at their groins. She probably would
have run off ordinary men, but the guards seemed to know how to handle such a situation. There was a quick flurry of wild activity, and then Kara was down, struck unconscious by a blow to her head. The guards dragged her away.

  “Well.” Gia looked up at the source of the new voice. It was her trainer, smiling down at her.

  “Quite an eventful day for you, isn’t it, my little Gia?” he asked, tilting his head.

  “Sold?” It was all that Gia could manage to say.

  “Yes, indeed,” her trainer nodded. “You made quite an impression on the Bashaw. He just had to have you.”

  “No,” Gia shook her head. It hurt. “No, please,” she begged.

  “Oh, shut up,” he snapped. Gia fell silent. “Not many women get sold so soon after they arrive here,” he went on. “You should feel special.”

  She didn’t feel special. She felt battered and bruised and utterly miserable. Were they going to make her go with the big man – the Bashaw, right away? She was sure she would die if they did. The idea of dying actually held some appeal.

  “Can you move?” her trainer asked.

  Gia shook her head. “No,” she said.

  “I’m not surprised,” he chuckled. “Everything’s sore, isn’t it? But trust me, you aren’t really hurt. Still, you’re going to need some care. We have to get you in shape for a long trip, but there’ll be plenty of time for that before the Bashaw comes back. Just lay there and rest for now, little Gia. In a little while some men will come and take you to the infirmary.”

  He turned and left. Gia lay as still as she could, but it seemed that even breathing hurt now. She was also hungry, and terribly, terribly thirsty. When two guards came to carry her away on a stretcher she helped them get her on to it as best she could.


  The infirmary looked a lot like a small hospital. At least it was warm and dry, and the doctors looked like doctors, not like characters out of a bad horror movie. They put Gia in an actual bed, gave her some fruit juice to drink, and let her rest. Then they chained her to the bed frame by her ankle. She thought that that had been unnecessary. Even if she could somehow get out of the bed by herself, she doubted that she could even crawl very far after that. At least she had a nice, soft pillow and a crisp white sheet to cover herself with.

  She was in her own little room. It had a window, set too high on the wall for her to see anything through it but the sky and an occasional bird flying by. The window was partly open. She could smell flowery scents coming in from the outside, and a faint tang of salt air. She fell asleep wishing that she was a bird herself and able to fly away from this terrible place once she had healed up.

  A nurse roused her from her sleep some time later. The lone window had been shut, and it looked dark outside. Perhaps ‘nurse’ wasn’t the right word. The woman looked more like one of the inmates here, if a bit older than average. She was a strapping blonde, clad only in what looked like a white poncho belted at the waist and flip-flop sandals. She also spoke no English, and had to communicate with Gia through gestures. The first thing that Gia understood was that she was supposed to get out of the bed. She managed it with much moaning and groaning. Her muscles had tightened up while she slept. Everything still hurt, but not quite as much. The nurse made her stand away from the bed and reach up to grasp a bar hanging down from the whitewashed ceiling. She had to stretch to do it, which led to more groans. The pains she felt were all small ones now, but there were so many of them that their cumulative effect made her feel faint.

  The nurse took a container of salve from a pocket in her poncho and began rubbing it onto Gia’s body. Her touch was light, but it still caused Gia to flinch and cry out. The salve, whatever it was, felt cool and creamy at first. Gia could smell a mixed odor of mint and flowers and something medicinal. Then she felt the stuff warming up on her skin, soothing away the pains wherever it touched. It felt so good that she didn’t even flinch as the nurse applied it to her poor abused breasts. She closed her eyes and hung on to the bar and let the nurse smear the wonderful stuff all over her, even between her legs. She had to lift her legs for the nurse to put it on the soles of her feet. Even those had been whipped by the big man, the Bashaw, as she had screamed and wailed and begged for him to stop. All he had done in response was to laugh and then whip them all the harder.

  She shuddered as she remembered that she had been sold to that beast. She only had a short time left here before he would come to take her away. She suddenly felt violently ill. She let go of the bar and sank to her knees, retching.

  The nurse cleaned her up and called in two other women dressed as she was to clean up the mess on the floor. She shepherded Gia back into her bed and drew the sheet up to cover her. Gia just lay on her side, sobbing and shivering until sleep came to her again.


  “So. How are you?” The man was past middle age with pasty white skin, a balding head, thick glasses, and he carried a clipboard. Since he was also dressed like a doctor and had tended to her before, Gia was content to think of him as her doctor. She didn’t know if he really was one or not.

  “Better,” she answered weakly. “I’m still sore.”

  The doctor smiled and looked at his clipboard. “That’s only to be expected,” he said. He spoke English with a peculiar trace of an accent. “Can you move?”

  “Yes,” Gia nodded as she lay in her bed. “But it hurts when I do.”

  “But it doesn’t hurt as much as it did,” the doctor said without looking up. “Your nurse has kept me apprised of your progress. Your skin wasn’t broken anywhere, so you should heal up completely, without any scarring.” He sounded strangely cheerful about that. Gia just shuddered. She hadn’t even considered that possibility. She started feeling nauseous again.

  “Well, you seem to have regained enough of your strength for a full examination,” the doctor went on, still without looking up.

  “A full examination?” Gia stirred uneasily.

  “Yes,” the doctor said brightly. This time he did look up. “You haven’t eaten anything yet today?”

  “No,” Gia shook her head.

  “Excellent! I’ll go and make the arrangements now.”


  The room that the nurse led still-naked Gia into a little while later looked for all the world like a doctor’s office. To be more precise, it looked like a gynecologist’s office. It had cabinets, a sink, and an examining table with stirrups. Gia shuddered when she saw it. She remembered her last examination all too well. Even after all they’d put her through here, that was still one of the most humiliating experiences she’d had. She found herself pressing her thighs together, as if to protect herself.

  “Ah, good!” the doctor said as they entered the room. “Just get up on the table, would you? I think you know how it goes.”

  Resignedly, Gia clambered up onto the table. It wasn’t that easy, because her hands had been cuffed in front of her. She carefully slid her feet into the stirrups. As she did that, two men entered the room. She almost tried to cover herself at the intrusion, but what would be the point? Since she’d woken up here she’d been kept completely naked, except for the few things that Kara had let her wear. She sighed, closed her eyes, and leaned back. This was just one more thing to endure. She didn’t want to think about what was coming in the next few minutes, or what was coming in the next few days.

  Her eyes flew open when she felt someone raising her arms up over her head. It was the nurse. Then the two men gripped her ankles and held her feet down in the stirrups while the doctor quickly strapped them in place. She wanted to struggle, but she forced herself to keep still. She felt the nurse fastening her handcuffs to some unseen point above her head. She still didn’t struggle. And then the nurse took something out of a drawer and brought it over. It looked like a round rubber bar in the middle of a length of strap. When the nurse started to push the bar into her mouth, Gia finally balked. Something felt terribly wrong to her now, now that it was too late for her to put up any kind o
f resistance. She protested, she complained, and she refused to open her mouth for that thing. It wasn’t until the doctor gave her a nasty electrical shock from what looked like a cattle prod that she finally relented. The nurse strapped the gag in place more tightly than it needed to be, and Gia began crying. It wasn’t just tears: It was tears and helpless, constant sobbing. She’d heard of a particularly nasty operation often inflicted on third-world women and she just knew that that was what was going to happen to her now. When the doctor parted her labia with gloved fingers, she lost it completely and started struggling, bucking hard against those invading fingers. She would die before she let them do that to her! She would make them have to kill her!

  The doctor seemed unperturbed. While the two men held Gia down he swabbed a spot on her arm and gave her some kind of injection. Then they let her struggle all she wanted until the drug took hold. A creeping lassitude gradually took control of her body. Her muscles wouldn’t respond. In fact, her body felt a little numb. But her mind remained perfectly clear, which only made the horror she felt even worse.

  The doctor leaned over her. He wasn’t smiling.

  “Just try to relax,” he told her. “It won’t take all that long, but the Bashaw left very specific instructions regarding you, and it’s best to attend to them now so that you have time to heal before he returns.”

  Gia glared up at him. She tried to snarl, but her mouth wasn’t cooperating any more than the rest of her body. She tried to lift her head, and failed. The doctor went back to examining her. She could feel his fingers probing and prying, but now it almost felt as if he was doing it to somebody else. Then the nurse came over with some strange device. The nurse was smiling nastily. Gia would have shuddered if she could have. As it was, all she could do was try to keep an eye on the device as the nurse brought it down, closer and closer to her face. Then it got too close for her to focus on it. She felt something being inserted into her nose, first in one nostril, then in the other. Whatever they were, they were too big to fit without distending her nostrils. It was uncomfortable, but not uncomfortable enough for her to ignore whatever the doctor was doing to her pussy. She felt one of her labia being pulled aside and held in place, and then the nurse did something. There was a click and a bang and Gia felt a sudden, stinging pain up inside her nose. It brought fresh tears to her eyes. She yelped weakly. Then the things were out of her nostrils and she could smell blood. The nurse quickly swabbed the inside of her nose with something that stung abominably and smelled like alcohol. She inhaled the fumes and began coughing.


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